Hochopepa, Garik, and Wasach.

Posted by
Klouse [legacy]
16 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

They try to protect their castle, but what they should start to teach is how to protect their members. Watch as Hochopepa and Garik leave their member for the wolves.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 December 2003 03:05:37

    Yes. Yes, it happened. There are no excuses, no explanations. It's just something we have to put in the past, and move on. As a group, as a family. Come, friends, join hands, and let us go forth from this incident as a stronger people.

  • Author
    Ahocho [legacy]
    23 January 2002 02:48:44

    It happened. No excuse for me.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 January 2002 07:57:03

    Thank you Duniv! Simply stated, clear and concise. RP should not be a guise for pK. Which is what the treaty's were supposed to prevent or is that incorrect?

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    21 January 2002 07:00:18

    In my mind good RP should take place between people who get along OOC. Why RP in the first place? It's supposed to be fun, and it's not when somebody dies in it. If you don't like somebody, just kill them outright, don't use RP as a guise for player killing.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    21 January 2002 05:21:27

    LOL. I think thats taking things a bit to far, dont you Hevron? What i'm talking about is easily doable and would improve RP drastically.

  • Author
    Hevron [legacy]
    19 January 2002 19:13:12


    You always talk about wanting peoples RP to be more realistic. Hows this. next time you die, stay dead and create a new character. Thats realistic. not very much fun, but realistic.

    Sir Hevron Pathor

    Knight of Dol Amroth

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 January 2002 04:00:38

    1)I was flaming everyone's RP not just yours.

    2)My Guild is great, we play great Knights. Korzan's Guild is great, they play great playerkillers. Rolf's Guild is great, they play great Dwarves. It's all just a matter of perspective, for example, Korzan might actually make a great Knight but Tarn wouldn't, I might make a great Durm but Hochopepa wouldn't.

    NOTE:Names used are for example only and do not reflect my opinion of those people.

    3)SoU bandaging KoDA? I aint seen that yet, Durms yes but not SoU (not a flame just never seen an SoU bandage a Knight).

    4)'RPing more realistically.' What you missed in all my 'rambling' is that this is a game and we dont have to abide by reality. We play this game inside (and sometimes outside) the boundaries set by Melkor and sometimes we make up our own rules for playing. What ALL of us need to decide is whether or not we want to play within rules set by other players, ie RP treaties. If you dont, then dont, just dont force it on other people.

    Above all remember, this is a game and reality counts for about jack-shit.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    19 January 2002 02:50:21

    Well, Wasach, out of that huge tome you just wrote, only about 15% of it is actually relevent to this argument. The rest of it is just yourself rambling on about how great your own guild is, and flaming my RP which you know so very little about. I'm not even going to bother addressing your claims that I'm 'not RP' as you so elloquently put it. As for the sacking of MT, I did have a valid RP: Wyngel HIRED me and my fellow mercenaries to sack MT. I would appreciate it if you would lay off the flames.

    Now for the relevent part:

    I agree with you, Knights may allow an enemy to retreat. This is possible. However, the majority of the Ardan population would not. So those SoU who you see bandaging KoDA are really quite out of line.

    Furthermore, this is a valid forum for the discussion of this issue. All I am doing is asking that people look at the way they RP, because I am sick of the hypocrisy, and it would improve ARDA if others would start RPing more realistically.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 January 2002 02:23:30

    What your not catching BB, is that those of us that actually protect a section of Arda, HAVE to remain with those NPC's that we protect during a protection. If I am the lone Knight on and someone attacks a lad, I will protect the lad and drive off the attacker (hopefully). Now once the attacker leaves, I am not free to go back about my business killing orcs or corsairs or whatever. The attacker will return, sometimes with a friend sometimes not, because they want some stupid pack that is harder to get than the DMP if one of KoDA is on. It is much harder and takes balls and more tenacity and perserverance than you know to stand up on that 'wall' and beat back wave after wave after wave of attacks. Once they leave the room, who knows where they went of when they might return. My fellow Knights and I might not be able to keep you all from killing every NPC in Gondor but we will keep you from killing the one's we catch you on (provided we catch you soon enough).

    I would like to see you or anyone else from CoU, Durms, FRA, Theives, or Rims send one person out and drive 2 or 3 players off of a single NPC, two or three or four times. Sure, FRA and Durms might pull it off because they usually have the most powerfull pKill weapons in the game and crap load of flasks in their cloaks or packs. Until you walk the length of Gondor in a Knight's boots, be quiet. With all the killing restrictions placed on KoDA, Amruin, VC, it's outstanding that we all are able to perform at the level we do.

    You also forget one other thing, this is a fucking game. This isn't a RL war, true RP is in the eye of the Ainur not you or me or anyother player. Like it keeps being said again and again...IF YOU DONT WANT TO RP THE WAY THE REST OF ARDA DOES THEN LEAVE. Amruin posted their rules for how THEY will RP. You dont want to play the game the way someone else does, dont play with them. Send a mail to all the Guilds stating your RP. Saying it here doesn't mean shit and it's all talk.

    One other thing...

    Knights allow their enemies to retreat from the battlefield because thats how a Knight acts. It is call granting mercy. An enemy says, you win I have had enough and leaves, you won. You beat them as soundly as if they had stayed and died. Perhaps things will be different next time, perhaps they will be the same. However, so before you go ranting about 'you attack me your gonna die' check yourself, not everyone RP's the way you do and your 'RP' is better for playing diablo then the trend the Guilds want to take it. AND can you tell me what is so fucking RP about a Dwarf from the Iron Hills cospiring with a Corsair of Umbar to sack MT? Not a damn thing, you should be up in Erebor keeping the orcs from sacking your cousins.

    It is not RP for elves to come to Gondor and kill Dundedains in DA or on the road. There is nothing RP about an Eorling kill Theoden on the Pelennor, there is nothing RP about a Dunedain killing Imrahil, etc etc. If you want to do these things and kill fellow elves, dwarves, etc (whatever your race is) quit playing a 'fairer race' just quit the game and wait for ER's to come back. The only 'free race' that has any business killing a member of the 'free races' is a Dunlending. So that said, before you start kibbitsing about 'in a war' and this goes for everyone, check yourself. RP wise NONE of you make any fucking sense whatsoever.

    The closest thing to an honest to God RP evil Guild is the fucking CoU, they would be perfect if they only excepted Dunedains...or atleast proved that hobbits, dwarves, elves, etc, liv in Umbar.

    But like I said, no one is forcing you to RP in any fashion other than the one you want. Just dont fucking play with people that dont RP the same as you or come to an agreement with people who RP different than you so both sides know whats going on. When and IF the Ainur decide what they want this game to be then we ALL will be forced to RP in a similar fashion.

    *so very fucking tired of people claiming they know more about RP then everyone else when clearly nobody (myself too) has a fucking clue*

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    19 January 2002 01:34:02

    Whaaat? We kill people because if you're RPing a soldier in a war, you had damn well better kill someone otherwise your a worthless soldier. The way non lethal 'defending' works is that you attack someone, then you dont kill them, they heal themselves and return. What sense does that make? If you have the chance to kill them, kill them! They will be much less likely to return! We dont kill people because 'it makes us better than anyone'. If you think about it clearly, a true RP'er would want to defend their families and friends in the MOST effective way possible.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 January 2002 22:05:19

    That's is because they think the they can exert some kind of power over other players by killing them or that by killing another player that somehow makes them better. One must always remember that this a 'limited' pK mud. The game is designed so that playerkilling is allowed and DOES add some excitement to the game, however if you will actually take an honest look at the Two Towers mud it is a Roleplaying mud.

  • Author
    Aliah [legacy]
    18 January 2002 17:21:39

    And one more thing: It's _stupid_ to say: someone attacks me, no

    matter the reason - deserves to die. Most RPlayers attack not

    to kill, but to drive enemy out of protected area. You don't want to RP?

    Stay away, but don't be so stubborn to never ever even try to

    understand that simple thing.

  • Author
    Aliah [legacy]
    18 January 2002 17:17:29

    I'd say - mistakes happen. I myself died many times because of

    my own stupidity. Yet - (till now) never died twice because of the same

    mistake. Isn't it good? :P

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    17 January 2002 20:03:46

    Just have to say i totally agree with Barazbund there. If someone attacks me, no matter the reason, they diserve death. If someone attacks me, i expect it to be an attempt to kill me, so i will not stand there and let them take me down. Attack me and die.

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 January 2002 09:14:34

    The Grand Tourney was not what i was refering to Wasach, though that was probably the event that most people thought of. I organized events such as the Sacking of MT with Wyngel, and other events along the same lines. Of course you dont know about them, but those involved did. Thats not really the point though. Whether I RP or do not RP is not the issue. The issue is whether people should blunt their swords when fighting their sworn enemies. For me, the answer is no, and I play that way. I wish more of you would see it my way.

  • Author
    Mirk [legacy]
    17 January 2002 08:54:03

    christ, for a supposedly noble guild they let their mate bleed and then fled

    id stay and die rather than leave a friend behind

    kinda sad when i have to give respect to the evil folks over the supposedly good...

    and nice post adunazon..i agree..

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 January 2002 04:51:35

    Vallejo, when have I ever been in 'RP' combat with you? I honestly dont recall any (no sarcasm there). I recall battles where you and several of your friends are kicking the crap out of me but they were not RP. Also, if you hadnt noticed noone was saying 'oh mad props to Wasach on this one!' People are given respect to Thorgal and Klouse for trying to bandage me.

    Headbutting people when their are ND...wouldn't that be like wizards that cast fireball or lightning on someone who is DLSG or ND? Can you say with absolute certainty that you have engaged in 'RP' combat and not headbutted someone who was ND? It gets really hard, especially in the larger battles. You get more than, what 4 or 5, people on each side and things tend to get out of hand. I have been ND and headbutted, cast at, backstabbed, charged, poisoned, and I bet so has nearly everyone else. Get off a soapbox you dont have any right to stand on.

    You are also wrong about me never bandaging people, I have done it and I have set triggers to do it...even for my enemies. I did let Fimbu bleed to death once, he killed 3 of my lads mocked me for it and stole a sword from a friend...I felt justified. Also, he had gone afk just before I attacked him however he went afk after initiating combat with an NPC KoDA protects. Generally its not smart to afk while attacking npc's that are protected.

    One last thing, do you have some mistaken impression that whether or not you respect me matters to me? I have titles that I have earned in the game, nothing was given to me. So you can keep playing circle jerk while I busy myself with my girlfriend.

    I retorted as I did to Barazbund because I am sick and tired of people trashing the way the majority of Guilds have 'chosen to' or 'try to' RP. The RP-treaty that floated around for awhile wasn't hardcoded and was strictly optional. No one made a Guild sign it or even abide by it after signing it. It was simply there (as I understood it) to avoid bad feelings between players that could end up resulting in the kind of mass-hatred killing sprees that we have now. If you dont want to RP in that fashio than by all means dont, no one ever forced you too.

    While I have respect to Barazbund for the Grand Tourny, that was very much non-RP event as far as I could tell. Killing Balforth, nevermindless next door to SoU HQ, is hardly RP for a Knight of Dol Amroth. What would a Knight be doing in Mirkwood when the major battle is on the Pelennor where his Prince and Lord is? Balforth is a fun kill purely for the gold you get off his helpers and the exp points but aside from helping VC or Glorglas or BkD (these last two is an RP stretch) he is not a very good RP target for KoDA. However we lack any decent Corsair RP targets in Gondor, so what ya gonna do? but I digress. Barazbund, I know a great deal about Arda then people think I do, you dont know me any better than I know you. Let us leave it at that. We have different views of RP and neither one of use thinks much of the others view.

    The only thing hypocritical about the way people RP is when they dont RP the way they claim too.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 January 2002 02:58:46

    Adunazon i'm glad that you see it as I do...But I think you should realize that, just because you're being thematic and trying to kill a person who is your sworn enemy ic, does not mean that you cannot be friendly with them OOC. I was friends with many FRA...even though i would have killed them whenever the opportunity arose. I'm not saying that this is always the case, but there is no reason to link real RPing and childish cursing. The same could easily happen (and has) with your non-lethal system. In that case people just get whiny because So and So isnt following the rules correctly (headbutt at ND, not bandaging, not stopping, etc). People will get pissed off at one another OOC regardless of whether they are real rping or not. It just depends on the type of people involved in the conflict.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    17 January 2002 01:41:55

    Firstly, thank you to Thorgal for attempting to save Wasach's life, had he bandaged sooner he wouldn't have died. Such is life (and death). To Barazbund: Bandaging in RP may be hypocritical, but KoDA and SoU generally are on good terms in any RP battle. Unthematic or not, we RP to have FUN, not to anger and annoy other people by trying our damndest to kill them. I don't quite understand the recent trend in the mud that everything must revolve around slaughtering your opponents, but there was once a time where enemies could speak to each other in civil terms without the urge to revert to childish cursing. There was once a time when enemies could happily go to a mud party and not have a fight break out.


    remembering a time when OOC hate wasn't so prevalent

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    17 January 2002 00:57:11

    Wasach, thanks for that comment, remind me to let you bleed to death slowly each and everytime you fall to the ground. See, Wasach never bandages anyone and also headbutts at near death, he gets no respect on this, however many titles he can give himself. Oh and Wasach...Baraz never said his own name nor Roleplayer in the same sentence, you hadn't heard it til you wrote it yourself apparently.

    Vallejo thinks Wasach has protein deposits on his contacts for misfires while playing circle jerk.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    16 January 2002 23:06:05

    Well, wasach, thats unfortunate. You have however very little knowledge of Arda in general, and you're certainly not one to judge. I roleplayed a good bit better than most of Arda. While i dont think i was on a level to compare with some KoDA, i did organize several RP events, as well as constantly RP a Dwarf from the Iron Hills, never killed a dwarf NPC ever, and I always honored requests from my Khazad brothers. I would like to see you say that you ever thought up and organized an RP event yourself. (no, killing balforth mindlessly does not count)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 January 2002 22:42:44

    I dont ever recall hearing (ever before) the words: Barazbund and Roleplayer; in the same sentance before.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    16 January 2002 22:24:07

    Bandaging in RP combat is hypocritical. If you are RPing, RP. Dont be a hypocrite.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 January 2002 22:18:09

    My own personal mistakes aside *grumble* I do have to give props to both Klouse and Thorgal for the attempt to bandage me. Unfortuneately this means you all wont see Wasach for awhile. I do not have the time to waste releveling a character. The bad thing about bleeding to death is you lose more stats and skills...and I think exp too if I saw it correctly after I revived. Its really bad folks. My advice, set bandage triggers or kill triggers but dont let them bleed to death. Its far crueler.

    However, Thorgal and Klouse...I salute you both!

    Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim of House Pathor

    Man-at-Arms in the Knights of Dol Amroth

    Major in the Armies of Gondor

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 January 2002 19:48:57

    That is cool, i sinceraly saw that only 2 or 3 times at max, well in those fights i run witht he bandage triggers on to avoid those accidents :p

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    16 January 2002 19:46:41

    My point is, he bandaged the attacker in a RP fight. I have huge respect for that.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 January 2002 19:08:37

    Damn i hate that whip thing :p

    Well at least someone tried a bandage (that's new) ;)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    16 January 2002 19:04:04

    That someone actually tried to bandage a bleeding KoDA?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 January 2002 18:50:21

    What is special on this log?

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    16 January 2002 18:37:50

    Props to Thorgal for bandaging a wounded warrior in a RP battle!

    Wasach... I have no doubt that you're among the top 10 for the DotY Award =) Too bad you died bro. :(

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 January 2002 17:52:06

    unarmoured, forgot I wasn't wielding my sapphire sword...and oh yeah, had a flask in my cloak. Dumbass of the year award goes to...Wasach!