
Posted by
Duncan [legacy]
05 April 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Numenor suffers a barbarian raid.


  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    08 April 2008 19:55:38

    oh god you burned me

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 April 2008 19:25:06

    cause no one gives a shit :P

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    08 April 2008 19:09:39

    I am ethan! ethan! ethan! ethan! you guys always forget :(

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    08 April 2008 19:08:10

    Woh, 23 new comments, who's gonna read them?

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    08 April 2008 17:11:05

    Haha, that was funny Vij :)

    By the way, which one is Hurb? I know he's not Brendon.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 13:38:51

    Pollux is saying i'm teh winna of Herkie Academy Award! \o/

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    08 April 2008 09:33:09

    Wuff-wuff's kinda cute, actually. I think I'ma gonna call herkies wuff-wuff's now. Does it mean that they're bitches, or little puppies who want people to tickle their tummy? Hum. Give 'em a week till suicide, either way.

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    08 April 2008 08:55:37

    I was at work, and am not fortunate enough to be able to mud from there. Also Lobo is editor of the year.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 April 2008 05:31:00

    see, SKR-HUB just makes your eyes bleed. Wuff-wuffs doesn't do that.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 04:12:38

    well... after the new revelations... all i can say is: pollux bring your Wuff-Wuff's ass back here and let's start discussing again!

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    08 April 2008 04:05:07

    I made up that SKR-HUB thing. I commed it once, a complete mockery of the term which Dahnir and myself brought with such endearing passion to the forefront of MUD insults. The value of the word is that it isn't naturally derogatory. It isn't sexist, classist, racist; it is without actual meaning. It's like calling people Wuff-wuffs or Diddlebiddles. I think that lends it enough merit to be used with moderation... However, over the past month and a half I have seen, with alarming frequency, the term SKR-HUB quoted by many individuals. This frightens me. Please, please, please. Stop. And if you want to spite me, stop, because I actually want that part of my tarnished legacy to be propogated for eternity. Or do I.

    SKR-HUB ass Wuff-Wuffs.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:44:28


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:42:02

    what did you try? to get the name or to screw me? :P

    you got it?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:41:21

    no hirgail, he WAS like that.... now he's infected by herkies and is a total SKR-HU(R)B

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:40:45

    I did try Lobo, I did try.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:40:23

    Oh he's not so bad. Maybe he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he's not a total douchebag or anything.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:40:14

    done, i actually waited 30 seconds on this one... cause you, or someone else, could comment and screw me :(

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:38:15

    Too fast, go now.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:35:16

    done, too fast?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:29:48

    I'm at work. Just say it real quick and remove the comment.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:27:11

    I can't say it here! give me your msn!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:26:02

    I still have no idea who he is. I know he's made a pretty poor attempt to kill my alt once but that's it.

    Is he a newbie or an older player with a new name or what?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:23:17

    he IS hilarious, i think i'll even defend him when he gets humiliated on the comm from now on, so he won't stop playing and commenting like he said he would do.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:21:13

    PolluxAlt enters.

    PolluxAlt laughs out loud at you.

    PolluxAlt says in Westron: nub.

    You say in Westron: what?

    PolluxAlt fades into the shadows.

    You tell PolluxAlt: ?

    PolluxAlt tells you: I just dont like you?

    You tell PolluxAlt: why? i think we barely met

    PolluxAlt tells you: Im pollux you fucking noob

    PolluxAlt tells you: Jesus you talk like you actually know shit.

    You tell PolluxAlt: i know, talk about character separation

    he was quiet after that...

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:15:53

    Who the hell is Pollux that people find him worth talking about?

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    08 April 2008 02:03:13

    Yes, Lobo, you should. Im not exactly sure what the insult was but I speculate that you were trying to say something to the effect of other people who defend Herkimer typists think im stupid. Oh no, oh god, if I never comment or play again it was because I couldn't take that terrible and deeply cutting insult.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 April 2008 01:45:33

    Pollux, even some guys that defend herkies think you're a retard... oh wait, you don't care... should i cry some more?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:53:09

    You're all scrubs. :(

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:52:16

    Think I care?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:51:58

    Like i care?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:45:08

    I wasn't crying I was making fun of Herkies. You gotta read the comments properly.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:29:41

    Go cry some more Mordhred.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:21:48

    While the evil Hellflame was still a weak youngling and the free folks of Arda were living in harmony, a treacherous man walked amongst the Beornings and dwelt in their village. During one gray afternoon, this very man, without a proper reasoning, showed his true appearance and betrayed his fellows. He stole all the equipment from their armoury and ran away, crying out loud his songs of victory, while his old friends wondered what was actually happening. This man was later known simply as Redbull, the cheater, the multiplayer, the idiot, the herkie. Talk about pleonasms ugh.

    So please stop trying to make these guys look good overall. They have been <bad word> from the first to the last time I've got the chance to listen to their mouths opening or watch their in-game actions. Nothing has changed a single bit. Except perhaps that now they have turned into nerds addicted to a text based game over the internet.


  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:10:19

    I wasn't talking about you Manni, just referring to your talent at smoke and mirrors for this type of thing.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:10:11

    You can with state government approval and enough tnt!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    08 April 2008 00:06:11

    I wasn't defending everyone from Herkimer, just like you shouldn't condemn everyone from Herkimer. There's a group of a few who are shitty, but you can't go condemning the whole town.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    07 April 2008 23:49:33

    Vijraihn, that 'kid' and some of his buddies were in an alt of mine's guild (take a guess) when they were fairly new at the game and they were genuinely decent kids all about having a good time, but in the span of about a week (literally) they went to shit-talking little fuckheads that annoyed everyone but their own circle of friends and haven't changed since. Don't give me that crap about attitudes being shaped by environment because they made the conscious decision to start that style of play and attitude. You're turning into the heir apparent of Manni for Herkimer kids... twist it all ya like but the truth remains the same.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    07 April 2008 22:31:58

    Pollux is a good guy... You just gotta watch for his sense of what is proper retribution and respect. :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 April 2008 21:26:11

    I don't even dislike the herkies very much anymore, they're just the newest insults, like the Obair obese jokes. They've clearly improved on playing the MUD (although I really doubt they're among the very best) and have matured a whole bunch, but not quite enough yet :P I'll give props to Rav on cutting back on his flaming a whole bunch, he's probably shown the most improvement out of them. He still seriously lacks on char separation and shit like that though. Hurb is still just a complete idiot and hasn't improved one bit :(

    I disliked durms a lot more than I did herks, for reasons everyone else has already mentioned the past few days. Another reason would be because they've got people like Pollux thinking they're so great and talking so much shit. Thing is, Pollux doesn't even seem like a half-bad guy, he's just so blindly loyal to the guild he does anything he can to defend it

  • Author
    Barzel [legacy]
    07 April 2008 21:00:02

    Pollux, how long have you known Shabba? A year? Two? When Shabba was 15 you were not playing the mud, so you wouldn't know.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 April 2008 20:44:33

    Actually anyone who isn't in durms would probably say I'm one of the nicer people on the MUD. But whatever you want to think! We don't care about your thoughts, remember? Also, I don't talk to Lobo or Mordhred, but I would think all you kids who are always on Skype together have something going on :P

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    07 April 2008 20:22:10

    I would argue that Shabba has always been a d-bag, but likely excuse. Also, is there some sort of love triangle between Mordhred, Shabba, and lobo? I get the impression they are emotionally involved with each other.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 April 2008 19:49:08

    Actually when I played the game while I was 13-15 I was courteous, polite, and never talked shit. I got randomkilled a few times and even then I didn't talk shit to whoever killed me. The only reason I do now is because of mass exposure to certain herkies who have completely killed my tolerance for idiots

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    07 April 2008 19:18:43

    Vijraihn is right there.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    07 April 2008 18:38:52

    why you started to talk about me all of a sudden, Vijraihn? but you're correct, i own everyone and i'm a good guy! \o/ :D

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    07 April 2008 18:27:28

    You're speaking for yourself there.

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    07 April 2008 18:18:13

    I wonder of the number of us that played while we were 14-15, how many were courteous, polite, and respectful to others. Again, how many learned the game during an era of intense playerkilling, and might have confused the extremely hostile attitudes and environment of the MUD with the game's actual potential. Give the kid a break, for the last time. No one is perfect, but I assure you, he's a good guy. I know this, Duncan knows this, and everyone who can look past the fact he owns them knows this. :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    07 April 2008 08:03:16

    You still have ravathir in your guild. Enough said.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    07 April 2008 02:42:42

    That isn't what I said, Duncan. I think you know what I meant though.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    07 April 2008 01:27:00

    Yes, Lucky, they joined yesterday after Durmanhoth disbanded.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    06 April 2008 23:34:22

    Just seems that Duncan is pulling the strategy that got Durmanhoth so big: Recruit a lot of really active players that most of the MUD dislikes and thus won't allow in.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 April 2008 19:05:15

    yes, i just realized that.... a break like 5 rooms from where i was attacked.... dumb me!

  • Author
    Vijraihn [legacy]
    06 April 2008 16:46:18

    I'm pretty sure there is another huntbreak that you do not need vision for within a survivable distance from Umbar SP. Oh well. Kalas was super effective with that mixie in this log for sure ;)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 April 2008 07:51:48

    omfg i wrote like a herkis, sorry sory

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 April 2008 07:51:26

    I have alias, and tried to break... but i wasn't attuened, just iwht flames spleell... so it was dakr and break di'nt work.... osrry i'm drunk

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    06 April 2008 05:30:05

    he's infected with herkism :(

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    06 April 2008 05:21:38

    Dunc, what's up with hanging out with Hurb?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 April 2008 03:20:51

    And his gear.

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    06 April 2008 02:57:39

    Actually he lost more mordhred, he lost his level 20 title! ;(

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    06 April 2008 02:20:22

    comma overdose

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    06 April 2008 01:35:06

    Go Duncan!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    06 April 2008 01:19:27

    And...Lobo shouldn't have reported? He reports, I don't mind, I post, he doesn't mind, you mind your own business?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    06 April 2008 01:09:37

    Ah and that's a whole 700 gold difference.

    Anyways, I don't think you should have even posted this after what happened yesterday. Just please don't whine to my GM or to ainur later when your shit starts coming back to you once more. Neither of them got the time to play with your children.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    06 April 2008 00:53:54

    But...he didn't report for both?:) Hurb got away.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    06 April 2008 00:41:37

    And Hurb, even if he reports all of you for both attempt AND murder, thats a total of 8 reports. Half of them will be correct.

    False report fines: around 300 gold

    Attempt/murder reward: around 1k overall? maybe higher

    So he gets 4k and loses about 1.2k. Plus the other mentioned attempts. I'd tell you to make the math and figure out for yourself but since you're a herkie I won't even bother.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    06 April 2008 00:37:26

    I was just stating a fact. You can think whatever you want out of it. *shrug*

  • Author
    Pollux [legacy]
    06 April 2008 00:20:16

    5 solo attempts, you make it sound as though he were a master breaker.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    06 April 2008 00:11:24

    Probably Lobo doesn't have aliasses to break at umbar signpost...

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    06 April 2008 00:02:41

    Mordhred's facts have a lot more merit than yours, so probably not. But it makes no difference to me anyhow.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    05 April 2008 23:46:29

    wait.. shabba was wrong? :(

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 April 2008 23:38:01

    Wait.. herkies commenting on intelligence? The world is at a new low :(

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    05 April 2008 23:35:20

    and he false reported most of us so uh.. you have no clue! oh shit! you are not as smart as you thought :(

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 April 2008 22:08:50

    heh, I'm sure his death was paid for by fines

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    05 April 2008 22:08:07

    Lazy dunlendings, didn't wanna party up earlier:P

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    05 April 2008 22:05:54

    After 5 failed solo attempts on Lobo, you finally manage to 4-man him. Congrats.