Some random tidbits

Posted by
Scythain [legacy]
12 January 2009 00:00:00

Nothing big, just my story on T2T, had to remove it and all so I figured I'd throw it up here. Sorry for the lack of color.

"My words fly up,
My thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts
Never to heaven go."
Butterbur says in Westron: Where's that wooly-footed slowcoach, Nob?

You fade into the background, an anonymous and nameless member of
society, invisible to all but the most diligent of observers.

Bring FADE back!!
^ (OOC) Toby: Incidentally, evidence shows that body parts swell up
     to four times their normal size if a person is exposed to the vacuum
     of space.
^ (OOC) Toby: Ladies, you know what that means.
^ (OOC) Fofester: In other news, I didn't get squished by the tornado
     that went through the city today, in case anyone was worried!
^ (OOC) Tevildo: Hm. Guess I'd better work on the aiming mechanism on
     my natural disaster device.

Party say from Quiauh: quiauh, how do i walk
Party say from Quiauh: well.
Party say from Quiauh: you put your one leg forward
Party say from Quiauh: ok did that
Party say from Quiauh: now what
Party say from Quiauh: welllllll
Party say from Quiauh: you put your other leg forward
Party say from Quiauh: OK did that
Party say from Quiauh: now what quiauh
Alcavant whispers to you: I just hit puberty
Alcavant says in Westron: How do you fart otherwise?
Alcavant erms.
Alcavant says in Westron: fare*

Someone enters.
You dive behind Alcavant.
Alcavant dives behind Falcon.
You laugh out loud.
Eaoden says in Westron: Hey, stop molesting me :(
Bardaur says in Westron: why?
Bardaur pinches Eaoden's cheek!
Eaoden slugs Bardaur in the stomach.
Eaoden screams.
Eaoden leaves east.
Aledukine tells you: Tell the truth about *everything* even when at some
     points it REALLY sucks to tell it
Aledukine tells you: And then, when you really REALLY *REALLY* need it,
     you get to lie and get away with it
Aledukine tells you: "This is your DNA!" "....I've never even seen this
     girl.." "Oh...ok sorry nvm"

Party say from Garland: hmm what do you guys want/need
You say to your party: mori =)
Party say from Ella: What?
Party say from Ella: I'm not going to Mordor.
You fall down laughing.

Alcavant says in Westron: I'm a philosopher.
Alcavant says in Westron: Crowded elevator smell different to midget.
Alcavant says in Westron: He who eats too many prunes, sits on potty many
Alcavant says in Westron: Man who fall in vat of molten glass make
spectacle of self.
Alcavant says in Westron: Man who jumps through screen door likely to
strain himself.
You say hauntingly in Westron: lol

Kyu tells you: Everybody needs something. I think you just need a little
Ella says enchantingly in Westron: Hey... Mechanic guy, want to do
     something sexual in a mechanical sort of way.
Ella grins mischievously
You say hauntingly in Westron: Hell yeah.
Arignor tells you: will you be my girlfriend?
Eaoden tells you: I'm a philosopher too.
Eaoden tells you: First off:
Eaoden tells you: Man who live in glass house, better change in basement.
Eaoden tells you: Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing
     of fly.
Eaoden tells you: A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.
Eaoden tells you: remember wisdoms well. never know when you need them.
Eaoden tells you: one more: Man who scratches ass should not bite
Ealcedel says in Westron: she acts like a 10 year old in bed
Ealcedel says in Westron: i love her tho
You say hauntingly in Westron: How...does a ten year old act in bed
[336] [23:28] ^ (OOC) Terminal: lucky there arent any ainur on now, so
      go ahead with your joke
[337] [23:29] ^ (OOC) Someone: It's worth a shot.
[338] [23:29] ^ (OOC) Terminal: i say go for it
[339] [23:29] ^ (OOC) Brett: Haha

^ (OOC) Champ: you can't do this shit since everyone going to
^ (OOC) Champ: oh shit, i can say shit on comm? holy shit.
^ (OOC) Azen: Champ 2 Scythain 1
^ (OOC) Aule: Shit no, the powers will totaly shit on you for saying
     shit, you shit.
^ (OOC) Parom: LOL
Alcavant sobs uncontrollably.
Alcavant says in Westron: please stop trying to touch my wiener.
^ (OOC) Josi pounces on Scythain, stuffs a kitten down his throat,
     and runs away.
Aledukine tells you: Its sucks cause i get older, and my gfs stay the


Joaquim tells you: there's way too many high level immortals on. me +
     drunk + comm = nuke :P
^ (OOC) Osse: What is my name spelled backwards!?!?!?!?!111!!!?!
^ (OOC) Mourngrym: esso
^ (OOC) Mog: esso
^ (OOC) Osse: yay, Mog wins!
^ (OOC) Mourngrym: WTF
On wooden helmets:
^ (OOC) Brett: Have the strength of a tree on your head. Have the
     intelligence of a tree in your head.
Kozakura says calmly in Westron: Scy, you're not Eaoden, stop being a
^ (OOC) Vordai: I used to be a baby-squeezer
On the topic of fleas: 
Lydia says in Westron: It's like a thousand tiny Scythains, crawling
     all over you and saying "hello"!

Zantos yawns like Pikachu "Chaaaaaaaaaaa!".
Zantos yawns  `\~~---..---~~~~~~--.---~~ | /.
Zantos yawns  `~-.   `                   .~         _____.
Zantos yawns       ~.                .--~~    .---~~~    /.
Zantos yawns        / .-.      .-.      |  <~~        __/.
Zantos yawns       |  |_|      |_|       \  \     .--''.
Zantos yawns      /-.      -       .-.    |  \_   \_.
Zantos yawns      \-''   -..-..-    `-''    |    \__  \_.
Zantos yawns      `.                     |     _/  _/.
Zantos yawns         ~-                .-\   _/  _/.
Zantos yawns        /                 -~~~~\ /_  /_.
Zantos yawns       |               /   |    \  \_  \_.
Zantos yawns       |   /          /   /      | _/  _/.
Zantos yawns       |  |          |   /    .-|/  _/.
Zantos yawns       )__/           \_/    -~~~| _/.
Zantos yawns         \                      /  \.
Zantos yawns          |           |        /_---`.
Zantos yawns          \    .______|      ./.
Zantos yawns          (   /        \    /.
Zantos yawns          `--''          /__/.
On penises:
Lydia tells you: but it's like having an alien living in your pants =(
Lydia tells you: and I'd always want to draw faces and little antlers on
it and stuff=(

Radak shouts in Westron: I like turtles