A blast from the past.

Posted by
Loke [legacy]
26 November 2008 00:00:00

I can't believe the news today I can't close my eyes and make it go away.

To     : Lemskaft@Bywater 
Cc     : Talon@Bywater Gildor Viper@Bywater Mutalator@Bywater Loke@Bywater Aldur@Bree Mythril@Bywater Foxglove@Bywater 
From   : Mutalator@Bywater
Date   : Tue Feb 20 14:50:33 1996
Subject: UPDATE#4
To all,

Ok this is prolly the last update BEFORE the guilds come up.
But you never know.  These are ideas and requirements to join our
one of a kind guild.
1) Everyone will have to donate 3K apon entering..or closely after
to help with the setup and room making of the guild.
2)We are in theme here and you will have to do at LEAST 1 kill in
the beginning of your joining. <i have lots of contracts, so ask>
There wil be some rooms that those that kill more will only enter.
This is to help get people to help kill and creat and give us the rep.
we deserve.
3) You will be required to make donations during the week and play
time of much smaller amounts and will be seen by all members of the guild
in the VAULT room.  To keep each other in check.

1) Entrance, you will love it =)
2)Message board room. for gossip..ask for help..etc..
3) Worship room -we cant have Gildor <cry> so prolly be Morgoth
4) GM office
5) AGM office
6) VET room- for those who contribute to pking and major gold donations
7) T.o.P. Room- "Trial of Position" - We will be using the 'might' theory in our guild.  There will be an appointed AGM to start and Chief assassin...
but at any time if someone feels they are stronger and want to challange,
you will face off here with knives and be bandaged at the end.  Winner
gets the position.
8) Post Office, incase ur wanted or far away and dont wanna leave guild
9)Torture Room- A fun room with all kinds of torture equip to play with when 
bored or waiting.
10) Lounge room- is the room that will have books in referance to
your histories of your chars..<so start thinking> and any cool and interresting
kills. As well as usfull ways to kill and people on the take for us
12) Equip room- Obviously hold our SPECIAL equip for our guild
Please think of more rooms and special skills for us to use and the equip
that will be in the shop

Skills in question are 1) posion acting like flame for rangers, 2) 'set trap'
might need a piece of equip..prevent the 'mark' from fleeing
Equip in question: 1) Assassin knife, 2) Assassin cloak, 3) traps for set trap
4) executioners axe, 5) posion blow darts, 6) boots..goves..etc..

Please keep your ideas comming.  None of the skills and equip are
official but they are being looked into, so if they cant be we nned


Mutalator Guildmaster of the Durmanhoth

To     : Ulmo 
Cc     : Fenris Talon Loke Lis 
From   : Mutalator@Bywater
Date   : Sun Jun 30 19:40:39 1996
Subject: FYI

I was just told that the guild is done, but the mud is having driver probs
and it wont be out till later.  I just wanted to say thank you for a job wel
l done.  I have to leave for tonight and I will not be able to come on till
Tuesday b/c I can only log on at nights, and Mon. I work.  But I will be her
on Tues to check it out.  So, in the mean time....I guess you can go over
the descp and make sure its all cool.  
I also ask that we start deciding on skills to get them passed.  As well as
a good weapon, besides the behead dagger that is not a WEAP per-say.
The main skills I though about that I can remember are as follows:

Word on the street - like the sheriff find

Trap - creats a trap, maybe by the help of a BOUGHT item to keep the char
in place for a certain amount of time.

spy - You are able to look in someones inventory without them knowing it.

Conceal - either a skill, or a cloak as a item, but hides the MAIN weap
when people look at you.  all they see is "A buldge under the cloak" or
something. I dont know to many assassins that go around carrying there Weapon
out for all to see.

Let me know what you think.

Mutalator, guildmaster of the Assassins and your humble servant