Old Log from Battle Points

Posted by
Mourngrym [legacy]
25 June 2008 00:00:00


So this one time, Nasira, Montog, Swiper, Cozoq, and myself in
one group, and Killem, Athin, Korhan, Castus, and Behemoth
decided that we wanted to take over some of the Free Race lands
and after grouping in a near-record time of 2.7 seconds, we raced
to Pelargir to take town the guards at Anduin, leaving before
anyone noticed we had awoken from our slumber, taking route
to South Undeep.  Once the guards had fallen there and we had
taken our time to heal, we raced to the bridge of Lothlorien,
knocking out their guards and grabbing a tent inside of the
Orc Warcamp, grabbing some tea with Khamul and checking out his
battle map.  If we were feeling incredibly frisky, we grabbed
the guards inside of the trees, headed to Radagast's cave,
and then onto the High Pass, finishing our conquest of East Arda.

Without the ability to send scouts into their own lands, Free Races
made ample use of Wizards to grab finds, however, with three
supreme necromancers in our own party, we were able to sense the
groups before they ever reached us.  Always one step ahead, we
ran through to Edoras once again, pillaging a city that thought
it had finally had a break from its pillaging days. Once we were
through there, we took back the rest of the lands of men, killing
those who guarded the Northern Rammas Echor, and following through
the entire tower of Minas Tirith.   

 ________________________   The War Regions (%-Battlepoint, *-Stronghold)
|            \__% NER _%_| ROV - Rhovanion    [ER] NER - Ne. Rhovanion [ER]
|%      ROV     \____/   |  % Thrand. Bridge  [ER]  % Thrand. Bridge   [ER]
|___________________/    |  % High Pass       [ER]  % Erebor Gate      [ER]
|  _____                 |
| /     \                | LOT - Lothlorien   [ER] ROH - Rohan         [ER]
|(  LOT  %               |  % Loth. Bridge    [ER]  % N. Undeep        [ER]
| \__*__/                |  * Caras Galadhon  [ER]  % S. Undeep        [ER]
|__________%             |                          * Edoras           [ER]
|           \_%       %__|
|      ROH    / _%   /   | PEL - Pelennor     [ER] SG - S. Gondor      [ER]
|__*       __/ /  \ %  * |  % N. Rammas Echor [ER]  % S. Rammas Echor  [ER]
|  \_______) _/*  //     |  % S. Rammas Echor [ER]  % Anduin Bridge    [ER]
|         \_( PEL//      |  * Minas Tirith    [ER]  * Dol Amroth       [ER]
|            %__//   MOR |
|     SG       \ |       | MOR - Mordor       [ER] HAR - Harondor      [ER]
|  *     __%___/%\       |  % Morannon        [ER]  % Harnen Bridge    [ER]
|   /\__/         \      |  % Morgul Gate     [ER]  % South Ithilien   [ER]
|__/  \ *   HAR    \     |  * Barad-dur       [ER]  * Kadar            [ER]
|      \_____%_     \____|
|     _/       \______/  | NH - Near Harad    [ER]  FR - FR occupied
|    /       NH          |  % Harnen Bridge   [ER]  ER - ER occupied
|____\_________*_________|  * Outpost         [ER]  XX - In dispute
[ HP:230 EP:57 ROH ]

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An icy gust of wind blows from the north...
You faintly hear evil laughter echoing on the wind!
Middle-Earth is MINE!