
Posted by
Baklen [legacy]
23 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill

She was in mordor faded, I hid at healer, and got the word she unfaded.... The Rest is Storm history.


  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    11 January 2002 20:26:55

    Ulric, seems to me that everytime you've died from a pk, you were lagged...I remember when throb and me got you right after throb got dorianna, you told us you were lagged but why would you come into mordor without eq on but es on if you were lagged?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    26 December 2001 19:02:13

    Yes dear.

    Do any of your friends' mothers spoil you like I do? :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    26 December 2001 08:34:29

    LOL, ruiniel you got balls sayen she was idle, man she was faded one seconded!!!! and it took me a total of 5seconds to run to prod after she unfaded. I do not care what you say she wasnot idle, and guess what you can call m an idle killer all you want, shit call me your mom all you want in the end you died, she died I beheaded her, I am happy, after all I'm here to please myself, not you,and by god I was pleased to have her head. And yes mizrahi I do remember you sayen the sword was at board, NOW GO MAKE ME SUPPER!:)

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    26 December 2001 05:20:31

    not to mention most good players have triggers to turn wimpy off when they get backstabbed.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    26 December 2001 05:17:11

    Ruiniel, are you retarded? I've never seen no idle person run 4 rooms in one round, immediatly after the backstab. straight to Isenmouthe too! I wish my wimpy was like that.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    25 December 2001 18:51:08

    Baklen, 300 $ and I will be able to mud forever:P

    Ehm...if you only wanna see me for a short time(a month may be),

    I think some 30 $ will do:)))

    Mudmail me, mail me at

    hmm, I could give you my phone too:P

    PS:It was an idle kill.Admit it instead of denying

    the obvious.Even if she got back when she died,

    she was idle when attacked.*bonk baklen*.Anyway,

    damn guys... is being cool more important than

    the truth? *shrug* After all, it is not your fault

    she was idle.You can't check your victims for

    their connection before you attack.But you still

    can't accept the truth...

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 December 2001 16:42:10

    Funny, I don't remember sending Baklen a tell saying his sword was at board :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    25 December 2001 01:49:18

    Hmms seems Dorianna calls me an idle killer, pathetic, yadada, blah, itsall good, shit even called me a liar!!! Well damm I just wanna say one thing, were did you get you wimpy at? I wish mine kicked in that fast.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    25 December 2001 00:37:57

    No Ulric, I was never able to kill you, mostly because you sat around in your guild whenever I was on, talking shit to me. So I had to settle for killing your bitch, twice.



  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    24 December 2001 22:57:31

    Ok, Dorianna just died, she ran, not wimped. Nice kill.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 December 2001 21:35:48

    The whole comment section for this log has already been just one big flame war. Sure, it was a good setup, but I dont understand why its in the top commented. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 December 2001 13:55:54

    Adunazon I will not even say what I think about you or I will start a damend flame war stop beeing so annoying

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    24 December 2001 11:37:10

    I so nearly had Ulric as well, him and his tit Khralek attacked me at CG and I made them run back to their guild only to notice that Ulric had wimpied off during the run to his guild :(

  • Author
    Azarael [legacy]
    24 December 2001 08:03:13

    Naw, Ulric didn't lag on me Rendor, he quit on me, I killed him when he reconnected, and he said his PC messed up or something. He said he taught Dorianna everything she knows. I'll have to agree, according to her defenders, it sure looks like it.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    24 December 2001 07:14:18

    I must say i like the coordinating of this player kill, the finds/communication and of course the kill itself. Fun to read.

  • Author
    Sckon [legacy]
    24 December 2001 07:03:52

    Well for some damn reason my name is gone so ill have to talk to Nicu but anyways Good kill Baklen, I mean arent you supposed to catch people when they are low on life or is just me? Also Ruiniel if that was wimpy making her move like that i wish i my wimpy was that smart funny how she goes directly to Isenmouthe to me.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    24 December 2001 06:25:23

    Please remove Ruiniel and Rhoad's posting privelages. They have both abused them beyond everyone's tolerance.

  • Author
    Rendor [legacy]
    24 December 2001 06:03:12

    I've killed you, Ulric. You tried to set me up and lock me in and you (got lagged, of course), and died. My brother killed you SOLO, and you (got lagged of course), and died. And, you tried to quit (no, of course not, you had lag, thats why you started going LD during the kill).

    Stop your newbieness, stop your hiding in a guild, get active, and I'll kick your ass again.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    24 December 2001 05:02:42

    Now your saying I pick weak ones? Ruiniel you really got to shut you god damm mouth, Was I so weak when I soloed your ass in mt? hah? fuck this shit I'll pay for your shit so you can mud, so I can just kill your ass and LAUGH! You guys are really starting to tick me off.

  • Author
    Ulric [legacy]
    24 December 2001 04:53:30

    Yeah, tell them to kill me, Durkin. Something you were obviously never able to accomplish. ;)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    24 December 2001 04:40:52

    Just wondering if you finished off martalk afterwards, Baklen. Seems like a waste to get him ND and not kill him.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    24 December 2001 04:16:35

    Decent kill. Obviously he didn't know she was having connection trouble, if she was. Once again, it's mordor. If you enter, your taking a risk.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    24 December 2001 02:10:21

    Beh, Kill Dorianna, but kill Ulric more.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 December 2001 01:38:09

    She seems to have been idle.She didn't run, it is more like

    wimpy.Anyway, bums, you have fast connection and

    can afford to mud.I can't and my connections stops

    sometimes.Whe I started mudding like 3 years ago

    a lag of like 7-8 seconds was good connection.

    Now 1 second is considered good connection, things

    are better.However, sometimes (often) there is LAG.

    Let me explain what lag is: your screen stops moving

    for some time and when it starts moving again, you

    get a SPAM of lines.Something like this happened to

    me when I went to pick the durms to hunt me outside

    MT.The lag wasn't so big but still the spam caused

    by it prevented me to see that my hands were being

    filled and gave them time to finish me off.

    I'm saying this to explain to you that not everyone

    can mud in your conditions and there are RL factors

    which reflect on mudding.Some people have to

    watch out for bosses, others have bad connection...

    some (like me) may have no connection at times.

    I think that Baklen would have killed Dorianna even if she

    wasn't idle (provided that she had unfaded at all).

    But when you idle kill, at least admit it (like I do -see

    the log where I kill Guch.The guy had obvious lag, I understood it

    after he reconnected though.But I'm not saying 'The

    ass was trying to look idle')

    Damn hypocritics.

    PS: The Storm is unbearable for the weak ones.The Flame

    has to bring warmth.I WANNA MUUUUUD:(((((

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    24 December 2001 00:32:06

    All in favor of making Rhoads the next victim of the Durmanhoth due to excessive yap flapping, raise your hand.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    24 December 2001 00:27:43

    Don't ever say that again soltan.:)

  • Author
    Soltan [legacy]
    24 December 2001 00:21:47

    Nice kill Baklen. I am one of those who believe that a kill in the backstab IS a SUPER kill =) It takes patience, skills, and the brains to do such a kill. It reminds me of Delgaur's kill on Malgrim in DA castle.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 December 2001 23:35:09

    Woo! I'm a moron. Is that like a car or something?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    23 December 2001 23:33:04

    At least 20 of the previous comments for this log are completely useless and not needed. Including this one. So the next person to comment is deemed a moron. ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 23:27:08

    Let's do this, drop it behind before we start threatening to kill each other for a stupid reason

    (man i need to post everything in one damn post) :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 23:25:43

    I didnt called you super idle killer :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 December 2001 23:22:21

    Man rhoads When the hell did I log that this was a superkill? Did I brag? no, what pissed me off was her saying I was pathetic idle killer yadada. Then you sayen I bragged about it? Now that I didn't do, IF i brag I'll say it just like this..... When I nailed Brahm THAT was a fucken super kill. Try to do THAT rhoads. thats braggen, I just said she died. *shrugs, and well she did.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 22:31:18


  • Author
    Ramza [legacy]
    23 December 2001 22:28:02

    backing outta the discussion in which you've lost

    tsk tsk

    oh well

    just shutup now Rhoads

    read the comments more carefully

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 22:26:29

    I will just say this, grow up kid, i will say no more, dont want this becoming a stupid flame discussion. already too off topic (topic = log)

  • Author
    Ramza [legacy]
    23 December 2001 22:14:58

    Maybe you should get your eyes examined i never said Rhoads i said DURM ENEMIES is that big enough for you 'buck-o'

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 21:50:45

    Ramza, just shut up. Did I died? is this a 'Rhoads dies log'? nope it isant, pay more attention 'pal'

  • Author
    Ramza [legacy]
    23 December 2001 21:42:11

    Do any of you realize how annoying it gets listening to Durm enemies bitch all the time (not trying to start any shit) but i mean c'mon all you guys do is complain, like someone said, 'oh i was idle''oh i was afk''oh my pc locked up' bitch all you want but you died and thats the fact of the matter, complaning isnt gonna make you return to how you were so just leave it go

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 20:57:32

    bah i dont understand anything anymore, any doubts, etc, ask me i am always on :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 20:55:05

    re reading the first comments, my bad i expressed myself bad, she got in the situation (nd N of martalk) due to computer lock up, whem she was killed she was on the computer.

    And she is a friend of mine, i have right to defend her if i want :P

  • Author
    Bared [legacy]
    23 December 2001 20:53:44

    You know guys, you seem to have a war here too...

    If we all sticked to the damn logg. No one will get upset or anything. *closes his eyes, and wishes that everyone talked about the log*

    *sends the wish to santa =)*

    So com'on guys, talk about the logg =)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 20:49:44

    There is a difference between war, death, and bragging you know?

  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    23 December 2001 20:43:55

    You know Rhoads, wars are alot different than 'RP'. ppl die in wars, live with it. And please stop bitching about lag, computer lockups and whatnot. I'm sure Dorianna will make a comment on that herself if that was what really happend. Nice log, Baklen caught her at near death - and she was not linkdead or idle. Looks like you got one of your presents early this year Baklen :)

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    23 December 2001 20:22:21

    Rhoads, you're a moron, get Dorianna's thumb out of your ass and keep your trap shut. The facts my ass, the fact is she ran like your Mother in heat when she saw Baklen enter the room.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:44:20

    Ah, one more note: Let's keep the comments on the log and the facts around it, let's not turn this into a chat f?rum or we will end up discussing other logs in this thread :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:43:28

    Well, I know he dosent have ways to know, like i said to a friend, bad luck, what sucks is the fact of he posting the log of this SUPER kill :P beeing proud of it, i am just saying the facts.

    I dont use excuses for logs.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:39:15

    Say it like it is Bared!!!

  • Author
    Bared [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:34:36

    You know guys, No meaning to offend anybody, and not DEFENDING baklen, cause I hate durms and everything they stand for. BUT!

    All the time, people is complaingin:

    He/she was idle, you got someone afk, or they where near death, and now rhoads, you said her PC locked up

    How the heck can you know that? Sitting miles and miles away. It's unlikley you'll send a tell:

    'Excuse me, I am about to kill you, are you afk, or have any other problems?'

    Comeone guys. it was a fair kill. Unfortunatly her pc locked up. Still, it was a nice kill. way to go Baklen. I admire you actilly dude =). But stop making the storm laugh me in the face. =)

    As I said earlier, Not offending and not defending. Nothing bad meaning to you rhoads, Just sick of people that say such.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:26:52

    Baklen, you are a smart guy, think with me, why the hell would someone stand in mordor ND unfaded with 9 durms on?

    And she got on a little before you attack, notice also that she was dead with one hit (wimpy).

    No one in the best state of mind would stand in mordor in those conditions, dont you agree?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:08:41

    Ah right, I think that is bullshit cause she ran RIGHT when I attacked and second, she was quiet alot of rooms from martalk, second guards would of followed her. She is lying

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 December 2001 19:06:04

    Way to go, her computer locked up, and she happened to end up near death out of the room due to wimpy, congrats you killed...