
Posted by
Orlandu [legacy]
27 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill

See Spike. See Spike Run. Run, Spike, Run.


  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    28 January 2002 00:48:54

    I think you are being absurd. Especially those who give out 2nd chars information or use capitals. And for the record, Nerds are Heard! hoho!

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    15 January 2002 23:27:28

    After who had sex, you and his mom, or you and Squibb?

    Vallejo, confused departed assassin.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 January 2002 13:54:48

    Ah good one Dukane, I really dont want you to take the 2 hours again to come up with such a funny joke though, stick to mudding.

    Armada how does that have anything to do with self-confidence? Put Dukane's nose back in your ass so we dont have to smell the bullshit.

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    09 January 2002 06:31:13

    I would like to note one of Squibb's other 4 names is the name his mom and I gave him after we had sex, it starts with a B and ends with a D.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    07 January 2002 19:44:41

    I would like to point out that I killed Scheuerman, Twice :P

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 January 2002 13:44:38

    It's really nice to know that you care so much for the time I put in writing up posts. Thanks, I love you too ;) But worry not, it didn't take me too much. I don't have to put alot of effort in order to come up with something that makes sense.

    You don't have to read anything I write. It merely shows that you're afraid of critisizm and confrontation with anyone you can't boot from your guild.

    And sure, use 3-4 names, it would make it easier on me finding out who your alts are, that is, if I don't find out earlier, by stumbling upon 10 Meg guild passes that may wait at Charon, for some random character. If me deciding which char I think is best to post with bothers you so much, then you got some serious self-confidence issues.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    07 January 2002 08:32:49

    I don't remember anyone begging Scheuerman to join FRA, here's a little insight, I had been best friends with Scheuerman for quite a long time and it was assumed that he would join the same guild when he came back to Arda as I was in. However he decided to kill Blade without supposedly knowing that Blade was FRA and then he left the MUD after suiciding one char and having the other nuked......though I'm sure he'll be back next fall as always, period.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 January 2002 07:28:21

    Armada, you want me to start posting under 3 or 4 names on here to make it sound like more people are talking shit on you? Probably not, so quit trying to use that tactic on me, just go on to writing 5,000 word essays that only show what a fucking nerd you are.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 January 2002 07:24:07

    Ah, i did speed read part of it, yea, Scheurman killed Blade, then you guys begged him to join your guild and wouldn't attack him. Can't handle Megs and a clan I guess, much less Megs alone

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    07 January 2002 07:19:47

    Mizrahi, i see your babbling again, hope you spent a long time on it cause I didnt read it :-p

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 January 2002 05:50:07

    That shit happens all the time too. At least you kept it going as long as you could, BB.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    06 January 2002 23:54:07

    I had a char that was about 15 days old once....Didnt do anything, didnt talk with my old friends, didnt log in within a few hours of logging off with my other char...didnt talk the same, or act the same. Then i completed 8 contracts within 3 days. The next day someone gave me a tell 'Hi khufu'. That basically ruined the character. Whats the point of all that secrecy when ainur can just look up your IP and tell their friends who your are if you do anything worth noting? The system sucks.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 January 2002 03:22:36

    Note that the example for the last comment was not aimed at Vallejo specifically.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 January 2002 01:17:57

    Well, Vallejo, theres a difference between staying in the same clique and making a new character and telling all your alt's friends who you are. Ex. hey GM, its me, let me in the guild.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    05 January 2002 10:53:26

    Trempk, you're pretty stupid. Think about it, if you fall into one group of friends and dislike the other group or such, then try to make a new char and fit in with the other crowd, I guarantee you'll still hate them because chances are you had a reason for not liking them, therefore I see no problem in staying with the same clique.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 January 2002 01:14:00

    Holy shit that was one long sentence.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 January 2002 01:12:43

    You people should eventually see that people cannot keep their characters completely seperate if someone else spreads to the world who their alts are. Make your characters have seperate knowledge, seperate friends, seperate enemies, 'morals,' speech patters, whatever. And don't have more than one character in the same guild, characters made specifically to help other alts out, or knowingly allow known cheaters/mpers, etc. into your guilds just because they're good players or your friends because it just makes everyone whine, dislike you, and not respect you. ie: most of the people who have commented on this log are bastards and hipocrites ;)

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    04 January 2002 04:09:48

    First off, let me point out:

    Anyone with more then one character is multiplaying as per the rules of the game.

    3. Any transfer of information between characters is a violation of multiplaying rules. This means you cannot create a 'disposable' character to explore new areas, and you cannot use one character to scout for another.

    Squibb cheats: Big time.

    2. Any trade of equipment or gold between characters must occur through a shop or third party (ie Player A must sell it, then log in as Player B and _buy_ it)

    However as per the above rules it doesn't appear that Shachmir and Fairfax cheated _if_ Fairfax sold the headpiece for the shield and Shachmir logged on and bought...sounds fair enough correct. Although one must wonder how one char would know what's at the shop if they can't scout for each other! Baseless rule? I think so!

    Summing up, the whole not sharing of information is quite possibly the most ignorant rule coded as well as completely pointless so therefore the rule should be changed, not upheld to a T. Therefore logging on a second character after finding something out seems just fine by me. Now, buying something from a shop that came from another character is a completely valid and okay practice, so whining about it is either 1 of 2 things: 1) Jealousy at an inadequacy of the skill involved to level a second character, 2) Or how about old cock in the ass practice of wanting something that someone else has and being so immature that you can't stand to see something you want held by someone else. This practice of disliking someone for the things they can accomplish is very childish and sad and could lead to things like getting mad at a guy for getting to know someone in the biblical sense that you want instead of giving him some respect for not pussing out like you did. Very bad indeed. So for all the accusers and the rest of you bastards that only hate me because you want to be me, move on, grow up, get off my ass and good-bye!

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    03 January 2002 15:42:04

    Nah, I wouldn't want to bash Squibb.

    He'll just tell everyone how a year and a half ago I fucked up my Zmud and was both on Armada and my ER for 15 seconds.

    It's such a shame that you degrade yourself to personal/communal mp attacks at every given opportunity, Squibb. It's always 'this guild cheats' and 'that player cheats' for you. Sooner or later you'll find out that you're doing nothing but banging your head against the wall, making yourself look like a fool in the process. I had no desire of getting into this, but I can only take so much of your hypocritical persecution. You're full the same shit that FRA is full of, and yet you still accuse them of being full of shit. Go figure.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    03 January 2002 15:26:03

    Squibb, quit whining, you're hardly in a position to critisize anyone's age, because you're hardly a brainiac comparing to the adolescent I am.

    Now, obviously, you suffer of poor reading comprehension, because clearly you haven't understood a thing I wrote. As I said, I never denied ANY member of FRA of mplaying, not even myself, whether I've done it aware or unknowingly.

    Frankly, I'm high above your level of maturity. I try to make a point with reason, and without hypocracy, whereas you usually just slander everyone with the usual mp stuff. Instead of saying that the Megs, like FRA, had occasions of general mping, I could have used you as a direct example. Oh, those flowery Avalanche days, where Krekul (before being a meg) and Scheuerman get the whip or mels, Hrdtutiype uses it too, and then Lord Squibb posts on his guild board (Are you gonna whine that our meg spies are now mplayers too?) that the guild will now hold uniques for the Avalanche. And I'm absolutely sure that this has nothing to do with your alts, and I don't remember Avalanche fighting the FRA for you to justify holding their gear every reboot. Oh wait, Hrdtutype is an Avalanche, and Krekul is another Meg alt. That justifies it. And then, another vain act that I would hardly consider MP, but you probably would if a FRA did it, so hell: Reboot hits, and goodbye Hrdtutiype, hello Squibb! Squibby 'knows' that reboot is going to hit! That's just as much MP as a FRA alt 'knowing' that whip happens to be in, and a fra 'knowing' that Squibb is in Mordor! They used info from another char, just like Hrdtuwhine, no?

    I hardly bashed you with any comments made by the char Armada, but perhaps I should start, because you're such a whiny little thing. What do you think, Armada?

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 January 2002 01:37:32

    Ruiniel, we all know your hatred for Mirgul. Its really clouded your judgement on a lot of things.

    Yea, when I see it I say it, after all, isnt this where we can 'talk' about things illegal on the mud?

    Mizrahi, go easy on the name calling, you might just age a few years mentally if you do, plus I might actually read your babbling next time.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    03 January 2002 01:33:13

    Yea, your right Miz, I wont mention the time you were guilty of m-playing.

    Fuck it, I will. Armada is on for 2 hours, i go to mordor with friend and next thing I know, Armada is off and Mizrahi is backstabbing me in mordor after being on for only 1 minute and 30 seconds. Amazing how this isnt m-playing.

    Another thing, why dont you try and trash me under just 1 name.

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    02 January 2002 23:44:29

    I thought you tried to get us nuked for all those months we kicked your ass Orlandu. Oh wait, yeh it didn't work so shut your hole or i'll come back and do it for you. I've got more durm friends than you probably do and your in the damn guild. And yes, I was nuked for calling Rauko and ass because he gave me my first warning after 6months for calling Woden a naughty naughty which equals gossiper spam. So if you wanna bring up how FRA cheats it might be yes, gossiper spam, but reinstated 12hrs later.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    02 January 2002 12:28:43

    As far as I remember, Dukane was nuked too :-)

  • Author
    Sheytan [legacy]
    02 January 2002 08:27:13

    let me clear something first.

    WE ALL CHEAT! no exceptions. We all cheat, or have at some point.

    Ok lets give example on the 3 most bloodthirst guilds right now.

    FRA: We have cheated, yes. Both MP and Bugs.

    Megs: God yes, they have cheated, still do.MP and other bugs, I'm sure.

    Durms: For gods sake, your armoury was bought by a gold bug:P

    You see...we all cheat. when do it we are proud of it. dont deny it, its true. and I dont think any of us would report any new bugs we find. unlese there small. anyways...

    another thing, you're all smart and most of you know what each other are thinking so dont give us bullshit that Spike's spree killing was an act of FRA. YOU KNOW IT WASN'T! Who are you kidding?

    one more thing. YES NON OF US WILL EVER GIVE UP

    Am I right?

    Durms are at their high right now like FRA used to be, Megs are medium active like Durms used to be and FRA is inactive like Megs used to be. its a cirlce I says ya'!

    nothing will stop us from cutting our own throats unless something like Ainus changing one of our themes.

    One thing..we prefect ourselves. If it werent for the constant war of us 3 groups the best players of the mud wouldn't be coming out of these 3 guilds. So next time you cut each other, thank each other first.

    and one last comment. stop whining and pointing fingers, we are all the same people that have in some way been brought in 3 different groups. lets make the best of it.

    Sheytan, the last semi-active member of the (stwa)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 January 2002 06:54:04

    Well every guild has done it before. Seems that when it is your enemy that does it, it's nukable, but when you do it, you are being opportunistic. It's difficult for any person or group to claim high ground here.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    02 January 2002 04:34:19

    Hello? Wake-up call Orlandu. How do Durms get HBS when they do? I know of AT LEAST one time where it's been alts alts alts.

    'You are who you hang with'

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    01 January 2002 12:06:41

    why should i not just get the whole log of you nuked, then you wone be able to kill me, stupid fuckers

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    01 January 2002 12:04:08


    fra are fucking cheaters.

    fairfax logs on gets the parchment for hbs then logs on shach to finish it

    if thats not cheating, WHAT THE FUCK IS?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    30 December 2001 06:51:09

    Mizrahi, I think I'm falling in love with you :-p

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    29 December 2001 13:28:43

    I don't understand this.....I'm not TB or stwa, am I chopped suey or some shit? Some of us non clan goers were in that war too :P *teabags Dukane*

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    29 December 2001 04:15:47

    Orlandu your messing with something you have little comprehension about. Yes, you were a Meg and unfortunately you didn't stick around enough for us to show you how the big boys play. You think just because your a Durm now your safe? If all the stwa/tb peeps got active again I guarntee you'd need some Depends to hold all the shit that would be streaming out your ass as your character's level dropped exponentially. We still play don't forget that there's nothing stopping us from coming back and us making you our bitch. Before you speak for your guild as a whole, I'd suggest you talk to someone who has influence in your guild. We have a treaty but I'm sure we can talk Manni into letting us just kill you seeing as how several of your members hate you it seems anyways.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    29 December 2001 00:03:09

    I could bring up so much crap that has been done in the past by both FRA and Megs alike, whats the point? It was all a long time ago, and to get into the specifics of the situation would be too time consuming. Whats past is past.

    Now however, Squibb refuses to end a defunct guild war? What??? I suggest you talk to Throm. The FRA is totally inactive and has been for 2 months, and still he wont call a truce.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    28 December 2001 23:12:27

    It was obvious that both guilds cheated.As id cheating could have been avoided.And you all bitching that the rest cheated instead of just being silent was hypocrisy.Now, the megs with their wooden heads continue to do this without even a single blush on

    their faces.And no, it's not MP for Shachmir.But Mirgul wielding the whip just right after his alt had wielded it is MP, isn't it?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    28 December 2001 12:55:36

    And Orlandu, it's definately a FRA thing.

    What, don't you know Spike recieved a direct order to spree kill as many durms as possible?

    Well sure he did, just like you made your comment out of wisdom and innocence, and not because FRA whacked you a couple of times back when you were a cowardly Meg.

    And you still are.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    28 December 2001 12:50:07

    Oh my god.

    Squibb - SHUT UP.

    You have been crying about FRA being cheaters FOREVER, get the fuck OVER IT. Don't you get TIRED of saying the SAME SHIT OVER and OVER again?

    EVERYONE knows that there has been atleast ONE occasion of cheating going on in BOTH guilds, FRA AND MEGLIVORNTH. An example of ours would be Durkin and Mearos, and yours, would be when like 6 megs/people connected to megs all got caught for mplaying, and one for cheating apperently.

    Difference is, we don't CONSTANTLY TALK TRASH ABOUT IT, like YOU. We don't remind everyone at every given oppotunity that 5 megs or so have been nuked for doing something that wasn't right. But you're nothing but a hypocrite. Throwing cheater shit to FRA's direction, while completely ignoring the mplaying going in your own guild.

    Waa waa, Durkin mped, waa waa, FRA supports mp by not joining the alliance system (haha), waa waa, FRA figured out an easy way to gangbang with mels whilst there's nothing wrong with the way Barazbund got that 150hp headbutt on Ketan, waa waa, ainurs love FRA and hate us, waa waa, FRA cheats without getting caught.


    You're just a big crusader for justice, martyring for the welfare of this mud, aren't you, good Squibbidy twoshoes? Save us of your enlightning preaches.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    28 December 2001 11:39:41

    Vallejo is my RL brother, I had to take a shit, he logged on and got whip, blow us:P

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    28 December 2001 11:37:41

    Ooh, so the mudslinging starts, how about all those times Meg alts would log on magically have gear after 2 seconds of online time and attack peoples alts, I had everyone of my alts attacked for something one character did. Or how about when you decided to let 3 alts of one typist into the guild. Hmm, also all of these claims of you asking people to give gold from Squibb to Hrdtutiype because you're horrible at leveling, playerkilling and dodging player kills. You're also a very disagreeable little twat that won't simply refuse to end a now defunct Meglivornth's and FRA's war. Your best player was nuked and had most if not all the rest of chars nuked as well, a suicided Gm followed shortly by a nuked Gm, 4-5 players that left your guild to try to come to FRA, 3 more that left to other guilds and another 8 or so Megs that were nuked as well. You rule man, you really really do in your own mind I'm sure.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    28 December 2001 07:00:53


    Id like to point out that last time FRA go whip it was because Shachmir logged off after missing push on boulder, Vallejo logs on within 2 seconds runs up and gets whip. This is multi-playing plain and simple and just because you guys claim 'we dont cheat' doesnt meant we dont all see it and know it.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 December 2001 01:12:27

    It is not a guild thing. I'm sure Spike didn't go around asking all the FRA members, hey I'm gonna spree kill, you guys back me up ok. I think he just said, woo, I got a maxed assassin and I wanna roll some heads.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    28 December 2001 00:09:52

    If you want it to be a guild thing Orlandu, I will personally make a character to send you back to the minor leagues...you're playing with the big boys now.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    27 December 2001 23:46:24

    Actually... Manni, I asked Spike if he was still FRA and he said yes. *shrugs* That sounds to me like FRA. So why wouldn't we treat it as a guild thing?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 December 2001 19:00:36

    Our attacks on Spike and Spike's attacks on us are not viewed in any way by the Durmanhoth as a reflection on the Fellowship of the Rimbor Anim. Spike left the guild before he began to spree kill and gave me fair warning that he was spree killing (even though he didn't mention that he would attack members of the Durmanhoth). When a player like Spike decides to go off like that, in a dishonorable way and attacking a former ally, it is justified to put him in his place. His actions were clearly of his own and not affiliated with FRA, and are treated as such by the Durmanhoth.

    Plus, I mean...Spike is my boy, he was just having fun. Just don't try it at our expense. :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    27 December 2001 15:00:49

    Ok here we go, blahs the fighting starts, I used to like spike, but he is an ass, he killed me whil I stood in the room with 60hp and gave him eq and crystals to spree As MAhamodie he then turns around at attacks me. *shrugs* he is a fag.I could careless what he does now. I am on vacation and going to have fun. Take care, The Storm will be back.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    27 December 2001 13:35:55

    Oh for fucks sake Korzan. A member of FRA decides to spreekill everyone, meaning EVERYONE, and you blame it on the guild as a whole?

    With the arrogant way you had written your last comment, I wouldn't, in any other FRA's place, apologize to you even if there was a 10 man gangbang coming my way.

    Oh yeah, and give out MP info publicly, that's real classy. I must say, rummaging through other comment threads, I didn't see you mention complaints about a FRA alt being a Rim alt killing your members. So this whole thing seems pretty hypocritical to me.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    27 December 2001 09:58:54

    First off, lets get one fucking thing straight, when someone spreekills it's obviously because they're bored of the fucking game and want fun. On another note, no one in FRA cheats, I don't know if you noticed this, but everyone gets caught for cheating and no one is above getting nuked. Lastly, both of the above players are better then me in my opinion, and I challenge any of you that commented to tame me, EVER.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    27 December 2001 09:45:44

    I'm just saddened that an FRA member, and the FRA AGM's alt, would try and kill Durms. I certainly hope for some kind of apology. I hope Throm gets on soon.

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    27 December 2001 07:18:45

    Wow. Another person accuses FRA of cheating yet, how many FRA characters have been nuked compared to other Guilds? Ohh yes, that would be 1.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 December 2001 06:11:57

    Moral of the story is.... Don't smoke crack. (oh, and I didn't do that last post, some bastard knows my password)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 December 2001 06:08:46

    I suppose soo, Damn FRA cheaters.

  • Author
    Morthar [legacy]
    27 December 2001 06:07:40

    Yea, not smart to mess with Durms Spike. Maybe he learned his lesson?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 December 2001 06:06:11

    Just for a little background info, Spike has spreeing and had attacked most of us. So he chased him around. This was his second death.