Kelevra showing honor

Posted by
Tyfus [legacy]
21 August 2008 00:00:00

I got this crappy wireless connection which causing me hard time. So basicly my connection lagged away. Kelevra attacks, but realises im idle and stops the attack. My hat goes off to an player with honor.


  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    24 August 2008 19:49:21

    Well :) I wasnt whining actualy, i wanted to see how far the comments could go by replying to everyone and try to piss off as many as i could. And it worked didn't it :) And making myself eternal ? Lol being eternal for being on a top list on this page? Yeah right. I never saw the charm in trying to reach top posted or top rated or anything on this page.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    24 August 2008 19:20:26

    Him whining too much? Back then you were the guy that was trying to get enough people to bitch on his goodbye log so that it makes into the comments section making you somehow eternal. And I remember making jokes about a spelling bee between you and Bragl. Oh, the old days.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 August 2008 17:35:59

    And who is Bounty?

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    24 August 2008 17:35:41

    wtf? who is demental?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    24 August 2008 15:57:12

    Hum i thought Myrddin had been around longer, i seem to remember his whinning much longer back. Shrug once again i have no time perception.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    24 August 2008 15:52:39

    I think that version of fade lasted for a year or maybe a year and a half. It was sometime between sheriff removal and forums.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 August 2008 15:46:55

    Nah, you were able to be knocked out of fade the whole time I've played, it was just very uncommon for a maxed assassin.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    24 August 2008 14:43:56

    erm? What i remember being able to be knocked out of fade was maybe the last month's of fade. They implemented that and then abit later they removed fade completely. Before that you didn't get knocked out of it. But i suck at time frames i just remember shit, but i cannot remember if it was 2 days ago or 3years ago.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 August 2008 13:34:08

    I remember Bounty knocking Kozlodoev out of fade when I first started playing and he was attempting Demental.

    So this is like 4 years ago. And fade days is inclusive of all days when fade existed, so it's irrelevant how long before removal it was :P

    I didn't say 'good 'ole days' or anything.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    24 August 2008 10:43:42

    Hum i wouldnt call that back in the fade days. i would call that 3weeks before fade was removed days :)

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 August 2008 02:57:19

    Back in fade days a well-placed headbutt might've knocked the assassin out of fade too.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    23 August 2008 20:14:06

    If you have headbutt in your trigger, it should only be on missed stabs.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    23 August 2008 19:35:09

    I'd like to point out that headbutting an assassin immediately when they stab you is too sexy to be a waste of ep. Their defensive skills are fucked for that short period, you can headbutt for like 50 hp.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    22 August 2008 10:14:57

    Aye Myrddin. Trigger it is. Didnt even know i had that trigger. I havent been attacked for at least three years. I have to agree that its no good.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2008 06:46:54

    Erm no, it's a do command activated by a trigger, not an alias. Unless for some reason you wanted to trigger the alias to just make things unnecessarily complicated.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 August 2008 06:32:25

    alias myrddin, activated by a trigger... oh my

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    22 August 2008 06:01:36

    I don't know if anyone noticed it already, but that was a trigger.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    22 August 2008 05:12:31

    I don't know if anyone noticed it already, but his aliases suck.

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    22 August 2008 02:04:22

    This is refreshing to see. And yes that alias is behond horrible and needs to be fixed asap!

  • Author
    Girrick [legacy]
    22 August 2008 00:00:54

    Or this would suck if one of your guildmates decided to spar with you or just type something stupid like 'Without warning, yourgay stabs you from behind!', then that would be a waste of a hit of flask :P

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:40:38

    The reason i hate the flask drink is this: Either it's a shit attempt (Alot of them are where they stab miss or do no dmg and so on) And you wasted a good hit of a flask, or it's just the wrong timing. WORST CASE SENARIO, is that you have used some pastys before while questing suddenly someone attacks you, you drink the flask and it hit before the guy really do dmg, and then you start taking dmg and are gonna hit your flask or hand healing and your full because of that single drink you fucked up all the timing and chance you had.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:31:11

    Actually, I sorta like the immediate flasking, it covers the stab and possibly part of the Headbutt that normally comes right after from most standard (often run of the mill) assassins.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:28:44

    Well, about Formid's advice and that long alias...merciful off doesn't even work anymore, right? :)

  • Author
    Haarni [legacy]
    21 August 2008 21:00:56

    ok, i think we've figured out his alias is balls. but maybe back when he was active that was the best way!!! (a lot of old logs have simular aliases)

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    21 August 2008 20:48:17

    do get flask from <container>,open flask,drink flask,close flask,DROP EMPTY FLASK,put flask into <container>.

    Fix your alias.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 August 2008 18:35:23

    Wow, you got me way wrong, Mirnac. I'm the last person to claim I have skills at this game.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    21 August 2008 18:30:57

    I might confuse exley with someone else but im guessing you where sarcastic since most other posts iv seen from you sound like you thing your a god

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 August 2008 18:22:53

    I dunno Mirnac, I kinda liked his post, long as it was. It's always useful for me to read such advice; helps me get better.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    21 August 2008 18:20:26

    Tyfus is one of the few that deserve such a gesture. Kudos to both of you.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    21 August 2008 18:14:26

    Well i doubt most people need you to break it down into a long long post Formid :) But yeah that was mostely my point :)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    21 August 2008 17:01:13

    wow, yeah

    merciful off



    focus dodge

    $: just got backstabbed by $HIB$someone$0$. Time to contract someone.

    do get flask from pack,open flask,drink flask,close flask,put flask in pack

    Merciful off, totally fine. A lot of people also do wimpy off, worst thing to do is start running to a break and wimpy somewhere a couple of rooms away.

    Headbutt, thats just stupid, it's wasting EP you may need to escape, you don't yet know if you want to fight back or run (and thats a decision you should make manually on a case by case basis).

    Strike, equally boneheaded, if you do happen to be carrying an SRS (for whatever reason, and yes would be incredibly unlikely unless you were expecting it). I believe that used to use an inordinate amount of EP, which, again you may need to escape, not to mention if a wizard or someone happened to be in the party and attacked on a trigger, you could end up striking the wrong person.

    The flask is debatable, you may not need to use a flask at all (as in this case, you were at 185HP or so after the stab, if you're using a flask then then you have issues). By all means have an auto flask alias in your PK trigger, just make sure it checks your HP first and if < 50% or something then flask. Also, the problem you have with that trigger, is that if your hands are full, or you don't have a flask (or you're using it in a cloak or a bag), you just set yourself up to drink a poisoned flask or a flask of poison or something that someone drops on the ground.

    The focus, good idea, but focus dodge, focus defense. If you focussed dodge last time then at least you will be focussing something which is useful for your escape.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    21 August 2008 16:32:01

    The fun part here is that with those aliases you are smoked in a bang if you don't have alot of healing and isnt full at all.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    21 August 2008 16:22:26

    Kudos to Kelevra for that, I agree.