
Posted by
Aryl [legacy]
17 July 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Murray had a C. Helping Aeldor get a bota? Dead.


  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    24 July 2008 22:05:33

    Hirgail, you forgot urban stunt rider and RAMBO in training.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    23 July 2008 00:37:55

    The Intergalactic Marines Etrius.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    23 July 2008 00:31:48

    He set aside his professional football career to join the marines?!

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    23 July 2008 00:17:23

    he is in training for marine reccon or at least he was the last time i talked to him.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    22 July 2008 23:47:57


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    22 July 2008 23:28:57

    Hahahah nice Hirgail. Speaking of which, where is Bakky?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 July 2008 23:28:34

    i thought it was 'men want him and women want to be him' :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 July 2008 23:16:17

    I know! Pro footballer, banger of MILF, space magician and certified accountant! Women want him and men want to be him.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 July 2008 22:56:16

    Well who doesn't want to be like Baklen, come on :(

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    22 July 2008 20:52:04

    yeah i definitely think Flare's typist is better at solo pk than Aryl's. Like the log of him soloing the durm 3 or 4 man. not sure if ive seen Aryl do that. Aryl is just a Baklen wannabe. btw i miss Baklen :(

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    22 July 2008 20:30:44

    With your friends, yeah - you've killed him a lot.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 July 2008 19:47:46

    I have battled Flare's typist on many occasions, and have killed him quite a few times more than he's killed me. Thanks for the commentary though.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 July 2008 16:38:46

    Yes, I am a bastard.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 July 2008 16:37:35

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    22 July 2008 16:21:55

    They _did_ fight each other solo on TNT. I can't rightly recall the outcome, but I think either it was a tie or Flare came out slightly ahead. One of them might be able to provide better illumination.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 July 2008 15:18:41

    i think that depends on which char he plays. he knows wizards inside and out and can pull some shit out of his ass when playing one. i would definitely expect him to win then. i had something else to say but im falling asleep. :/

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 July 2008 06:13:23

    What Nalthic said. But i think that if they were fighting each other, solo, Flare would win.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    22 July 2008 03:09:06


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 July 2008 00:14:41

    he acted like a prick to me without knowing who i was. acting like an asshole to random people for no reason and only being cordial to friends makes you an asshole. i've mastered the technique myself, so im an expert.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 July 2008 23:37:55

    Actually, Flare has toned down and matured quite a bit from when he first got on the radar. He got bored of killing people who couldn't defend themselves properly pretty early on as well. Thats something people from herk will never have the decency to do. He also actually understands the works of Tolkien alot more now than he did when he first started playing.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    21 July 2008 22:54:35

    haha, i don't think i need to respond to that - wonder why he acts like a prick to you?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 July 2008 22:46:39

    ok haarni, whatever. flare's a fucking tool. the minute you stop worshiping him he turns into a prick. and because his english fucking sucks, he doesn't understand what you're saying and thinks you're insulting him, which causes him to act even more like a fucking tool.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    21 July 2008 22:45:20

    Skill aside, Flare is a far nicer guy than Aryl. He just gets bored of the game from time to time and does stupid shit, fucks people off because of RL. T2T pretty much -is- Aryl's RL.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    21 July 2008 22:29:05

    i wouldn't say that aryl is better than flare, or that flare is better than aryl. they have completely different pk styles. i have seen both do some amazing shit.

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    21 July 2008 21:07:11

    TNT was awesome.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 July 2008 20:37:14

    Actually Exley, TNT had that environment where at least at one point noone was the focus of hate. People were going off doing fun stuff and partying without worrying who they were partying with. Even competition for uniques was rather fun. Yeah, you do occasionally need some 'contraversy'(SP?), but at least when it was present, it wasn't a bunch of immature retards who don't even have half an understanding of Tolkien.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 July 2008 20:31:14

    That log was a fake anyways. Think about it; What are the chances of three people who all start with the same letter, that letter being b and all from the same mud being involved in a cool log?

    B for Bush..maybe?

    If you do the math you'll find it's about 1:100000000000.

    Plus, if you look at it really carefully you can see Squibb in there.

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    21 July 2008 20:04:36

    The Bap/Berzelius/Baklen log was removed for one reason or another. However, with the new rules in place, Berzelius could repost it with a different character which is not banned if he wanted to.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    21 July 2008 19:22:10

    anything flare creates is absolutely noobish. i enjoyed killing herucalmo over and over.

    i got news for you flare, aryl is better than you. but you both fucking have egos the size of mount everest. both of you need to fucking chill. while you're both decent, neither of you are the best. if you both ran your mouths a little less (i know, that sounds funny coming from me), you'd get a lot more respect and people wouldn't treat you both like a fucking joke.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 July 2008 19:10:20

    By the way, Etrius, I think if there were 'no one around to hate', people would invent reasons to hate and ostracize others all the same.

    People: 'What, you...clip your toenails every *other* week?'

    Others: 'Yeah.'

    People: 'Losers' 'Noobs' 'Lawl'

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 July 2008 17:47:27

    Flare, ownership doesn't extend past the period of time something is actually owned. That's like George Washington trying to claim all subsequent presidencies simply because he was first. I was warlord of the legion at one particular time, and that was the time I was refering to when I said 'my' legion. Since what you're after is some recognition, try building a statue or something. :P

    I called it a newbie legion because, when I took over from Exide, it *was* a newbie legion, in the sense that we had more newbies/lowbies than experienced players, we were located in Far Harad, rarely quested uniques, etc. It's cool man.

    I just spent 15 minutes looking for that log, and can't find it under Baklen, Berzelius, or Bap. Help me out a bit?

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    21 July 2008 13:49:35

    Exley, several things wrong in your post.

    First, that wasn't your legion, it was my legion, since I created it, and I'd rather not call it a newbie one.

    Second, 'Him and Baklen fighting over the whip' - his is absolutely my log, not Aryl's, cause he ends up dead and doesn't even get the loot, and also the log is incomplete because it doesn't feature Baklen's death. But you are right, this is the best log - only if I had saved it, it would be, that is.

    Third, , 'him taking down a lvl 19 warrior with his lvl 15 sniffer, etc. ' - unimpressive. I've taken down in one go at level 15 a Death Dealer, a Scholar and a Deathmaster (Angelic). At level 12 I've taken down a Deathmaster wh is wielding mels.

    I.e. I'm teh best, learn how to read logs.

    PS. Yea, it's fun having someone to fight.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    19 July 2008 03:32:59

    I wonder if Ravathir has ever been helped to learn the game in a positive fashion...

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 July 2008 00:01:08

    The herks would've been better enemies if they weren't immature retards who are completely incompetent in their native language.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 21:56:35

    Oh yeah, for the most part the swedes just did bad shit, they didn't go around trying to convince people they owned. :P

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    18 July 2008 21:07:25

    I dunno. You've been playing longer than I have, Pounder, so perhaps you have more perspective. But from where I'm standing people are just saying the same old things about a new group of people.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 20:56:10

    I miss Marthaon too. :(

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 20:55:55

    Yeah yeah I know exley, meh. :) But honestly, people back in the day would never group herks with anyone but maybe G-unit and even then really not. Definitely not at the same level as the swedes, those guys were awesome. :)

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 20:44:04

    <3 Etrius.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    18 July 2008 20:36:51

    Everyone moaned about them at the time, though. :P

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    18 July 2008 20:35:37

    *bap* The Swedes were cool.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    18 July 2008 20:29:11

    I like Aryl. He's a fun and intelligent mudder with whom I enjoy conversing. I like the Herkimers too, incidentally. Perhaps not as people, but I like the contribution they've made to this game.

    Every community needs a reviled and disruptive element in order to remain interesting. Just as every piece needs its villain. A long time ago it was the Swedes who filled this gap. More recently it was the Croats and the Solonites, both of whom took their fair share of flack from people who accused them of 'ruining the game.' Whether you like them or not, however, I think it's people like them who keep the game viable and interesting. Think how boring it'd be if there was nobody to hate.

    Disclaimer: I still reserve the right to make Herkicaust jokes and refer to them as second class mudders.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    18 July 2008 17:46:13

    You guys comment too much, it's impossible for me to read them all :(

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    18 July 2008 17:29:52

    Jesus, dude, that was a long ass time ago. We need to catch up; I sold that house last year. :P

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 17:26:15

    grin* You ever finish installing that new floor in your house, you never told me :P

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    18 July 2008 17:25:05

    Fuckin' Exide...hahaha, to watch him try invite chicks into the legion so he could mud-sex them was just too funny.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 17:19:46

    Exley you're very perceptive about the online persona thing I salute you man. Thanks for the good words. I'd just like to point out that the gold I took was at least how much I deposited when I was commander under Warmonger before Exide took everything over.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    18 July 2008 17:18:39

    Zillak's lack of flaming has created a negative-pressure singularity in the substance of Log-o-mania. Now it's filling with dark energy and we're all gonna die. Thanks a ton, buddy. This is -just- what I needed :P

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    18 July 2008 16:49:41

    Okay, here's my take on Aryl.

    Bad news first. He can be a real prick sometimes. Once, after I demorted and was too low level to do anything about it, he PKed a good friend of mine with his sniffer alt while I was golding with her. And another time, when I was warlord of my newbie legion, I trusted him and made him commander...and a week later he emptied my gold vault. Wasn't much at all, really, but it's the principal of the matter.

    But, when he PKed my friend, he let me go when he could have easily killed me as well (we were ERs, so there was no reporting him). He took me out a few times to show me the ropes of PKing. He showed me quests, golded with me, and was usually pretty fun to talk with.

    I get the feeling the typist behind all of his characters is different than he portrays. Hell, all of the people I've met in real life from the internet have been somewhat, if not substantially, different than their online personas. I just think Aryl's the only one really being honest about that.

    So, say what you want about him 'ruining the mud' or whatever, but I say some of his logs have been the best, most intense logs I've ever read. Him and Baklen fighting over the whip, him taking down a lvl 19 warrior with his lvl 15 sniffer, etc. Besides, without people like him to stir up controversy, you people would get bored real fast.

    And Pounder, you're our respected elder, man. Respected elders don't get in shouting matches with children. :(

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    18 July 2008 16:01:25

    <3 Zillak. Haha

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    18 July 2008 14:39:05

    I wanted to say something really smart and eloquent but instead i'll say hi to everyone and wish you all a nice day :)

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    18 July 2008 14:27:40

    You both lose.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 08:54:33

    I might need to visit it Agsded, because Pounder's behaviour looks like the handiwork of some flailing, socially unadjusted child that is so totally consumed by ignorance he isn't even aware that he's ridiculous. Not to mention irrelevant and misinformed.

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    18 July 2008 08:34:06

    I know a fine establishment which sells hearing aids... and glasses. Contacts too.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 08:13:49

    When I hear aryl comment here, all I hear is SPEW SHIT SPEW SHIT SPEW SHIT and then some PLEASE PEOPLE RESPECT ME I SWEAR I AM GOD.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 08:03:34

    I personally have helped a myriad of newer players learn about this game in a positive fashion. This has extended from leading RP-oriented, totally IC raids on Deadman's Dike, to giving hints on everything from profession strategies, to gear, to playerkilling and thieving. I'm sorry if you are completely ignorant of the positive contributions of those you revile. I suggest educating yourself instead of parading around with a blindfold.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 07:20:45

    Sorry, I don't put wierd stuff in my legend info so newbies dont' have to know what kind of shit there is in the mud. The less they know about ravathir, and fynger the better time they will have a chance to have.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:58:00

    Only occasionally the case... there you go Pounder, getting a bit closer to reality.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:19:58

    but yeah, just chiming in to point that out. Feel free to continue now.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:18:56

    People were mostly talking shit about ravathir and that mapper because of two reasons: He continuously attempted to hide the fact he has one (quite horribly) and unlike people who at least put a whole lot of time and effort into making one and setting up a client, he just got it handed to him.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:18:14

    dude, i just realized Pounder said 'of all time'!

    thanks again.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:16:33

    Wtf, who said i respect duncan? I don't. I'm just forbidden by Aule (so he is) to take any aggressive actions toward him.

    And even if i wasn't, picking on ravathir is waaaaay funnier :P

    And thank you Pounder, stick that in your legendinfo to immortalize it! :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:11:34

    I am gramur king but i don't feel like correctingly that shitze.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:10:52

    Best quote and truest quote of all time on the log page:

    Ravathir will always be aryl's brainless extension of hp and ep.

    Its only downfall is, your suggesting Aryl is above average, which sadly is only occasionally the case.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    18 July 2008 06:09:04

    Date: 03. Jul, 2008, 6:46:55 By: Lobo

    herkie log detected, mapper detected.... auto-rating...

    Remember this comment lobo? How do you talk shit about Ravathir using a mapper and all this other stuff, when people like Duncan and other 'so called' respected players of the game are doing the same things? Fucking hipocrits is what everyone is. Next time don't make stupid comments, make comments like 'Im immature and gonna rate a log how I feel about the person that posts it' would fit you much better it seems.

    and to Pounder's comment, that makes absolutly no fucking sence, I just said I killed Murray because he killed me when I first started playing again 3 months ago. So how could he possibly say anything like that about me?

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    18 July 2008 05:22:10

    <3 Nalthic

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    18 July 2008 05:18:19

    seriously Aryl, take your god complex somewhere else and stfu. kthx.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    18 July 2008 05:15:38

    how the hell do you know how th is doing? when i went inactive last week the armoury was fully stocked with exquisites and sparkling arnour. yeah rav donated alot of gold to the guild. but before he joined i was extremely active also donating 5-10 k every day. i stopped playing that char bc duncan let ravathir in. so was th better of with rav? i really don't think so.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 July 2008 04:52:23

    You can't deny the guild is, by far, more respected now that ravathir isn't there.

    Duncan should have learned it from Amearn and dungs: Ravathir will always be aryl's brainless extension of hp and ep.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 04:47:35

    Duncan kept Ravathir in TH because he -was- TH. Check out how well the guild is doing now without him. Agsded, you're hilarious. Incisive my friend, incisive!

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    18 July 2008 03:58:08

    couldn't have said it better myself Agsded.

    and not all herks are bad. calicious, belial, carath and adoni are all good friends of mine. mainly there are 3 that i can't stand. Ravathir and I were on decent terms a few times but I could never trust him. Hence why I bitched to Duncan every day on my alt to have him booted from Taril Haleth. Oh well Duncan learned a good lesson from it :).

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    18 July 2008 03:38:09

    Talk about bumchms

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    18 July 2008 03:25:49

    That's right, Jerf. You're not in the cool kids crowd. You've put yourself in imminent danger by associating with the wrong people. Remember, your friends MUST first be approved by Pounder (Or Catbert down in HR). There is a mandatory two degrees of separation quarantine cordon around all individuals in Herkimer excluding Hoshkebosh. Remember, it's a polar system: Either you are complicit in and support everything all Herkimer and Herkimer supporters have ever done or you are expected to assist in killing them in any way available to you. I'm afraid you've made your camp, which means (your entire history aside and without actually considering any action you've taken) you are now an asshole. Congratulations.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 03:24:03

    That's the biggest case of talking out of your ass I've ever witnessed Pounder. You never fail to impress.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 02:50:46

    Etrius, can you post that log?:)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 02:50:17

    Heh, Murray could say the same thing because you were just recently in the exact same guild as he was. 'Jerf was a great guildmate of mine and now he goes after and kills me at every chance'. Jerf, people who know whats going on will really not give you a chance, there really are only a couple of options in the situation for you and right now you won't take them. Its perfectly fine and its perfectly your choice, but don't get mad over it or try to justify it. Remember Bakal? Connect the dots and you will begin to see. *shrug*

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    18 July 2008 01:40:10

    Marry me Etrius?

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    18 July 2008 01:37:18

    My favourite recent warning is the one I recieved for copying and pasting passages from 'Mein Kampf' on the comm but replacing the word 'Jew' with 'Herkimer.' It was fantastic. Also got me a contract. This comment string reminds me of that wonderful moment.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    18 July 2008 01:35:35


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:57:13

    YES. Flame away, bitches.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:54:40

    stop stealing my thoughts urban!

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:49:40

    Not like Ravathir has fucked anyone over or anything...

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:40:48

    First of all, Murray is the lowest form of life to ever play this mud, so who cares who helps me kill him? A direct quote from him when asked why he acts pathetic and fucks everyone over all the time. 'Thats the way i have fun on this game man, I kill random people cause it pisses them off and thats funny to me.' The guy is worthless, right now hes Aeldor's friend, wait untill he gets a chance to fuck him over...he will.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:32:34

    And hence, why they ball cling so badly to him.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:31:55

    Nalthic, its mainly because all the good players have all but left except some addicts and very old school and mostly inactive players. So to the ones that have remained, Ravathir looks very skilled and pretends to be normal.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:20:47

    haha yeah Aryl i'm way too useless let me tell ya.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:19:14

    Herkimer down spiral? Don't tell me you're useless too.

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:15:57

    maybe you should look out for your guildmates is all i'm saying. to my knowledge you were unguilded 3 months ago. megs has a strict no kill policy unless its hitlisted but whatever i don't care either way. just sucks to see more and more people getting sucked in to the herkimer downward spiral.

    like grimscar? i had alot of respect for him until now. *shrug*

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    18 July 2008 00:00:23

    I love the headbutt and chop on the way to his innroom to finish him off, very stylish. And Nalthic, Murray killed me 3 months ago when I just came back to the mud for no apparent reason. When asked the reason of the kill... Murray tells you: 'shrug, I was bored?' Hes scum, so why wouldn't I be in this log helping kill him?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    17 July 2008 22:07:34

    nalthic if you could log on i'd inform you :P what a bitch. get your cable back or learn to mud from yer cell :P

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    17 July 2008 18:21:21

    umm is Jerf still in megs?

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    17 July 2008 16:07:21

    Oh so close. And I've always loved the 10 mile reach someone with an ear necklace has.