Girrick/Alkath die

Posted by
Quinn [legacy]
10 April 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Week old log.


  • Author
    Reeth [legacy]
    14 April 2008 05:57:54


  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    11 April 2008 12:31:23

    Vedalhan, please headbutt man, please :(

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    11 April 2008 07:36:55

    I just learned that I am indeed retarded and that last comment was wrong. Barzel is absolved, but the rest is true to the person it was aimed at.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    11 April 2008 07:02:01

    Barzel, you must be a world-class contortionist because you can suck your own dick at an olympic level. You are the biggest fucking fraud on the MUD. Shut up.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    11 April 2008 06:50:04

    I love how the log ends with the epic double-break :p

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 April 2008 05:28:17

    well, reading this last comment, i agree with barzel in the 'fyng is cool' point... but to the rest, pounder should answer with 'two waords': Think i care?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 April 2008 05:23:21

    Date: 11. Apr, 2008, 2:29:10 By: Barzel

    There aren't a large enough number of players from Herkimer to put any logs whatsoever on the top 20 unless a bunch of other people randomly rate it high. Unless you appeal to infantile logic along the lines of 'BUT THEY DID IT FIRST!!!!' you do not have the moral high ground if you have conducted yourselves in the way you accuse them of having conducted themselves.

    And you have.


    well well, first, **herkies** did it. don't say 'players for herkimer' 'cause it can be confusing to some, and could be taken as prejudice. It's a known fact that some herkies aren't even from herkimer, we have Pollux as a good(?) exemple, and that some players from herkimer aren't herkies, like Hoshkebosh. Now that i have proven that they are distinct groups, even though there's an intersection, and assuming you meant herkies, here we go. The situation is: herkies got tired of 'crying some more' and to 'care' about ratings, and since the rules have changed they decided to mess it up. As vermond stated: we got what we deserve... but when some mess the system, others, like me and girrick, try to bring it back to balance, i'm not getting my revenge on their ratings, you're right that's pretty childish. All i do is to struggle to counter they bogus rating, so other people's rating will actually have some value. Don't come judging morals of something you aren't completely aware of, and don't come talking about morals when we're dealing with herkies.


    **|**/_____/__ Long text about nothing that matters! =D

  • Author
    Barzel [legacy]
    11 April 2008 05:23:00

    So you support petty squabbling, Pounder? Or can you just not pass up the opportunity to slip a sad, tired and all together uncreative insult Fyng's way, knowing that he can't reply? Fyng defends his opinions both of himself and others with specific events and responses. You spew mindless garbage which you seem to have collected from the most vitriolic bile-spewing trash you could find on the logpage, as if you rolled around in the excrement they spew at anyone who can outperform them (in a text based game!)

    You've been around a long time, and you've seen a lot of things. For all that experience, though, you somehow lack... what's the word... rationality? Intelligence? Common courtesy? An objective sense of morality? Humanity? The ability to use a question mark appropriately? I'm not quite sure what the word is, but I feel certain that one exists to accurately describe a person such as yourself.

    Fyng presented his case, asked for constructive criticism of his position very politely, and your response was something along the lines of 'OOGABOOGAFUCKYOUFYNGYOUASSHOLESONOFABITCHDURKADURKA!' Was it bitter resentment (or jealousy?) that just boiled out of your insides onto the logpage, or have you eaten a lot of Mexican food lately and were just unable to control your mou--bowels? He wanted to talk like a normal human being, and you wanted to talk like some sort of homeless anal parasite. 'SACK OF SHIT! ASSHOLE! HELP ME I'M WILTING WITHOUT A HOME!'

    I particularly liked your post a few threads ago wherein you went off on a certain mudchick for not knowing 'how to not have kids.' And, you know, the really delightful multiple consecutive references to STDs. I don't know about your trailer park, but where I come from it's considered in bad taste to mock a pregnant woman who hasn't done shit all to you.

    To summarize, you are a bad person, or your roleplay one remarkably well on this logpage. It's ironic that you would be so concerned with other peoples' failings when pretty much the only thing you have going for you is that you're nice to the people you like. Go crawl back into the sea of sewage in which you stew, which I affectionately call...

    You(r) big bag of shit.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 April 2008 04:12:57

    Barzel, you sound like Manni, or Fyng. More like Fyng. And Fyng is a big bag of shit.

  • Author
    Barzel [legacy]
    11 April 2008 02:29:10

    There aren't a large enough number of players from Herkimer to put any logs whatsoever on the top 20 unless a bunch of other people randomly rate it high. Unless you appeal to infantile logic along the lines of 'BUT THEY DID IT FIRST!!!!' you do not have the moral high ground if you have conducted yourselves in the way you accuse them of having conducted themselves.

    And you have.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    11 April 2008 02:11:38

    I shouldn't Quinn, and I wasn't going to, but when all alts of Herkimer struck the rating system, I had to strike back.

    See the movie, it's called 'The Girrick-inator Strikes Back'

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 April 2008 00:12:42

    Valacirca splits and Quinn conquers?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:58:49

    I don't. I only have 1 other account and I forgot its password. :( *cries some more*

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:58:08

    I see we rate logs with all our characters now.. sounds fun!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:44:12

    cry some more?

  • Author
    Quinn [legacy]
    10 April 2008 23:36:57

    Girrick You shouldn't rate your own death :)