
Posted by
Azhag [legacy]
08 September 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill

Don't kill Kadar NPCs


  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    12 September 2008 23:43:10

    esteban, it's more amusing to hate all herkies, or at least say you do. of course there are exceptions. there are 1 or 2 herks in bkd that i adore, but the herk hate bandwagon is a fun time to be had by any who will hop aboard :P

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    12 September 2008 23:28:56

    I do think there are some people from Herkimer are nice, it's just unrighteous to include all of them... Lobo is not a herkie, he would be but that wouldnt change anything, i still like him...

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    12 September 2008 22:42:09

    rhoads > lobo :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 September 2008 20:08:19

    i r not from jerkimerz0rz, ur SKR-HUB!

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    12 September 2008 18:48:53

    Tarn was fucking hilarious and a lot of fun to pk with. :)

    And I think Lobo just might be from Herkimer.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    12 September 2008 17:40:57

    Lobo is actually a herk...

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 September 2008 13:06:56

    tarn was a herkie

    *wins the insult battle!*

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    12 September 2008 09:49:17

    tarn was a cocksucker.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    12 September 2008 06:18:49

    Tarn was a prick.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    11 September 2008 21:24:26

    Tarn was okay.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 September 2008 21:12:33

    Holy fuck you guys, I completely forgot about that show and that guy lol! :(

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    11 September 2008 20:46:06

    Don't you be dissin' Corky, Miroth! He's my hero. *hihi*

  • Author
    Aryl [legacy]
    11 September 2008 18:51:32

    That was brilliant Miroth, well done!

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    11 September 2008 18:39:07

    maybe he's the lovechild of tarn and nash. both are retards, so he probably comes out looking like the kid from 'life goes on'

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    11 September 2008 18:04:55

    Who the hell is tash?

    I never heard of the guy.

  • Author
    Kaylyne [legacy]
    11 September 2008 05:37:35

    So many of you have such horrific anger issues.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 September 2008 04:04:34

    I never claimed I was being polite. I took offense to the 'matter of fact' tone from someone who clearly had no idea about the event, and to be honest probably channeled some of my anger at other posters towards Tash (this I am sorry for, though not for being impolite).

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    11 September 2008 04:01:29

    'Sorry, but you're yet again a fucking idiot.'

    Not respectful or polite.

    Some people deserve all the shit they get if they say something stupid, wrong, or that we disagree with. Some people deserve an effort being made to understand and communicate, a measure of grace, or at least a willingness to say 'I'm pretty sure you're wrong, here's my reason why, and if you still disagree we'll have to agree to disagree.' Tash is the latter category.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 September 2008 03:57:25

    Regardless of who posts them, stupid comments never deserve respect.

    The 'retard' comment was a joke, which might've been missed.

  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    11 September 2008 03:52:56

    Myrddin, Tash isn't a PKer, but he has done amazing things in game. I know both of you better than most, and I consider you a friend, I think you've done some impressive things (obviously not in the PK arena, but in many areas which are often less appreciated by many) and I give you props for them. Tash has done many impressive things as well, though I can't do a 1:1 comparison out of respect of his privacy. At the very least, you should address him as an equal, with the respect he deserves. Even if you disagree with him. He is in many ways similar to people like Josi or Dalkar. Saying that he's outdone you in nearly every way was probably not the best way to phrase it, and for that I apologize.

    Tash is among the few people on the mud who has _earned_ the distinction that no matter what you think of him or what he says, you ought to address him politely and respectfully.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    11 September 2008 02:40:38

    haha. i just read the berum comment. thanks for the effort :p

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 September 2008 02:08:03

    *valid conclusion of facts* is better.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 September 2008 01:55:47

    With all due respect, statements aren't equal to facts unless they're the conclusion of valid facts.

    Tash brought up a supposedly unrelated issue of 'guilds doing whatever', then said 'it's just people being pricks. This log needs no dialogue'.

    So, clearly either his previous comments were meant to be somehow relative to the log, or he is incapable of constructing coherent paragraphs, or he had no support for his final comment.

    If it's not via his argument that Tash has me 'beaten in virtually every way', I'm not quite sure what you're looking at. He's just consistently chiming in with the half-wit opinion of somebody who barely even plays anymore. You guys get so cut up when ainur do it, yet you seem to have elected Tash as your communal brain (god knows Rhakyrh has long since foregone being the intelligent one, all he gives now are lols and 2rites.)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 September 2008 01:42:00

    hahaha oh man, Zaellyer come on you actually thought I was serious? :P Wow. I've always thought GB was complete shit. I was just passing time while trying to figure out how the hell to apply to a different guild :P

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    11 September 2008 00:01:37

    i tried really hard to bring Berum with me but they still wouldn't budge fdl.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    10 September 2008 23:56:18

    oh, btw, did you take anyone with you this time rhakyrh? :P i love a good fireworks show :P

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    10 September 2008 23:55:44

    all this time i thought zaellyer was a chick :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 September 2008 23:49:52

    explain how he dusted us!

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    10 September 2008 22:45:05

    I love Zaellyer, he dusts you guys off with debonair style.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    10 September 2008 20:47:16


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    10 September 2008 20:45:48

    well, i guess he was being ironic...

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    10 September 2008 20:42:18

    Shabba remember when you were begging me to join GB, trying to say that it'd be thematic for a hobbit etc etc?

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    10 September 2008 19:16:42


  • Author
    Agsded [legacy]
    10 September 2008 17:44:31

    Myrddin, with the correct amount of due respect, Tash has you beaten in virtually every way... Show some respect; I guarantee he'd show you the same.

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    10 September 2008 14:57:28

    Blame the current guilds inadequencies to the brilliant era of where the likes of Draugluin where in charge of the mud. The guy and his team brilliantly were able to drive any sort of theme and RP out of the mud in a matter of months!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    10 September 2008 10:39:53

    Durwen is a she, retard! *jabs*

    So you present a supposed analogous event as an example of 'people being pricks', but then claim it wasn't related to the log? Sorry, but you're yet again a fucking idiot.

    As hard as your incredibly sparse intelligence may be to target, I think I may have scored a hit.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    10 September 2008 10:34:30

    'Yeah Tash, because a level 14 who doesn't try to solo the 4 gate guards is clearly just ignoring them to be an asshole.

    When will you stop posting such fucking ridiculous comments? I don't think I've ever heard you say anything even remotely intelligent.'

    Except, you know, he wasn't RPing. Not that my comment was even about Durwen, it was about guilds that do the same. Take all the jabs at my intelligence that you want, but target it right next time.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    10 September 2008 04:03:52

    killing healers is fun :D

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    10 September 2008 03:26:29

    killing shopkeeps is douchebaggish no matter where they are.

  • Author
    Angrald [legacy]
    10 September 2008 02:34:56

    Durwen should be more careful when killing people in enemy land.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    10 September 2008 01:10:44

    We deal with ER's.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    10 September 2008 01:02:24

    A round of applause for someone who thinks they know the game bitching about other peoples RP.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    10 September 2008 00:50:15

    Wow, the point exactly. You can't RP your theme. Why the fuck did you make it like that then? The theme is nowhere near unique and we already have megs and pot to auction shit.

    A round of applause for Azhag.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 September 2008 22:01:16

    Kinda hard to bring eq to NPC's, Lobo. We treat auctioning eq as providing eq for er's. We also take requests from er's, but not fr's.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 September 2008 21:49:57

    ohh, QB is auctioning eq then? Aren't they supposed to bring eq to sauron's army at the pelennor? Auctioning is so unthematic then! Also, that doesn't make your theme much different from quickblades or pot.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    09 September 2008 21:10:55

    haha. been playing my ps3 lately, but i'll try to keep the hate flowing.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    09 September 2008 19:57:45

    Tash is brilliant, and Mordhred check a few logs below: I love you now. Miroth, please don't go away again, you're responsible for about 33% of the amusement I derive from this place.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    09 September 2008 18:26:00

    I'm with Koz and Hirgail on this. Zaben is really the only shopkeep that ERs use. If you *really* wanna RP, then you would realize that any hit from a weapon could kill the unarmored, defenseless shopkeeper at any time, especially with some of the crazy emotes in the game. Why fuck around with warnings when an innocent life is at stake?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 September 2008 16:03:34

    Haha! Talk more funny-like Kozlodoev! :D 'Once upon a time, in a place far far away, called Middle-Earth...' Know what, we should have story/rp rewritings of all logs posted here, would make for some interesting reading indeed.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 September 2008 14:48:21

    Bingo, Kozlodoev.

    I don't feel like having a giant argument, because I know both Shabba and Lobo don't even consider their opponent's argument, so this will be the last thing I say.

    [new] Date: 09. Sep, 2008, 4:55:46 By: Lobo

    Well Shabba, QB's theme is almost the same of quickblades and pot: a bunch of guys who wander in the trade routes to bring stuff to the war and are forbidden to rp.

    Lobo, GB auctions more eq than any other er guild.

    Also, if you're complaining about theme, about half of the current guilds either don't have a theme, or have a theme that they don't bother with.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    09 September 2008 11:56:13

    Perfect RP on both sides, if you ask me. A young archer sneaks into Kadar, disguised, in a valiant effort to cripple the city's infrastructure, targeting key businesses and suppliers. Things turn ugly, of course, as an uruk-hai retribution squad shows up. All will now see the dangerous consequences of such actions for the unprepared.

  • Author
    Miroth [legacy]
    09 September 2008 11:45:16

    Shabba, do something other than suck ass.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    09 September 2008 11:10:37

    Yeah Tash, because a level 14 who doesn't try to solo the 4 gate guards is clearly just ignoring them to be an asshole.

    When will you stop posting such fucking ridiculous comments? I don't think I've ever heard you say anything even remotely intelligent.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 September 2008 09:17:54

    Oh wait I should add one more thing. You're a fucking idiot. LOL.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 September 2008 09:16:42

    Also, where else do you want me to talk shit then hmm? On the MUD on the comm? IRL? The comm part I won't because I don't log on, and the IRL part I do plenty to people that deserve it. Kthx

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 September 2008 09:15:31

    I'd ask who Azhag's alts are, but I don't really give a shit. I'm sorry I have better things to do with my life than MUD now? As if I give a shit what a mudder thinks about my skill on a MUD anyhow. Or anyone at that :P

    It's a fact that GB has no fucking theme whatsoever. Or at least it's a really, REALLY weak theme that no one needs.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 September 2008 08:46:23


  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    09 September 2008 08:08:32

    Is Rhakyrh seriously comparing FRA to guilds like GB, PoT and QB? Or is that just him letting the personal dislike towards me flow?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 September 2008 04:57:38

    for the less gifted, qb is qor burzgoth

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 September 2008 04:55:46

    Well Shabba, QB's theme is almost the same of quickblades and pot: a bunch of guys who wander in the trade routes to bring stuff to the war and are forbidden to rp.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    09 September 2008 04:40:11

    lol so am i

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 September 2008 04:00:15

    You're not even a has been. You're a never was.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    09 September 2008 03:52:37

    Talk some fucking shit somewhere besides the log page for once Shabba.

    I'm sick of you acting so high and mighty, calling all sorts of other groups of people idiots, and whenever anyone questions you, you bring up random shit like 'I've never gotten a warning, and I used to be an ainu and I helped people, lol!'

    I don't give a shit what you did in the past. We're in the fucking present, so get with it.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 September 2008 01:56:15

    GB is almost as bad as Quickblades and Preservers of Tharbad.

  • Author
    Rhakyrh [legacy]
    09 September 2008 00:49:13

    Sorry is that Mordhred complaining about themeless, pitiful guilds? Oh wait, did he rejoin FRA yet?

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    08 September 2008 15:58:02

    At least Durwen isn't claiming it's RP. I never understood why a guild might raid Kadar by killing the innkeeper, healer, pacoof girl and Zaben.. but leave the gate guards that would've been killed first. Just people being pricks. No dialogue was needed with this kill.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    08 September 2008 15:08:14

    Notice I didn't don a red cape and a leotard and perform stunts for your amusement.

    Wham-Bam-Thank you Ma'm PK.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    08 September 2008 10:39:54

    Noobs, stop posting bullshit.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 September 2008 10:38:50

    Sym, pk alias + headbutt + victim dies makes for a very boring log. Those logs are 1s or 2s. Every single society log is a 1 or 2 as well. But it's posted for the reward so whatever. Instakills, no matter how effective they are, make for horrible reads.

    Fuck how many times have people mentioned this now anyways, like 1000? :P

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    08 September 2008 09:52:00

    Also, if you are killing a vital npc, no warnings should be necessary, though we gave her a few. I mean, it's simple...asshattery will get you killed.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    08 September 2008 08:46:11

    She never actually got to kill Zaben. Narshock was in the process of selling 72 swords+cloaks, scared her off when he was DLSG, Misago and I partied in that room and she kept coming back and running off again when we were there.

    She's ridiculously into the whole rp thing though, she had us all on ignore just for being er's.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 September 2008 07:54:51

    Mordhred I'm willing to bet that prior to this people asked her (probably nicely and not so nicely) to not kill important NPCs in Kadar and (as is the usual response from people that do this kind of shit) she kindly informed them that she was role-playing or whatever horseshit she could come up with to justify her deliberately being an ass and causing a massive inconvenience to people, then went back to kill Zaban after he reset.

    Am I wrong Azhag?

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    08 September 2008 06:54:49

    Hah, wait....so a solo against a maxed ranger with Whip right outside of mordor is worth a 2? But Winnetou killing some no name QB is a horrible lockup setup is a 6? laugh. right

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 September 2008 05:50:54

    What you think is very nice, is worth a 2 to me. Different opinions are usually welcome in a democracy. Now if you defend your opinion by calling everyone else children, good luck at convincing the auditorium.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 September 2008 05:19:06

    the people you hang with aren't 'everyone' symric...

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    08 September 2008 04:50:50

    So Mordhred, what does make a good log to you then? I posted a very nice solo and you rated it a 2? Shrug, apparently not that rating matters anymore these days with everyone at the maturity level of a fucking 12year old.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    08 September 2008 04:50:31

    Free kill for me, anyway.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    08 September 2008 04:25:55

    Especially when there is no color. Dear lord :(

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 September 2008 04:20:46

    How is it a free kill? Murder extends beyond quitting.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 September 2008 03:49:57

    There's a thing called dialogue. But whatever floats your uruk-hai boats. Just spare us from the log next time, please.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    08 September 2008 03:45:44

    Narshock was selling shitload of IDLS flet loot when she first tried to kill. So yeah. Not cool.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    08 September 2008 03:42:23

    Killing shop keepers and innkeepers isn't 'role playing' it's being a massive twat.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    08 September 2008 03:36:05

    Does your pityful and themeless guild ever heard of something called RP? And then posting the log... hopeless.

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    08 September 2008 03:35:24

    Hah, good shit. Everyone's gotta love a free kill.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    08 September 2008 03:20:40

    check all

    You do not have any fines.

    There is 188 gold for you.

    Durwen was confirmed to be the culprit and is being dealt with.

    The raiding party plundered enemy lands good, although they never did

    catch up with Durwen. They did send back some of the plunder for you.

    Meh. :(