
Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
16 June 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Warning CoU involved. Do not attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery or motor vehicles after reading!


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 June 2008 19:24:56

    let's reach 123

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    22 June 2008 21:53:15

    Leave my damn goat out of this!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    20 June 2008 23:59:17

    wait, people actually respond to Carver via in character chat?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 June 2008 21:45:45

    Thank you, Pounder. The rest of u r jeeealous because ima better playa and keel u all!!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    20 June 2008 21:16:11

    Creepy, naw, useful definitely. I appreciate such information Lobo. :)

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    20 June 2008 14:09:50

    Damn you for posting before I can edit out the errors in my non-sensical post, Hirgail.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 June 2008 14:02:03

    I know's not funny anymore. It's a creepy obsession.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    20 June 2008 13:59:20

    He did it to Quiauh too! He even thought started taking pictures!

    *sarcasm* *joke* *etc.*

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    20 June 2008 13:42:55

    Seriously, i never been a fan of most herks but Lobo you are coming out like a freaking physco herk stalker or something.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 June 2008 13:02:57

    Cruice already has a new char btw, it's Shadak, and he's already NOT separating it :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    20 June 2008 08:00:00

    Miroth, you had me in your mind when saying that, didn't you? You bastard.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    20 June 2008 06:31:25

    Oh my, more nukes and stuff. Well this thread is funny though. People care too much about how other people act and play the game... Take a quick look at yourself first and try not to be so serious about yourself all the time... Bla bla. *smile*

    Have fun irl Cruice and whoever else got bombed.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    20 June 2008 04:29:06

    Miroth, I resent that you mother fucker, I have never seriously used the phrase IC more than 10 times (all when I had to talk to carver). Take it back you bastard! Oh wait, I did get nuked though, nevermind.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    20 June 2008 02:04:37

    nuking rarely, if ever, results in someone leaving. i've been nuked plenty. i keep coming back, unfortunately. warrax, vallejo, as well as many of the older players have been nuked and still played long after. if you're an older player and you've never been nuked, it's because all you do is camp in your GH and spit out IC bullshit :P *cough* damn valacirca.

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 23:50:53

    Please no more nuking, at the end of 2008, there will not be a single player to nuke

    I like this game, but it would be boring to play totally alone in this big world.


  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    19 June 2008 23:28:43

    This got boring already. Can we get some new nukes please?

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 23:16:25

    Than stop writing that i'm not making myself look any better, sounds like you say i'm trying to do so

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 June 2008 22:07:19

    no one said you were

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 22:03:23

    I am not trying to make myself look any better.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 June 2008 17:41:06

    nodnod, Ravathir dealt the most damage while asking for quiauh to leave.

    You're not making yourself look any better, Galadin. I'd just drop it if I were you. [2]

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 June 2008 15:33:35

    First of all, lol @ the all knowing Rhakyrh.

    Second, Ravathir didn't look like such a smart player in that arena log.

    Third, Myrddin's IQ test must have broke when he let Quiauh in.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 14:10:49

    *whips it out and crashes the table*


  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    19 June 2008 13:57:02

    You're not making yourself look any better, Galadin. I'd just drop it if I were you.

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 13:49:06

    How the hell can you tell me i am a retard?

    You don't even know me, you just judge me to be a retard on a few posts.


  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 13:48:08

    Yes, you have better things to do, sit here at 4 AM in the morning.

    And shabba, stop to judge people after 4/5 logs, just because they don't think the same as you.

    And, i am only here to see what new posts you have writin, so i can snwer you and your lame posts

    Hmmm, i can't find my post where i wrote that lobo's post was a waste of my time, or anybody elses time.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 08:29:44

    My apps process has a built in herk filter. We conduct an IQ test, minimum IQ = 100; well above the herk mark.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 June 2008 07:44:40

    Galadin, you're a fucking retard. You obviously don't have anything better to do since you're on the logpage.

    Me? I have better things to do when I'm on the logpage, but I most likely don't feel like doing them if I'm on here. For example, right after work while eating dinner or something (like right now), 4am in the morning when I can't sleep, or maybe 30 min before work when it's pretty pointless to start doing anything else.

    It wasn't an insult saying you have nothing better to do when you're on here, idiot. Lobo posting a long post is not wasting your time or anyone elses, it's wasting his if anything. It only wasted your time because you bothered to write a comment about it.

    Galadin has officially been declared a herk. He probably just asked what one was just to try and throw us off the trail :(

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 June 2008 06:03:00

    and it was followed by a log of pounder trying to use a escape goat (ratty) :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    19 June 2008 04:16:00

    It was the best thing Nildnab ever did Pounder.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 June 2008 03:34:52

    Its hard to explain Galadin, people have used the word scapegoat to describe someone everyone wants to blame, and during a discussion, someone mispelled it as escapegoat, and everyone in that thread practically died.

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 03:29:07

    I still don't understand the thing with goats.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 03:24:32

    The confusion Miroth was with what boot this took place in. The boot before was when Quinn had killed Lamir for Blacky and Dhelm and then Cruice was using the blacky all boot.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 June 2008 02:51:31

    Guys, seriously, you don't think the powers have item/gold logging on most everything? That and snooplogging? I am pretty sure they can determine via facts much better than a player can.

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    19 June 2008 01:40:42

    yeah, i do believe him miroth.

    Pounder, what goats?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    19 June 2008 01:26:20

    cruice was questing blackie. we did finds on him at the time and saw him up there but had no hunters available. he got it himself. hate defending the douchebag, but he's not lying about that.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 June 2008 00:38:04

    Hahhaaha, interfearing, lol, first escape goats and now this shit. Lol:(

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:57:35

    Or at least, almost every log.

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 23:56:49

    heheh, thanks, i now should know what herks <re.

    Lobo, i didn't read the rap in the end, and i'm not going to read all that stuff again, sorry dude.


    You submitted:

    0 logs.


    0 ratings.

    I wonder how much you submitted.

    As i can read, each and every log that is posted have some sorte of Shabba interfearing.

    So don't come here and tell me that i have nothing better to do.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 June 2008 21:32:02

    Galadin, don't read it all, just read the rap in the end of it :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 June 2008 21:20:14

    I think we should call them Dirka Dirka Herkas.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    18 June 2008 18:56:31

    The funny thing is that, for awhile, there was some controversy over whether 'jerkimer' or 'herkimoron' was a more applicable title. In the end, people ended up just calling them herks. They were so annoying, and so immature, and hated by so many people, that they became their own epithet. A few people became known as the 'good herks', not because they're particularly friendly or benevolent or wonderful, but to differentiate them from the scumbags.

    Note: I'm fairly neutral on this topic. This is unbiased observation. If you talk to the people who really hate them, you'll get some CHOICE words.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:33:16

    Herkimer is apparently a place in newyork or something and a coupel of mudders with hell of alot of alts come from that area, and therefor alot of people start calling them herks.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:29:27

    Lobo's post was great. And you obviously don't have better things to do since you're both mudding and frequenting the log page..

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:18:11

    And maybe this is a noob question.

    But, what the fuck is a herk?

    I've now seen it in the last 50 logs i've read.

    Herkies, herks, herk group, herk herk herk my ass!!!!!!

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 13:15:53

    ahhh, than i've mixed something up myrddin.

    Sorry cruice.

    And lobo man, stop writing these long posts, we don't read them, or at least, i don't when they're that long, have something else to do than reading a post that is about something that happend on a mudgame.

    Especially when it is something like this.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    18 June 2008 12:14:16

    For one, too much bullshit to read, 2nd, Lobo.. who the fuck are you anyhow.. shut the fuck up and stop your bitching. Anyone else that made atleast a valid point instead of the 'i dont like you, you killed me with your alts' shut the fuck up also.

    I await you to bitch back ad insult my bad grammer or make a mom joke.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 11:06:47

    Kozlodoev your comment was way too on the ball and intelligent to count as flaming. LTP ffs :P

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    18 June 2008 08:49:44

    Fuck you all, I try to be like all the cool kids and flame on the logpage and just get shrugged off. Assholes.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:22:24

    oh so you didn't cheat? you got nuked anyways :P

    that's rule n. 2 about herkies, myrddin: always assume they're lying.

    n. 1 is: until further proof, herkies are dumb.

    and n. 3 is: if herkies brag about anything, cheating is involved.

  • Author
    Quinn [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:19:43

    Actually I gave blacky to cruice which he stored with quickblades and I sold Dhelm to TH which ravathir was not in TH at the time. So myrddin you have all your shit messed up.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:12:53

    RE Galadin: I think Cruice is saying that this occured in a different boot to the one that Quinn killed Lamir, got Black Sword and DHelm, stored one of each of them with one of each of his alts' guilds, and shittalked at Lamir about how he should be removed from the guild for losing uniques (which shows his maturity - after all the shit he used to cop for losing like 5 uniques/boot, all he can do is moronically emulate the abuse rather than show some empathy. Most people start to develop empathy at something the age of 8-12, so if he can't even demonstrate it in the simplest circumstance; when he actually HAS been in the other person's shoes; it's pretty clear that's the age Quinn's at mentally)

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:05:34

    I met a SKR-HUB once.....

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 June 2008 06:02:45

    since quiauh trained 'em to be teh best, yezzz

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    18 June 2008 05:57:50

    Since I know you're not actually serious and you're just in this for a laugh, there's no need to dignify you with a valid response as well. I'll respond in turn with humour: Killing NiA makes u gud rite? lolol

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 June 2008 05:54:27

    Ok ok, we all know you're saying that just because he isn't mature enough to take the truth about his skills :P hahahaha

    and due to comm demands, a glossary:

    to herk-brag: v. brag the way only herkies can. E.g.: 'cry some more? lol u suck SKR-HUB'

  • Author
    Quinn [legacy]
    18 June 2008 05:53:11

    Lobo your rap sucked and most of it didn't rhyme at all.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    18 June 2008 05:46:57

    All I can say is that your rap made me laugh. Pretty clever :) Beyond that, regardless of your individual history with Ravathir, he is without a doubt a better assassin than you ever have been on any of your characters. You're totally right about people flying under the radar if they don't PK though. Where you're wrong is that whatever Ravathir did with his characters never bordered on abuse. Sorry, that's simply incorrect :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 June 2008 05:37:03


    Ok, I didn't read all the comments, but i'll add my two cents...

    First, I'll quote Orcoron:

    'Gizmalin only cares about artificially inflating his sense of self-worth by trying to be a good (feared?) player killer on a computer game. There are plenty of people who have fun pking but most don't put the kind of time or effort into it that he does.

    You can see how it developed. When he was a newbie he did a few things that got him some attention. All of it was bad attention but when you're lonely and starved of attention, any will do. So he gets a reaction doing it, and that fulfills a need in him.

    It's very unhealthy, hopefully he'll realise how hollow it all is soon. There's no real point in criticizing him. He'll just assume you're jealous or mad at him because he's pked you at some point. He likely won't understand that it's the way he goes about things and acts that grates against people.'

    After that, i'll quote myself:

    'The problem with Herkies (most of them, there are exceptions of course) is that they aren't Tolkien fans, they met this game because a stupid mud-addicted teacher thought it would be a good way to study tolkien or whatever. How many herkies rp? Ask a herkie what was numenor, or where is Gabilgathol, or what was made of the nauglamir after Thingol died. They never read it. To pass the exams they only needed to create a full clan or whatever... The game is by fans, for fans, for fun! But Herkies' fun relies on ganging up and attempting to ruin others game experience, like in this log, where a group of old mud friends try to do something exciting and they noobly attempt to 2man a four man party.'


    Now to the facts:

    They are immature, thus making easy targets for 'emselves. Gizmalin is by far the most immature, always taking this game seriously and insulting people out of blue. I remember when he was killing newbies as hellflame in the past, and insulting people who managed to break him (calling 'em pussies). He is, for what i've noticed the less smart (i even heard he failed the 9th grade), followed closely by cruice. Many say Hurb is the dumbest but that's not true, he's the silliest, and there is a difference. If i had to choose a herkie to stay in the game, that'd be hurb, he does have some sense of humour at least, not the best, but it's still something.

    About the part that 'herkies are better then us all, we're scrubs, and that's why we hate 'em, because they kill us, fart, and talk shit about that'... Dude, since i came back, this happened:

    Gizmalin attempted my only alt. I live.

    Khaos attempts Lobo. I live.

    Khaos attempts Lobo again. I live

    Khaos attempts my alt. I live

    My alt kills Khaos. I live :P

    My alt kills Khaos again. I live.

    Grakas attacks Lobo. I live

    Ravathir locks my alt in tenzek. I live

    Quinn hunts my alt oftenly, never attacks. I live :P

    Grakas attacks my alt. I live

    Ravathir loots a leather helmet from Lobo. I live

    Why the hell would I envy this guy? He plainly sucks, even using tons of chars to kill me. And yet he talks a lot of shit to me.


    Ok you say: everyone hangs with alts' friends on another char every now and then... well it might happen, but gizmalin did it in a so abusive way, always for his harass-pk, and what's even worse, herk-bragging about it. This was surely the reason why the got nuked. Don't come saying 'he got nuked for things everyone does', no way, or Zandramas would have been nuked long ago, for she hangs with the same friends with most of her chars... why isn't she nuked? she isn't abusing it to ruin people's game, not to harass-pk, and neither she's herk-bragging about it.

    I've never reported cruice for doing the same tho, but he surely was omissive, taking part if his friend's cheating by partying with quinn, khaos, gizmalin, grakas and ravathir to PK.

    Rhakyrh is right, he couldn't teach maturity to those guys, or maybe they couldn't learn.


    Now, since Delkin got durmanhothed, and hence the rap-contest was canceled, my rap remained hidden. Now i feel it's the perfect time to publicize it...

    Note that I don't like rap at all and english is my 2nd language.

    I'm a herkie and i pk ur ass

    I leave ur corpse dead on the grass

    I hang with the big boyz and brag about theyr score

    But when i am alone i just hide in the corner.

    (Think I care?)

    If they do something cool, i'll do it too

    And just like me, i know at least two

    and if i do what they do, then it's 'WOO'

    i don't want job, i don't want school

    I just want to mudmudmud and ain't ashamed of it

    I know i lack wit and i've never seen a tit

    (Think I care?)

    Mud and shittalk that's my reality

    I do this cause i don't have personality

    I don't have brains, I just fit in the system

    Be a herk is my fate

    Be a jerk is my problem!

    Now excuse me cuz i got a headache

    and ima gonna take a 'brake'

    And now i go, this place started to stink

    Oh damn, that's because i tried to think!

    lol your a scrub!


  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    18 June 2008 02:11:01

    No I am not nor was ever Aquilon. He was one of my friends and didn't know my alts.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    18 June 2008 01:46:15

    You were Aquilon? But that guy sucked!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    18 June 2008 01:45:14

    But I won't play those alts, because they will be nuked when I get on. So I figure I may as well quit while I am not wanted.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    18 June 2008 01:44:40

    Also, the nuke reason has to be correct right? I mean he must of missed 2 of my alts in the nuke process, because I am so horrible at separating my characters. I mean there were still people that don't know that I was someone else. Example: Aquilon.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    18 June 2008 01:37:43

    It is good to see that at least some people care. I still feel that my nuke was unjust, but there is nothing I can do. For all those people who are bitter towards me and felt that they have been wronged on a personal level by me, I am truely sorry. If I really had broken the rules somehow, by not playing my alts yet still not seperating characters, then it was the adminstrations fault for not telling me my wrongs. I had no knowledge of these broken rules, if they are true, and wasn't warned or mailed or contacted in any way about them. So ultimately I figured I was doing nothing wrong and continued playing as I always had.

    As far as protecting mordor, of course I wouldn't kill my friends purposely. There are very very few if any people that play this MUD, and are my friends, that can say I have never attacked them in mordor. I have even attacked Ravathir in mordor on a couple different occasions. Really please tell me that all of you always kill your RL friends on this mud because of your supposid RP.

    I am sad to go and will miss many people on this mud, even you Alkath :). I wish everyone the best on and off the MUD, and goodbye forever.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    18 June 2008 01:12:24

    All I can say is that I miss the herkhate minute over the comm. :(

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    18 June 2008 00:55:27

    Cruice wasn't mean guy at all, I always had great fun when were fighting and he has always been cool with me. I respected that and I'm very sorry to see him leave the mud this way...

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    18 June 2008 00:13:42

    Cruice, i am not quite sure you quested that blacky yourself.

    Same day i saw it our armoury, and one of my guildmates told me that he quested it.

    Unless he killed someone for it, what i can't believe, he quested it.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    17 June 2008 23:38:26

    Hirgail's mom is Brazilian.

    Oh, WHAT NOW!?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 June 2008 22:20:23

    Also I'd like to point out that the universe sucks. If it was awesome Malorian would have typoed bazillion as Brazilian.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 June 2008 22:09:26

    shit worst shit = his worst shit

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    17 June 2008 21:48:43

    I made my comeback to the game after BP's were removed and Hellflame didn't pull shit worst shit off anymore, and yet I have no respect for the guy. I gave him chance after chance after chance after chance, made deals with him (no-report-deals) and he kept breaking them after I killed him. On his (what I thought was) last rampage, I ended up ignoring him. Then he paid 50k to VC, apologized, and wanted off the hitlist, we respected that, I unignored him, helped him in Mordor some and so on, advised him on how to play a ranger. A week or so after that, he was back to randomly killing Valacircans, so I put him back on ignore on all chars again. That was probably the fifth or sixth time I gave him another chance and he let me down.

    Yeah, getting tired of all these let-downs.

    As for Cruice; if you're really gone for the game now for real I wish you the best of luck in real life.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 June 2008 20:30:56

    Wait a minute could kill people? Why didn't anyone tell me? I'd be wandering around all smug and carefree because I figured there was no-one on that would/could kill me!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 June 2008 20:29:17

    To be fair, everyone else gave them a hell of a lot more shit than they gave anyone else.

    It just became popular to hate them; things we'd let slide with other people we gnashed at like rabid dogs when they'd do it.

    They were also fairly friendly and decent kids if you got to know them.

    Shame it took me so long to find that out!

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    17 June 2008 20:20:14

    I, on behalf of VC, are one of the people that played around with these fools the most. I shittalked them, pwned them, got pwned, got shittalked and a whole crap load of other stuff. They are good at PK, I know that since they did get me a couple times, but I got them back. It was fun while it lasted, sometimes I got really pissed but whatever :P It's a game, relax, chill, kick back, and do whatever. But yeah, the only thing is, who the hell am I going to be able to kill now :/

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 June 2008 19:52:56

    Everyone contributes to the game by logging in and doing whatever they do.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    17 June 2008 19:37:19

    I tried my best to keep my friends from flaming and being moronic (I know the rude nature of my past two posts completely contradicts me :P) in a public forum, because I went through the same stuff and learned it was pointless. You can't mould someone else's personality as easily as you can influence their game play style, sorry. You have to admit that Gizmalin came an extremely long way from his old flaming to his current attitude. I'm not even going to get into the contributing to the MUD comment though, I don't know where to begin. Hope you're doing well though Kozlodoev, you're missed bro!

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    17 June 2008 19:35:38

    Haha, <3 Hirgail.

    But Sean, that's just ridiculous. Despite having attempted me a few times, Gizmalin has never killed me. If he has, which I have not been able to remember, it was in a party on an alt. You realize people, me included, disliked Brandon (Brendon?) before he was any good. The only reason he killed anyone was through superior equipment and a bazillion attempts. People dislike him because he talked (and talks) shit. Fluently. More than that, he couldn't speak English. It's like the special ed. program in Herkimer taught a separate language, combining the worst of Shit and English: Shanglish!

    And honestly, I really doubt Cruice (Jason?) wrote that post all on his own. If he did, which I don't believe for a second, then bravo.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 June 2008 17:34:16

    I forsee a day in the not too distant future when the only two players left are Tevildo and Carver.

    Oh it will be a glorious time.

    They will hold weeks long competitions to see who can 'Hail!' the most elves before the mud boots.

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 15:42:09

    Holy god, they also nuked cruice?

    Well, that was a great loss indeed, i did like him and his alts, he was a great guy, i'll miss you man!

    Hope you'll return some day!

    I think t2t is losing players as hell, they keep nuking people, people suicide because of them, it isn't good

  • Author
    Galadin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 14:41:13

    well, cordox did well, didn't know he was that good.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    17 June 2008 14:12:49

    R.I.P Grakas, Cruice and Quinn....

    *flame flame flame flame*

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    17 June 2008 13:55:02

    I was saying that Rhakyrh did exactly the same thing with the Herks as Durms did with all their newbies...

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    17 June 2008 13:29:36

    I don't know about Cruice, but I knew Hellflame before he got his current reputation, and he was already on his way to knowing a bit about the MUD without having to become a member of that guild. I think it'd be unfair to say it had anything to do with how he turned out.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    17 June 2008 13:13:30

    Hello Rhakyrh, just popping in as a friend to confirm the fact that you are an egotistical asshole to mostly everyone, including your friends, as I often told you. But, of course, that's just the envy in me talking, because all of you were better than I. Tsk, you taught these guys to play, but you never taught these guys any maturity or how to contribute to the game. Sadly in those areas you yourself are far behind most of the MUD, but at least you had to actually work for your knowledge. There was a guild recently that focused its policies on recruiting newbies, giving them all the possible knowledge and turning them into arrogant assholes, and it was extremely damaging. But hey, we never agreed on that, so I have no idea why I wrote this post. Tata.

    Yes, I still miss the game and read the logpage:(

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 13:07:40

    I think this thread is destined for a chain of uberlong comments, ultimately descending into a flame war and some inevitable yo momma jokes from the crummers. So you're not alone, Lobo.

    (Crummer = The people who 'clean up' after contested play in certain sports. Don't know if it's a universal term.)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 June 2008 13:02:28

    When I get back from work, I, as the leader of the anti-herkie league, will prove Rhakyrh wrong in a uberlong comment! Now I just don't have time :P

    Wait for me, people!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 12:42:49

    Oh and:

    'You are an egotistical asshole!'

    If you knew me, you would know I am a very down to earth, humble guy.

    Preceded a few lines before by:

    Ya, I am one to give advice on following the rules. I know this game better than anyone else that plays it. Period. That extends not only from in game mechanics, but to etiquette, trivia, theme. I am not the best in each specific category, but in the general sense I am easily the most knowledgeable.

    Wow, you really are humble, what was everyone thinking saying you were egotistical?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 12:33:17

    'I transferred 10,000 gold from Kvasir to Inglor a few years ago. Both characters were nuked for gold transfer.

    This is the only time I ever cheated on the T2T MUD.'

    Unless Kvasir and Inglor are substitutes for Berzelius and Azrylar, I think you might mean the only time you ever cheated without claiming one of your characters was your son IRL.

    People's minds weren't just 'poisoned' by some anti-Herkimer plague someone coded, these guys literally single handedly (you're right, most of it was Gizmalin) earned a bad reputation for an entire geographical location, to an even greater extent than what has happened in the past with other areas. They did this with their rampant shittalking and immaturity (the immaturity was the rule rather than the exception as you seem to be making out), not through their pk prowess. I hated Hellflame when he was still losing 5 uniques/boot and killing maybe 3 level 14s if he was lucky. Since then, I've been killed by him or any of his alts, or Cruice or any of his, on any of my alts, a grand total of 0 times. But clearly, it's just me being bitter about how much they pwn'd me, nobody could possibly dislike these guys for a valid reason, they're both Jesus reincarnate after all.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    17 June 2008 11:33:50

    'Cruice defended Mordor like a champion, was entirely deliberate and cautious in his execution of his targets, and embodied the lone wolf PK spirit like none other over the past 3-4 years'

    ... uhm.... give us a break, Cruice just were killing there becaouse of lawless, he didnt protect mordor he was helping friends there and were killing his enemies there... its not protecting mordor... its MPing...

    and just becaouse you're defending them proves its good they are gone...

    btw. I wish them all good in rl!:)

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    17 June 2008 11:17:54

    Go ahead and start in with this and that:

    'Oh ya killing newbies makes the MUD exciting, etc, etc.'

    Cruice and Gizmalin learned this game during BP times, their definition of what was acceptable or common game play was set then. Blame the system for setting that precedent, not two people who enjoyed the thrill of PK for reveling in that totally valid facet of the MUD.

    'Oh we don't care that they were better/They weren't better, they sucked!'

    Any argument to the contrary is simply precluded by the tremendous amount of evidence that supports the notion that 1) People are clearly influenced by jealousy in an arena of techincal mastery, when they do not exhibit due respect. (-Regardless- of personality traits).

    2) People get pissed off when they get owned. It's human reflex to want to retaliate.

    3) Gizmalin and Cruice fought the best of their time, and won. Often.

    'Oh you're one to give advice on rule-breaking, you fucking cheater!'

    Ya, I am one to give advice on following the rules. I know this game better than anyone else that plays it. Period. That extends not only from in game mechanics, but to etiquette, trivia, theme. I am not the best in each specific category, but in the general sense I am easily the most knowledgeable. So if you need to go to anyone about anything, of course I am going to be an authority on it. Hanging an innocent man does not make him guilty. Hovering so close to 'breaking rules' and 'cheating' gives you a pretty damn clear vision of what is right and what is wrong, and I would obviously convey that to close friends that I was mentoring. Good try.

    'You are an egotistical asshole!'

    If you knew me, you would know I am a very down to earth, humble guy. My true friends know that side of me. Otherwise, you get what you see, and everyone knows this logpage brings out the worst in people. Especially the comment section.

    'Gizmalin and Cruice never separated characters!'

    Please, tell me who of you has not partied with a friend on more than one character. Tell me which of you have made sure that each one of your characters has a separate list of friends as to avoid any trace of MP or 'cheating'. Raise your hand if your IC obligations utterly negate any urges to make contact with a OOC friend when you're both online, regardless of which character you're on. The real issue here is that some typists have more characters at their disposal to do whatever they want. Guess what, alts don't pop out of the fucking ground. It takes effort to make extra characters, and that effort warrants you the right to use them in whatever way you want, within the rules. If you guys are realllllllly uptight about character separation, then adjust your own perspectives, please. Say there are two characters, Tom and John. Tom and John are both evil and have the same enemies. There is no issue, with anyone, that they have similar goals or issues. Why is there an issue if suddenly, you find out, that Tom and John are the same typist!!! If you're separating characters YOURSELVES, they appear as a different person ANYWAY. Basically, ANY and ALL accusations of character separation are absolutely hypocritical. What kind of advantage is gained by people with different sets of characters partying with each other on different names? NOTHING more than the advantage those typists have over other typists for HAVING MORE CHARACTERS. And that advantage was legitimately earned, by leveling alts. Which takes time, effort, and is explicitly allowed in the rules.

    'Gizmalin and Cruice were assholes and you know it. They did nothing but hurt the game.'

    Umm... Cruice defended Mordor like a champion, was entirely deliberate and cautious in his execution of his targets, and embodied the lone wolf PK spirit like none other over the past 3-4 years. Gizmalin has accomplished more on his collective characters, with respect to leveling, experience, golding, and playerkilling, than probably 90% of people that have ever played this game. And he's been around for 2 years. How can any two active members of the community like this have 'hurt' it? By killing... new players? Uhm, new players need to LEARN about PK, first hand, like we all did. Their killing, never, ever, amounted to anything near harassment. By... not RPing or staying IC? Good one. Name 20 people who aren't guilty of this to some degree. By... cheating? Ennnh, they didn't cheat. By... not separating characters? Oh ya, because that is actually an issue in itself? As discussed above, it isn't, and never was with these two. By... being rude and volatile? Again... who the hell are we to judge that shit? I've exhausted any way these two could have 'hurt' the community. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I checked, the only thing they ever hurt was the pride of their victims when they rocked them in PK. Oh well :)

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    17 June 2008 10:55:14

    You guys are so spoiled. Ainu never used to give out warnings, you just got the nuke if you rubbed them the wrong way. Hell, I once got nuked for multiplaying with another guy, where I gave his young alt some gold, and his main gave my alt the same amount after like 2-3 months. Both my characters got nuked, his only got a 'stern telling off'. Its all about how the ainu percieve you. You could be the cleanest player ever (not claiming I was one) and still get nuked for one puff because someone doesnt like you.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    17 June 2008 10:52:06

    I transferred 10,000 gold from Kvasir to Inglor a few years ago. Both characters were nuked for gold transfer.

    This is the only time I ever cheated on the T2T MUD. I have reported quite a few exploitable bugs. I know not only how to play to my advantage, but how to get away with it to. I never did. The only rules I ever broke on this game pertained to comm warnings and subjective censorship and punishment. Despite this, people have labeled me as a chronic abuser and cheater. The kick in the teeth 6 months ago when I lost all my characters, was that I was deleted and innocent. If I had known that I was going to lose everything anyway, I would have broken all the rules. Pretty bitter irony... And yet there is a pattern.

    You wonder why I can relate and empathize with Cruice and Gizmalin then? I know these two better than anyone else that plays this game, with the exception of Gizmalin's own RL brother, and maybe Derk. There is nothing to gain from lying about any of this. The general public's mind is already poisoned, inaccurately against them, and the testament of someone else who everyone loves to hate isn't going to do much good anyway. I'm simply speaking the truth for the truth's sake, because it is deserved here.

    I was a mentor and friend to these two MUDders for over two years. I have met them both in real life. I stand witness to the fact that they are both great, considerate people IRL. This perhaps did not translate directly to the MUD, but as can be seen through Cruice's post alone (regardless of veiled anger), there was an underlying current of maturity there as well. We all have had immature times on this game, especially those of us in the PK arena. We've all said egotistical, incendiary, ridiculous things to one another. No one is free from this sin. Even Carver was a spree-killer on another MUD in times past. I'm sure his 20 line 'f ur momma' emotes were just as hilarious then as they are now. But I digress.

    Animosity is garnered through shit-talking and negative commentary, that's a given. But the specific hatred targeted at these two individuals is absolutely unfounded and heinous in its extent. It only speaks to the almost depraved, if not simply pathetic levels of disgust the average MUDder has with them self. For, surely, it is impossible to have any integrity and self-respect, and yet still be capable of flinging such inane bullshit at anyone else. I am sorry for those that are sufficiently ignorant or insecure to succumb to the mob mentality of allocating hate to a specific geographical area. If any of you opened your minds and made the effort, as I did, to reach out to these kids, especially when they were newer players, you would have seen a different side of them.

    The PERFECT example of this open-mindedness and understanding comes, surprisingly, from Duncan. I am not alone in my defense of these individuals, and if you can't take me seriously, talk to Duncan. He, unlike many others, did not develop a permanent case of sore-asshole-syndrome after being bested by Gizmalin or Cruice in PK. No one likes the hangman, that's understandable. Compact that with a belligerent attitude, and you're going to take some flak. I am not condoning the way Gizmalin especially upheld himself in the public forum, but at the same time I am baffled by how you stupid assclowns have reciprocated with blind hate. Why not try and befriend someone and help them? See past the harsh exterior? Because its easier to just hate. Such a sad, sad phenomenon.

    I guess for some people it was like being spit on. Imagine, two newer players that excelled in player-killing! People that legitimately ended the lives of hundreds of MUDders. Not only are they standing over your corpse, but they're talking shit too. Time passes. Now not only are they standing over a pile of your corpses, but they can back up the shit-talking, so it stings even more. Of course greatness inspires envy. Deny it. Say you just 'hated' Gizmalin and Cruice because they were occasionally rude. Say you just 'hated' them because they didn't spout out Tolkien-esque RP emotes before they slit your throat. Or, you can be honest with yourselves, and admit you had a severe problem with the fact that they were BETTER than you.

    The fact of the matter is, there are two things at least to be ashamed about here: Caring enough about a competitive game like this to jeopardize an opponent's investment because you're jealous is the first. The second is being so blind in your hatred and contempt that you feel justified in slandering them.

    I will tell you now, from experience, that Gizmalin and Cruice never cheated. They asked me quite a few times what was acceptable, and what was not. I answered to the best of my knowledge within the bounds of the rules as displayed in the help files. They often expressed objection to me denying that gear x-fer or gold x-fer was legal, because their own enemies would do the same shit all the time and get away with it, without a slap on the wrist. I knew that they already had bulls eyes on their backs and never steered them wrong. Let's not forget that none of Cruice's characters had any warnings, whatsoever. If there is a problem with the system where it is uncomfortable for the Administration to allow 0 down time between switching chars, then the system should be revised. People should not be punished for using a system that you have a problem with. It is common sense.

    I'd like to quickly take a second and point out that Cruice stands as one of the fastest learning, most successful players I've ever seen on this MUD. He was always very mature, never even fuzzed the lines of rule-bending or PK. Whereas Gizmalin was much more prolific and more hated because he was more outspoken, Cruice himself is an even more blatant display of the injust disciplinary actions taken by the Administration based on public opinion and not on fact.

    Overall, these nukings were inevitable. In a community of spineless, law reporting jellyfish, people are going to get blown apart by subjective enforcement of the rules. When it comes down to it, any 'accomplishment' on T2T is absolutely irrelevant to RL and furthermore doesn't even exist. One day, it will all be gone. All that really matters are the good times and the memories of the good times, and the friendships you take away from the place. I know these two had a blast, and might continue to do so in the aftermath. Personally, I was not overly disillusioned with the community after my deletion because I still held onto the potential for great RP and conversation in Arda. We'll see what they do now, but I still feel it is a damn shame for this to happen to anyone, let alone people that, like it or not, undeniably contributed to the game for over 2 years in a fashion that kept it exciting.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    17 June 2008 08:41:41

    You file enough reports?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 June 2008 04:51:26

    due to recent events, this log deserves a 6!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 June 2008 04:27:32

    okok, i was just told i can't publicize law reports!

    remain curious!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 June 2008 04:19:23

    what a nice surprise:

    I logon and see:

    2614 | Burgul QuinnAlt and QuinnAlt2 resolved *

    2649 | Burgul Quinn and QuinnAlt2 multiplaying resolved *

    2665 | Burgul Quinn and QuinnAlt2 multiplaying[2] resolved *

    anyone wishing to read the content of the law reports, just ask me :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 June 2008 04:09:27

    A herk telling you to grow up... It's a sad day indeed.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    17 June 2008 04:08:22

    'Cry some more' would have been a really good comment to put up Myrddin. :) At least I could have had something much more interesting than some whining to read at work.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 03:43:32

    You too.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    17 June 2008 03:32:35

    Myrddin you couldn't be more wrong if you were blind. I stored with GB once when I didn't have an alt in GB. Second this boot I quested black sword myself and I am not storing with GB. So you are dumb. Third I was storing with a moral guild, because I have to Free race alts that aren't servants, and would be impossible to have any kind of multiplaying involved in it. Third Ravathir was in mordor, and I told him to sit outside CU gates just like Cordox told Koroth to sit out there camoed, which was right after Cordox got off his alt. Koroth helped Cordox because it was his friend and Ravathir helped me because I am his friend, so how are we any more wrong than them. And you are a bitter piece of shit, that isn't worth the labor of child birth. So please get a better excuse than the lies that the Ainur have fed to all of your pathetic little minds. Place your own opinion instead of jumping on the ban-wagon. Seriously, it is pathetic to see so many people dive into something because someone else called him a name. What, are you in second grade? Grow up.

    I have been nuked, so what that it was because I played my character and all of you hated me for that, I am over it. You will all soon forget about me, as I will you. I have no regrets of anything I did on this game. It was bad judgement by the ainur to not warn me if I had crossed any lines.

    Have a nice day.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 June 2008 03:20:42

    The deal was that they get to keep one character.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    17 June 2008 03:19:25

    This log is perfect proof of why you got nuked, why Ravathir escaped it I don't know. You have absolutely no ability to separate between characters, the sword you were using in this log was obtained through pk by Quinn, stored with GB, a guild in which both you and he had alts, and used by you. I bet the armoury boards of the guilds you guys are in have a list of the other Herkie's alts as the people who can use the unique the first one stores/donates.

    You didn't play the game, you ruined it. I'd hope you don't come back, but I know it's futile. None of you have anything in your life to keep you occupied except trying to show how 1337 you are on a text based RPG. Guess you sucked at WoW. :/

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    17 June 2008 02:36:56

    Eh we both got nuked for supposidly MP, which I have never had a warning on any character ever. Haven't played any alts for a long time. And for not seperating my characters, but like I said, haven't played any names but Cruice for a long time

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    17 June 2008 02:24:27

    What, specifically, did you get nuked for?

  • Author
    Quinn [legacy]
    17 June 2008 02:22:59

    Don't worry you all got your wish, I was nuked for playing the game. Have your fun while it lasts. Wish you all the best.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    16 June 2008 21:51:30

    27 December 2004 according to my log, Jerf

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 June 2008 21:50:28

    Mapper detected as well. Interesting that they still claim to not use mappers when a) every log involving them shows they use mappers and b) Manni confirmed it. I suppose they've lied so much they believe themselves by now.. although one would think they'd notice they are using a mapper. My favourite Herk-caught-with-his-pants-down will always be the log Kallisto posted of Perrota :)

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    16 June 2008 21:39:48

    haha, yes I do Jaron. OOoooo the good ol'days. That had to be at least 4 years go.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    16 June 2008 21:06:11

    I don't get how people are so dumb to die to these herkies. They're always so predictable.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    16 June 2008 20:41:12

    as far as I remember you didn't use to get warned by watchers if the guy dominating was evil, but I could be wrong

    Jerf, remember that time when I was fighting you and Woric near the entrance? ;)

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    16 June 2008 20:38:24

    Thats why I hate going into CU sometimes, Er's just walk in and out of tower like its nothing, at least back in the day you got a warning when they came in. or when the watchers were dominated!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    16 June 2008 20:30:26

    What about this? Moroso and Cruice were chatting before cordox entered :P

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    16 June 2008 20:27:39

    So, you ran once to heal.. than you used up your own healing along with Ravathir helping you. Yes you sure owned him!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 June 2008 20:20:54

    herkie log detected, no character separation detected, autorating...