Rims-Durm war?

Posted by
Raqtor [legacy]
22 December 2001 00:00:00

A few thoughts on the Rimsilval - Durmanhoth war and a comment room for disgusting the war subject. Perhaps leaving some room on the nice kill logs for actual disgussion of the log. People are talking about Rimsilval kill count almost being as high as Durmanhoth's in this war. Check this (log) and draw your own oppinion.


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    30 December 2001 03:26:59

    Actually I don't quite belive you there Korzan. I think a major reason for those killings on rim scum is, that you can kill them. In fact you can kill just about whatever you want to... and that's something you need to prove. But, good luck, I personally don't mind some rim heads on the ground. :)

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 December 2001 00:54:42

    Ruiniel, you call yourself a roleplay? You make me sick. The worst thing that can happen to me is that I die. Thats why I make _sure_ it happens VERY rarely. In fact, I've been killed only 3 times thus far. Once when I was just a couple days old, and then to you and Leto twice, once when you attacked while I was afk. To me, dying is a BIG DEAL. While YES, we can come back from the dead - it should be a frickin traumatic experience. You should NOT WANT to die. It should NOT be something that you just 'brush off' and say 'You can keep killing me but I won't give up!'

    I mean, come ON. The war is completely decisive. We have totally annihilated your entire force repeatedly. We've killed three times as many people as you have. 18 total kills from your side. Two members account for 9 of those kills.

    Its bleak, hopeless. you have no chance. Your members and applicants are coming to us now, are decided to NOT join your guilds. And fyi, we WILL contract and kill any known applicants to your guilds, too. We're going to hurt you so bad it'll take your guild months or years to recover. Why? Because of your stubbornness. Your refusal to say 'Ok, you got us. You win, this time.'

    Welcome to hell.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    28 December 2001 00:45:07

    Hah! What are you pathetic fools growling about?

    Play the game like it is intended to be played!

    And yes, you are doing that Durmanhoth.

    And no, you are not doing that Rimsilval.

    If you don't like being playerkilled or take part in intense killing: Don't play the game!

    And quite frankly, the Rimsilval hasn't had a good guildmaster at all... well, perhaps except Morpheus, and now with Variel at the top, its' just lovely to see those crapheads getting the heat. Go durms!

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    27 December 2001 15:11:52

    I still don't understand what's the big fuss about Beornings joining Rimmies to help them out.

    A bit of mud history - long ago Darkclaw brought alot of SoU and Durms under the same roof (Either in Durms or in SoU, that I don't remember) to fight in the alliance war. It seemed like a smart thing to do then, and it certainly ain't a dumb or low move now.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    23 December 2001 22:42:49

    Beorning and the war:

    Well, to put it simpley the Beornings were at full war alongside the Rimsival

    Reason? Well for a long long time, me, my members and the durmanoth have been

    fighting it out. We make treatys (contracts kills only) and , well, they break

    it, by killing somone for MELS or some such reason...this happerns over and

    over. And to be honest, we just got plain fed up with it. I personaly, feel,

    that by joining with the rimmes, we could once and for all stamp down a little.

    To often i have let non-contract beorning kills go unpunished. At first, Manni

    offerd peace, just as he has done many many times before, i refused, of course.

    Now, Leto and Ruiniel (are two most active killers) join with the rimmes.

    Reason: To keep things under one roof. I had hoped it would limit the deaths of

    my newbie and less capable members. You know, have the durms keep it to the

    people involved in the war. But nope, they still get a kick out of killing the

    less capable, even though it achives absolutly nothing, since the onceswho die

    are relativly inactive anyways. So, yes, we are still at war with them. Not just

    becuase of the Rimmes, but becuase of our own interests. The fact the rimmes are

    at war too, is our bonus, so, why not work togther, as we are.

    Agree with my reasoning or not, i dont rightly care. But alone we are not active

    Enogth to do any real harm, combined, then we can at least try to match guild

    durmanoths Activity. And what everone must remmber, we cant be expected to just

    'walk all over them' everysingle member of there guild, joins, to kill, and kill

    only. Beornings/Rimmies/bkd/vc.....were roleplay, with rolkeplayers, not

    killers. So sure, they kill/sucess rate is gonna be much higher than ours. But

    were not gonna let them walk over us easy thats for sure.

    And may we win or loose. We gonna have a whole lotta fun, and spank a few asses

    along the way :) And for my guild in particualy, who are involved in. I belive,

    there first real war, they

    are gonna learn a hell of alot from it.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 December 2001 01:15:13

    Do you think I exist because of the durmanhoth - rimsilval war?Oh, come on.

    I've been killing durms almost all my life.

    Remember what the irishman from Braveheart said?

    'Will there be englishmen to kill if I join you?'

    I asked Variel something of the kind.And I'm

    as insane as the irishman.You know I am.

    Have you aplogized profusely and promised never

    to kill people from the moral guilds again?How

    then you want we to stop killing you?There was a treaty -

    no members from the two guilds should attack each other

    without contracts (I personally have always thought

    contracts hypocritical and have mostly killed without

    contracts but a treaty is a treaty).And you broke

    this treaty just after the start of the war.You

    were asking for it.

    I was once an Amruin.I killed durms then.Then

    I was guildless for some time.And I didn't stop

    killing durms.What makes you think I will stop now?

    Not all members of the moral guilds are involved

    in the war.Only a few of us.Even united we can't

    have more active killers than you.Stop whining

    about ghosts.

    You talk about the durm RP.Such people as

    those who follow your RP has made life (in general)

    such as it is.People who can't appreciate freedom

    and once given it, they start envying others and

    destroying their freedom.Why are you so hungry, so

    afraid?Can't you see evil dwells in your hearts

    poisoning them?Power is evil.Everything that destroys

    freedom (in any way) is evil.Lust is evil.You should

    just enjoy things, not want them for yourselves.

    I'm am in Rimsilval not by my guild's request

    but by my own.The Beornings have not declared war

    to anyone.Nor have the BKD.Let alone the VC who

    have done NOTHING different than they had been

    doing before and you want to get them involved too.

    Anyway, I like how my name appears in most of the


    Sooo...will you let me kill durms if I join you?;)

    Woah, this is a long post?I'm on some damn old

    linux telnet, no scroll back:P Blah, I should

    gather some money so I can mud again:P

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    23 December 2001 00:18:28

    You can try and killas many Durmanhoth members as you like. Just dont help the rims in this war and think that we are not gonna notice that you are infact helping Rims in the war. It doesn't matter that you have another reason for doing it .. You are still helping Rims in the war. .. If you really wanna help rims in the war .. do like all the others .. Transfer to Rims for a period to help them .. Dant get your guild involved in the war. If you just wanna kill some Durms .. Do it without the Rims. In fact joining up with alot of guilds to do a kill only makes your guild look like it is SO WEAK it can't handle it's own buisness. It might be so .. but try not to show it to everyone.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 December 2001 00:13:30

    Nope, sorry Brahm. You got to join rimmies now. Its required. NOW.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    22 December 2001 21:42:42

    I fail to understand why some people think that just because I or some other non-rim player kill or help kill some durm on our hit list that we are in the rimsilval war. If I attack a durm its not because 'I'm in the war' or that I want to help the rims, its because I want to kill him, revenge or otherwise. As of right now, there are at least 10 durmanhoth members that have somehow wronged my guild. Now, does this mean that I cant take revenge on these people without joining the rimsilval in the war?

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    22 December 2001 18:57:13

    I think it started out with some small issues .. like fighting over uniqe claims and people talking trash .. then grew to a playerkill and at some point Rimsilval decided to declare war.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 December 2001 15:33:39

    How this war started anyway?

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    22 December 2001 07:00:29

    I thought the 'disgusting war subject' part was rather funny ;)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 December 2001 06:19:40


  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    22 December 2001 06:15:03

    Geez .. do I type bad or what? ;-) .. Its a wonder I don't get myself killed with all that miss typing ;-)

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    22 December 2001 06:12:27

    *smirk rhoads* Well random kills outside mordor is not the Durmanhoth style .. you might have an exabble or some exambles .. but It is not something the guild is about .. and if someone were to offer me 2k for killing Rhoads .. you might never know why I did it .. cause I would not reveal that someone didn't like you. And killing ppl who attack you in RP might seem really random and stupid to you and me might seem the right thing to do for someone who hates RP. Thats why I have always wished for RP to be made a part of the game and not just some unwritten rules.

    I am not trying to say that everything runs perfect. But we are fighting hard to try keeping things at a profesional level.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    22 December 2001 05:59:32

    Non contract outside mordor kills are rare in the Durmanhoth, as it increases fines substantionally.

    If you make just 4 non-contract kills as an assassin, your fines are well over 5000 gold already. Its simply not worth it. The times it does happen, I'd attribute it to bloodlust, personal dislike, or maybe there's something you have, that will increase OUR power.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 December 2001 05:49:44

    Random killing enters in wich part of the theme? (meaning no contrac and outside mordor kills).