Posted by
Smoky [legacy]
17 April 2008 00:00:00

Haven't seen MELS auctioned in a long time. No color, because my converter goes to .rtf only.


  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    24 April 2008 22:25:20

    Here's some tips Smoky if Vermond deems them suitable.

    1st off client triggers take time, it's because the info has to be sent from the server to your computer and your computer sends a response. I suggest trying to hunt/be partied with someone and trigger off something they do/some scenery when they're in midalias. I used to get a 6 room delay before my response was sent. What it means in a nutshell is anyone using a do command to pickup/wield will wield it before you've even attempted to steal it.

    The syntax for the trigger:

    (.*) picks up an item from auction - is correct on mushclient, did you manually type the steal sword from imrath or was it just delay due to lag etc? if you did manually type it then test your trigger. Saying

    'Osse picks up an item from auction.' should get a response. Alternatively do you have any other triggers set for the same '(.*) picks up an item from auction' syntax? If you do you need to check the keep evaluating box on both otherwise mush will do whatever the 1st trigger says and stop looking once it's found the 1st match.

    You probably already know but your mud trigger is the only real way you can get an instant reaction to something, it can however only be triggered once in a certain time frame so use it wisely. Look into people emoting (precision is key here) and how to possibly get around it.

    There is a nice way of finding out who won the auction at the same time they do, it's simple and you should know how by now.

    All in all if the best thief tried to steal from someone who knew all the tricks to make it as difficult as possible for him it'd come down to lucky finds and some good guess work. A second or two's hesitation from the buyer though dramatically swings the odds in the thiefs favour. The really sensible buyers though just don't use the AH for anything worth stealing

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 April 2008 05:51:48

    I always hide behind alts too! Usually though, they are older than pounder.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    23 April 2008 04:07:28

    Who the fuck does Roku the noobler think he is, trying to school someone like Pounder? The only thing you've ever done is make alts to hide on during the FRA/MEG war.

  • Author
    Spencer [legacy]
    23 April 2008 03:39:08

    I agree with Pounder

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    19 April 2008 06:20:17

    The state says as long as I never get more than 90 days behind I can stay out of jail. Deal with it, Manni.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 April 2008 02:09:27

    Your teacher helped bring some horrible shit into arda! Tell him thanks!

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    19 April 2008 01:42:38

    Fuck your teacher.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 April 2008 20:28:45

    he's still responsible indirectly

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 April 2008 19:16:33

    Nor would I ever say I was a saint either.

  • Author
    Hoshkebosh [legacy]
    18 April 2008 16:01:48

    I agree with Adoni on that. The Herkies you refer to never had the teacher that brought the town to the MUD, he left halfway through my senior year for an administrative position at another school.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    18 April 2008 15:02:45

    Draugluin... You never write, you never call... I want my child support.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    18 April 2008 14:36:30

    I would never say Pounder is a saint... Old as dirt yes, but not a saint...

    And you forgot a class:

    #4 People who sit in their guildhall/innroom/courthouse and talk shit on the comm all day


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 April 2008 07:02:10

    Pounder's skill is completely irrelevant to his comment, but of course you had to go on with meaningless flaming.. Honestly, what's up with all the 'you suck you never had any skill' comments? Anyone who would really care about those would be the ones that fall into Pounder's class 3. Sometimes sure, the people actually really do suck horribly, but often its directed at the retired players or players who mostly just idle. Would those players really care what anyone else though of them at that point? Probably not, and I'd hope not.

    The fact that he never ran around ruining the MUD for others places him above most people that play this game right now.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 April 2008 06:15:34

    Ah... Delvar = 3. Nice man. Pretty obvious of course but I figured I needed to state the obvious.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    18 April 2008 06:05:16

    And which class do you fall into Pounder? The, I was never really that good and now I'm just totally washed up class?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 April 2008 05:56:03

    Oh and Hi Draugluin.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 April 2008 05:55:39

    That guy rocked Trempk and you know that. And what I am saying is, its both. But such losers would have gotten bored because they don't have the ability to really get better on their own and would have moved onto another game. Others would have seperated out alot more and learned under different types of leaders/teachers.

    Generally speaking the three more common types of players on the towers are:

    1. The ones that use/d it as an escape from stupid and boring people/work IRL and to figure out new puzzles. They almost always play within the system. (This was the most common type of players before ER's played)

    2. The ones that use it to play around in a way that usually is not that possible IRL. They like to set up complex systems and groups such as thieves guild was originally or koz now. They also almost always play within the system although not quite as much as group 1.

    3. Ones that play it to boost their weak IRL ego because this is the only way they can possibly actually pick on and be assholes because in RL they are owned by almost everyone. Generally this type of player doesn't care about rules aside from trying to avoid nukes, doesn't show respect to anyone and logs on just to be an asshole. Pre-ER, these types of players got owned hard if too many of them banded together, they often stick together and move from guild to guild because noone really likes them eventually. Post-ER, there weren't nearly as many players left that could school their still newbie asses because most left when ER's took away their place to escape to.

    Its a little bit slanted, but its pretty close to dead on. :)

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    18 April 2008 05:55:18

    bah, Mr. Turner was one of the best teachers I had. and the people you call 'herkies' never had him as a teacher.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    18 April 2008 05:07:03

    Hi Manni.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 April 2008 03:58:33

    and stops being a transvestite?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    18 April 2008 02:52:39

    Lol, Pounder, are you saying that Herkimers are dumb because, in the words of Mr. Miyagi, 'No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do.'

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    18 April 2008 02:50:32

    I feel as though Smoky might one day become a decent player if she forgets everyone she's met and everything they've told her, and ages a bit IRL. But that's not going to happen (at least, not the first part).

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 April 2008 00:31:34

    the earlier aka herkies

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    18 April 2008 00:24:16

    *hugs Pounder*

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    17 April 2008 23:12:17

    See, this is where we get our current problem on the mud. People like Manni tell people to do X, Y then Z, download this client, add in this setting blah blah. So we get a bunch of completely stupid fucks playing who would have given up and gone on to another game that takes much less intelligence etc instead of a relatively smart player base that goes around tries things and figures out things. The earlier will have massively lower odds about giving a shit about RP or how tolkien's work factors into the game, the later will have a signicantly better chance of caring and will often be players that read the books, watch the movies, give newbies hints but let them learn to play the game as well, and respect arda in the way it was created.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 April 2008 22:52:59

    Well, it basically told them how to do it, and like I said it's not even that hard to figure out. People need to learn to go and do things for themselves once in a while.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    17 April 2008 22:46:09

    In Soviet Russia, rules interpret you!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    17 April 2008 22:30:50

    Haha, that wasn't illegal in the least... according to any reasonable interpretation of the rules.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    17 April 2008 21:38:10

    Ok, third comment removed.

    In my opinion, telling them how to do it in any way is not ok, since our excuse for keeping QI banned even after it is allowed on t2t is that we want people to learn for themselves. Of course, it is not clearly written on the rules, so no warnings.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    17 April 2008 20:49:10

    I know how to do it normally, manni.

    I had missed the tell from alexa saying it was auctioned, only knew it was there after Aledukine asked me if I was going to steal it, and I wasn't going to bid on it when it was at 12k.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 April 2008 20:45:24

    heh, not like it isn't hard to figure out. Well, I suppose for some people it is.. but then they don't deserve to know how to do it.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 April 2008 20:10:19

    that's not on the rules, vermond!

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    17 April 2008 19:59:18

    gotta think she had wimpy on when she tried to wield it...

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    17 April 2008 17:40:14

    Quick lesson on stealing:

    Trigger Umpty Squat todo dance

    Gratz on your new loot

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    17 April 2008 16:58:15

    FDL @ Vermond

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    17 April 2008 15:05:25

    Hi. I've had to remove two comments so far. Please stop teaching people how to steal.

  • Author
    Scythain [legacy]
    17 April 2008 11:39:23

    So how do we even know you're telling the truth?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    17 April 2008 11:37:52

    Actually, there's a better way to do it all, but I'm not going to say.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    17 April 2008 11:16:31

    I don't usually use a client trigger, but it has worked for me in the past. I'm still wondering why it glitched.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    17 April 2008 10:36:13

    Because I didn't know who had won it?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 April 2008 10:18:28

    more like why would you use a client trigger and not a mud trigger

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    17 April 2008 10:16:40

    So it was a mush trigger.

    (.*) picks up an item from auction

    steal magnificent engraved longsword from %1

    Regular expression, and send to: World (Immediate).

    Wtf did I do wrong?

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    17 April 2008 10:12:06

    Holy cow you couldn't even trigger to steal from auction :(

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    17 April 2008 10:09:40

    Gotta love the flamer :) Not for 3k but still :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 April 2008 09:53:41

    #56 Perrota 3100 - a magnificent longsword FRESH


  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    17 April 2008 09:33:36

    Why do noobs have that much gold :(