"My words fly up, My thoughts remain below. Words without thoughts Never to heaven go." -Claudius Butterbur says in Westron: Where's that wooly-footed slowcoach, Nob? You fade into the background, an anonymous and nameless member of society, invisible to all but the most diligent of observers. Bring FADE back!! ^ (OOC) Toby: Incidentally, evidence shows that body parts swell up to four times their normal size if a person is exposed to the vacuum of space. ^ (OOC) Toby: Ladies, you know what that means. ^ (OOC) Fofester: In other news, I didn't get squished by the tornado that went through the city today, in case anyone was worried! ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Hm. Guess I'd better work on the aiming mechanism on my natural disaster device. Party say from Quiauh: quiauh, how do i walk Party say from Quiauh: well. Party say from Quiauh: you put your one leg forward Party say from Quiauh: ok did that Party say from Quiauh: now what Party say from Quiauh: welllllll Party say from Quiauh: you put your other leg forward Party say from Quiauh: OK did that Party say from Quiauh: now what quiauh Alcavant whispers to you: I just hit puberty Alcavant says in Westron: How do you fart otherwise? Alcavant erms. Alcavant says in Westron: fare* Someone enters. You dive behind Alcavant. Alcavant dives behind Falcon. You laugh out loud. Eaoden says in Westron: Hey, stop molesting me :( Bardaur says in Westron: why? Bardaur pinches Eaoden's cheek! Eaoden slugs Bardaur in the stomach. Eaoden screams. Eaoden leaves east. Aledukine tells you: Tell the truth about *everything* even when at some points it REALLY sucks to tell it Aledukine tells you: And then, when you really REALLY *REALLY* need it, you get to lie and get away with it Aledukine tells you: "This is your DNA!" "....I've never even seen this girl.." "Oh...ok sorry nvm" Party say from Garland: hmm what do you guys want/need You say to your party: mori =) Party say from Ella: What? Party say from Ella: I'm not going to Mordor. You fall down laughing. Alcavant says in Westron: I'm a philosopher. Alcavant says in Westron: Crowded elevator smell different to midget. Alcavant says in Westron: He who eats too many prunes, sits on potty many moons. Alcavant says in Westron: Man who fall in vat of molten glass make spectacle of self. Alcavant says in Westron: Man who jumps through screen door likely to strain himself. You say hauntingly in Westron: lol Kyu tells you: Everybody needs something. I think you just need a little tenderness. Ella says enchantingly in Westron: Hey... Mechanic guy, want to do something sexual in a mechanical sort of way. Ella grins mischievously You say hauntingly in Westron: Hell yeah. Arignor tells you: will you be my girlfriend? Eaoden tells you: I'm a philosopher too. Eaoden tells you: First off: Eaoden tells you: Man who live in glass house, better change in basement. Eaoden tells you: Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing of fly. Eaoden tells you: A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose. Eaoden tells you: remember wisdoms well. never know when you need them. Eaoden tells you: one more: Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails. Ealcedel says in Westron: she acts like a 10 year old in bed Ealcedel says in Westron: i love her tho You say hauntingly in Westron: How...does a ten year old act in bed Ealcedel? [336] [23:28] ^ (OOC) Terminal: lucky there arent any ainur on now, so go ahead with your joke [337] [23:29] ^ (OOC) Someone: It's worth a shot. [338] [23:29] ^ (OOC) Terminal: i say go for it [339] [23:29] ^ (OOC) Brett: Haha ^ (OOC) Champ: you can't do this shit since everyone going to google. ^ (OOC) Champ: oh shit, i can say shit on comm? holy shit. ^ (OOC) Azen: Champ 2 Scythain 1 ^ (OOC) Aule: Shit no, the powers will totaly shit on you for saying shit, you shit. ^ (OOC) Parom: LOL Alcavant sobs uncontrollably. Alcavant says in Westron: please stop trying to touch my wiener. ^ (OOC) Josi pounces on Scythain, stuffs a kitten down his throat, and runs away. Aledukine tells you: Its sucks cause i get older, and my gfs stay the same age. Joaquim tells you: there's way too many high level immortals on. me + drunk + comm = nuke :P ^ (OOC) Osse: What is my name spelled backwards!?!?!?!?!111!!!?! ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: esso ^ (OOC) Mog: esso ^ (OOC) Osse: yay, Mog wins! ^ (OOC) Mourngrym: WTF On wooden helmets: ^ (OOC) Brett: Have the strength of a tree on your head. Have the intelligence of a tree in your head. Kozakura says calmly in Westron: Scy, you're not Eaoden, stop being a pest. ^ (OOC) Vordai: I used to be a baby-squeezer On the topic of fleas: Lydia says in Westron: It's like a thousand tiny Scythains, crawling all over you and saying "hello"! Zantos yawns like Pikachu "Chaaaaaaaaaaa!". Zantos yawns `\~~---..---~~~~~~--.---~~ | /. Zantos yawns `~-. ` .~ _____. Zantos yawns ~. .--~~ .---~~~ /. Zantos yawns / .-. .-. | <~~ __/. Zantos yawns | |_| |_| \ \ .--''. Zantos yawns /-. - .-. | \_ \_. Zantos yawns \-'' -..-..- `-'' | \__ \_. Zantos yawns `. | _/ _/. Zantos yawns ~- .-\ _/ _/. Zantos yawns / -~~~~\ /_ /_. Zantos yawns | / | \ \_ \_. Zantos yawns | / / / | _/ _/. Zantos yawns | | | / .-|/ _/. Zantos yawns )__/ \_/ -~~~| _/. Zantos yawns \ / \. Zantos yawns | | /_---`. Zantos yawns \ .______| ./. Zantos yawns ( / \ /. Zantos yawns `--'' /__/. On penises: Lydia tells you: but it's like having an alien living in your pants =( Lydia tells you: and I'd always want to draw faces and little antlers on it and stuff=( Radak shouts in Westron: I like turtles