
Posted by
Moroso [legacy]
05 January 2009 00:00:00
Player Kill

Skyman with a special guest


  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    08 January 2009 07:51:53

    Ahh that's true, it's a pain for assassins. I didn't read your comment very well I think.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 January 2009 06:38:51

    as you say*. I meant killing the dragon not being cake. It would most likely be perfect shape by the time he got back.

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    08 January 2009 05:40:03

    Skyman was refering to us being friends before this log. I think it hurt his feelings that i went to help Ural. As to the you stabbed me first was because thats exactly what he did. A stab for a stab, a merciful for a merciful. He stabbed me again so i guess there is another stab to come.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 January 2009 01:43:30

    Skyman says in Westron: dont':P

    Skyman says in Westron: you'll regret it

    Has anyone ever regretted killing this douchebag? Seriously? Any of the hundreds of players?

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    07 January 2009 21:23:57

    He seemed to reequip pretty fast one or two times.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 January 2009 12:10:38

    Assuming that he can 'equip and go kill Dragon' as you. Not exactly cake anymore for an assassin. Better to just go there naked and make them all lose their levels and EQ. Kamikaze mission :)

  • Author
    Evis [legacy]
    07 January 2009 11:15:53

    I like it when Skyman speaks 'please don't' when they find him at the dragon :D

    Pure 6 for beeing a retard awarard goes to Skyman for beeing a shithead.

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    07 January 2009 10:38:21

    Hehe neat plan by Skyman but sloppily executed. Should've waited close to the cave, attacked dragon as soon as you guys came in = everyone dies but Skyman first. So Skyman also revives first, equips, goes down and kills dragon, him and Irime take all the loot, maybe some more organized pk action afterwards.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    07 January 2009 08:26:48

    Herkies can't comprehend that simple equation.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    07 January 2009 05:58:51


    Date: 06. Jan, 2009, 14:51:22 By: Irime Remove

    [new] Date: 17. Dec, 2008, 10:57:27 By: Shabba

    For the however many times it's already been said in the past... herkie != herkimer, although they often go well together.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    07 January 2009 05:53:09

    He had 56 health after the last round of combat, by the log he posted on the T2T forum.

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    07 January 2009 05:38:27

    Special guest was Carforgoth. I didnt back hunt because my head was still spining over the 1hp forgive me fo i have sined. I am not very experienced in the art of PK so i am not put in that situation very often. If my wits had been about me i would have hunted skyman because i am sure by reading the log after the fact that he would have been not far off from death himself.

    I am not a herki, never have been, never will be. Get your facts straight before you go screaming that someone is a herki.

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    07 January 2009 05:13:23

    Irime is too young to remember the Muppets, it seems.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    07 January 2009 04:54:27

    I'd kudo you for the muppets reference, but I don't kudo any more :P

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    07 January 2009 02:31:37

    I don't know which is more pathetic, that you are still trying to insult me, or that you knew that.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    07 January 2009 02:30:21

    I'd say Carforgoth was the special guest :P Unless he meant special like Beaker from the Muppets.

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    06 January 2009 23:23:25

    I was.


  • Author
    Gramul [legacy]
    06 January 2009 23:01:57

    By: Frumgar


    hahahaha, look who speaks!

    Btw, who was the special guest? and did carforgoth die in the end to kigaren?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 January 2009 22:18:04

    I love this game.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 January 2009 22:17:19

    I'll take my prize money now Bob.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 January 2009 22:17:03

    Myrddin is a never was.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 January 2009 22:16:53

    Shabba a has been.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 January 2009 22:16:38

    Lobo is a has been.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 January 2009 22:16:15

    Mordhred is a herkie.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 January 2009 19:44:35

    You agreed with Baklen? He wrote 'would of'!!

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    06 January 2009 16:13:56

    for the first time I agree with Baklen, that'd be smart

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    06 January 2009 14:51:22

    [new] Date: 17. Dec, 2008, 10:57:27 By: Shabba

    For the however many times it's already been said in the past... herkie != herkimer, although they often go well together.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    06 January 2009 14:49:19

    Thanks for the useless info, herkie.

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    06 January 2009 14:45:22

    Just for the record, I am not a from herkimer. I am from South Carolina.

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    06 January 2009 14:36:07

    Would it have been an even better 1 if I'd died too, Mordhred?

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    06 January 2009 14:28:07

    It's not everyday that you see a log with lots of newbies dying... oh wait, nevermind.

    But now, a log with lots of herkies fighting amongst themselves and them all dying, that's treasure. Pure 1.

  • Author
    Mordhred [legacy]
    06 January 2009 14:25:52

    Massive herkie log detected... auto-rating.

  • Author
    Delvar [legacy]
    06 January 2009 09:41:30

    Irime the little snake in the grass quits at the first sign of danger, and skyman being an idiot as usual, interesting log.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    06 January 2009 07:23:05

    It looked like Skyman was trying that but got there a round too late.

  • Author
    Aslan [legacy]
    06 January 2009 06:36:26

    Teh Storm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 January 2009 05:36:29

    Well I would of woke up the dragon first so they all would of died sooner:)

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    06 January 2009 03:04:51

    Moroso didn't have a weapon and he was ND. I didn't want to cause him to die twice because of me.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 January 2009 03:00:19

    If you guys had any kind of competence you would have killed him 3 times.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    06 January 2009 02:00:18

    But you screwed up the Bayesian weighting.

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    06 January 2009 00:57:35

    Ural, you shouldn't rate logs you're involved in, because it's impossible to be impartial. As you already have, I balanced your rating to close to the current average.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    06 January 2009 00:24:54

    If he subbed the more obscure healing but not the bota, somebody would be screaming about that too, so eh.

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    06 January 2009 00:22:52

    Hey I quit _before_ Moroso came in :(

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    06 January 2009 00:06:51

    Ok so this is what happened.

    I was askin a friend of mind to tell me how to kill the dragon since this was the first time I had ever been level 21 and a warrior. He said he HIGHLY doubted that the dragon would be in at such a high uptime. Once he logged off I got bored of golding and I decided to go check out the canyon. I had no clue that there wasn't a way out if the dragon wasn't dead. I didn't plan on sliding down the second time but that's what happens when you etch your name onto the sign :p So here I am, at the dragon, waiting for a friend to log on and bring me the required healing and I see that Skyman is on. I ask someone to get a find on him and sure enough, he is at the ledge with the sign (waiting for me to exit I assume). Then I who again and he logged off?? 2 seconds later he is back on and I run the find myself and was camoed on me. I wave and he stabbed. Mad him run away. He thought that I had no healing left :p So now it was a race to see who could get a friend in first. Skyman called in Irime before Moroso got there. They tried me again and I made them both run away with their tails tucked. Moroso comes in and hunts Skyman and Irime quits. Thats where Moroso's log picks up.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    05 January 2009 23:44:58

    HAHA, Shabba agreed with me, now take your life.

  • Author
    Frumgar [legacy]
    05 January 2009 23:43:23


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 January 2009 23:41:39

    So like he said, a useless sub which kind of screams 'Retard' at you

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    05 January 2009 22:00:39

    no mirnac i just thought i would throw that extra bit in there for the hell of it

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 January 2009 21:34:25

    well, 1 hp... you are lucky :P

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    05 January 2009 21:29:05

    So you mean that when you read bota, or Mixed potion, your sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out what they are for? Why not just sub the text make it bigger flash swirl around and scream it's name out loud for you?

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    05 January 2009 21:14:32

    well it didnt happen this time so i guess im lucky on that part but he still got me in the end oh well

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    05 January 2009 20:57:27

    Carforgoth can wake up and attack everybody in the room. It happened to me the two times I went there and I was only in the room a matter of seconds and didn't even do anything that might wake him.

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    05 January 2009 20:50:28

    Tash, we were not in combat with Carforgoth untill a good time after skyman died the first time.

    Ural apparently was wanting to learn it and was shocked when Carforgoth was still there at 4d uptime and then skyman came to attempt him i believe is what it is.

    My death to Carforgoth was actually rather fun i have never faced a NPC like the dragon without a huge party b4. So me dieing really aint that bad.

    Mirnac the tactics sub is because its the only potion i get, and the bota is subed the way it is for eiser to see

    I wanted to get the log from kigaren and ural to throw there point of view in on the combat of skyman and dragon but ran out of time

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    05 January 2009 19:49:02

    Except they died to a npc that is much stronger then a player? And as i get it, hunts pretty well.

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    05 January 2009 19:33:34

    I'm slightly confused. Why were you doing dragon at 4d uptime, and why are you happy with this outcome? Two of you died, and Skyman died twice...not really a stunning victory.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    05 January 2009 19:19:37

    A mixed potion - Tactics -. / An elf-skin bota - Healing -. Im just woundering, i mean Subs and everything is nice, but are you some kind of retard? First, Mixed potion is like 30 diffrent combinations, and a elf skin bota being healing? Really, you don't say. But other then that, really freaking sweet log

  • Author
    Tash [legacy]
    05 January 2009 19:15:47

    You spent a lot of time in Carforgoth's room right after Skyman died for the first time. It worked out good but that risk seemed a bit needless.

  • Author
    Moroso [legacy]
    05 January 2009 19:03:44

    oops i forgot to take tht out