Orcish Intelligence (old log)

Posted by
Myrddin [legacy]
27 June 2008 00:00:00

Basic numeracy and arithmetic have never been the uruk's strong point...


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    03 July 2008 00:47:46

    myrddin seems like a classy guy.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    01 July 2008 19:59:50

    I didn't have any trouble with that at all.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    01 July 2008 15:44:04

    Ah...hahaha, I get it now, but it took me like 3 minutes. :(

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    01 July 2008 15:34:03


  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    01 July 2008 15:33:44

    wth is Booth????

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    01 July 2008 14:40:41

    It took me more like 5 seconds.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    01 July 2008 11:02:31

    Yep... I'm sure. But yeah that was like.. an exaggeration. It was more like 3 secs.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    01 July 2008 10:51:26

    HAHA Minded :)

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    01 July 2008 10:51:16

    Good. I like to give extra work to native speaking narrow minding idiots.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    01 July 2008 09:48:59

    Oh.. I spent a minute there trying to figure out who Booth was :(

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    01 July 2008 09:15:33

    Hehe, Booth Myrd and Orc is looking like idiots using like 20comments saying exately same shit over and over thinking that anyone of the two will win a argument leading no where, just stop responding ffs.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    01 July 2008 08:56:55

    You really are a fucking idiot Myrddin. I may not clearly remember 100% of what happens on the mud but I do remember this.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    01 July 2008 06:02:40

    Jesus christ, you really suck Myrddin.

    Just thought I'd throw that out there.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    01 July 2008 05:01:45

    Exley, you missed the point again. I presented that argument as an ultimatum, saying nobody could possibly remember 100% clearly every single thing they've ever done on MUD, but Orcoron moronically insisted that he can.

    Trempk, your knowledge of our theme is about as fleshed out as your grasp of English grammar. Judging by your last comment, this is poor.

    Orcoron, the hypothetical was 'we would have noticed', which was your only support for your memory 'we did notice'.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    01 July 2008 04:24:06

    Your guild sucks, Myrddin. It's own GM doesn't even respect it's theme. How pathetic.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 June 2008 18:27:19

    Hahaha...not that my approval or disapproval really means a goddamn thing. Carry on!

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 June 2008 18:26:43

    Frankly, the whole 'You're a loser because [insert generic MUD-based topic]' argument is tiresome. While yes, it does provide us spectators with something to applaud or boo, it's also extremely juvenile. Besides, the whole 'I've got a life' bit is so subjective, there's no standard by which to measure your 'life' against someone else's.

    Myrddin, I'm disappointed that you would stoop so low.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    30 June 2008 17:00:11

    That's why I said 'That can always be corrected, however.'

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    30 June 2008 15:57:43

    What's the hypothetical? I just remember you gave the gold back. And Koz there's no reason they can't do that now:P

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    30 June 2008 14:40:51

    Well, GB certainly made an idiotic mistake in this log. That is the mistake of not contracting all NiA and/or slaughtering them like lambs, an emerging MUD custom. That can always be corrected, however.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    30 June 2008 08:03:12

    Have you tried setting porn as your client background?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 June 2008 18:35:51

    Well Lobo, you and I both know that the only thing interesting that ever happens on the mud or the log page is a good flame war. You engage in one on a regular basis with the herkies, so I think you know what I'm talking about. T2T fucking sucks. I'm just trying to make it a little more interesting for myself :P

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    29 June 2008 16:43:42

    Wow. Chill.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    29 June 2008 15:16:56

    The events surrounding a theft of 2k gold would be easy to remember. Especially if it came to an agreement to not attack. You wouldn't have to remember every waking moment to know what happened.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    29 June 2008 15:12:09

    and Myrddin continues to take the bait . . .

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 June 2008 14:12:42

    There is nothing to quietly contemplate. You're continually missing the point that I haven't claimed to be sure my memory is correct, I'll openly admit I'm not. But any other facts I can find lend support to it. You've given 1 hypothetical to support yours. Anyway, someone post some logs to get this forum locked, it was tiresome to begin with and having to rephrase every comment I make because people are just talking past them makes it even more so.

  • Author
    Reeth [legacy]
    29 June 2008 13:58:43

    Why don't you just have a pocket-protector fight at dawn you two? Jesus christ i knew people around here were geeky but this is taking it to new extremes.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    29 June 2008 13:18:10

    Re-read what you just said Myrddin. Then spend a moment in quiet contemplation.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 June 2008 10:10:14

    I never claimed to have a 100% clear memory. As I said, I am a reasonable person who doesn't have my head so far up my ass that I will stubbornly maintain that I know exactly what happened. My bank balance is not fluctuating, so I have the CURRENT balance to support the memory. My guild balance is not relevant to anything since gold can't be withdrawn from it. But great job clutching at straws!

  • Author
    Xafer [legacy]
    29 June 2008 10:07:49

    Something about this log seems farmilliar, did I perhaps see it from the Scums point of view, minus the losing gold part cause they were embaressed? Either way, this shit was hilarious

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    29 June 2008 09:09:34

    Well ok Myrddin, who is the loser? You who claim to have 100% memory of the event and your bank and guild balance at the time or me that claims to remember this event and remembers you giving back the gold?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 June 2008 09:03:33

    The point was you either

    a) commit every single second you spend on the MUD to memory, which suggests you really need to get outside

    b) don't have a 100% clear memory of this event.

    I don't claim to have a 100% clear memory of the event, but I'm a reasonable person. What I do know are the facts I stated earlier which lend support to my memory. Your only support is your 100% clear memory.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 June 2008 08:10:43

    not as funny as Miroth failing to start a flame war on every single thread!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 June 2008 03:41:29

    not as funny as you thinking people give a shit what you say.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    28 June 2008 20:08:06

    Hey, don't distract Orcoron. He's on a roll, trying to portray himself as Mr. Just-The-Facts-Ma'am.

    Which is some funny shit.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    28 June 2008 16:05:49

    here's a llama

    there's a llama

    and another little llama

    fuzzy llama

    funny llama

    llama llama


    llama llama







    llama llama



    llama llama


    i was once a treehouse

    i lived in a cake

    but i never saw the way

    the orange slayed the rake

    i was only three years dead

    but it told a tale

    and now listen, little child

    to the safety rail

    did you ever see a llama

    kiss a llama

    on the llama

    llama's llama

    tastes of llama

    llama llama


    half a llama

    twice the llama

    not a llama



    llama in a car

    alarm a llama



    is THIS how it's told now?

    is it all so old?

    is it made of lemon juice?




    now my song is getting thin

    i've run out of luck

    time for me to retire now

    and become a duck

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    28 June 2008 15:12:29

    Great arguement Myrddin. I must be pathetic because I remember something? I guess you're right. In future I'll only remember pertinent things and drink everything else into oblivion.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    28 June 2008 14:05:55

    Wow Myrddin, seriously, I mean like, gee, you really suck.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    28 June 2008 13:56:01


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 June 2008 13:47:42

    So your life really IS so pathetic that you can be sure your memory of the mundane event 6 months ago on a text-based MUD you quit is crystal clear? Well why didn't you just say so, I thought I was talking to someone who had more prominent things in their life to focus on.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    28 June 2008 12:19:58

    I have a clear fucking memory of that event Myrddin. You're just full of shit. Eoreds are worth 7k give or take. If we'd sold for 5k believe me we would have and DID notice. In fact Zandramas noticed this pretty much as soon as you stole it.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 June 2008 10:24:37

    Dude, we all should understand why Orcoron keep on lying, denying he lost 2k... being fooled might happen once in a while and you deal with it, but being fooled my Myrddin is something so outrageous you should always deny.

    Keep up the good work, we're all with you Orcoron!

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    28 June 2008 10:10:55

    I know after a run through the flet I have a very specific amount of gold on hand before selling off. It's not a wild guess to say they probably had an idea what the eoreds were worth before selling.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 June 2008 08:36:07

    You missed 2k from the loot, deal with it. Those items don't all value at 100, so unless you claim to have been adding it all up in your head as you rushed to sell (who would bother? You made like 10k off it anyway with next to no effort), it's quite likely you wouldn't have noticed.

    In the end though, who cares what you think you know? I know my bank balance was not depleted, I deposited the original 2k in vault, and I logged this theft. I only log things I think might be worthwhile looking over at another time, so a theft where I get caught and return the gold wouldn't qualify. I don't plot 6 months ahead to pretend I got away with a theft, I have better things to do with my time. You obviously don't, if you think your memory of a mundane event that happened so long ago on a MUD you're supposed to have quit is 100% correct.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    28 June 2008 05:50:09

    The impression is false. There is no way we'd miss 2k from the loot and not find out why. You gave the gold back.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 June 2008 03:41:11

    You fight worse when you're encumbered, so robbing the eoreds is trying to give them the best fighting chance!

    Orcoron, I did do something similar to this (messing with the necros at eoreds) several times, so it's likely the second or third time I tried this trick again and got caught. I wouldn't have bothered logging it if I'd got caught, and I wouldn't have thought of posting it if I was under the impression it was false.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    27 June 2008 22:26:26


  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    27 June 2008 22:22:50

    It would be inherited by his estate, so his executor could cash it. He couldn't try to sue Exley if it bounced, though, as a contract to kill someone isn't legally binding.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 June 2008 22:04:09

    Oh and the dude wouldn't be able to cash the check if he was dead. So no worries.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 June 2008 22:03:10

    What I don't understand is why Myrddin's guild apparently steals from the Eoreds all the time even thought they're on their way to save Gondor and his guilds ass.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    27 June 2008 21:26:45

    Hahaha, nice Exley.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    27 June 2008 21:03:44

    'Who cares ffs I wipe my ass with 2k :)'

    And this is exactly the reason people tell their kids not to put money in their mouth.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    27 June 2008 18:34:55

    And that would have only compounded his widow's grief.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    27 June 2008 17:03:26

    I was over at this guy's house one time. There were a bunch of people I didn't know over there. This one dude was bragging about how he would murder someone for one grand. I was like 'No shit? You'd kill anyone for 1k?'

    He said, 'Yeah. Man, woman, child, don't matter to me. I'd kill anyone for 1,000 dollars.'

    I said, 'Anyone?'

    He said, 'Yes.'

    I wrote a check for one grand, held it out in front of him, and told him to kill himself. He didn't, of course, but it shut him up for awhile. (true story)

    It's a good thing he didn't do it, though. That check would have bounced.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    27 June 2008 13:41:12

    I'd wipe all of your asses for 2k!!

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 June 2008 09:44:06

    You wipe your ass with gold coins? Damn you must stink badly.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    27 June 2008 08:14:10

    Who cares ffs I wipe my ass with 2k :)

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:48:06

    Well let me improve your recollection. You gave it back. That you now post this after we were nice enough to just let you give it back without a report and claim you somehow got one over on us, is a little insulting. And for Christ sakes..'not valid'.. We knew how much Eoreds were worth, when it was short 2k, we found out why. Just..shut up:P

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:44:32

    I'm saying that this time I robbed Zandramas of 2k, and to the best of my recollection I didn't make any deals to give anything back. The 'I don't miss 2k' wasn't valid because I didn't steal the gold from you. The moral of the story was you(pl) made so much gold from the eored equipment you(pl) didn't notice the original 2k go.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:28:49

    ...That is what happened Myrddin. Unless you're claiming there was another seperate time you stole from us at Eoreds and we made you give back the gold? Is that what you're saying?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:20:03

    You don't miss 2k anyway, I didn't rob you.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:17:19

    We said 'We can either report you and you can pay much more than you took or you can give it back.' And you gave it back.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:16:21

    Nope, you gave it back. I distinctly remember sitting at Osgiliath SP and getting the gold back. I don't miss 2k and then not find out who took it.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 June 2008 07:10:24

    Sorry, that didn't happen. I may have given you gold for the looted gear, but that 2k theft went directly into the vault.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    27 June 2008 06:39:22

    There was no report because we made you give the gold back you dipshit.