
Posted by
Girrick [legacy]
12 April 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

...gets backhunted. Thanks to Beornies for their help.


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    14 April 2008 19:02:03

    Or you could just make something that consists of one room, says, and emotes

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    14 April 2008 16:25:44

    Well Manni, get Mute to use the T2T code to open a new mud. We'll call it PaedoMUD and then we'll churn out some doozies.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    14 April 2008 14:40:21

    The logpage needs more 'To Catch a Predator' logs.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    14 April 2008 13:41:12

    cry some more?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    14 April 2008 10:20:31

    Well i would say that Lobo and some others that constantly bash Herks are almost as annoying as Herks. Lobo you know that herks will respond to your stupid posts and that is why you post it, but at the same time you say herks are stupid and annoying. Stop trolling

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    14 April 2008 06:52:23

    'previously-unimagined pinnacles of stupidity'

    that made me laugh out loud IRL.

  • Author
    Reeth [legacy]
    14 April 2008 05:57:07


  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    14 April 2008 03:34:47

    No. Not even in Soviet Russia, Smoky.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    14 April 2008 02:18:42

    In Soviet Russia, Herkimer is cool.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    14 April 2008 02:11:33

    But it's multiplied to previously-unimagined pinnacles of stupidity when everyone's parroting the same crap. 'He who fights with idiots should see to it that in the process he does not become an idiot. And when you gaze long into Herkimer, Herkimer gazes also into you...'

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    14 April 2008 01:45:11

    uh, it got pathetically lame and old days ago. It's not a joke anymore, it's just some immature and idiotic tool being himself :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    14 April 2008 01:31:11

    Well Malorian, after being called an illiterate retard (mostly by me) for so long he's empowering himself by taking the joke to the extreme and playing the part of the most illiterate and retarded person he can. Nice show..now gradually phase it out...

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    14 April 2008 01:23:08


    I'm not reading the comments anymore :(

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    14 April 2008 01:21:31

    A joke is a joke but come on, are they really so bad? Hurb seems to have developed quite a thick skin and a good sense of humour. Perrota and Hellflame still seem a little sensitive though..but come on. That's 3 people out of ..like 10 or something.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    14 April 2008 01:07:56

    Brilliant, Colven!

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    14 April 2008 01:01:46

    Or how about just removing Herkies?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    13 April 2008 23:58:18

    Why not just talk to Nicu about removing ratings all together? What purpose to they serve?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 April 2008 23:09:47

    <herkie> Cry some more? </herkie>

    what shabba said!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    13 April 2008 22:24:17

    Yeah, but they underestimated certain peoples' immaturity

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 April 2008 22:20:23

    This is funny considering how many people used to complain about them. Damned if I do and damned if I don't.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    13 April 2008 22:12:15

    people need rules. And in my experience, most people want rules.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 April 2008 22:08:35


    back to old rules i say, i could live with it even tho i eventually got warned

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    13 April 2008 21:59:42

    I'd say go back to the old rules. Herks are just too fucking stupid. They need to be watched or else they turn into even BIGGER mindless idiots.

    I'm starting a new petition. The government will lock down Herkimer and build a big wall around it, then we can throw all the criminals in there and let them be tortured by excessive stupidity. It'll also stop wasting money on prisons!

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    13 April 2008 21:58:11


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 April 2008 21:22:49

    *lawlz0rz at Girrick for being such a SKR-HU(R)B*

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    13 April 2008 20:37:01


  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    13 April 2008 19:47:12

    What happened to soloing people with SC and no armour or healing?

    Maybe I'm behind the times a little..

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    13 April 2008 19:23:03

    Think the herks care?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    13 April 2008 19:17:03

    I never thought deregulation would have led to this much degradation of general quality of behavior in the comments and ratings.

    I'm asking you folks nicely - You can rate the logs any way you want, but please tone down the auto-1-rating and alt rating crap. If you can't do that, at least stop with the excessive use of the bloody mom jokes.

    Are you gonna get blocked if you go on this way? No. But if it goes on like this, at some point I'm going to say 'Fuck me, I was wrong' and we will go back to old rules, or get ratings removed completely. Do you want that? I know I don't.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    13 April 2008 17:59:30

    your mom wants to see a log

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    13 April 2008 17:01:27

    hahah lobo, i want to see a log!

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    13 April 2008 09:51:55

    lobo's mom just died

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 April 2008 07:59:29

    hurb's mom just died... oh wait, it was him!

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    13 April 2008 07:38:43

    your mom is more effective

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    13 April 2008 03:26:30

    No kidding :P How about going back to killing people at opportune moments and not while they're at perfect shape standing at a signpost! Of course some people just don't go low and you need to take more drastic measures, but really. These days it looks like they're either more interested in making their kill be a good log or just going hunt/stab/pray

    meh, I'm not a PKer but I'd think it would be more effective.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    13 April 2008 02:45:28

    Duncan, get real. I've seen a lvl 14 kill a lvl 20 using only a bree guard cudgel and loot whip from his corpse. You don't need an atomic bomb to kill a player, you just need to type hunt, kill. Plus if you're killing someone and you need to use more than a phial/vov to finish the kill, that's a failure in my books. But whatever floats you guys boats...

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    12 April 2008 23:51:03


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 April 2008 23:48:09

    I mean, Shabba, I have owned enough people who had mappers. With or without a mapper, if you rely on your victims being unable to find themselves, you still have a lot to improve in your PK style. Like, for example, start gathering the keys to all lockups before you PK - it offers some freedom later. I know it takes like 2hrs (doing it lazy) but it's worth it. Then you'd maybe wanna have at least 2 flasks and 2 botas - to be able to use a bota when damage is coming in too fast and a flask when you can afford more time to heal. And when you use healing in 2-3 backhunts, you will still have a full flask and a full bota for the final fight. Next, you will want to have a full suit of fresh equipment for your final PK fight. Did I forget to mention at least 4 handhealings? So you can survive enough 5 man attempts and maybe 1-2 failed backhunts before your final successfull battle. You would, of course need a morimacil or a GRB or a cleaver (or blacky or SS) but that's for an offensive fight. For a defensive fight, you'd need a one handed weapon so you can hold another handhealing - like a fang or a gorynytch. Pasha's war horn, healing rings, darkness - make sure you have all that too. Gala vials used to be good but they made them nearly impossible to get now. You also need to be maxed and rich to afford the EP loss/heal. Secondaries and specials are a must.

    That's half of it.

    Next, you need a working strategy to optimize the resources you have gathered. You need to make sure you will use a lockup your enemy can't escape. If you are attacking, you need to surprise them and make sure they die - if not before they reach a HB, at least after the first HB. You can never be sure to follow someone past 2 HBs. Or you could pretend you are weak, get locked, then do some fighting and then unleash power and headbutts and finish them off before they realize the tables are being turned on them.

    Some people (like Skyman and Murray and unlike me) can play fast and early at boot and catch people when they are at low health. Weapons are fresh, armour is scarce..it works!

    And that's just a small example of what you need to do to not look pathetic. Of course, you have to make sure you don't get killed too.

    What I see from most of you is lame excuses why your plans didn't work. What is even more ridiculous is that most of you PK without the necessary preparation to make their plans work. But still, they are never wrong, it must've been the other guy's mapper.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    12 April 2008 23:12:51

    girrick's mom is making your mom cry

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    12 April 2008 22:27:31

    Hurb's mom is making me cry

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    12 April 2008 21:59:42

    Plz stop, you're making me cry :(

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    12 April 2008 21:27:59

    your mom is useless shabba

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 April 2008 20:45:13

    Oh, so Duncan, you mean to say that lying about having a mapper, saying people who use them are scrubs, and using one at the same time doesn't make you an idiot? Goddamn you're useless Dunc :P

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    12 April 2008 20:27:11

    think lobo's mom cares?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 April 2008 19:58:42

    Think they care?

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    12 April 2008 19:46:45

    Quinn: 'and deaths these days mean nothing.'

    If deaths mean nothing, why are you trying to kill people then and post the logs? If you post them (while deaths still meaning nothing) then maybe you are trying to look good/tough and are proud of the kills....But deaths mean nothing so why would you be proud then?

    Or with your quote: 'deaths mean nothing' you are referring to the little skills/stats/gold/exp loss. But if that is the case why are you even bothering to kill people? They can relevel quickly due to a little loss of exp/skill/stats/gold.

    So I think you kill for the fun and to boast your ego/look good (nothing wrong with it, if that is the case). But IF that is the case then these deaths DO mean something to you. Since your ego/looking good was damaged.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    12 April 2008 19:04:54

    your mom is a noob

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    12 April 2008 18:09:34

    what a noob

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    12 April 2008 16:38:04

    Sorry, lying pisses me off :(

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 April 2008 16:10:03

    Really, people, you are pathetic. Just look at yourselves.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    12 April 2008 14:13:35

    I know you weren't talking to me Shabba. :D And yeah Quinn we locked you im 3 different places, you had the keys though. ?3 commenting on my ps3

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    12 April 2008 13:36:23

    Quinn, you still got owned like a SKR-HUB with a mapper (Quinn's own words that people with mappers are scrubs, and he even said it after he unlost himself in one round from two backhunts of mine).

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    12 April 2008 10:06:33

    There is something wrong in this log and it is that Purist Thunderwrath is dwarf. Should be dunedain. Maybe it is time for someone to create Zeus, dwarf, wizard.


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:39:17

    I made like 10k from durms in less than 10 minutes when they were trying to 5 man me before. Probably attacked me 4-5 different times. I actually didn't make much gold from most of the people, it was only because one person had their fines maxed that I got that much out of it.

    Quinn is just a throwaway char anyways to vent your frustration out on VC cause they're still around and durms got deleted :P Or something like that I'm sure!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:35:41

    That would be assuming their fines were always the same and didn't go up with each attempt.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:31:47

    Stop lying. You'd need like 15 attempts to make 10k from fines.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:29:11

    It doesn't seem like killing people these days is really to hurt them gold-wise, its to make a point. Just because you make gold from it doesn't make the fact that they killed you go away.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:24:38

    Girrick, I wasn't referring to you.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:21:12

    That doesn't make you less of a little pussy. Cry some more? :)

  • Author
    Quinn [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:08:54

    Before this happened, I kept fighting girrick he locked me with alcavant/beyaz in the same like atleast 4 times i unlocked. reported alcavant/beyaz. went back he locked they all kept attacking. So i made over 10k in the courthouse and deaths these days mean nothing. Good fight all around.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:07:16

    I don't have one :(

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:05:58

    No mapper huh? Amearn always claimed his client wasn't a mapper but whatever, it served the same purpose and got him unlost from where ever. Lots of people use that shit these days. I guess I don't see why you guys have to lie about having one.

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    12 April 2008 05:03:38

    a little bit of over kill but what gets the job done...