
Posted by
Cerol [legacy]
14 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Andron meets his destiny after I keep missing, missing and missing...


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    16 January 2002 00:34:29

    It should be 'Gurth an glamhoth'

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    15 January 2002 10:54:25

    Oh yeah sure sure, i remember climbing a wall and being charged by five morals, dying and losing guild weapon. Bah i revived and came give some hell again.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    15 January 2002 09:46:53

    *chuckle* Remember the disclaimer before you entered? I guess personally it was so much fun wandering around helms deep lost and unable to find any fighting whatsoever until like the last minute of it. Of course that was after I was driven from the walls by catapults without laying a blade into a Uruk...

  • Author
    Juggalo [legacy]
    15 January 2002 05:31:36

    Sure! Those Ainur coded RP battles were just so much fun! Especially when some ainu participating can simply hit a command and instantly kill you.

    Thranduil didn't like Dagobert and I kicking his ass.

    You hear an Elvish warhost cry:'Gurth glamhoth!' as your spirit slips from your body. Ereglin pierced Juggalo fatally. You have died.

    Ereglin pierced Dagobert fatally. Dagobert has died.

    Little command did about 1000 hp. Where the hell is the fun in that?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    15 January 2002 04:24:13

    Fimbu, show me the contract system in any of Tolkiens books and I will admit my error. Also, I dont know what RP battles you ever were in (were there any?) but people habitually died. I cannot vouch for the treaty (that used to exist?)since it was inplace when I entered the ranks of the Knights. Perhaps Wise or one of the older SoU can comment on that but I cannot. However since you didn't know that, I must assume you never paricipated in one...

    Wonder if Osse will ever run another RP-battle, those things kicked ass!

    Wasach Naduim of House Pathor

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    15 January 2002 02:36:25

    Oh, and I would like to address the other item in your post:

    'If CoU felt that they had been wronged then the a good old fashioned RP war (not like the current war between Durms and a bunch of others) should have been started up.'

    An old fashioned RP war... Ah yes, one of those, the kind where the people from both sides agree to spar, and then when someone gets near death, they leave, and everyone types stop?

    <sarcasm>Very, very thematic.</sacarasm> If Cerol felt he had been wronged by Andron, he should have... well, killed him.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    15 January 2002 02:32:16

    It's perfectly thematic to kill someone for a contract. Somebody placed a price on one of your enemies heads, you killed them. I did not misunderstand what was being discussed.

    On a side note, there is no such thing as a 'lame excuse for a kill'. You don't need an excuse to kill someone, although random and rampant killing isn't good.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    15 January 2002 02:12:09

    hmm, I would wanted to post a response to everyones comments but found myself getting I will just say that most of you made good points. I agree with some of what was said and disagree some other parts and the rest give me cause for reflection.

    I will say this here (as I told Adunazon when he told me about the incident)what happened to Adunazon was lame, uncalled for, childish and sad. Avaar, you added less to this comment section than everone. Even Fimbu added more to it...although he misunderstood what was being discussed. Fimbu, of course that is thematic but is it thematic for the contract system to be used? Answer is simply no. If CoU felt that they had been wronged then the a good old fashioned RP war (not like the current war between Durms and a bunch of others) should have been started up.

    *stops his rambling now*

    Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim of House Pathor

    Man-at-Arms in the Knights of Dol Amroth

    Sworn enemy of Umbar

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    15 January 2002 01:30:50

    i have killed a meg archmage with an ordinary ess


  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    14 January 2002 23:53:00

    Adunazon was warned and jailed because of the 'long' RP tag he made at Alexa. I later found out there was someone who told the ainu about it, I know who you are.

    For now, the coolest and not annoying tag from KoDA is come from Hochopepa, IMO. Something about Corsair's ship and stuff.

    I have no prob with KoDA as the whole guilds, I just have a prob with some of them. And KoDA might be one of the best RP guilds in Arda, I don't denied it.

  • Author
    Andron [legacy]
    14 January 2002 23:00:58


    First of all I wanted to point out that I dont have any big problems with being contracted because it is a part of this game. It didnt happen very often maybe due to the reason that I was quite inactive and that I am not very well known. And I dont have big problems being killed

    because of a contract, even if it may be a lame excuse for a PK, but why shouldnt I report the assassin, even if it was a solo kill? I mean

    we all know, the log prooves that as well, that I am no powerplayer. And so why shouldnt I use the report as one of my few ways to answer such kills and attacks (I wouldnt report a kill in RP combat of course). I dont blame the assassin who wants to earn this huge amount of gold (1k) by fullfilling the contract. But, please, he (or she) should not threat me with:'If you dont withdraw you will be killed each time I see you' Man that seems a bit lame even in my eyes as a non-powerplayer. I enjoy playing this game and the RP aspect of it. If I am honest I wouldnt have had a chance even if had been equipped with the best items in Arda.

    Maybe I have to apologize that I used these tags,

    although I always thought that it would be some kind of silent competition between CoU and KoDA. It can be a funny aspect of RP. But if these tags are reasons for contracts and pk and if there are even decisions by the Ainurs to stop such tags I will just stop putting them up *shrug*.

    Please do not see my post as a complaint. It is just my reason for how I acted and reacted.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    14 January 2002 22:52:47

    Oh please. Wasach, stop whining. A corsair killed a Knight of Dol Amroth. Gee, how unthematic and unfair.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    14 January 2002 22:46:09

    ruiniel, whats the point of commenting on this log from each of your chars? especially since all of the comments were dumb

  • Author
    Leod [legacy]
    14 January 2002 22:13:39

    Wasach, to piss an evil guild you gotta keep

    dropping message stones before their GH.

    I even got a warning:P

    Dec 9 2001 (by pharazon) : Leaving hundreds of message stones outside the durmanhoth guild room

    *cackle madly*

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    14 January 2002 22:05:45

    First of all, reporting a solo attempt or kill

    is gay.

    Second, the lawsys is gay.

    Third, contracts are hypocritical.(May be my fines

    are that high because I've never actually cared about them but blah)

    Fourth, both the CoU and KoDA tags are amusing:)

    And fifth, Gondor rawks.Especially for maxed

    warriors and rangers.There even is job for the


    Sixth Wasach is a cool person even though he was

    trying to make me kill a woman *ruffle*:)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 January 2002 21:38:57

    Wise, some lessons are worth the time to take. Besides I never quite learned how to 'piss evil guild' but if you could pass on the drink required to piss that, please do so. Also, we have been ordered by the Knights Council to cease those 'annoying tags', seems that somebody whined to the Ainur enough to get it changed...(WOW, is that the pot calling the kettle black or what).

    We all do annoying tags at times, perhaps not the BkD. However, you should all pull the stick out of your collective asses and learn to have some fun with like Wyngel and I have. Contracting people over auction tags is panzy, have some balls and just go after them.

    Also, if you do pKill someone, dont whine and threaten them aftwards to remove the report. No one made you pK so dont act like a baby when you get caught.

    As for feeling 'wrath'...I will remind everyone that the only reason why there are newbies prowling around gondor is because the corsair npc's are the easiest most limp dick npc's in the game. They dont give you good gold, they dont yield decent exp. Gondor is without a doubt the most fucked up coded area in the game, believe me.

    blah blah blah about the fall of Gondor, ya'll been screaming that for how long now? Give it up and go running back to your farmsteads and sea-side shanties in Umbar. For soon you shall return there and find it in flames and ruins!

    Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim of House Pathor

    Man-at-Arms in the Knights of Dol Amroth

    Major in the Armies of Gondor

    Hunter of the Ship-King and stealer of his concubines!!

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    14 January 2002 21:07:32

    Ehm, brave girl! Good kill.

    Anyone, a personal advice to KoDA, CoU, SoU and

    others of the kind - careful with things like the MELS.

    If only you knew how many times I felt tempted

    to go for it this boot:P

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    14 January 2002 20:56:00

    CoU had a good unique other than CC? How the hell? Oh yeah...of had to be given to them by a FRA traitor or something?

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    14 January 2002 20:42:38

    Rolf is right, KoDA did (always) put annoying tags at auction. If there is something they never learn, it is 'Don't piss 'evil' guilds'

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    14 January 2002 17:27:50

    Aye aye matie. We are the rightful rulers of Gondor. And the rebels from KoDA should just feel our wrath in silence.

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    14 January 2002 16:58:27

    Of course we are Rhoads! We are afterall the soon to be rulers of Gondor! *cackle*

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 January 2002 16:48:46

    KoDA do post 'annoying' tags with their auctioned items.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 January 2002 16:44:21

    Let me get it right, so CoU is allowed to kill KoDA stuff, post annoying tags at alexa and KoDA isan't? got it.

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    14 January 2002 16:41:01

    You are absolutely right Wasach. I am undertaking all that is needed to put Cerol out of CoU. We don't want newbie spreekillers in our guild. She was given one week to stop killing newbies and get to hunting experienced players only.

    My deepest apologies,


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 January 2002 16:25:25

    That price was childish, sounds to me like someone madeup an excuse. Considering Andron hasn't been on in like 4 months and has only been back long enough for a contract to be placed and matured. Not that I am saying he was contracted for killing NPC's...because, well that would be petty and really weak of someone.

    Atleast it was a solo kill, even if he was 3 levels lower than her and she needed a unique to to it. I am waiting to see someone get pK'd by an unavenged Elven Short Sword. Now that would be a piece of work.

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    14 January 2002 16:13:22

    Andron had been killing my fellow Corsairs and was spamming alexa with the poor drunkards last stuff that he ruthlessly looted from their corpses. When I also found that some very brilliant man/woman had put a price on his head there was never any doubt! *CACKLE*

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    14 January 2002 15:58:49

    Andron was contracted. Our policy is that we can kill KoDA contracted members.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 January 2002 15:56:02

    Was this one of those stupid random kills or was for some good reason?