A Day err an hour in the life of a herkie...

Posted by
Hurb [legacy]
15 April 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Nameless, smoky, thorn, micahdo, Angrald attempted,fes


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 April 2008 01:11:12

    That made me think, wouldn't it be great if they actually coded a restraining order thing that kept track of both players positions? And if you got within 50 rooms of the person or something you'd get thrown into jail. Of course it'd probably always be used in the wrong situations but it'd still be hilarious to watch. Then player B who filed the restraining order against player A can chase him around the map and try to get within 50 rooms of him. Yeah... studying for finals can drive you insane.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 April 2008 00:11:49

    Yeah Shabba, and then when you do take it to the MUD he'll whine to Tulkas and you'll get a restraining order slapped on you.

    Anyone that treats Quiauh with anything but contempt is an asshole in my books.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 April 2008 23:50:56

    Please Muaddib is no Herk.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 April 2008 15:05:54

    Oh don't get me wrong... Quiauh is definitely bonkers. His weird vendettas with people are bizarre and I'm not sure where they start. I've always been decent to him and he's always been decent to me, so my experience with him has been pretty normal.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    16 April 2008 03:55:56

    Yeah...that was...odd? :p

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 April 2008 03:50:00

    and Swedish. And wears pink spandex

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 April 2008 03:49:03

    But the next time Quiauh is on he's gonna bitch about how we flame him on here and can't take it to the mud :( Oh and also how I hide behind my 'alt' Shabba. You know, the alt which was the third character I ever made and the first one I got past level 9 and to 21. By far my oldest too, I'd probably be at 80d right now or something if I never suicided.

    It's also funny he was telling the people on the comm how I harassed my friends to kudo me so I could beat him on top RP. When I wasn't on of course *cough hypocrite?*. First off, I was up there on the kudo list before I even heard of him or he was on the list. Second, I don't give a shit about him, I just laugh at him. Lastly, if I wanted to beat anyone on that list it would be either Carver because he's on the very top, Rami cause he has a camel, or Alkath cause.. he's Alkath.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    16 April 2008 03:37:34

    hahaha I agree with Hirgail :P

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:42:26


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:28:34

    Manni, are you drunk? Quiauh is the biggest nutjob playing right now:P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:16:35

    Quiauh's a cool guy. I haven't talked to him since I got nuked, though.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:15:56

    All I know is Muaddib belongs in Herkimer! He seems to love those kids a bit too much

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:15:47

    He might, but it's not the same map that Mute sent to Quinn if he has one. It's a royal pain in the ass to edit the room number out of those settings and it's not consistent with the way this log is edited... Like all those 'kill' and 'headbutts' wouldn't be there because it's easier to delete the whole string of them at once than edit the room number out of each of them.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:15:05

    btw, i'd like to know from Muaddib what did he just notice that was so special that made him change his rate from 3 to 5...

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:14:11

    and hey, why you didn't think of Quiauh?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:13:43

    'Plus, he'd be able to do the most with it of about anyone I can think of.'

    That's because he has no school, no job, no life.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:12:26

    Since it's Mute and Altar's map... I convinced them to give it to Quinn because as a typist, he's stuck up for us, invested a ton of time and effort with a lot of loyalty, and he had probably done the most for us of anyone who didn't have the map. Plus, he'd be able to do the most with it of about anyone I can think of. Of course, we were coupling all this with the fact that we didn't really care anymore.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:12:09

    hurb does have a mapper

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    16 April 2008 01:01:59

    Well after reading the log, Hurb doesn't have the mapper... Quinn having it without being the party leader renders it pretty worthless... No harm. That's what I get for taking a Smoky comment at face value without verifying it :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 April 2008 00:59:53

    Manni, were they given maps to harass random VC's/other moral guilds that aren't interested in PvP? :P Really, what was the reason?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 April 2008 23:32:34

    well yeah, you should've known better than to give the mappers to herks :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 April 2008 23:19:53

    Rotfl :( Poor ex durms. I actually like some of them now that they aren't part of a cess pool.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 April 2008 23:13:28

    Well Manni, what you reap is what you sow... i always said accepting herkies would turn out bad, first they helped to get durms deleted and now they kill they ex-guildmates :(

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 April 2008 23:02:39


  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    15 April 2008 22:46:39

    You guys should turn off your maps when you kill ex-Durms, at least. :P That's not why you were given them.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    15 April 2008 21:06:33


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 April 2008 21:00:17

    no solos, no breaks triggered... blind guy broke you, 2 idlekills and worst of all: you worked with another herkie... pure 1!

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    15 April 2008 20:25:40

    I dont see the big deal with mappers, and really...i think those who use a mapper would gain more knowledge about the game by not using one. For example, Quinns mapper doesnt appear to help him trigger breaks which is really one of the most important skills an assassin can learn.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 April 2008 20:06:31

    Uh, just read the log Girrick posted where Quinn and Hurb died. Look how Quinn unlosted himself there. It's nothing to argue about anymore, he has a mapper, and he lies about it *shrug*. Got a good education in Durmanhoth! :P

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 19:49:46

    quinn yelled to me how many east

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    15 April 2008 19:42:13

    Who cares? Get a map! You pretty much have to.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 19:22:50

    He was dumped in one of the many mirkwood rooms.

    There is no way he could then type the remaining dirs, magically not overshooting etc, and arrive 2 seconds after my alias.

    Typing it alone would take at least 5 seconds, unless he just clicked on mordor gate on his mapper.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    15 April 2008 19:18:28

    South Rhovanion is one of the handful of places where it is possible (and very easy) to get unlost and move to whereever you want in a few seconds.. though that doesn't mean they're not mapping.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    15 April 2008 18:58:53

    talk about durms ever being a guild. can you imagine x-VCs killing x-VCs?

    in numbers?


  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 18:49:17

    Speaking of which, I know the herkies map.

    Because they were hunting our party from rhos-mordor as a joke, and Hurb got left behind, and still showed up at mordor gate about 2 seconds after everbody else.

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    15 April 2008 17:23:57

    Hurb, this log is soo not true! In the day of a herkie (especially when it's YOUR day) i'm half of the time there!

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    15 April 2008 16:49:25

    What Alkath said.. I dont understand why you posted this log.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 April 2008 16:19:17

    Well it's Angrald's fault Fes died, for sure. When you invite someone to your party, they are YOUR responsibility. I was just saying that Angrald isn't trying to get special treatment just because he is blind, and that Quinn and Hurb managed to fail killing a blind guy. I was impressed he survived, but yeah he needs to work on keeping his party members alive.

    But.. I don't hate anyone, closest I've been to hating since I returned to the game, would probably be Daywalker. But nothing ever got any furthern than just a dislike for said people. About Hurb and Quinn, I dislike the fact that they force their gameplay on people that don't want it. If they at least focused their attacks on people that enjoys that part of the game. I don't think Quinn is a bad player, but I just don't think this log is any good example of his skills. He is a very good PvP-er, and he knows how to get good gear, but he is also totally clueless about some areas and one of the worst party leaders in terms of keeping the party members alive. Also he doesn't seem to trust his skills as he has turned to a mapper *shrug*.

    Again, about this log - nothing impressive at all. A bunch of idle people and newbies (at least at Mordor) that got killed, not really a 'WOW' to me...

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    15 April 2008 15:45:16

    Alkath i usely always think your comments are spot on and usely not to influensed with your side of the game. But now it seems your blind aswell. I have seen you condem people that are party leaders before leaving there partymembers hanging just to save themself, and i actually thought i would see that again, but apparently your hate for hurb and quin is to strong. I don't like them and i will prolly never do. But atleast i don't take sides. I guess that i why i was kicked from bkd, because i always say what i think, including calling Azer a fucking moron. So if my enemies do something good i wont try and turn and twist it, i will gratulate them. And if my friends do something stupid i wont try and twist it, i will call them idiots. Shrug i guess im the only one. But one thing i have noticed tho. Herks complaining that people judge them and are biased, well they are the same way, so they shouldnt have any room to whine about it.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    15 April 2008 15:13:14

    Haha, Shabba's leet reader was great.

    Hurb, remember the people that helped you. :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 April 2008 12:50:38

    He isn't playing any blind card asking people not to attack him, I am just saying they failed killing a blind guy :P Nameless was also in perfect shape when he got idlekilled, much like when Quinn tried to idlekill me yesterday, but failed :P

    I will always remember Gizmalin's attempt to idlekill me as the most pathetic ever.. I lost connection and was away for TWELVE minutes, Girrick's shielding saved me.. but still, one would think that when you have twelve minutes to kill a guy, and for the last 3minutes you have another maxed warrior helping you (Tarquin), you would succeed :P

  • Author
    Nameless [legacy]
    15 April 2008 11:56:30

    I was far away from mordor. I mostly play mud while playing some other game or watching some movie. I'm attacking them with wimpy, and then drunk healing. I was watching 3:10 to yuma if you really want to know.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 11:45:38

    I went idle for 15 seconds, usually thats ok, enemies or no enemies.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    15 April 2008 11:42:11

    Don't get the low rating. Sure it wasnt a great log. But the other exuses here are ridicoulus. Does it matter that he is blind? He choosen to play here and then he will play with the same rules as us. And if he enteres mordor he sure as hell cannot use the blind card. Plus Smoky, you where the leader, sure everyone could see the 2 others had no idea, but you went idle in mordor when doing a semi hard quest with 2 mordor noobs and hurb on and also when he had killed someone a coupel of mins earlier in mordor. And for Nameless what the heck, a C and in mordor going that low and then not doing shit to survive. And second that last thing, as i see it the blind dude was leading some other dude in Mordor and then when he got attacked he ran straight to well and left his party member hanging? What the F is that? Lead him to well, tell your party member to leave first and make sure he is safe.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:31:56

    And then I had a full bota, sflask and metal flask. :(

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:31:52

    Well you were their party leader, your fault i guess

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:31:21

    So yeah, the extra 3-4 seconds not being afk would have given me time to drop the wedge and block.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:27:42

    Yeah, so, I was talking to my mom, lol.

    Came back to comp with 38hp, hit bota (that was about all i had time for, except 2n to get to the party), forgot hands were full, boom, dead.

    Micahdo and Thorn don't know mordor, so, that was jerkish of you.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:22:40

    Actually it was after 8 seconds. If she hadn't been idle there she could've pulled out healing *shrug*.

    And about Angrald... everybody needs to give this guy a break, and Mongwen too for that matter. If they say they are blind - they are. How are you to judge if they can see or not? I talked to Angrald in Swedish (he's a dane), and after a few tells he asked me to take it back to English, since his text-reader reads the text for him in English, so my Swedish words, spoken in the way English is spoken, sounded pretty weird and was hard to comprehend. And about begging for help, he is much better now, the only times he asked me for help the last few months was once on Ulkhalad (understandable, that guy is a bitch) and once on BD (perhaps not a good place for a blind guy to explore alone).

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:13:05

    hmm idle at a quest hmm idle in mordor? he moved 5 seconds after we attacked angrald isn't blind next?

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    15 April 2008 10:07:02

    Nameless was idle, Smoky was idle, the other three were clueless about Mordor, and Angrald, the blind guy, broke you. Good read :P

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    15 April 2008 09:53:00

    Can anyone truly be that bad at spelling, or is it all some elaborate scheme?

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 09:35:05

    lol i must be importante

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 April 2008 08:53:43

    I can spare a couple of minutes. Nameless, jesus dude. I didn't even make it past a few lines and only skipped down to see whether or not Angrald was the attacker or victim.

    It's also funny cause herks don't do a good job at all of 'acting' immature/stupid

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    15 April 2008 08:46:01

    Thorn drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven mining pack.

    Thorn gets a piece of jerky into a dwarven mining pack.

    Thorn drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven mining pack.

    Thorn gets a piece of jerky into a dwarven mining pack.

    Thorn drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven mining pack.

    Thorn gets a piece of jerky into a dwarven mining pack.

    ... ouch. :( No eaty eaty when fighty fighty!

  • Author
    Nameless [legacy]
    15 April 2008 08:35:39

    I just looked at everything what hurb typed:

    34 shapes

    113 attacks

    12 looks

    2 comms

    2 wields (1 draw)

    1 remove and store

    1 merciful off

    9 fireballs

    2 triggers (one not edited thou)!!!

    2 typoes

    1 eat jerky

    4 headbutts

    183 commands made

    that's like everything what he typed, i think...

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 07:23:12

    and he isn't blind

    cry some more?

    like i care?


  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 07:22:38

    Lol shabba you just waited a lot of time in your life right there

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 April 2008 07:14:35

    Oh, and learn English damn it. I thought the blind kid was starting his career as an assassin. Angrald attempted -> attempted Angrald. Noob.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 April 2008 07:12:53

    And you suck.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 April 2008 07:12:39

    No, this is what the life of a herk looks like:

    T3h (0RR1|)0R oF teH t0//er(sTares n' n)

    Quinn teh 30rl1ng DeAtHmaster (|-|@|\||) 0F Er|_|)

    Nameless bAsturd t3h Dorf |3|_|RG|_ARR (M0rAl)

    An 0rc s|\|1fF3r [too]

    A 3mpTy k3g

    An 0r( soL|)13R

  • Author
    Hurb [legacy]
    15 April 2008 07:09:55

    Yeah i own