Norre again

Posted by
Mordhred [legacy]
20 August 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

It's reminding me of Hellflame in its prime time.


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    28 August 2008 03:07:39

    i did not want that image in my head rhak. you bastard.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    28 August 2008 00:54:08

    And as sensual.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    27 August 2008 19:47:48

    I'm as sensitive as the wings of a butterfly.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 August 2008 19:31:14

    nothing i said should have offended you :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    27 August 2008 04:14:24

    There's no need to hurt my feelings like that.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 August 2008 00:24:20

    there's no need for you to try to defend him for something he did years before becoming your asspal.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    27 August 2008 00:23:40

    joke or not, he passed it off as himself for years.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 August 2008 23:05:03

    That picture wasn't of him. It was a joke.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 August 2008 18:30:44

    i know you're trying to be funny grimmy, but if you've seen the pic of him im referring to, you'd be as scarred as i am

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    26 August 2008 18:25:19

    So you like to watch guys with their shirts off on TV and it makes you think of Aginor.

    Something you want to tell us?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    26 August 2008 18:23:17

    you're right, no one liked me. let me /wrist. guess that's why i had people in every guild i'd been in trying to get me to rejoin when i started playing again, including your beloved fra :( wait, i take that back, not every guild. mirdain didn't ask :p you still boning aramyss and putting your gay pose photo up all over the internet? once in a while when i'm watching tv late at night, there will be some gay phone line commercials, and when i see the guys smiling all pretty with their shirts off, i think of you.

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    26 August 2008 08:43:31

    That would hurt if it wasn't coming from someone who had actually had the respect of anyone. I don't know anyone that even liked you when you were active, maybe you should just go back to being emo? ok pumpkin?

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    23 August 2008 18:25:23

    Does that make us bestest friends? I hope so.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    23 August 2008 14:39:59

    Fofester, I think you almost quoted me from something I said in an earlier log :P Aryl's goodbye log I think.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 August 2008 13:47:55

    Being bitter would imply you ever did anything to me worth pissing me off. I just think you're an undeserving wanker.

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    23 August 2008 05:21:49

    lol Miroth.. Good to see your still bitter. Makes me sleep well at night.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    23 August 2008 03:26:26

    Ok im drunk, it's late and i cannot bother reading all comments. All i have to say is, during the era of the herks i was inactive all i did was check the logpage. One day i saw a new char posting a log (don't remember who but it was someone from herk) WHere after he gets his kill he starts emoting shit like pulling his head of and skull fucking him, and stuff like that. That was enough for me to reliase that he was so mentaly fucked up it's just out of control. But whatever, i never cared enough about them to acctualy comment on every log about how i hate them and so on and so forth. I don't hate them, i just have a dislike for some of them and there immature actions. But then again if they approached me in game i wouldnt say fuck off your from herk, i would talk to them and form my own opinion. But i Love how Aryl always tries to talk away from the shit many herks have done, and also always blamed them on us being owned and shit. I couldnt care less if i got pked or not, i never ever hold a grudge against someone because they pked me, that is just stupid.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 August 2008 03:04:45

    I'm with Etrius on this one, it really does help the day go faster at work. :)

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    23 August 2008 02:56:17

    clonzepam or however it's spelled is some good shit.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    23 August 2008 02:38:19

    I still find it very entertaining, personally. :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    23 August 2008 02:28:36

    Jaron is right, take care guys, or you'll end up swallowing Clonazepam pills every day, like Quiauh.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    23 August 2008 02:04:44

    <3 Hirgail

    <3 Jaron

  • Author
    Syra [legacy]
    23 August 2008 01:59:04

    I have to agree with Jaron on this one.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    23 August 2008 01:52:42

    You know what a few weeks of being too busy irl to mud at all makes you realize? You guys are all fucking drama queens. I suppose so was I. It is so bad that Nicuramar could make a fortune out of selling the comment and log archives to psychologists.

    Seriously. You keep bitching and bitching about your disagreements to people who you know are not going to change their mind but just bitch back at you. And you do it for days on. It's so bad that it's no longer even entertaining to read. Why the hell do you feel the need to explain yourself?

    You know what? Amearn and Spartan, despite being total assholes, are the only sane people among you. Sane enough to admit that they do things because they enjoy it. Grimscar and Aeldor don't get along because they hate each other. Grimscar likes herkies. Esteban hates herkies. Boohoo, end of love affair. It's that simple. Yet it has to be tens of comments over tens of comments bitching about specific events that don't even matter and you'll never agree on.

    And I love it how we all love making character analysis of Ravathir and rest of the herkies trying to figure out why people hate them and whether they're misunderstood heroes or crap. As if we're qualified to do that. Qualified psychos maybe. Shouting out loud - Who the fuck cares what they are? Would you ever change your mind about them? Do you expect the other guy to change his mind? Then what the hell is the point? Why waste so much energy and time?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    23 August 2008 00:11:45

    In game and out of game, mine have never stunk as bad, but worse than anyone else.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 August 2008 23:51:21

    Ever notice how your own farts never stink as bad as someone elses?

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 August 2008 22:31:51

    why are you asking me if my suspension is working out, as if you're throwing it in my face. you're a fucking moron. i was trying to get nuked. it's not like the suspension was undeserved. i wasn't complaining about the suspension because it was unfair, i was complaining about it because i wanted to be nuked instead.

    btw, quit acting like your shit don't stink. no one is innocent here.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2008 21:28:49

    Oh ya, Grimscar it's a pretty commonly held view that you were having some kind of sexual internet relationship with Isabella when she was 14-15 and you were 26-7.

    Of course it could have been completely innocent or a fabrication born out of gossip

    And a 15yo girl isn't exactly prepubescent...I mean it's not like you forced her to do anything or manipulated her fragile and insecure teenage mind.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    22 August 2008 21:24:01

    Frankly Myrddin, I don't see how some kid saying 'Yo waddup dawg' is any more or less ridiculous than some kid saying 'Come hither noble elf, we shall slay the dark beasts and then make merry in the woods'.

    Also, fuck these multi paragraph posts.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    22 August 2008 21:21:25

    Sorry Grimscar, but you never stayed out of it. In fact you assisted one of the sides in many occasions. Just stop giving excuses for it, no one really needs them. And they won't make people like you more or less. Also, you're starting to look like Manni, which scares me. Should scare you too, considering his well-known ending.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 August 2008 21:11:29

    Hey, I never said Ravathir wasnt an asshole.

    He just hasn't been an asshole to me, and I appreciate that.

    Hell, I'm sure I'm an asshole to lots of people. It all just depends on which side you're on.

    When evils were running rampant, on all the different versions...they hated my guts. I'm sure they never liked seeing me on and even less liked dying multiple times...

    Just like I couldn't stand Kalimac. Especially Kalimac, Shadowy, guys like that..but basically its because he was really good, hard to kill, and always always killing my allies...he was damned good at what he did.

    So of course what am I supposed to do? I have multiple sets of friends, and my friends hate one another. Do I choose one set of friends over another? What kind of person does that make me?

    No, instead I attempt to broker peace between both sides, to get the fighting and bitterness to calm down.... and when that fails, I simply stay out of it and refuse to assist either side with killing one another.

    Its not a perfect solution, but its not a perfect world and I do the best I can.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 August 2008 21:01:56

    I made a really hilarious douchebag post right before the logpage went down. Did it get removed or did it just not register? And Pounder, I know all that, I did certain things/acted in certain ways both on purpose and naturally that long ago precluded a change in the opinion that I'm an egomaniac so I'm not going to start acting humble now. It's just part of the package. Thanks for being fair though, I've really gained some new respect for you over the last few posts. I'll never be back unfortunately, but maybe we'll see each other on a different game and I promise I'll be civil! Take care.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:56:58

    I agree with Koz. Ravathir could be the most generous, giving, kindest person in the world to his friends, but if he's an asshole to everyone else in existence, then that makes him an asshole.

    Aryl, you can think that everyone's feelings towards you, him, and the others in that little group are due to some sort of prejudice or whatever, but the simple fact is that the majority of us have had interactions with those people that have lead us to our feelings towards them. Sorry, but that's the truth.

    Anyway, this is maybe the most pathetic thread I've ever seen on this forum. It's a game. Calm the fuck down.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:48:45

    Thanks for inviting me into the world of MP, Miroth. How's that suspension working out for you?

    Anyways, Trescothik made the comment about my law reporting him for what he said about me on here...but it was the character Kade that made the comment in game, so I see nothing wrong with outing him here, since he brought it up.

    As I said in an earlier post, if you want to trash talk to me and say stupid shit (like Pounder and Kade did) then I will give you the same but worse right back to you.


    Banished to mordor for how long? I didn't get to hear about that story. Tell me what it was like!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:35:52

    That and what Koz just said, brilliantly said.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:33:20

    See this is where you make assumptions Aryl, to be 100% honest, I even stated I would have been elated if you had been still allowed to play the game and they had been banned. In fact, at one point I believe I stated that I had never really had a problem with you until you teamed up with these ass-jacks. As for your claim to have killed more than almost anyone else, that fact that you make that statement proves you a massively inferrior player to some of the true big time killers. I think Myrddin hit it straight on, the true greats on this mud never had to prove themselves vocally or through just 'beating' up a person and then trying to laugh them out of town. They KNOW they had skills and could kill almost anyone, they didn't need a band of monkeys cheering for them and telling them they are the greatest. Here's a tip for you also for when you obviously will be back: being self proclaimed (as you have done several times) does not garner you respect but usually people will roll their eyes, letting your skills actually do the talking instead of ALWAYS thinking you need to spew generally allows you to gain true respect. People know about Alkath and Mornaner for instance not because they kill someone and say DIE NOOB, but because they kill in a solid, completely ethical, and generally superiorly skilled method. They also show disgression for who they go out and kill. This line is something Herks do not, nor ever will have or understand. To them being loud = being good.

    And Thalus, as much as I have respected you in the past, when you say 'stop destroying the atmosphere which were once set for many since the pre-2000 era.' after all that huge post or your stance, I can only hear how incredibly hypocrytical you sound.

    That statement infers: Mud > (Guild or Friends)

    The rest infers: Guild > Friends > Mud

    Sadly, I put Mud > Friends (> Guild in the past) because I have met my friends here DUE to the mud being as it is.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:24:06

    Yeah, Aryl, that, or Ravathir just did his best to earn the hate of so many players over the years. The easiest explanation is most often true, you know. And the fact that he maybe cooled down does not somehow cancel his past. And Dofro is obviously being himself, as we saw in a log not so long ago. Why can't you understand that it doesn't matter that 'you are a great guy inside' and you 'are nice and considerate to your friends' but treat everyone as shit 'because it's just a game! SAFOOMA is so damn funny!' you will be, and rightfully, treated as shit(on the game).

    What I also don't understand is Grimscar's and Jerf's amazement that people are getting angry with them for partying with these guys. While you were inactive all your friends were in conflict with them, and did their best to kill them whenever possible. Then you come back and say, hey, we'll just be friends! Don't attack them when partied with us! We'll store for them! We'll help them out with eq! We don't give a fuck about what you feel towards them, they seem nice enough to us, and our judgement is obviously correct! You must be bad friends! Mindboggling.

    That being said, I have to say that to me personally the Herks were always quite decent, despite the fact we fought. And I liked Hurb. But I cringe every time I read on of 'those' logs from them. So I understand everyone's feelings. And the fact that they are pretty good players and cannot be easily brought down and gangs are ineffective/profitable nowadays of course adds to the hard feelings.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:23:14

    Grimscar, you are not the oil in the water man, you were hanging with herks before those shit... And i dont admit the actions of Aeldor, both of you speak like children in kindergarden... AND Yes i hate herks because they are nothing more than backstabbing bastards...

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:09:30

    As far as wishing harm upon someone's loved ones, I was banished to Mordor for saying something similar on the log page. Time to grow the fuck up eh? If Draug was around, I'd enjoy seeing him fuck you up for that.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 August 2008 20:08:19

    new] Date: 22. Aug, 2008, 4:43:27 By: Grimscar

    Secondly, to address Pounder, and Trescothik/Kade.

    Congratulations on being the bottom-feeding, scum-sucking fucktards of the internet. Wow. You're so fucking cool. I wish I were as cool as you and could accuse people I've never met of molesting kids.

    You two were made to suck each other's poles.

    To address everyone else:

    I am not nor have I ever been into 'little kids'. As a word of warning though, make sure you never discuss your personal life with any of these fucking lowlifes on the internet.

    When I was 19, I dated, for about a month, a girl who was 15. I'm 28 now. That's the last time I ever dated a girl who was under the age of 18. And I never even really dated in high school because I went to a pretty shitty school ( and spent most of my time on T2T anyways). But I guess I made the mistake of talking about it on the comm, and voila. Nine years later, you have shit-licking butt-pirates who think its funny and grand to talk about shit that's frankly, disgusting and crosses every line imaginable.

    So congratz, you win the uberdouche award, Pounder and Kade. I curse you both. May your loved ones get cancer and die.

    Welcome to the world of MP, douchebag.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:52:35

    Kelos wasn't an immature, flaming douchebag.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:51:42

    Apparently you missed the clear point in the analogy about the guy giving shit afterwards and bragging to his friends.

    That's the difference between Kelos and Norre. Kelos was a respectful enemy. He wouldn't cheat to get the upper hand. He wouldn't talk trash after his pk.

    I hate these kids attitudes more than being bitter about anything they've achieved. Dofro is running around talking like some west-side rapper. This isn't the fucking west-side, it's a tolkien MUD. This domechecka attitude is fucking ridiculous, and I don't understand what the attraction for this kind of person is to a MUD like this where they don't belong.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:47:51

    And Thalus's post was a great read.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:47:10

    Don't get me wrong, I am better acquainted than anyone else with Ravathir's volatile nature. But it really toned down over the years, and of course no one noticed. And it was never so horrible that it would warrant your current opinion of him. Your analogy is ridiculous. Everyone killed each other daily and for little reason during BPs, not just Hellflame. You're giving him way too much credit. By your reasoning, someone like Kelos should be incredibly disliked because of all his great assassinations of ERs during that era. But that isn't the case... hmm, why? Because of his personality? Following that, personality is the biggest factor, and yet... you don't make the effort to get to know him so you're just willfully perpetuating your own ignorance. How about you just lay it out truthfully? You're hateful, and bitter, and obviously intrigued by petty conflicts. You feel good being part of a mob that slanders other people. Congratulations. Get some self-esteem and think for yourself, or better yet, get over it period.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:39:53

    Hypothetical: You're a school student. Every day you go to school, you see some guy beat the shit out of another kid for no reason, then laugh and brag about it to his friends, and tell the kid he beat up how much he sucks and how he should suicide, etc. etc.

    Question: Do you have to try to befriend this asshole and get to know him before you're allowed to hate him?

    Answer: No.

    Your reply: this is just a game

    Answer: yes, and everyone ON THE GAME hates Norre being ON THE GAME. If peoples hate goes further to actually wanting him dead IRL or something then yes, there's something wrong. But other than maybe one or two people you accuse of this (which is probably unfounded), nobody else thinks that way. They just hate the attitude and the disrespect these kids bring to the game. Thalus summed it up perfectly about 5 posts ago, nothing more needs to be said than what he has already done.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:35:57

    The first time any of my characters ever died to any Herk-played character was today, when Norre killed me during an RP event.

    But sure, he's totally the kind of guy who helps old ladies across the road, and everyone on the MUD just started hating him because they got owned. Nothing to do with him being the most immature, arrogant asshole on the MUD (since you're nuked now).

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:33:05

    Earned? OOC dislike is based on personal interaction and actually knowing a person, not getting your face fucked in a game you bitter newb.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:31:30


    And it wasn't misconception, they just weren't active during the time you all earned the dislike of 90% of the MUD, so they don't have as much reason to hate as everyone else does.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:26:36

    Pounder, stop generalizing about the type of player I was. Just because I have killed more people than almost anyone in history doesn't mean all I ever did on Towers was PK. There was a lot more to it than that. (Insert idiotic comment about me being a cheater).

    The hatred toward myself or particularly my associates from Herkimer was rickety and barely founded in the first place. It has just become this ball of bullshit that's so concentrated it smells about 10 times stronger that any actual arguments concerning Herks or Grimscar being in the wrong.

    Aeldor is a kill hungry, mentally-ill liar that projects his psychotic issues onto his enemies. Everything he says is some distraction away from that fact.

    Grimscar is good witness to the fact that Ravathir is a great guy. Kind, helpful, etc. Jerf is as well. Your problem is in your perception (addressing the ignorant, hateful masses). Jerf, Grimscar, etc, haven't changed by hanging out with Rav or Herks or myself. They came back from inactivity and weren't polluted by the retarded misperceptions about myself or my friends. And guess what? They found out we're good guys. You all on the other hand let the stigma of our reputation jump over onto them, because you're all extremely petty and fucking pathetically immature. You need people to hate. How healthy.

    Now, allow me to give Jerf and Grimscar props for sticking up for themselves, and especially Grimscar for being SUPER HILARIOUS. Made me laugh so bad.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    22 August 2008 09:32:35

    This dates back to the beginning of the second evil races age. The so called riot ERs had just been formed, and some new player from a city called Herkimer started a char named Hellflame. No one knew him yet, except apparently for a friend of mine (preserved identity), who had played this game for many years. He approached me one day and made me promise him my first kill as riot would be on this one guy called Hellflame. I didn't understand or ask for his reasons until much later. But nowadays I feel proud of my first riot kill, and recognize the brilliant mind of my friend (who doesn't even play anymore), as the first herk-hater in the history!

    i think that was funny enough :P precise history info though!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    22 August 2008 08:23:38

    <3 T

  • Author
    Thalus [legacy]
    22 August 2008 08:20:36

    Some of you may get the benefit of Ravathir (and his folks) being of friendly relations to you and I congratulate you on that because I certainly did not enjoy that bestowal. But thankfully, I am not the slightest bit jealous, either.

    Honestly, this so-called great guy you have got here has a split personality. He had tried stealing my kills, corpseloot with triggers (of course he failed miserably) and later calling me a corpselooter. Of course, I could still remember that eventful day because I practically laughed off my chair irl for such absurd behaviour. More importantly that law report together with a dozen others that he probably had under his wings got him the ultimate nuke.

    However, the so-called good boys in this 'war' aren't all too friendly either, are they? They could not understand the mechanics of guild over friends and being replied with 'Fuck you' when I attempt forms of explanation does not sound like the most mature behaviour either.

    Both fighting sides think they are great individually and condemns the opposition, but in retrospect what makes you better than the other? This is an online text game if you had not already realized by now. Even if you did manage to level bash your opponent twenty more times, you are just superior on a game, but no more.

    Life is so much more than 'You suck on T2T, you die, I win'. This is a comment not to condemn the behaviours of both parties, but just my humble opinion of the atmosphere around T2T now. I cannot help but wonder where the fundamentals of this game which were once strongly upheld by many esteemed players had gone to. The dynamics of roleplay, guild relations, character separation had without any doubt been deteriorating at an alarming rate.

    I may not be the best player around, but I had made great friends over the years and I still enjoy my roleplay as a character, be it from the days of me originating as a Valacircan, to the later years of a Son of Ulfang and eventually today of a member of the Fellowship. Start enjoying the game for what it was introduced to be, and stop destroying the atmosphere which were once set for many since the pre-2000 era.

    I apologize for this lengthy post, and certainly appreciate your kind time, if you bothered to read and think it through.

    Thank you.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    22 August 2008 06:37:45

    Lobo, I think its because I brought up his childhood, wait, someone else's up. I could stop doing that but he keeps thinking he's doing so well with the 'man love insults' that I can't help it. :)

    Jerf, don't get me wrong, ignoring you isn't teaching you the lesson. I think you are still awesomeness IRL but honestly, you're not worth a damn when it comes to anything while being logged on in Arda anymore.

    And people honestly have a problem with people like myself because I won't bend over just to get some extra super active friends when it means hurting the integrity of the mud. And dont' give me that shit Jerf about they were willing to be your friends, I am sure many people still considered you a friend even after your inactiveness.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 August 2008 05:33:08

    grimscar just said: I'm still the same guy, in fact, i'm not.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 August 2008 05:22:01

    I'm going to second Jerf here.

    I came back to the mud and Ravathir was never ANYTHING but nice to me and to my guild. All I had to do was ask him to be cool and he said 'yeah, sure, we're cool.'

    So maybe I missed the complete and utter douchebaggery of those guys , but whatever. I'm still the same guy too. In fact, I'm nicer than I used to be, and much less bloodthirsty. :)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 August 2008 04:58:20

    I can't believe grimscar is pissed about this, seriously =p

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    22 August 2008 04:58:06

    btw I just got done reading all these threads and Grimscars comment is terribly correct. Its sad that long time friends like Esteban to him and other people were so quick to abandon him because he participated in one pk with Ravathir and I. All of the sudden hes this different person.............not? He didn't change to me at all. Its pretty weak the amount of 'friends' or so called 'respect' I lost because of some guy I partied around with. I certainly didn't change at all. Im still the same care free guy with a laughable personality. But NO! Even people like Pounder, ive actually met Pounder in real life and had a blast gambling with him. Hes actually just an all around great guy. Even he was so blinded by his hate for these herks that he put me on his ignore list and proceeded to tell me that I would stay there untill I learned my lesson. But what kind of a lesson is that? Putting someone thats been your friend forever on ignore? heh.

    Maybe I wasn't around for the whole im a dueche bag and call everyone in the world a scrub, suck a fart out of my ass era (which is by far the gayest quote ever)that these guys did but when I came back to the mud these guys befriended me and helped me out at all costs!

    blah that was too long. whatever

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 August 2008 04:55:42

    to make pounder's list of 'guilds which were infected by herkies and now are a piece of rotting shit that no-one respects' complete:

    quickblades, durmanhoth, gor burzgoth, udungul and taril haleth (even tho the last two ones are beginning to do fine again, the herkie smell is still there).

    Are you accusing someone of irrational hatred, grimscar? what's wrong with that? 'We don't need a reason to love, why would we need one to hate?' Hate for the fun of it :P

    and Kandri, sorry, i just wanted to sling shit on a different person this time :P nothing against you at all, you seem a respectable person

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    22 August 2008 04:55:25

    Your last post is probably 'disgusting and crosses every line imaginable.'

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 August 2008 04:43:27

    Secondly, to address Pounder, and Trescothik/Kade.

    Congratulations on being the bottom-feeding, scum-sucking fucktards of the internet. Wow. You're so fucking cool. I wish I were as cool as you and could accuse people I've never met of molesting kids.

    You two were made to suck each other's poles.

    To address everyone else:

    I am not nor have I ever been into 'little kids'. As a word of warning though, make sure you never discuss your personal life with any of these fucking lowlifes on the internet.

    When I was 19, I dated, for about a month, a girl who was 15. I'm 28 now. That's the last time I ever dated a girl who was under the age of 18. And I never even really dated in high school because I went to a pretty shitty school ( and spent most of my time on T2T anyways). But I guess I made the mistake of talking about it on the comm, and voila. Nine years later, you have shit-licking butt-pirates who think its funny and grand to talk about shit that's frankly, disgusting and crosses every line imaginable.

    So congratz, you win the uberdouche award, Pounder and Kade. I curse you both. May your loved ones get cancer and die.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    22 August 2008 04:27:44

    Alright, two points here.

    First off...

    Who exactly is it that I let into my guild that's so bad?

    I haven't let in any of these people that you guys seem to despise so badly. None of them. And I didn't kick anyone out of my guild, either, they left, so don't give me bullshit about 'keeping my guild on top' for now. No, I am expanding and growing my guild.

    I chose to be friends with Ravathir and Agsded because of the pathetic actions of people like Aeldor. As he himself said he is 'vindictive', and wants to kill me and my friends forever. Out of EVERYONE on the mud....EVERYONE... Ravathir and Agsded were the two to step up and say 'Hey, Grim buddy. We're not scared of those fuckers. We'll help you out.'

    You think I could count on RoI to help me with Aeldor? KoDA? VC? Amruin? I certainly couldn't count on Esteban. His obsessive, Lobo-like hatred of Ravathir made him choose to put his own irrationality ahead of his guild and guildmates.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    22 August 2008 02:47:16

    [new] Date: 21. Aug, 2008, 21:45:50 By: Grimscar

    Wow. I guess I should've known someone with a name like Pounder would be so absolutely obsessed with male on male fantasy action.

    Do you always think about me and ravathir from T2T when you're cradling the stepchildren and swallowing the gravy, Pounder?

    Cuz that's pretty sick, you fucktard.


    Grimscar, as far as children go, you are the one that's into them remember so don't call me sick. :)

    And yes Esteban, its god damn sad, because people who were god damn good friends for quite some time (even take me being friends with Rami and Waste) are losing their friendships of years because of these fucks. People who interact with them are changing very obviously to people who don't hang out with them. Also, people like Grimscar will always put their personalities and 'god' positions and 'their guilds' ahead of people who are loyal to them for extended periods of time even if it means losing those people. Grimscar currently sees what will keep his guild active (temporarily - see below) and on 'top', he doesn't give a shit for anyone who has actually put in significant time into his guild to keep it alive for when he wasn't active at all.

    Someone will rip on me for saying this (problably lobo?!), but I actually give massive props to VC and even Koda to some degree because they were never truly infected by anyone. They kept literally tons of their original members (and still have many active from the way old days) and just went on their way. Roi was another instance of this but I can't vouch anymore because aside from a few I don't relate to them anymore (due to inactivity). Its amazing how stupid people are being with letting this immature group in their guild. Every guild they have infected has become VERY active for a SHORT while and then ends up in disaster or near death/bleeding to death once they get bored and move on or get busted etc. Lets look quick, Udungul, QB, Durms anyone? Super vibrant nowdays right? Udungul the most removed from them currently is finally getting some stability back and its good to see that though.

    Anyways, honestly, until Osse or Salmar Perm them out, the mud isn't worth anything to anyone that doesn't want a WoW-text clone.

  • Author
    Kandri [legacy]
    22 August 2008 02:36:35

    heh, wow...Lobo. wtf am I doing here? Thats a damn good question. I guess I have some friends here, and I check out the log page now and then, and Grims statement just struck a nerve.

    As far as dying to tarkus, yeah, i died with full healing. I was golding in linhir, I had just looted, and that put me over the top for encumberance. I was unable to get my healing out. I spoke with tarkus after, and I believe I was civil, as I had no problem with him. I am really not sure what your problem is...I didnt suicide because I was killed. I suicided because that character was pretty much made for megs, and since I didnt want to continue being a meg anymore with him, I felt no reason to keep him around.

    oh, and Lobo, thanks for being a complete cock. For awhile, I respected you, because I also disliked many of the guys from herkimer. However, you prove to be much more of a immature, juvenile fascist schizo who obviously suffers from penis envy than any kid from upstate NY could hope to be. I hope your hit by a bus.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    22 August 2008 02:30:47

    Like you should talk about crying to the PoL you fucking pansy, Jason. You dobbed on me for calling you a paedophile, when we both know it's fucking true. You fat fucking gaylord.

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    22 August 2008 02:00:21

    Aeldor man, I dunno whats going on with you latley. I actually used to have a lot of respect for you back in the day but your comments and attidude towards everyone have gone so downhill that its beginning to look pathetic. Winnetou is acting the same way latley, I think he called me a noob 10 times last night, while I was trying to have a normal human conversation with him. Then 5 minutes later he died again...what for the 6th time this week? *shrug* Im sorry but its just making you all look like immature ass clowns.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    22 August 2008 01:59:47

    we don't miss you. shoo fly.

  • Author
    Aginor [legacy]
    22 August 2008 01:38:40

    Good to see you are all the same happy herk hating bunch! Miss you guys.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 23:40:33

    hirgail seems to be omfgly correct

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 23:38:47

    yadda, yadda, yadda, Aeldor :p

    yes, you've just killed me soooo many times :p


    Now, I understand that my memory has been going, and likely, there's some kills that aren't posted up here...

    but golly, I could only find ONE log where you even participated in my death. :p

    So yes, pat yourself on the back for killing me SO MANY TIMES.

  • Author
    Aeldor [legacy]
    21 August 2008 23:28:52

    Grimscar, you and I had had a long story of very shortly liking and then disliking each other OOC until like 2003 when I stopped mudding for some time. If I remember correctly, when I came back in 2006, you were inactive too and we shook hands and said the past was forgotten. We had no accidents afterwards. Then out of nowhere you stabbed me for Aryl's friends. I offered you to pay me what? A 30k reimbursement? You started whining how you were inactive and didn't have a cent. Then really, 30k looked too much for someone as inactive as you and I went down to 20k. Then you whined more. Then I went down to 15k (I had lost 18k). You went on whining how you had absolutely no gold and how you couldn't gold. I thought oh well, the guy doesn't know anything about Aryl. Not that it's an excuse but still, I've killed you enough in the past, I had no beef with you, so I offered you to pay me the symbolic 10k reimbursement. Anything less wouldn't even have a symbolic value, so that was the minimum. So, I offered you to pay me 10k, no storing for/helping Ravathir, Agsded, Aryl and the likes and I (a very vindictive person) would forget about you backstabbing me for them. In the meantime I mercifulled Kavan to show you that things were serious. I also told you that it's a NOW OR NEVER chance for you. You, however, went on whining how even 10k was too much. I'm rich enough, I've killed you many times, so what the hell, I could live without reimbursements! I asked you to stay away from my enemies though, so I could stay away from you. You said ok and we agreed to truce. The next day you stored the black sword for Ravathir and Anubis and Ravathir was found in your guildhall. Later you partied with Agsded. You had been warned that it had been then or never, take it or leave it. You didn't take my offer. You will die and anyone helping you will die too. I'm done negotiating.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 23:25:20

    hahahah <3 hirgail

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 August 2008 23:14:33

    Aeldor isn't insane, he's a warrior. You just don't understand the level of dedication and discipline he has. He has attained a mental clarity beyond anything we could comprehend.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 22:54:11

    I spent hours upon hours trying to get Aeldor and Murray to cease attacks on GV, and they refused, refused, refused - and you KNOW this to be true, you were in on some of the conversations - you saw for yourself how idiotic and INSANE Aeldor was.

    It is only after they continued to attack our members that we decided to fight back.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    21 August 2008 22:06:31

    * I became GM and sought peace with all who had been attacking us...

    Grimscar, you sought peace? You just became friends with herks (who were enemies of GV during my period) and started to attack Aeldor and Murray...

    You know shit about Turkey, 2 years of mandatory? no, its 15 months, plus terrorism is in high rate in southeastern part, we must do our duty. First learn things about us then throw shit on us. Even look at the map and see how strategically position we are at. We have always had enemies, and we still do...

    You have changed a lot Grimmy, I remember those days when we were fighting but we were respectful, now you are just full of shit and i cant recognise you anymore, this is not the Grim i used to know... I am sorry...

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 22:05:02

    Only loyal guildmate I lost was Esteban. The rest i was glad to be rid of.

    With the exception of two people (Aeldor and Murray) I delivered total peace to my guild. No longer did we have Ravathir and Aryl attacking us. I tried to make peace with Aeldor, and for a while it seemed like it was going to occur - he agreed to peace, but then attacked my party member. I was even willing to continue the peace after he got killed for that attack, but of course he was having none of it - so he decided to start picking off my less experienced members (after his failed attempts on me).

    If you notice, I've been involved really in very little pk-action since my return. My main goal has been to foster a friendly environment in the guild and bring in some less experienced but active and motivated folks. I've been doing well in that regard, too - but I will also defend said guildmates both in action and diplomacy.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:54:57

    Grimscar lost many loyal guildmates because of his decision, but Esteban, as a friend i tell you are being very silly. Lose a friend because of a herkie? what a fucking bullshit, not worth it at all, afaik you and grimscar have always been friends. If he choses to take Aryl's place and 'constantly fill Norre's anus', that's his problem, mock him, make jokes about his decision, even leave the guild to preserve your anti-herkie reputation, I'm pretty sure grimscar is mature enough to take those actions and remain your friend. aryl is the greatest herkie-defender here, i make jokes about it etc and he might even get a little pissed about it sometimes, but always remained my friend, a great one, like you, esteban.

    on an unrelated note: wtf is Kandri doing here? Wasn't he the fool who suicided saying 'omfg u keeld me, i was aiming to lvl 21, it was the objective of my life, i have no desire to play anymore' right after he got soloed by tarkus with a full flask in his cloak?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:45:50

    Wow. I guess I should've known someone with a name like Pounder would be so absolutely obsessed with male on male fantasy action.

    Do you always think about me and ravathir from T2T when you're cradling the stepchildren and swallowing the gravy, Pounder?

    Cuz that's pretty sick, you fucktard.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:27:03

    Grimscar's version of his last comment retold:

    Grimscar: so guys, anyone want to be my peace bitch and have me support you no matter what you've done on the mud in the past?

    Aeldor: I won't be your bitch.

    *Muffled sounds of someone in the background*

    Grimscar: Ok go to hell, I will join your enemies if they offer...

    *Muffled sounds grow into Herk*


    Grimscar: Sure, suck first before we do anything, I have compassion for someone who has lost their leader and I will do my best to become the new leader of u!

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:00:32

    Everyone's killed everyone at about this point in the game, at some point, you move past it and even people who were once your enemies, can become your friends, if you allow it.

    Only people like Aeldor permanently refuse to change and refuse to ever allow things to die down.

    I became GM and sought peace with all who had been attacking us...

    You guys claim you hate those from Herkimer, but when I asked for peace from Aeldor, Murray, Ravathir, and Aryl....guess who was more than willing to immediately bury the hatchet?

    Ravathir and Aryl said 'Hey, I'd rather be friends. Let's not kill one another.'...Murray and Aeldor said absolutely refused any attempts at peace.

    So you tell me which side is more grown up and mature?

    And i am a free man, Esteban.

    Not that you'd know anything about probably don't even LIKE freedom, as you are living in Turkey, with your mandatory two years of slavery, err, 'military service.'

    I counted you among my friends as well, but when you send me a tell accusing me of MP and that you are going to report me to the PoL...well, obviously you know what I think of that action.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    21 August 2008 20:20:36

    I wonder if you say the same if one of your guildmates start running around with a multiple-gv-murderer, Grimscar...

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    21 August 2008 20:01:03

    Well, i have the right to say in order to protect YOU from others from Grimmy, at least i counted you as a friend but i am sorry, everyone can make mistakes but i am still respectful to you, you dont have the right to say 'fuck you' to me, noone has, and stop behaving like a free boy, you are not 15 yo anymore, if you hadnt realised that, see a doctor...

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    21 August 2008 17:55:41

    I'm fine with guildmembers maintaining OOC friendships with enemies of the Guild. Attempting to police people's friendships is as impossible as it is unnecessary; but I consider partying with, or giving aid, to people on the hitlist as a serious, and possibly even expulsion worthy, offense.

  • Author
    Hoshkebosh [legacy]
    21 August 2008 15:48:03

    Well, I have friends in FRA, but it might cause a stir to see me partied with someone who has been on the hitlist 9 times. :p

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 14:57:23

    My guild members understand and respect mine and each other's right to have our own friends. I am lucky in that regard. I have a very awesome group of people around me. :)

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    21 August 2008 14:13:43

    Well, everyone have responsibilities within their guilds. It's easy to say I hate this, I hate that, fuck you I won't do what you tell me (UH!). But in the end, if everyone in your guild disagrees with you, you might as well just leave it and keep your so called friends, or perhaps do the other way around.

    Except of course if you're a GM and don't give a shit to what your members think. Then I guess the members should leave themselves instead.

    Diplomacy is above everything.

  • Author
    Kandri [legacy]
    21 August 2008 14:10:17

    sidenote: I am not saying anything derogatory about any 1 guild, i am referring to individuals within said guild who'se elitist, 'im better than you all so bow down to me or suffer' attitude and bipolar antics turned the guild from a close-knit group of brothers to a high school dance with little groups of people scattered around, glancing nervously at the other groups but afraid to piss off the guy who put himself up as prom king.

  • Author
    Kandri [legacy]
    21 August 2008 14:03:15

    That sounds familier Grimscar. I hate being told who I can and cant have for friends. Try to imagine being contracted by your own guildmate because one of your friends happens to be friends with someone from Herkimer.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    21 August 2008 12:39:04

    Bulgarians win!

  • Author
    Thalus [legacy]
    21 August 2008 11:47:03

    I like how the contest for medals is going on in the Beijing Olympics and we have a scaled-down contest for who dies more here on the Two Towers too.

    So who are the Americans and who are the Chinese here?

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    21 August 2008 09:52:00

    well Esteban, you were asking for it.

    I thought you were a good friend and then you go and report me to the PoL for shit you don't even understand.

    You and I parted ways originally because you wanted to control who i party with, and now you're doing it again.

    No one - no player or immortal or power or valar - will ever have the right to tell me who my friends can or can't be on any character.

    A big fuck you to anyone who thinks they have that right.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    21 August 2008 09:01:39

    hello mr pepper.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 August 2008 09:00:32

    Just each bring a couple crystals and you won't have to worry about eaglesighting. Problem solved, I win.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    21 August 2008 07:08:06

    Yeah, Lobo tries to imitate me and fails miserably! :P

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    21 August 2008 06:57:56

    6. Incorrect. I know of at least 1 room that no races can see in non-ES in Linhir. No more lucky number.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 August 2008 05:56:45

    Its called preference and risk vs reward differences idiots. Argue over something of substance like how they are still trying to 'convince' us that norre isn't one of them. :)

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:36:14

    I always eaglesight before hand. It worked this time, there is no denying that, but im going to have to agree with Hirgail on this one.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:15:32

    omg 7

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:15:21

    think about THIS case:

    1. he had ep to waste

    2. he had a vov

    3. he had enough wilderness

    4. neither mordhred or tarkus planned to use dark rings

    5. norre can't cast dark

    6. there are no dark rooms in linhir

    7. norre's client isn't set to wear dark rings automatically when attacked, thus he wouldn't wear even if he had 'em.

    It wasn't dumb. Think about it for 10 hours.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:12:05

    Really, I can't believe you don't see the good use of eaglesight in this specific situation. It's very clear.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:06:53

    I can count:P It's still dumb. Think about it for 15minutes.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:03:00

    You fail to convince the powers of nature to give you extended sight.

    Your movement reveals you.

    (-HP:230 EP:155-)<SG>

    You summon the forces of nature to extend your sight.

    (-HP:230 EP:135-)<SG>

    You already possess extended sight.

    (-HP:230 EP:135-)<SG>

    You already possess extended sight.

    (-HP:230 EP:135-)<SG>

    You already possess extended sight.

    Learn to count hirgail, that's 5 tries.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    21 August 2008 04:00:34

    Well, in this situation, I think eaglesighting at the time of pk was the best option - doesn't mean I do it everytime. And that's what I mean with doing it the right way. On a side note, luck is also part of success.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:53:02

    No seriously. You spent 30ep this time because the random roll of the dice didn't make you do it 20 times. Yeah, it doesn't happen a lot that having wilderness at 60 means you fail a lot in a row, but it happens enough that you shouldn't do that shit.

    Imagine if you had failed 10+ times to ES..what then? You don't even have the Ep to stab and land one headbutt.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:48:36

    Also Aryl, to be a dick and leave like three comments in a row, a contract is a good enough reason to PK someone you're not balls deep into.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:47:04

    Hirgail, if you didn't notice, I wasn't hunting. I spent like 30EP on eaglesight in this attempt. If I had been eaglesighted all the time, I'd spend way over 200EP during the stalking. Just to get things straight.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:46:36

    I mean, what the fuck? There's no right way to do it. It's either do 10eaglesight or not.

    You eaglesight the moment you're out of your safe place at off to pk, if you don't you're just begging to get screwed.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:41:06

    There's no fucking gain in esing in a pk alias. It's stupid as hell. For all you know you could piss away 200ep on the attempt even if you have it at 60.

    They could cast dark, or wear rings, or run through a room where it's dark while you're hunting....

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:28:29

    1) I didn't have one or two reasons to kill him, but at least three. So it wasn't random.

    2) My guild will _never_ be on good terms with any stupid quickblades.

    3) If norre was unaware, it's his own fault. He knows very well who are his enemies, and quite a few of them were online.

    4) It's hilarious you trying to deny he is ravathir.

    5) It's 'your enemy' not 'you're enemy'.

    6) I'm embarrassed after all these years, the self proclaimed best pkiller in the mud, still havent figured out the benefits of eaglesighting in the pk alias, if you do it the right way.

    7) Lobo, stop stealing my lines, damnit.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    21 August 2008 03:21:02

    If he's not aryl, then this is a big fucking coincidence, because:

    1. Often seen online for 10h+

    2. Shitty title (storm archer)

    3. Hanging with the same guys, except Mueller.

    4. Joining QB, an original herkimer guild.

    5. No 'story'.

    6. If you whined to any power about him having a new char, even tho he was banned from creating new chars, the power would say (did to me, at least) that he asked admin to create one for him.

    7. The herkie smell.

    Damn, 7... I'm feeling like Mordhred :^(

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    21 August 2008 02:24:12

    bye :(

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    21 August 2008 01:44:01

    On a final note, I'm embarrassed Norre was killed by someone who eaglesights in their PK alias.

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    21 August 2008 01:38:58

    Mordhred randomly killed Norre. Norre's guild was on good terms with Mordhred's. He did this purely out of personal hate and was totally opportunistic. Of course that's good for a kill, but catching an enemy unaware isn't skillful if they have NO IDEA they're you're enemy.

    Last time I explain shit here, I'm done talking to anyone on MSN or Skype about T2T, including Norre. And it's hilarious you think he's Ravathir.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    21 August 2008 00:58:56

    He even said 'fuck you' to me, i agree with you Lobo...

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    20 August 2008 23:32:25

    I figured it out. Without Aryl around to constantly fill Norre's anus, it is now free and open to be raped by everybody that tries to.

    Hard to be as good at the game without your blanket, huh?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2008 23:18:37

    herkies have chosen you as their new leader, grimscar! you're the new Aryl!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    20 August 2008 20:44:19

    apparently norre is the fuck of the month

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    20 August 2008 20:05:13

    Yeah, we can't let that flame die!

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    20 August 2008 19:44:35

    The Herk-hate and homo-infatuation by Lobo continues, as always.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    20 August 2008 17:02:28

    The best thing about this log is that there's someone called Thrush now.

    Hopefully someone will make a character called Tinea and they can get married.

  • Author
    Gawen [legacy]
    20 August 2008 16:38:35

    Tarkus wasted an attempt!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2008 14:17:41

    hmmmmm, erm... yeah... for the first time i'll say... myrddin is correct.

    But that proves my second point, that this is a known fact!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    20 August 2008 14:16:12

    Wasn't it just 'nice mp'?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    20 August 2008 13:53:02

    this log is obviously edited, the original version probably was:

    Norre has died.

    Kill what?

    (-HP:230 EP:96-)<SG>

    Norre says in Westron: nice mplay

    The ghost of Norre drifts west.

    it's a known fact that herkies' client say that automatically when they die...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    20 August 2008 11:37:40

    So some FRA members are actively partying with Norre (not Thalus, he's just a victim of circumstance) and others are killing him. How's that working out for you guys? (Just wondering)