Justice is brought upon the evil doers of Arda!

Posted by
Girrick [legacy]
24 July 2008 00:00:00

They got caught, and this time Salmar dealt the swift justice, so I'm hoping they won't be back anytime soon!...pfft...hoping :P


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 July 2008 20:09:40

    dude i've known the guy since 2001. unless he's been getting more cozy with scatha or luthien, he doesn't talk to a lot of immortals :p and it's not like either one of them take what most mortals say to heart when it comes to doing their jobs anyway. whatever, i'll talk to you about it on the mud, so it's real time, and so i can relay anything bad you say to valinor :P haha jk

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    29 July 2008 10:32:39

    It's about time you got a reality check.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    29 July 2008 09:49:34

    i dont know what the fuck you're smoking jaron, but he's not the type to go running to immortals to rat people out. and he doesn't have any immortal friends :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    28 July 2008 11:17:55

    Sorry, I'm not one to lose my calm, but Trescothik has the wonderful combination of two characteristics that I despite strongly: A rat and a hypocrite.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 July 2008 10:30:01

    Feel the hate in Jaron... *hides behind Jerf*

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    28 July 2008 10:29:56

    Calm down.... have some dip! RIP GEORGE CARLIN.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    28 July 2008 09:53:36

    I wasn't following her around as much as arguing relentlessly on log page, which is probably how I got so despised. Oh well.

    And Trescothik, how do you stand your own stench? Fucking rat.

    Look at yourself before calling anyone weak and clownlike. Oh, I'm so badass, I'll make a new char to snitch on you so that my insecure ainu friend can warn you for voicing your views in private! Man, I kick ass!

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    28 July 2008 08:48:18

    Maybe against the spirit of the mud to an extent, but excessivly killing people is not a nukable offence. Ya if they are spree killing newbies fuck em, nuke em all, who gives a fuck? But no, they are killing half way skilled players at the least.... hell at one point im pretty sure he was only killing people that went into mordor? sooo im pretty sure they were someone intelligent in aspects of the game.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    28 July 2008 08:34:32

    Jaron knows this, during the ER campaigns I hated his and any other ER that would go around in their gay ass nasira band and bang just normal players making them leave the mud in frustration. But naw, Jaron has become very intelligent in his ways of supporting the towers lately. And even if we are different alignments and camps in the mud I tent to agree very often with him. Jaron for POL?

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    28 July 2008 05:10:54

    Following Nasira around? How the hell did you handle the stench? Weak and Clownlike.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 July 2008 05:07:30

    [new] Date: 28. Jul, 2008, 2:57:34 By: Jerf

    Im sorry but as far as ive seen the only thing Anubis can be accused of so far is killing a bunch of people and pissing people off

    That's against the spirit of the mud jerf. nuke deserved.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 July 2008 04:58:03

    yeah, we're all jealous zaellyer. i'll wait for you to pull your tongue out of his ass before i pay attention to what you have to say.

  • Author
    Thalus [legacy]
    28 July 2008 03:04:55

    07/24/08 07:20: Submitted for discussion by Thalus.

    07/24/08 11:04: Comment by the Valar:

    I am sorry for any loss you may have experienced. The said player has been removed from the game for this and other offences.

    One day after Ravathir got reinstated, he was back to doing retarded deeds like corpselooting. You would have thought that when given a second chance, you repent, but I am afraid we can't stereotype.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    28 July 2008 02:57:34

    Im sorry but as far as ive seen the only thing Anubis can be accused of so far is killing a bunch of people and pissing people off....as far as cheating. I haven't seen it. and if what everyone is saying is true, all of them were resorted to having 1 character at one time, Rav being Ravathir, Anubis only having Anubis and Aryl having only Aryl. With this being said, it wouldn't have been hard to belive Aryl being nuked and still being able to remake 1 character... *shrug* and as far as ainurs being biased, we all know the answer to that question whether you are a princess on this game and have never hurt a fly, or a habitual cheater and have been nuked several times.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 July 2008 01:42:59

    Stryper is!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    28 July 2008 01:25:54

    Mudders aren't cold hardened criminals.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    28 July 2008 01:23:59

    Because he's not the cold hardened criminal you all believe he is, it's just jealousy, it's ok you can admit it.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 July 2008 00:08:17

    Why would you ever believe a word Aryl says?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    27 July 2008 23:30:26

    So I guess it comes down to Salmar's word vs Aryl's word. Hmm.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    27 July 2008 23:15:49

    Hirgail, Aryl told me the same thing, to quote him 'Salmar banned me but said I am allowed to play 1 character'

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    27 July 2008 23:04:26

    I think so:P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 July 2008 22:59:02

    They should be very annoyed with him if that is the case.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 July 2008 22:57:28

    Reading that pasted log... man, you gotta admit, Melkor has style.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    27 July 2008 22:57:05

    Actually what Cruice says is true. Aryl told me he'd spoken to Salmar who had reinstated Ravathir and told Aryl that he could make a new character.

    Why he'd tell that to people he could have easily told he's going to login with a proxy, for all they'd have cared, is odd...

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    27 July 2008 22:47:20

    They don't even have one of those though, Malorian :(

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    27 July 2008 22:43:24

    Telling Lucky to grow a pair makes no sense, especially considering his comment. But I suppose you, like Ravathir, would rather have a 'sac' than a brain.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    27 July 2008 21:05:30

    Long history of cheating? Why don't you guys ask someone who actually pays attention to how much I 'cheat'. You really don't know much if you believe that I have a history of cheating. When my characters were nuked, I was specifically told that I was nuked with Ravathir's alts. because I was his and Aryl's friend, and that they would walk the line in terms of cheating.

    Why is it that other people only got warnings for giving Aryl gold but I got nuked? I will also say this once and once only. I was told by Ravathir who supposidly was told by Aryl, that he was able to start a new character and Ravathir wouldn't be nuked only zapped. I don't know where you guys are getting that the ainur told me, because I wasn't on when they were nuked and I wasn't on when Aryl made his hardbanned character. I was never told by ainur that he was hardbanned. I personally think that they set some sort of trap for Ravathir and I.

    Lucky stop being a bitter bitch. Grow a pair.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    27 July 2008 19:53:07

    Maybe the Herkimers haven't been given a client or a file that explains how to ask questions on whether a guy is hardbanned, or how to report bugs?

    Seems those are the only ways those retards learn to accomplish a fucking thing.

    Good riddance.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    27 July 2008 19:43:45

    Tash, Ravathir and Anubis' nuke reason is not helping a hardbanned character evade the hardban. It is aiding 'aiding a hard banned char (Aryl) to level'

    Again, <3 Jaron. He's making the most sense of all of you.

    Waste, I don't want to get into an argument about Castamir, but to say it in short, this MUD is his as much as it is anyone else's, except a few. The point of the hardban is that it is not against a character, but a typist. If the typist continually causes problems, cheats, etc., nuking will not suffice.

    It seems that most people think that Aryl's hardban is just, but are questioning Ravathir and Anubis' nuke. Anyone familiar with their history shouldn't be complaining, though the nukes might be harsh for today's law.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 July 2008 19:40:00

    jaron, i was around for bp's for about 6 months :P nasira pissed people off. spartan's er pissed people off. azmar pissed people off. even grimscar got on the free kill train like a loser. people like you and myself just followed nasira around and did her bidding :P

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    27 July 2008 19:35:29

    I don't get this. Aryl was an ok person i guess, but he cheated, cheated and cheated. So, as a result he got his long overdue nuke... Where is the problem really? Oh well.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    27 July 2008 18:11:11

    Yeah, imagine, a friend you have been running around with and enjoying this MUD with gets nuked. I believe most people would immediately ask Administration if that person is hardbanned. So, my viewpoint is that it would be highly unlikely that Anubis and Ravathir had no clue what was going on, and if they talked to Aryl over Skype/MSN they probably asked him 'Dude, are you hardbanned?' But Aryl could have said 'Nah, it's all good.' And in that case they have every right to be ticked off, but it's highly unlikely. And, I know if my friend got nuked, I'd help them level back up under the assumption everything is fine if they are still playing. But, while we're making all these assumptions Anubis is floating around. He can actually tell us what went down, so why don't ya. Clear it all up and get the truth out there so people aren't making huge comments :P

    ps. I'm gone until Wed, so don't expect me to respond ;)

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    27 July 2008 17:27:41

    Tash, avoiding a hardban is nothing to do with Valinors error. Its by useing a proxy server to conceal your IP, highly illegal. Ravathir and friends clearly would of know he was hardbanned, or suspected it - you can't make them out to be clueless victims in Aryls master scheme. They are cheating bastards that have bent the rules for so long this was overdue.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 July 2008 17:27:34

    the critical question is answered now: I talked to osse and he told me aryl was hardbanned, i promptly told that to anubis and ravathir, even pasting Osse's tells, and yet they were dumb enough to do it.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    27 July 2008 16:19:27

    Etrius, I made char names with a random 11 letters which went something like:














  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2008 16:11:22

    Nildnab refers to the incident where made a character whose name was 'Nildnab' backwards and then complained when people pointed out who he was. :P

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    27 July 2008 16:09:30

    Uh, this is such a crock of shit. Aaron and Ravathir disconnecting cause they saw Aryl do it and had no idea what's going on? That's a retarded idea :P

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    27 July 2008 16:04:53

    From the comment below, you saying ainu dont target people still?

    I'm not a herk but yes I know them and played/fooled around with them a bit on both sides.. so I only ask is it our fault we find bugs which ainur cant see, I stopped reporting bugs and announced them cause they/ainu simply dont listen to me/us as much anymore on reports. Only persons which did was Drogian and Melkor.. Others(ainur) only looked at their only failure and punished those which YES got their alts killed.

    Not saying I dont respect the ainur, but now if you look at the mud, whos going to fix these bugs and loop holes in the coding.. I offered myself to fix and revise mplaying, its still not fully correct. Some people can give massive gold to a nub while he his alt gives your alt gold. I currently passed out about 300k to a couple of random nubs for the hell of it. Is that a nuke for aiding a hardban character.. I have no idea, but heard Osse was nuking people for 'being someones friend'

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    27 July 2008 15:49:51

    A Dingy Cell(out)

    It was peaceful.. hour and some later.

    The shadows mysteriously swirl together, taking the form of Melkor.

    You say in Westron: hi

    Melkor says in Westron: your name, of coruse

    You say in Westron: omg, whats wrong with it. if i can spell it its ok...


    Melkor says in Westron: its gibberish

    You say in Westron: ive seen worse

    Melkor says in Westron: oh, so you want to argue with me.

    Melkor shrugs.

    You shake your head.

    Melkor says in Westron: suit yourself

    You say in Westron: i just dont wanna lose my pelt string

    You give Melkor a pelt string.

    Melkor says in Westron: lose your pelt?

    Melkor boggles at the concept.

    You say in Westron: your gonna have to mplay and transfer it to me

    Melkor says in Westron: are you kidding me?

    You say in Westron: i'll suicide myself, i just dont wanna lose it

    You hug yourself.

    Melkor drops a pelt string.

    Melkor says in Westron: pick up the string

    Melkor looks at a pelt string.

    Melkor says in Westron: are you new here?

    Melkor scratches his head.

    You shake your head.

    Melkor says in Westron: then you know better

    Melkor says in Westron: ah. you from herkimer?

    You shake your head.

    You say in Westron: california, i hate them kids, look what they did to


    Melkor says in Westron: socal

    Melkor says in Westron: k. dont act like them

    Melkor says in Westron: pick a new name

    -edit (i named like 5)-

    Melkor says in Westron: great names

    Melkor says in Westron: give me that stupid string

    You give Melkor a pelt string.

    You wave.

    A bolt of lightning descends from the heavens, and all goes dark.

    You relax and decide to smash someone's brain in later.

    The shadows mysteriously swirl together, taking the form of Melkor.

    Melkor looks at you.

    Melkor drops a pelt string.

    Melkor says in Westron: dont be a tool.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    27 July 2008 15:16:54

    I've been nuked!

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    27 July 2008 14:25:30

    I don't see what the big deal is. Why should it matter whether Cruice and Ravathir knew Aryl was hardbanned? Friends don't say 'I'm not helping you, go away' when asked for help. If I had a hardbanned friend ask me for gold, I'd give it and think nothing of it. It isn't my problem that they got around the ban - that's Valinor's problem.

    Helping them evade a hardban? This is after the fact, unless they want to claim Ravathir and Cruice showed him how to use a proxy. The ban was already evaded if he was given gold.

    The only way this could have been justifiable was if the ainur saw them specifically talking about getting Aryl's alt leveled fast so they can continue what he was nuked for. It could very well be that this was the case, anyway.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 July 2008 14:02:47

    Waste, I might not be one 'the cleanest dog' on mud, but I guess I'd be one of the cleaner puppies. I have never been nuked or hardbanned - only received two warnings for saying things I shouldn't have said, one of them being removed later on during appeal.

    Yes, you must be confusing me with Jaren, or another Jaron. I couldn't have levelbashed you by multiplaying in 1999 because.. well.. I started mudding in 2002!

    However, what you're doing is called an ad hominem - My argument should be judged on its own merits without who I am bearing any effect on that.

    Your argument about hardbans might carry some weight if you separated it from pleas to just break rules and do whatever you want. If hardbans are given out too often, that should be discussed and changed.. Asking to people to just ignore the rule only serves to create chaos and anarchy. I personally think hardbans are justified in the case of players which make a habit of making new chars, getting in trouble, then getting nuked. They just cause trouble in the few months it takes to catch them again.. Why bother? Are Ravathir et al these types of players? That's worth discussing.

    I'll read Agsded's post later - don't have the time to do it justice at the moment.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 July 2008 12:57:37

    Waste, if your post was intended to refute Jaron in any way, it was the most epic failure in the history of the logpage.

    Firstly, your description of how the game works is among the best analogies I've seen for life, yet it was given in an attempt to show how this game is not like life therefore Jaron's equation with criminals being put in society is wrong.

    Secondly, you mentioned only 2 characters from the history of the MUD who should be hardbanned. One of them is the same person you're at the same time saying shouldn't be hardbanned. What exactly are you trying to defend here?

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    27 July 2008 11:58:15

    If this is the same Jaron I knew some time ago, then I am indeed amused. Preaching as if you were the cleanest dog in the mud is just so colorful for me, but a any rate, you missed my point entirely.

    Your comparison of what I sugested to someone escaping from prison is just laughable. The main factor in this whole equation is the fact that this is a game, and above all its a FREE game. The only thing you spend playing this game or participating in this community is pure time and effort. I did not say the Ainu should allow players to play the way they want, I said that nuking was an enough punishment. Hardban is just so pushing it for a FREE game. The only reason anyone should ever be hardban is someone like Castamir, who stole the code of the mud and opened a new mud for himself. Guess what, that guy is probably still here since he just posted a log recently. Other criminals who also probably deserve a hardban are people who created alias and quest sites, Fyng i think.

    You me, anyone else who have broken the rules by transfering chars, multiplaying, abusing bugs have not affected the community enough to deserve to be outed or be called public enemy no.1. Because Jaron, using that same logic, you should have been hardban ages ago in 1999, when you powerplayed your ass off and killed me with your friends over 15 times in less than 1 week. Your chars got nuked nonetheless, with the reason of playing all your chars the same way and disrupting the community. A very similar offense to what these guys have got hardbanned for.

    Times are different i guess, and you know very well that back then there was no 'law reports' or shit like that. I didnt bitch to the ainu, because at the time, i have already been nuked a couple of times and was taking it like a man. Sorry for the long post.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    27 July 2008 11:24:37

    No problem Myrrdin, it happens. I wa just really confused about what you were talking about.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    27 July 2008 11:02:38

    When I was playing actively I remember the gold transfers between characters were forbidden. Somehow it became semilegal, the admins were closing there eyes for this little sin for which I am thankful, I was able to explore new professions with a little loan from friends to start with. Maybe now gold transfers are legal, but I do not think so and a character with 100+d age should know that. I do not think Ravathir is dumb and he should have been more carefull.


  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 July 2008 10:21:24

    You were obviously not around during BPs :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 July 2008 09:57:20

    jaron, please. i love ya man, but i've never seen anyone actually hate you :p

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    27 July 2008 09:54:27

    Jaron, the bucket was before my time, but I imagine it was something you could use infinitely much without getting full? If so... if you drank from the bucket one time, or multiple times, but didn't realize that it would never deplete you could plausibly be abusing a bug unintentionally (Read: Formid gets nuked for accidentally running someone onto the river when it was bugged).

    Now, the question is: If you did something which didn't enter your mind as bug abuse at the time, then later you thought 'You know what, that could be considered bug abuse.' when the admin has basically said 'We will nuke you at the slightest provocation'... what do you do? I mean, if you killed someone with as bug, or escaped certain death with one, and you were in a position like Ravathir was, even if it was an accident... do you think Valinor would say 'Oh, you reported it, clearly an accident... free to go.'? Given that he was caught (at which point there's no reason to report the bug) something like an hour later, that's not much time to think about how to proceed.

    Another option to consider is this: If Ravathir is as dependent on Aryl for brainpower as many of you think he is, what's the likelihood that Aryl told him after the fact 'Don't worry man, I'll take care of it' and just assumed the proper reports would be filed?

    But all of this is moot: Ravathir was reinstated after the bug abuse related nuke. He was ultimately nuked for 'Nuke Reason: Aiding a hardbaned char to level'. The CRITICAL question in this matter is whether he _knew_ Aryl's typist was supposed to be hardbanned. If I was hardbanned tomorrow but suicided before the ban went through, Valinor didn't tell anyone, and I made a new level 1, how many people do you think I could get to give me gold?

    Salmar has some information I do not. He knows whether he or Osse told Ravathir or Anubis that Aryl was sitebanned. He presumably knows whether Aryl sent tells to Ravathir or Anbuis or any of the others indicating that he was evading a siteban. Based on the history of the situation, I think it is strongly probable that at least Anubis and probably Ravathir (and the others who got warnings) did not know he was hardbanned.

    An anecdote to demonstrate the point: I was being attacked by someone (though I can't remember who at the moment). Anubis wanted to help me PK generally speaking at the time. Aryl and I asked him for help against this person. Anubis told us sorry, he had already attacked that person's alt, and he thought attacking multiple alts of the same typist might have been the reason he got nuked, so he couldn't help us. I ended up dying to said attacker. He told me he was sorry and would help me cover my losses, but he still couldn't attack said person for fear of breaking some kind of MP rule and getting nuked.

    Forget the douchebag fucker image many of you have of Anubis for a moment (just for a moment). Now, think about the person in the story I just told: Do you think he would help a person who was sitebanned level up? I don't.

    The entire question is academic at this point, I think, though: Given the extreme fragility of their standing, if I were Anubis or Ravathir I don't think I'd come back and play even if I was reinstated.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    27 July 2008 09:44:14

    You guys write way too fucking much.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 July 2008 09:24:49

    And why is it me that makes these posts while we have so many lawyers?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    27 July 2008 09:23:54

    Agsded raises some good points,

    Regarding whether they knew that disconnecting was a bug or not, I have often stumbled into bugs, including the bucket bug in Carchost that got 7 people nuked. I drank from the bucket that you could get infinite healing from. So did they. The difference was that I reported the bug afterwards rather than abusing it excessively. The question is, did Ravathir bug report his no-damage fall afterwards? I doubt that.

    Regarding the hardban issue - Yes, there's a chance that Aryl might have tricked them into helping him and it is possible that they had no knowledge of his hardban. This is assuming that Salmar didn't have creditable evidence that they knew (like a tell, or something) which we will never find out about. Even then, I don't think it would be stretching it too far for Salmar to make a reasonable assumption taking their past and other factors into consideration. The question is: Would you rather have a chance of them getting away with something they're guilty for (We know the message this gives to the cheater, and this attitude's role in the fate of Durmanhoth) or nuke them despite a slim chance of innocence? He obviously chose the first.

    It is important not to portray the hardban case as the single cause of their nuking - It is just the last piece of a huge puzzle of cheating - If it is 10%, they still have to account for the remaining 90%. You can all claim in a variety of ways that they've been innocent in all of these cases, but then expect to find the slippery slope fallacy raised against you. What is the chance of them being innocent in all of these cases? 0.1^5 or probably even less. Why do other innocent people, or people they refer as 'normal' people avoid these situations? Valinor favouritism? Draugluin hated my ass, even told me to suicide on comm, yet I didn't even get a single warning during his rule. They could be out to get you, but you have to give them the excuses first - And Ravathir et al have done plenty of that

    In the case they're innocent of the hardbanning case, and got nuked despite that, I think Aryl should be the one they're blaming for tricking them, not Valinor. If they were innocent of the cliff case as well, wouldn't they have been annoyed enough with Aryl for not letting them know wth is going on to stop associating with him, especially in dodgy affairs like helping a new char level after his nuking?

    'As for Jaron, if you really believe that friends of Valinor, or people that the mud likes will be nuked for the same things I would, then you were drunk when you wrote that comment.'

    Yes, there's favouritism in Valinor, as there's in any organisation. The fact that it is a voluntary and unprofessional organisation does not help. The fact that they're emotionally involved with the game due to the time they spent on it does not help either.

    But as I said, you have to give them excuses first. See what I said about Draugluin hating me. Do you think I was very popular among players back then? Half the mud hated me. Why am I still here?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 July 2008 09:10:18

    Not saying it's impossible they didn't know. But they should be real damn angry at Aryl if he lied to them, and blame him for their nukes rather than the admin.

    A 100d investment is different to a powerplayer. If he hasn't been sitebanned, I'm sure Ravathir would just as well be given a 10 second old level 20/21 character with all his gold as get his old one back. Whereas I'd probably never play again if this character got removed because of things like autoloads, charinfo dates, etc.

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    27 July 2008 08:37:17

    The important question in bug abuse cases is intention. If someone does not know they are abusing a bug, they are not violating a rule. I'm not saying this was the case, but imagine for a moment:

    You're Ravathir. You are falling at cliffs. Your party leader says go linkdead. What do you do? Ask questions while you have seconds to live? Good party members reflexively follow their leader's instructions. Now you're linkdead. You're told to log back on. You do so. Retrospectively, was it a bug? If it is, you just abused it and according to Valinor you are on your very last chance. If it's not, why would you want to call attention to your having possibly just abused a bug?

    This scenario presumes that Ravathir didn't know about the bug beforehand, which is an unknown variable. However, the same logic applies to aiding a person in circumventing a hardban. In the past, Aryl has had _MULTIPLE_ characters 'nuked' as a cover for a namechange. He's been 'sitebanned' at least twice. If Aryl told Ravathir that he was not sitebanned and/or was allowed to play, I think history tells Ravathir to believe him.

    If you say Ravathir and Anubis (and the others who got warnings instead of nukes) should have known better, I direct you to the comments section after the first round of nukes (Adanethel's log of them dropping to avoid cliff damage): He'll be back in a week. He'll probably get a silent namechange. I'll believe he's gone when he's been gone for a month. None of you believed he'd get sitebanned, so why should Ravathir or Anubis have believed so, especially if Aryl _told_ them he wasn't?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 July 2008 08:30:18

    In regards to my long comment; I mixed up alts (as I thought in the first place), so apologies to Cruice. He's in the same boat as Ravathir (I don't like you but you shouldn't be hardbanned)

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    27 July 2008 07:59:50


    Aryl, Ravathir, and Aaron all disconnected at the same time, which resulted in them not losing any HP from falling off a cliff in Mordor.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 July 2008 07:17:15

    Apparently the bug was plug-pulling to avoid dying after falling from somewhere.

  • Author
    Flare [legacy]
    27 July 2008 07:13:31

    Honestly, it's common practice that certain players are targetted by Valinor. It's normal. And until I don't start getting the exact reason for any of them getting nuked, I can't say anything else. What was the final straw of bug abuse? Can it be verified by everybody else?

    Or is it just old, say, Melkor nuking two brothers for 'mp violations' because they were together in a pk /and nothing more/.

    I don't like how those guys got nuked. I bet it came right from the sky for Ravathir. He never broke, any rules, did he? He was the worst asshat ever, but that doesn't mean he should get nuked. I mean, who am I going to play against now?

    This is sick; I'm sorry, I can't comment anymore.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 July 2008 05:07:20

    I don't claim to know much about the legal system, but I know enough to know that a jury is commonplace in most western society. So yes Cruice, community judgement does and always will count. And if the community dislikes you, you're clearly not wanted in the game.

    On a side note (I'm assuming from your comments you were Anubis?), you should consider yourself damn lucky ainur even let you make that character after the 3 year old hissy-fit you threw with the last one. You showed with your actions then that you lack the maturity required for this game and which I've seen far more prominently in 9 year olds here than in you.

    I also find it extremely unlikely that these guys weren't aware Aryl had been hardbanned. If they weren't, they have only got themselves to blame for considering this guy a friend who would risk all their characters and hard work for his own personal gain. In which case they should be blaming either their own stupidity, or Aryl's blatant selfishness and betrayal for their character deletion.

    Assuming all my concepts of who is who in regards to alts are correct, the only person I think deserves not to be hardbanned, as much as I dislike him, is Ravathir.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    27 July 2008 04:46:39


    [new] Date: 27. Jul, 2008, 1:11:51 By: Cruice

    'The ainur have nuked all my characters for things that normal people would have gotten a stern talking to.'

    He clearly assumes he's not a normal person, and probably needs treatment too. What a weirdo. :D

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    27 July 2008 04:37:47

    <3 Jaron

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2008 02:58:11

    'It's their game, deal with' isn't a piece of rhetoric which should be used to quash all debate regarding Valinor and their decisions. Nor should it be used to justify/excuse all manner of sins. At the end of the day, regardless of whose game it is, the playerbase is still the most integral aspect of a game like T2T.

    It amazes me that people still find the energy to wax lyrical about Valinor oppression, or that they're even slighty surprised when the administration makes a questionable decision. The administration has had some apalling Powers of Law over the years, and Salmar is by no means the first or the worst. It's just a fact of the environment, I'm afraid. You have to take the rough with the smooth.

  • Author
    Beyaz [legacy]
    27 July 2008 02:27:53

    Cheating is cheating, no matter how big or small the cheating amounts to. It is still cheating, and anyone caught doing so should be warned about it. If they persist, they deserve to be nuked.

    Repeat offenders therefor have no defense when they are caught and nuked.

    Maybe the application of these rules are not stringently applied to all cases...But hey, its their game and they can do what they like really.

    I cheated once, with an old copy of Beyaz. I knew the risk and i knew if i was caught i would probably get nuked. I dont see that anyone who has been nuked recently has any defense at all for their nuke reasons

    You cheat or break the rules in any, way, shape or form and you risk getting nuked. Its that simple.

    Footman Beyaz - Silver Company

    Knights of Dol Amroth

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    27 July 2008 01:11:51

    Agsded is right, I didn't know about him being hardbanned, but it doesn't matter now. The ainur have nuked all my characters for things that normal people would have gotten a stern talking to. I'm sorry I pissed people off for playing the game. There were very few people that wanted to take the time to maybe talk to me, instead of constant flaming and hate, to try and be my friend or see things through my eyes. Ex. (Agsded). All others are just a bias as the Valinor on this game. I wasn't nuked for cheating, bug abuse, harassment, or even multiplaying. I was nuked because of community judgement that even Valinor is subjected to. When I plead my case to Osse, he did not explain reasons for my deletion, and simply laughed if I said anything other than what he put his mind on.

    As for Jaron, if you really believe that friends of Valinor, or people that the mud likes will be nuked for the same things I would, then you were drunk when you wrote that comment.

    Agsded or others contact me through skype, if the Valinor decide to open their eyes. Until then, everyone enjoy the time you have.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    26 July 2008 23:47:14

    10/14/07 22:00 : SUSPENDED 7d for Harassment and profanity

    04/21/08 01:41 : ^ (OOC) : ok, uck you all (I've seen several comms pushing the line... be careful).

    05/26/08 19:25 : Extended profanity session on main comm. Example comm: '^ (OOC) : i say lick my damn balls puto'

    05/26/08 19:27 : Extended profanity session on main comm, portions of which were in (bad) spanish: '^ (OOC) : chupe a mi.. hoto', '^ (OOC) : no, its called talking spniash so i still dont get warnings stupid' - This is a separate warning from the first one by design.

    07/22/08 21:52 : mudding while intoxicated and abusing people

    I should be nuked?

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    26 July 2008 23:08:49

    I'd just like to add to Jaron's post that, with regards to Ravathir and Anubis (And apparently a few other people who got warnings instead of a nuke) their nuke reason being defensible hinges on them knowing Aryl was hardbanned. I don't know if Salmar told them. He might have. IF Salmar didn't tell them, Aryl could have told them that he got nuked but was allowed to make a new char. If that is the case, Ravathir and Anubis got nuked for something which, while it might be in the gray area, is common practice (giving gold to your typist's friends alts to help them level up). Before they can be legitimately punished for aiding a person in avoiding a hardban, first it must be established that they knew he was hardbanned.

    So while Aryl's nuke and subsequent comeback nuke are defensible, I think before you can say with certainty that Anubis' and Ravathirs were you need a little more information than we have available (unless someone was told by the offending parties, yes, we knew he was hardbanned). Anubis told me after he was nuked (made a level 1 to talk to Salmar) that he had no idea Aryl was hardbanned, and that Aryl had told him that he was allowed to make the character. Presumably the same would go for Ravathir.

    All I'm saying is I don't think anyone commenting on the subject really knows enough to say whether 2 out of the 4 nukes were at all justifiable. You just have to have more information -- and presumably Salmar has that more information; he hasn't given it to us though, so we're not really qualified to comment on the situation.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    26 July 2008 22:31:22

    Holy fucking God, I for once totally agree with Jaron.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 July 2008 22:14:26

    heh... Amen. There's really nothing more to say on the matter.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    26 July 2008 22:12:42

    haha, that was a long post, but I've always liked Jaron. Even tho, I think we've been on opposite sides my entire career.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 July 2008 22:04:25

    You guys never fail to amaze me.

    Maybe Aryl and the Herks were fun. Maybe not. Maybe they spent 100 days on the char, maybe only a few hours. These are irrelevant when it comes to punishment.

    Are you people actually suggesting that a player that is fun to have around should get away with things that a normal character would be nuked for? Like, Average Joe would be nuked for hacking, but Funny Joe, who can keep us amused with his jokes, should stay? Unbelievable.

    Or by following Jerf's logic, maybe we should make it so that 10d old chars should be nuked outright for minor offenses while 150d old chars get away with pretty much anything, and can have up to 20 warnings.

    Waste's post is fucking unbelievable. By the same logic we should let people who escape from prison get away because of their display of enthusiasm for mixing with the society.

    You break a rule, you get punished. Simple as that. The only relevant factors are 1) your past with rule breaking 2) whether it was intentional 3) the amount of damage/abuse involved.

    1 is rather terrible with them, especially Aryl - Killing people as an ainu, numerous offences with MP and bug abusing, numerous pardons that have been brokenby him. Not as bad with Herks, perhaps 2) Yeah, well I guess he got through the hardban by accident and Ravathir and others gave him the gold altruistically assuming he was a random newbie 3) Need I say anything?

    And you might all say 'but Valinor doesn't play with these rules, nuking people just because they don't like them' Is that an excuse for reducing yourself to the same level? It all boils down to 'They should not be nuked because they're my friends / They should be nuked because they're my enemies.'

    And you know what? Here is a story for you. When I was small, I used to play football with kids in the neighborhood. There was only one guy with a ball, and he always wanted to be the referee. He was not perfect, but he was okay, and considering we were playing with his ball, we didn't object much - Until one day, when he showed a red card to another (popular) kid he didn't like much with a dodgy reason. For the Americans, that means he was thrown out of the game. We liked that guy, but still the ball was the referee's, so we kept on playing after some objections. The guy that was thrown out, rather than moving on, kept sitting at a bench nearby and bitching at everything that happened - Every decision, every shot, every fucking thing, no matter how obvious it is. Annoying as hell.

    I really like you Hirgail, but that's what you are doing. Get a grip and move on for fuck's sake. The treatment you received might have been unjust, but people suffered from much worse, and managed to move on, in or outside mud. You are somehow assuming that Valinor wants to destroy the game (Which is ridiculous, they wouldn't want to destroy something they spent so much time and money on, and if they wanted to, they would stop paying for the server), and bitching at every little thing they do, not because you think it is not right, but to bitch at them. Do you really think it should be okay to get away with a past of constant cheating like Aryl's? Or should it be okay to aid someone avoiding a hardban? What, should they get away because they make the game fun? Isn't this the mentality that led to you leaving the game? Who are we to decide who is good for the game and who is bad?

    Please stop being a preacher of vengeance and return to being an amusing person.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 July 2008 21:46:27

    if you'd quit making chars and getting gold from friends just to make it on the top levellers list, you'd probably have more age on jerf :p

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    26 July 2008 21:30:32

    Maybe its not that special to you, but ive been playing for like 10 years and never had a character 100days old :P *shrug* and you suicided cause you were being an idiot! and you said you were gonna 'stop playing'. :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 July 2008 21:27:58

    Wow, what the fuck Waste.. That completely goes against the idea of being hardbanned. Also, who gives a fuck how old your character is. I suicided a 70d old char so whatever :P Maybe if it's a YEAR like Pounder, but 100d really isn't that special.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    26 July 2008 19:09:44

    Honestly nomatter who you are, 108days on a character like Rav is more time then half the mud has even played. Personally Jerf has been alive for so many years and im still not even close to 100days...thats a pretty big hit to a person.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 July 2008 18:36:43

    But hey, the douchbags in Valinor do a good job. They nuke a couple of guys and you spend your time thinking about that instead of the stellar job the Admins are doing running this game into the ground.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 July 2008 18:34:04

    You really think the Herkimers stopped people from playing? Wake up. People leave because of the Admins and the things they change/do. That people you don't like play doesn't fuck with you, you can just ignore them. You can't ignore the Admins.

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    26 July 2008 17:56:17

    You know, nuking someone is really a bad enough punishment, a guy loses so many hours of hard work, but going ahead and banning him and then re-nuking him for bypassing the hardban is just really rubbing it in.

    No matter what the guy has done, he clearly is so addicted to this place that he went through the trouble of using a proxy or whatever fancy stuff to get through. What gives the admin the right to re-nuke him? Sure enough the game is free for anyone to play and there are certain guidelines you have to follow. But its not like you are letting people into your own home then you just decide to kick them out for good. Players really spend more time in the game then the admins themselves, you nuked Aryl, fair enough if he deserves it or whatnot. Let him play his new character, dont nuke his folks for helping him out! Its like when Draugluin the idiot decided to nuke Warrax for gold abusing a bug and then nuked 6 other guys along with him because he gave those guys some of that bugged gold.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    26 July 2008 15:36:20

    Hirgail, considering the Herks and Aryl were part of the reason that the avg number of users fell so sharply, I say good fucking riddance. All they ever did was piss people off, even half the people that were attempting to be buddies with them.

    Fuck 'em.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    26 July 2008 14:22:45

    like i always say myrddin, you don't need to know how to do something to notice that it was poorly done.

    on a side note: will it still be called Anglachelz, Iron of teh Flaming St4r? Because if you change the emotes and don't change the name it will still be sucky.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    26 July 2008 12:12:37

    Fearsome-looking longsword was my favorite evil lands weapon. Razor-tipped spear is nice though.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 July 2008 11:43:19

    bah old clip Pounder

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 July 2008 10:41:23

    hahahhaha guys here is quiauh's MOM! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgYuPne3GQE&NR=1 eoacelaeocalecol

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    26 July 2008 10:03:50

    And what did you ever describe or code Urban? Oh that's right, shit all. You're just here to criticise because you lack the talent required to DO.

    On a side note, I'm redescribing the guildweap and emotes.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 July 2008 09:52:24

    im lol at the aet poo comment loel ehheahahhaah and girickc always saying ewhat i want to say alololeoleoeleoel

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    26 July 2008 07:07:27

    Well you certainy didn't do a good job for 'style' in your guildweapon.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    26 July 2008 06:55:37

    Personally I enjoy things because of friends, enemies make me enjoy things less. But maybe I'm too normal for this place?

    Pounder, I agree. I pick weapons for style, fuck the stats.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 July 2008 06:44:23

    I won't miss the herks. But they'll be back anyways if they haven't been hardbanned.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 July 2008 05:28:25

    it's not that people wanted them gone, it's that they pissed people off and people just got a lot of satisfaction from the nukes, and now that they're gone, it's amusing to rub it in their faces :p

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    26 July 2008 05:26:54

    Shrug, I actually agree with Hirgail on this one. I don't understand why so many people wanted these guys gone so bad. You needed someone to hate didn't you? Without a mutual enemy of the mud, most of you will soon find it boring, you can easily try and replace these guys with Hunting NPC's and whatever else but it will never be the same. An NPC nomatter how badass it is will NEVER have a personality, hense Shelob, everything can be concured, and when it is, its no longer fun. Personally I liked the people that were nuked here. *shrug* you can all call me an idiot or whatever you want to call me, but sadly these group of 'cheaters, and filth to the mud' were pretty damn good friends of mine in the end.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    26 July 2008 03:01:06


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 July 2008 02:44:44

    etrius eats poo

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    26 July 2008 02:17:21

    Aiglos' emotes are disgusting.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    26 July 2008 02:02:18

    Nah, Jade Trident has by far the best emotes.

    It's emotes is a mix of crimson longsword and storm bow.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    26 July 2008 01:29:27

    Whip is actually very addicting in terms of emotes and so on, aiglos needs some serious work to become nearly as good (personally I think whip is best emotes overall for a multiple hitting weapon), and storm isn't bad at all.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:52:58

    eh, it has pretty colours and double hits :(

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:47:18

    Shabba: if you reaaly think that Whip and Aiglos look sexy, you may need professional help soon :)


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:36:53

    I remember when i claimed dark cloaks at reboot.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:31:07

    oh and as early playtesters would know.. razor-tipped spear for ERs!

    Long live Arghash! Hail Sharakh!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:23:09

    whip and aiglos own everything :P They look sexy AND kickass!

  • Author
    Fairgil [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:23:02

    Auction more gruesome mordor sword please..

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:18:56

    <3 BLEM

    No, not really

    The spiked gauntlets are really cool, I like those :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:18:30

    Just got my SSS :)

    I miss being a noob. Like, not knowing anything, the landscape, places, how things owrked, etc. It was like reading an interactive book.. and the suspense was great. Especially Gundabad and Mordor!

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:04:37

    In fact, I have this urge to go out and quest one. Hm.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 July 2008 00:03:55

    You know what I love? The short steel sword, and the ithilien sword or whatever it was called. Great emotes.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    25 July 2008 23:54:50

    I was under the impression that, as elite as Aryl is, he wouldn't need gold passed to him to max a character. I guess it's just another gaping hole in the veil of his supremacy.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 July 2008 23:47:14

    And as follow up, even if it doesn't have SUPER stats or isn't two handed, I love the Great Spiked Flail. Its just fun to use, who cares if it isn't the perfect weapon. People need to stop looking at the god damn stats and get away from making sure everything is the TOP damage or TOP defensive or PERFECT way and start again doing their own shit and being different. Go grab some weed from bree and smoke at gildor. Go challenge koda for their castle. We need the old elements put back into the game. Sure not everyone will like every element, but they are equally important to the places survival. (END?)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 July 2008 23:43:12

    Agsded, its Zealot :)

    I personally didn't mind Aryl nearly as much, in fact he has existed OK amoungst us for some time. It was actually the combination of him with the Herk's that was truely bad. Upon this and him feeling 'superior' to everyone else because of his dickherks, this is where people found distaste with him. The community of arda initially and hopefully may once again (we can hope?), thrived off of intelligent people playing the game. Very diverse and smart people. Yeah, not everyone has the same intelligence or types of intelligences, but everyone had some sort of personality and weren't like stupid ass WOW'ers or generic shit that goes around like some gang. Even really horribly ummm, well lets take the character Smart for an example, he actually had a funny personality and was pretty decent about it. He added to the mud's community. None of the herks do this at all. They take away from it and generally generisize anything they touch ruining the uniqueness of the world.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    25 July 2008 23:40:20


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    25 July 2008 18:50:04

    like 2 weeks ago, ravathir was on 'legend top exp', 'legend top levellers', 'legend top activity' and aiming for 'legend top elders'. Now the only place he still is is the 'legend top imbeciles'.

    feel teh hate

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    25 July 2008 18:46:38

    I'd prefer self-delusion to fanaticism any day (unless I'm a zealdin.)

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    25 July 2008 17:58:18

    I seriously made an investigation about his sickness, what i found was he lies and belives it, really fatal :P

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    25 July 2008 17:57:39

    He was not only cheater Hirgail, he was sick, hope this hardban cures his brain problems...

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    25 July 2008 17:12:38

    I don't get it. Why do you guys want him gone so much? You people have friends that were hardcore cheaters, people you respect and wish would come back to the mud. Why is he different? If Marthaon came back home many of you would be glad. He cheated to the ying-yang. Fucking pathetic hypocrites.

  • Author
    Thalus [legacy]
    25 July 2008 15:05:03

    I was half-bewildered when Pounder first told me about Aryl making a comeback by getting onto a proxy, but the mushrooms proved that he was damn right.

    The old fart is lethal!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 July 2008 05:21:30

    It does Polk when they are on 20 hours a day. And I only laugh because I had already told Thalus that Aryl was online using a proxy to avoid his ban and that odds are ravathir or one of the crew was helping him. Hahahah, so god damn predictable.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    25 July 2008 05:02:31

    Hirgail, get your maths right :P nuking 3 people doesn't make the average drop down by 3; unless 50 people is the total of what we have here.

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    25 July 2008 02:06:14

    Thalus is the 'cooldude' who told me initially that Rav had gotten nuked :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    25 July 2008 00:49:05

    Man, Thalus is gonna be taken for a whirl when he sees this.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 July 2008 23:07:28

    Yeah, I suppose the herks really couldn't say no cause they kind of rely on him :P

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    24 July 2008 22:46:29

    I'll post the rest of my logs etc when I get back on Sunday night. Going on a canoeing/camping trip for the weekend, take care everyone.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    24 July 2008 22:10:03

    Actually, Aryl owned them.. He is either dumb enough to believe they could get away with it or wanted to drag them down with him. Quite a dilemma, I choose the latter.

    Still, Ravathir the dunlending Stud (Self-owned) sounds amusing

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    24 July 2008 21:37:57

    actually the herks owned themselves this time

  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    24 July 2008 19:59:21


  • Author
    Nalthic [legacy]
    24 July 2008 19:59:01

    yay no move suiciding for me. good job valinor!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 July 2008 19:38:07

    Aryl my dear... trusting herkies again...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:24:15

    oh, nm, you got into shit after the baitlia stuff :(

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:15:57

    or you wouldn't do something because I asked you to? :(

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:12:36

    log on googletalk then!

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:12:35

    When I'm not on the mud anymore I sure as hell won't be coming back here to spam the thread on each log. And if I do please have some admin ban my account.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:05:49

    Hey Colven, stop doing something you do because I say so.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:04:57

    No, no I couldn't.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:04:30

    Hirgail just let the mud go already, find something else to enterain yourself with at work or something.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:03:37

    We already talked about that and ascertained you could, if you wanted.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 July 2008 18:02:48

    I even recreated Koz!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 July 2008 17:57:39

    God damn these Uncle Tom pricks piss me off.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 July 2008 17:54:55

    Even if I wanted to I couldn't Koz.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 July 2008 17:49:19

    Why do the MUDs most colorful personalities always have to cheat or MP or try to find the exact meaning of harassment :( Come back, Hirgail!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 July 2008 17:45:19

    You guys are idiots. This isn't a good thing for the game. This makes it an average 47 people logging in compared to an average 50.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 July 2008 17:35:43

    You're a fucking asshat if you get pleasure watching people get nuked... At least they made the game interesting. What have you ever done Girrick?

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    24 July 2008 16:53:38

    Haha, I guess my by hand converting of this brought a lot of spaces with it, oh well, deal with it :D