More Durmanhoth cheating.

Posted by
Haarni [legacy]
27 February 2008 00:00:00
NPC Battle

Another example of character seperation problems.


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    28 February 2008 21:20:32

    Oh yeah, my bad. I meant they just don't care about real crimes of true malicous (SP?) intent anymore. Now, if I did anything questionable, I would be definitely toasted because I am being vocal about this. But then again, I did one questionable thing (aside from comm/tells) one time and that was on an alt (level6, 8 years ago) and I helped Aule figure out how I was crashing the mud with direct action. And by questionable, I mean I didn't know the first time and the second time I suspected. :)

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    28 February 2008 16:19:41

    I think Pounder meant bug abuse.

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    28 February 2008 16:16:34

    now i'm curious pounder do explain how is the fact that dvalin and panayoti are not nuked evidance to anything about mping?

  • Author
    Odhinn [legacy]
    28 February 2008 15:54:12

    Date: 28. Feb, 2008, 9:49:24 By: Pounder

    As evidenced by the fact dvalin and especially Panayoti are not nuked at the moment, and various other things, NOONE CARES ABOUT MP ANYMORE! Feel free to do it whenever you want, its OK to do.

    Pounder's right. As it is now, you lose out if you don't MP

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 February 2008 15:33:55

    Wormbaneii and I do not cheat, We only mudsex with Alkath and thats our only sin :(

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    28 February 2008 15:21:24

    I don't cheat.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 February 2008 14:32:37

    Current Galadriel's power forces people to cheat :P

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    28 February 2008 13:42:54

    my oppinion....Turn T2T into wow style. I mean everyone cheats between characters, buys gold, gives stuff on the higher lvl character to their lower lvl character so they own.. no one cares. if you get killed it doesn't hurt you, you don't lose eq, you don't lose exp, yeah it's annoying sometimes, but it's not as annoying as here. maybe soon this game will be as popular as WOW :P.

    Anyway, I know this will never happen, nor do I want it to happen, so i have no idea why i said it :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    28 February 2008 09:55:47

    I didn't say this was a clear cut case of mplay but the fact ravathir was aiding durms in obtaining galadriel vials while his alt is in durmanhoth is a clear cut mplay case. Especially if he logs in and uses said vials. Doesn't matter if he doesn't touch it on Ravathir. He AIDED the guild.

    This is what Tulkas told me when I had the discussion with him. Is it inforced? No.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    28 February 2008 09:49:24

    As evidenced by the fact dvalin and especially Panayoti are not nuked at the moment, and various other things, NOONE CARES ABOUT MP ANYMORE! Feel free to do it whenever you want, its OK to do.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    28 February 2008 08:46:06

    Takes one to know one, eh?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    28 February 2008 08:42:56

    ...wonder why someone just nuked for cheating is blabbering on about other people's supposed cheating. Oh well. ;)

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    28 February 2008 05:59:43

    Jeez, there is a point where shining a light on problems turns into whining... I wonder where that is, hmmm...

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    28 February 2008 05:01:51

    Yeah, I have to agree that this doesn't constitute MP.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 February 2008 04:41:34

    Thanks tash.

    Well, i didn't read the other comments, but i'll agree herkies are stupid.

  • Author
    Gizmalin [legacy]
    28 February 2008 04:14:20

    I don't see how this is MP. I mean if i was both chars at the same time maybe, But then again doesn't brubaker's alts help BKD on all alts or what?

  • Author
    Odhinn [legacy]
    28 February 2008 04:10:35

    much as i hate the way durms play, but i dont think this can be considered a clear case of cheating.

    i however think that this problem can be eliminated by reducing the number of guilds in the game since some of the players who have many alts in the game cant char separate at all.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    28 February 2008 04:02:21

    THEN if you want to get legit. Any alt can attack anyone for any reason whatsoever UNLESS that alt aids said alts guild. Which then would be illegal.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    28 February 2008 04:00:39

    Let me break it down for you.

    Baklen is bkd, fights durms in first war.

    Baklen leaves bkd and goes evil and joins udungul.

    Udungul get fucked over by durms and Baklen kills durms.

    Baklen makes an evil alt which joins udungul after Baklen unserves and goes back to bkd. Udungul is still in war with Durms.

    Baklen leaves bkd and makes a new alt that joins bkd. War ensues.

    Alt gets nuked so said evil alt leaves udungul and race/prof changes and joins bkd. So as you can see, I was perfectly legit. On to the next response. My meg alt was told precisely that HE could not GIVE ANY eq to bkd because my alt was in it. That means I couldn't help them even if I tried which I didn't. But it wasn't my fault idiots attacked megs. *shrugs*

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    28 February 2008 02:13:45

    There wasn't a clock in Kadar. I think there's a sundial in a quest south of the town, but if not, then the closest one is either in MM or Pelargir (I think there's one in both places).

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    28 February 2008 01:21:47

    Baklen, yesterday you posted logs of two characters PKing Durms about a week apart. Please expound on your wholly righteous interpretations of the MP rules.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    28 February 2008 01:09:51

    Accidents like this happen. TH is not really supposed to help either side, yet both sides scream for help and sometimes it's hard to stay away. Anyway, this was an isolated accident, which was dealt with minutes after it happened.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    28 February 2008 00:44:45

    Ummm aiding a guild your alt is in is illegal, NO MATTER WHAT. According to the new mplay rules.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    28 February 2008 00:39:30

    Yeah, people can try to guess why the administration has changed from cracking down on MP, bug abuse, cheating becoming apparently very soft on those infractions and mostly moved onto cracking down heavily mostly on comm violations and other minor things like that. The best guess I would give is that they go with the easiest types of infractions that don't take any time to prove or real skill/expertise to figure out, and possibly the people who could have cracked down on most of the real hardcore abuse are no longer active. But then again its just my observation, who really cares. MP is completely legal these days and only gets cracked if its done at massive levels and is causing earth changing issues. Slowly but surely these policies will cause further degrade over time but meh. My main question still is, where's rauko?! :)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 February 2008 00:27:35

    Whoever gets caught/punished for MP doesn't know how to do it.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 February 2008 00:24:50

    btw, if i could rate this log i'd rate it a 1, since it's incomplete and lacks colouring

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 February 2008 00:24:18

    Answer the kadar clock question!

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    28 February 2008 00:01:43

    This is an old log, that Kadar clock question was ages ago. If it was MP, why not make a deal of it then?

  • Author
    Delin [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:50:13

    People should just accept the fact that multiplaying is not illegal anymore and stop crying everytime someone sneezes with an alt.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:46:53

    Demandred was a Meg applicant at the time, so he didn't have guildhall access. I actually sat at Gala with them and looted their vials until they told me the story, so I donated the vials to Meg/Twofoot personally. That was the only donation Demandred made to Meg that night after 2-3 hours of partying in BD and Harondor and I have a feeling that's maybe because I made the donation for him. A few people in Meg talked to me about this the next day because apparently Demandred was pretty heated... But anyway, I'm not in the business of making dumb accusations that won't go anywhere. I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of haarni's post and Skyman's comment.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:39:46

    Again Manni, that's an assertion with nothing to substantiate it. They could just be friends partying together. Meglivornth and BKD are not enemies. Do you know for a fact that all the equipment went into BKDs armoury? Can you provide evidence that it did?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:36:13

    Anyway, running into us at Galadriel and helping attack is hardly comparable to Demandred (BkD alt) and Pentheus running around BD, Harondor, and Galadriel for hours partied together and getting gear for BkD.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:34:44

    Good propaganda has to at least appear to be real or damaging. This neither shows cheating or anything else unsavory and even the slickest PR guy in the world couldn't make a convincing argument that it does.

    Are Taril Haleth and Durmanhoth enemies? Even if they are it's an internal matter for Duncan to discipline his member (har har discipline his member!) and does not show Durmanhoth cheating.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:21:51

    My guildmates and I have helped Duncan, Dera, and Ravathir in Mordor on a few ocassions when we've crossed paths. One good turn deserves another.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    27 February 2008 23:16:34

    love taril haleth, eh?