/-\ /-\ / \ / \ :,ijjiiitjjjjtjfti, ;iiifjjjjjjjjjjtit; .ijtj( )jfjf( )fjjf: .,;;, :jjjffLLLLLLffffjt. .ijffjfjjijjfjjjfjtttiitjjjjLt ;ttjjji; ifGLLfftffjttttjji;tLj,ijjtjjjtjfLffLff, ;tjjjjjffjfjtjjjji;,,,;ijttttttLjjjfffj: .,,tGfffjjfff\fjjtititjjt/ttjjfjjft;:. jffjjjjfff\_________/tjtfLfffj. :fffjjjjfLLfffjjttfjjGGGGffLj: :iffjjjji;,,,,,,,,;;jGGGGj,. :GL;,:::::::::::::,fG, if;,,:::::::::,::,,,j; ;f,,:::;jfftijffj;:,:,j :. :ff,:,,,tfLLLLLLLLt,,:,j; ,LLLLff,,,,,;ijLLLLLjt,:,,,tt :,,ifji,,:,,,,;tjt,,,:,,,;j, :jffi;,,,,,,,;,,,,,,;tjt tfffftt;,;,,,;;;ittjfi. ,;fLfffLffffi;tLLffjjfi ;LfffGLLLLLf, iLLLffffG, .fLfffffffLLt. ifLLffffjLt, ,,:LLLLLLfLGLj:.,tLGDLffffffG;: ,tffLfji;. ,ifLffffffj.  --You've just gotten the Care Bear Stare!-- Aryl has drawn Osse's wrath and is no more! legend aryl Aryl was nuked at 17:30 07/22/08 Aryl Darkwind the eorling Ghost (Syra's Shadow) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 22d 14h 25m 19s Nuke Reason: Long history of rule breaking, final straw of bug abuse  . ,' `. ,' `,' `. ____ '.' `,' `. /_|__| `.' `,' `. We'll miss you!  | | `.' `,'| |_,-._|=====,-.=`.' | --- '-' ----- `-' --.`:. \.,';.,, \':';,.:.. Ravathir has drawn Osse's wrath and is no more! legend ravathir Ravathir was nuked at 17:31 07/22/08 Ravathir the dunlending Stud (Sexy) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 107d 19h 12m 42s Nuke Reason: Long history of rule breaking, final straw of bug abuse