Moroso - Quickblades

Posted by
Sadoc [legacy]
28 December 2008 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 January 2009 16:51:57

    Thank you, thank you.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    31 December 2008 10:39:27

    It's called lobotomy!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    31 December 2008 08:23:52

    You can't just suddenly become sane, Urban.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    31 December 2008 06:25:34

    Hey Eomar, are you still a nutjob?

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    30 December 2008 23:18:14

    Double secret probation.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    30 December 2008 21:45:16

    it's not really relevant, but that w as fun for me :P

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 December 2008 11:22:29

    Rather, as soon as someone mentions a 'clinically insane dutchman'.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    30 December 2008 11:09:22

    It's kind of funny that Eomar got banned months ago but comments on the logpage as soon as someone mentions him.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    30 December 2008 09:54:23

    A double fuck up liar.. hahahaha. I would be proud of being called that

    So is Eomar banging Smoky or something? Oh wait, nevermind.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 December 2008 09:36:23

    No, it was Darovir. And he looted the armoury but as far as I can remember never successfully killed anyone (he was a warrior so he couldn't hunt).

    Dalfro at some stage tricked Tarik into dying, but that didn't occur within the hall.

    Funny Eomar, 'Smoky said died not killed'. Unfortunately, -I- said killed. Which makes him the idiot who didn't read a comment properly.

    If I am standing at Bree sp and I get stabbed, then I run around like an utter retard and go to say, Dunland before dying, then I think you'll find 99% of people will say I was killed at Bree. After all, it was at Bree that the combat began and Bree that my attempts to escape should have begun.

    I really hope you 'feel the need' to get the fuck on with your life sometime soon. Because until you can move on from this place* (where you're no longer welcome), you'll be giving great credibility to the statement that you're clinically insane. Especially when you're making comments that are barely even legible.

    *refers to the MUD, not the logpage. It is assumed here that someone who responds to a comment on the logpage within 5 hours has not moved on from the MUD said logpage is dedicated to.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 December 2008 06:47:19

    Dalfro's the one.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 December 2008 06:45:08

    There was that guy whose name started with a D that killed a few in the hall and invited all the ERs back in the day... so some NiA have definitely killed in the hall (this was back when Tiresias was the agm)

  • Author
    Eomar [legacy]
    30 December 2008 05:54:51

    Smoky said died not killed because they ('can't comprehend merciful')

    plus, she's also right that she was actually never killed inside her GH, which makes you a double liar/fuck-up.

    I could name 3 people who died in nia guildhalls but i don't feel the need and i also don't feel the need to correct a double fuck-up liar

    I do feel a need to tell you to take your clinically insane part back

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 December 2008 01:35:54

    Funny the kind of things you hear when your source is a clinically insane dutchman spending almost all of his waking life playing the MUD. Nobody's ever been killed within our guildhall.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 19:43:10

    It was more of I was unwilling to move, because I had you at ND, and there was no way you should have been doing that much damage. Jeez it was like 20hp+ hits per round, with 35+ headbutts. :((((

    Anyway, how's that relevant?

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    29 December 2008 19:16:52

    Hehehe, Smoky, remember when you couldn't escape my pure awesomeness by typing 'w' or 'e'? And I was idle for the first 10 rounds and had no armor? That was fun :D

    Though, I have to admit, the damage I pulled out once I came back was ridiculous, you didn't have much time to react.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 16:05:36

    Last comment, then you go on ignore.

    I never died in my GH (nice job typing within in caps, idiot), but I hear quite a few NiA did because some of you can't comprehend how merciful works.

    Also, it seems to me that the kettle is calling the pot black.

    Bye, Myrddin. I think I'll occasionally miss your stupidity when I'm bored.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 December 2008 15:40:11

    The funniest part is, he got killed WITHIN his guildhall.

    Smoky, if there were good thief gold and an inn at Tharbad, I could play just like you and be a pussy in a grid more than 50 rooms away. But as it stands, I don't need to.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    29 December 2008 15:10:54

    FDL Smoky making dirty comments about guildrats. How funny.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 14:11:14

    You actually just became the first person I'm going to ignore on the logpages.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 14:10:02

    Myrddin why don't you try leaving the 50 room radius outside your guildhall _ever_, and then you can come and talk to me, ok?

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    29 December 2008 11:58:59

    Everytime Sadoc posts a shitty log I'm going to say obscene things.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 December 2008 10:06:20

    Nah, I'd forget Delkin's huntbreak aliases though.

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    29 December 2008 08:33:28

    I agree Urban. I bet 1000 gold that it was an idle kill.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    29 December 2008 07:21:33

    The log above this one sucks.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 07:07:04

    Hmm you know, you'd forget your huntbreak aliases too after a 90 day hibernation.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 December 2008 06:43:14

    Just noticed the number on that log, lols.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 December 2008 06:42:27

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 05:58:08

    Hmm Delvar? I'm decent at breaking.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 December 2008 04:08:38

    Ah, that makes a little more sense. Bad luck.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    29 December 2008 03:50:45

    You're one to be giving out break advice and talking about competance smoky =/

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    29 December 2008 01:50:05

    I didnt continue to break cause i hit a miss aliased and it held me in that room until i was dead. I suppose it was a bad time to miss alias. Oh well i guess its one for Sadoc and Spencer.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    29 December 2008 01:48:24

    The party leader didn't shield or leader the prey, Moroso ran a triggered break then did 40get lost. I thought people were better than this, this is just sad.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    29 December 2008 00:01:31

    Which is of course why you use a break closer than tenzek or Orthanc yet not in edo against a party, or maiden then amruin.

  • Author
    Sadoc [legacy]
    28 December 2008 23:58:38

    I know Amruin is the better break in Edoras, I used it on Frumgar yesterday. I meant to trigger maiden because I had told to Spencer to trigger amruin, because what good would he do if he triggered maiden? And we had went to the wizard break before so he couldn't have used that, and the fact that he didn't go to Tenzek's or Saruman is unknown.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    28 December 2008 23:57:32

    I would guess the hunter triggered maiden and Spence trigger amruin, because Maiden you have to follow through and therefor the hunter need it. But maiden it's smart having one standing there. And of course knocking on the door before doing a pk around edoras to counter the untriggered break.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    28 December 2008 23:49:40

    Well yes, and if you are slightly competent, and have ep, Amruin works just about every time against one person.

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    28 December 2008 23:48:41

    Maiden deals random 30+ damage. I would hope Amruin is more popular.

  • Author
    Smoky [legacy]
    28 December 2008 22:47:20

    Amruin is more popular than Maiden now, it seems.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    28 December 2008 22:45:06

    Lordevil, you might be a noob, but the first break you would trigger is maiden in Edoras...

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    28 December 2008 18:01:10

    I was wondering how long it would take him to post this.

    and yes spencer did tuns of damage

  • Author
    Lordevil [legacy]
    28 December 2008 17:24:29

    Add more breaks to your alias, there are plenty of them near Edoras. Every single assassin, even a newb one will trigger first Amruin gh huntbrak.

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    28 December 2008 17:09:54

    Sadoc log detected. Auto-rating.

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    28 December 2008 17:09:39

    You can't even kill the target on your own. Spencer is the one doing all the damage.