Bentelbow, Jubal, Odhinn

Posted by
Delvar [legacy]
26 March 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

3v2, spammy to try and keep focus off Murray, Durmanhoth prevails again.


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 March 2008 04:29:54

    Nah, lebs are cool, i like most of 'em.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    28 March 2008 03:56:18

    'In fact, all we used to do was spam comms, PK each other alot and harass Tevildo.'

    You mean, there's more to the game than that? Dang.

  • Author
    Kaylyne [legacy]
    28 March 2008 03:29:25

    hi flame about me, i'm bored

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    28 March 2008 03:03:17

    You're annoyed by something on the internet.

    priceless ;)

  • Author
    Eigen [legacy]
    28 March 2008 03:02:36

    Gah, I'm typing this on a PSP, Delk. Give me a break :P.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    28 March 2008 03:01:26

    we'd still be the same annoying little twits we were a year ago

    Trust me, you are probably even more annoying now - because now you have bitches like Mute/Delkin and Manni spamming up public forums defending you.

  • Author
    Eigen [legacy]
    28 March 2008 03:00:22

    And I appreciate your concern for us, Tlaloc, I really do, and I'm sorry for those countless nights you must've stayed awake worried how we innocent little Lebanese kids were not being able to RP on a text game.

    i <3 u

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    28 March 2008 02:59:16

    but.. you're still an annoying twit, sorry

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    28 March 2008 02:55:50

    And then give me a hug.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    28 March 2008 02:55:06


    Learn English you piece of crap.

  • Author
    Eigen [legacy]
    28 March 2008 02:52:23

    None of the Lebanese players on T2T used to RP before they joined Durmanhoth, Tlaloc. I don't think any of us even knew what RP was.

    In fact, all we used to do was spam comms, PK each other alot and harass Tevildo. If we hadn't decided to join Durmanhoth (we were'nt even approached about applying), we'd still be the same annoying little twits we were a year ago (not talking about all the Lebs, here).

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    28 March 2008 00:47:44


    Please get off the phone now.

    I've got to let you know now.

    How much you mean to me.


  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    28 March 2008 00:43:39

    there is only 1 herkimer in durms

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 March 2008 23:37:23

    Er, two letters!

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    27 March 2008 23:25:44

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 March 2008 23:06:24

    I know it's Solonite and you know it's Solonite and we both know that any town called Solon is just one letter away from an hilarilus Biblical reference.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 March 2008 22:56:53

    And what mordhred said too!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    27 March 2008 22:56:16


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 March 2008 22:56:03

    man, i can't believe he still thinks we're talking about his town.... What a fucking dumb herkie (pleonasm)!

    what Orcoron and Haarni said FTW!

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:54:01

    Nobody is mad at your town you doofus. It's just a way to commonly label a group of people. Saves us saying all your names, instead we just say 'The Herkies!' Much like we use Sodomite or Swede. And talking crap isn't bad. It's great. It's what makes the Internet fun. The thing is, you're just really bad at it.

    Also, I want you to consider this: Why would they want to stop talking shit about your town? Do you think they actually want either your respect or friendship? People LIKE being your enemy.

  • Author
    Arzekel [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:49:14

    Ravathir, the first thing you said to me was yelling 'PUSSY!' when I was running around camo'd from quest to quest. I hadn't said a word to you, said anything on the comm, nothing. This is one of the reasons people hate you. You're the little kid on WoW or whatever other online game that everyone hates that ruins the game for everyone else.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:45:58

    If killing people is a bad thing then why do they have guns?

    If cheating is a bad thing then why do they have rules?

    If eating fat is a bad thing then why do they have french fries?

    If using drugs is a bad thing then why do they have cocaine?

    If grammar errors are a bad thing then why do they have proper grammar?

    If doing fat chicks is a bad thing then why do they have hot ones?

    We give you the means. We give you the options. What to do with them is your own choice and your own fault. Don't blame the system if people dislike you because of it.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:42:44

    Ravathir, I had no idea Herkimer -existed- until you and your friends came to this game and frankly acted like a bunch of twats. If you were generally nicer to everybody, you'd be suprised how well accepted you would be here.

    Of course you count being let into a guild and hanging out with a group NOTORIOUS for screwing people over etc... as being accepted so.. okay!

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:42:22

    Bahahahaha! Oh no! Someone isn't taking the ratings system on an internet forum seriously! Pollux, you need to start a petition and take it all the way to the president. This kind of travesty absolutely must stop now!

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:32:22

    Haarni/Lobo make this mud bad because all they do is talk shit. I honestly wouldn't talk shit if they stopped talking about my town. Seriously what did i do to you all? I'm only here to have fun if pking is such a bad thing then why do they have it in the game, if talking crap is a bad thing then why do they have a comm or tells? There is no reason for you all to be mad at my town, Haarni and Lobo need to move on and give up and stop talking shit about herkimer and maybe someday we might show you all with some respect.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:15:56

    ZOMG i r herkie infected :((

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:13:32

    These accusations aren't new, the hoops we've had to jump through to prove we're different people aren't new, the snoop logs aren't new, the exaggerations aren't new. Let's end the war and move on.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    27 March 2008 21:08:40

    Don't hate the person, he's not to blame and needs help. Herkimer is a serious disease, but also has a cure.

    Talking crap is a classic, but non-specific symptom developped during the first stages of Herkimer sp. infection. It's got a 99% sensibility but only 15% specificity. Now if the person talks crap with typos, grammar errors, or 'aolspeech', then we raise the specificity to around 55%.

    Watch out, you and your family might be the next victims of this terrible disease. Contact the local medical authorities at the first sign or symptom of the disease.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:57:39

    Shardik, is it that you are refusing to acknowledge the fact that your guild also is 'harboring' known former cheaters? I mean, I agree, there are members in my guild that have cheated before, but there are those in your guild who have cheated as well (and been publicly punished). EVERYONE READING THIS, LETS ALL START BEING MORE CIVIL. (myself and my guild included) Remember when we all used to rate logs fairly and had fun with it. I cant even rate a log a regular number anymore because I see Haarni's one and Orcoron's one and I get pissed off and naturally sink to their level and rate it a 6 whether or not it deserves it. I bet most of us can admit to digressing to the level of the ones of have pissed you off in this game at one time or another.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:49:00

    *her guild

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:37:34

    [new] Date: 27. Mar, 2008, 19:57:10 By: Haarni

    Hellflame for example is one of the best players around here atm and used to be the only ER who had the balls to fight outnumbering FRs. And he doesn't talk crap even when challenged.

    He died about 5-10 times a day:P and he ALWAYS talks crap when he is challenged:P


    Haarni is partially correct, Brandon talks crap with or without being challenged... in fact, even with his mouth shut he talks a lot of crap.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:35:20

    If BkD had been begging for peace, we would have accepted Durmanhoth's outrageous demands. If Pentheus' head was offered, then he was the one to offer it. Some people are able to look at a situation objectively, even if they are affiliated with one side or the other. And in this case, the objective fact is that your guild harbours and encourages players who play in between the rules (it's not bug abuse if you abuse it and nothing happens), take advantage of new or underprivileged players (quickblades takeover, delkin's infamous newbie slaying history) or have found a deceptive way to break the rules (botting scripts, IP masking to avoid hardbans) and use denial, feigned ignorance, or fact manipulation to avoid punishment. Sure, you could say the same thing about any group of players in the game, but to the same extent? I don't think so.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:30:55

    I'd love for Necsipaal to come back and see what happened to his guild:P

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:17:07

    Not to mention that I sell Old Toby for a living.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 20:15:42

    Like 2/3 of people who complain about guildmates tell me they have a problem with Delkin/Mute/Murray and the other 1/3 tell me they have a problem with Herkimer or Herkimer-infected people...

    I don't care either way. All those guys are integral parts to the guild and they're loyal as hell. I couldn't (and don't) ask for anything more in guildmates. So all these 'Durm would be fine if /_____/, /_____/, /____, and __/___ were booted' comments are a waste of time.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 19:57:10

    Hellflame for example is one of the best players around here atm and used to be the only ER who had the balls to fight outnumbering FRs. And he doesn't talk crap even when challenged.

    He died about 5-10 times a day:P and he ALWAYS talks crap when he is challenged:P

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    27 March 2008 19:55:59

    The 'Herkies' are nice kids. They are people like everyone else. Hellflame for example is one of the best players around here atm and used to be the only ER who had the balls to fight outnumbering FRs. And he doesn't talk crap even when challenged. Hell, considering how much flaming I spew even unchallenged and how Lobo, Orcoron, durms and friends like to harass people, I think the 'Herkies' are one of the calmest people around. Yes, I am Herk infected.

    Arda's problem with Durmanhoth is the ghetto mentality that the durms spread and that Durmanhoth is a refuge for spreekillers and harassers. Alone, they are not so much of a consideration. But taken together, they influence the new players in a way that destroys RP and only leaves them the option to think about 'domechecking'. These Lebanese kids actually roleplayed before they got turned into a 'silver squad' and 'domechecka's' under the leadership of 'cool guys' and 'second cool guys'.

    The Durmanhoth was a very cool guild before. Nihil made a good effort to create a theme, then went inactive and left everything to the 'gangstas'. Then Mute showed his true face and Exhalev joined:( Now that Exhalev is out, they look a little better. Maybe there is a chance for them but you know, you can't do dirty stuff for an year and then say 'Sorry' and expect to get away with it. They have to show true respect for the fellow player and drop the hypocrisy. I don't know how that's possible with Delkin and Mute in the guild. Maybe it is, Delkin was once a member and the rest of Durmanhoth wasn't that bad. The future will show.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 March 2008 19:31:20

    first, i don't hate any herkie... second... well, even tho that might be true now, you are friendly with 'em, also there are herkie-infected people, like pollux. and it is spreading, take care!

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    27 March 2008 19:24:24

    I think we only have 1 herk in our guild lobo, all the herks that you guys hate so much have been applicants for months but have never, and probably will never get accepted :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    27 March 2008 19:21:37

    nah, cause everyone knows they'd be let right back in after it all ended

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 March 2008 19:19:21

    Nodnod at Jaron's comment, If herkies weren't in durms, very few people would join BKd just to fight durms, and I believe BKd would have already surrended if that was the situation... Durms, kick the herkies out and you'll win faster, I'm dead serious.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    27 March 2008 18:20:52

    You know that's untrue Pounder, and yes I was solo'd by arzekel at what level 13? *shrugs* My characters have died 3 times to bkd during this. And this is my point Pounder, bkd has approached us on 3 different occasions -begging- for peace, offering things such as Pentheus's head instead of a formal surrender to end this war, yet you guys only hear/see the side you want to see.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 15:55:48

    We are doing the opposite of the durmanhoth 'rate low' tactic. We are driving thier average logs to the All Time Top 20! *cackle*

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    27 March 2008 15:50:08

    What's with all the sixes!?

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    27 March 2008 15:10:53

    What the hell...? Rate correctly, people :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 March 2008 14:48:15

    I think I have an unposted old log of me being locked by Trenchant, Dakar, Pyro and Thanatos and beating them up in the lockup despite being stabbed twice thanks to MELS and healing.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    27 March 2008 14:41:40

    Woric once killed 2 out of 3 silly Amruin that tried to arrest him... without MELS! Man, Woric was so much better at this game than any of you.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 March 2008 14:35:09

    Azer started the war with his double standards over Mordor. Azer also alienated most of BkD's allies at a time when they were most needed. Then Azer went inactive. He pretty much handed the initial victory and hegemony over Arda to Durmanhoth on a golden platter, and even worse, he didn't do it because he was treacherous, but because he was dumb and arrogant. Really bad combination.

    That was pretty much the reason you guys started off so bad and are only making progress now that Durmanhoth has pissed off so many people in Arda that they are joining BkD just to fight them.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 March 2008 14:13:25

    I still don't agree, but i guess im stuborn like that. I still think alot of the attacks your members did alot earlier started it all. Sure you paid but the they still attacked afterwards just like it didn't matter shit. THEN a coupel of month's after this bkd started doing some shit. If i would have been a GM (God forbid) the war would have started much earlier. Shrug i don't care about durms nor bkd nor any other guild anymore.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 13:43:03

    [new] Date: 27. Mar, 2008, 5:22:19 By: Delvar

    Perfect example why the rating system should be removed, thanks Haarni.

    Come on, look at Deathmatch/Herkimers ratings:P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 13:38:38

    Nobody's getting kicked. :P Things will be fine. They were fine before BkD started the war. BkD started this, if you remember.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    27 March 2008 11:14:56

    This peace request is still in discussion.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 March 2008 10:59:00

    The fun part is that if Manni dosnt kick like half the members now a new war with durms in it will start up in the near future, that is atleast what im suspecting.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 March 2008 10:43:37

    Pollux, what are you going to do now that durms requested and got peace from bkd?

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    27 March 2008 10:18:19

    Doing Uglies? What level are you, if you are a skilled player and know how to level quickly, when you kill uglies to gain good gold and exp? 10ish? I don't believe that is something to be proud of. Sure it was a casualty of war and every one kill counts, but certainly its nothing to boast about and nothing to rub in anyones face.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 March 2008 09:26:56

    No, if BKD had done this, it would have been the same or no comment. Not to mention, bkd would have just posted the three players names and not put in 3 vs 2. Its ok though, didn't you just get solo'ed by Arzekel in mirkwood while doing uglies recently?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 March 2008 09:25:38

    I agrea on alot of the things Delvar, but then again your opinion seems heavily influensed by durms aswell, because one of the big reason to people gave Skyman creds was because of his lvl, and because he was pretty much the only one on booth sides running around solo actualy trying to achive something. But I don't think they are great logs, but they are still better then most other glass/trick logs because of his lvl and the situation he played in.

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    27 March 2008 08:47:58

    Psh.. who cares about ratings anymore. All of my alts logs were rated a 1 by Deadlok and his alts ages ago, and I'm sure he's not the only one who's done as such. I lost my faith in ratings years ago..

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    27 March 2008 08:38:14

    You know what's hilarious actually, if bkd would of done this, people would be praising them, but since it was Durmanhoth it's just an 'ok log'. Everyone kisses skyman feet when he glasses someone, or runs them through osgiliath, which is the way a majority of his logs went during this war, yet every time it's 'omg, you're such a badass, awesome, spectacular, incredibly stylish'. Blah, w/e, doesn't matter, just pointing out a fact.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    27 March 2008 08:08:15


  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    27 March 2008 08:02:58

    Hi Delvar!

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    27 March 2008 05:22:19

    Perfect example why the rating system should be removed, thanks Haarni.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 March 2008 04:36:24

    Yeah that is the one :) Crazy

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 March 2008 04:27:00

    Thanks Pallasch.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    27 March 2008 04:15:38

    It was posted by Nogothrim.

  • Author
    Erest [legacy]
    27 March 2008 02:31:12

    That was worth the read.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 March 2008 01:41:02

    I always lose the link, but there is one log of someone using sob in mordor against old evils then either he berserked or used medallion cannot remember killed them all in one round :) Was such a splatter log it was crazy.

  • Author
    Delkin [legacy]
    27 March 2008 00:32:28

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    26 March 2008 22:44:12

    I DID kill 3 people with MELS once but zmud crashed shortly after so I lost the log and then all the guys that I killed said it never happened and to this day nobody believes me! But I know it happened and they know it happened...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 March 2008 22:39:28

    I almost killed 3 people with the MELS once, it would have been the best log ever but i ran out of ep and they all got away.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 March 2008 19:54:00

    2 VS 3 would have been Prod/Cleaver/Icey, not a weapon that often hits with the damage of two people, and another weapon that hits everyone someone is in combat with. Now, if the two had locked the three, thats another story, then I would give Murray some props here.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 March 2008 19:21:53

    botas are way too easy to quest.. level 13 necro can solo it :P

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    26 March 2008 19:00:06

    Thats just the unlimited botas Mute's alts quest for Durmanhoth:)

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    26 March 2008 19:00:05

    Very true, my comment had little to do with the specific circumstances in this log, and more with the classic grid backhunt that used to be fun to setup, and escape, taking some knowledge of the layout of the land and skill to get away.

    Not to take anything from this kill, our boys got overpowered. Gud job.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    26 March 2008 18:57:03

    All that skill taken out and still enough left to go 2 on 3 in a lockup, where a map doesn't mean shit.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    26 March 2008 18:11:18


  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    26 March 2008 18:10:59

    Murray: I have been attacked by someone!, In the room: A dark passage. Room number: 58484.

    This is why these mapper kiddies suck. Since they all share the same map, their friends just #walk 58484. Sure it's easier to pwnface, but it's sad that so much of the skill has been taking out of the game, and coded into a client. *sigh*

  • Author
    Parethian [legacy]
    26 March 2008 17:44:48

    Haha i like locks :)

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    26 March 2008 09:22:36

    Wasnt this on last weeks 'When locks go terrible wrong' reality show?

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    26 March 2008 07:57:04

    Well 43... But same story.. Got owned.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    26 March 2008 07:56:20

    50 hp to Ghost in like 1 round blah..

  • Author
    Odhinn [legacy]
    26 March 2008 07:16:35

    i got owned by aiglos

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    26 March 2008 06:45:59

    Good fight Khazads, as always. *tips his hat