Sevrin, Parethian

Posted by
Delvar [legacy]
31 January 2009 00:00:00
Player Kill

Posted for Duergan.


  • Author
    Hoshkebosh [legacy]
    03 February 2009 03:01:28

    I believe Herkimer is in the area of 7000 population-wise.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 February 2009 01:15:56

    Places can certainly have reputations. If Pittsburgh can have the reputation of being a hard-working blue-collar city, then Herkimer can have the reputation of being stupid.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 February 2009 01:13:49

    Sorry, but Herkimer is not a race of people. It's a fucking town. If it was a race, then logic would force me to be a racist. And from what I understand it's more like 10,0000 people.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    02 February 2009 22:17:54

    I was too scared to do it, Gawen.

  • Author
    Irime [legacy]
    02 February 2009 14:06:24

    Why would he do that, could end up creating another herkie on the mud.

  • Author
    Gawen [legacy]
    02 February 2009 14:01:25

    Lobo, did you ask him if he also mudded?

  • Author
    Ural [legacy]
    02 February 2009 04:38:10

    I heard that Sevrin was a certain hardbanned character and was going to be nuked so he decided to suicide.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    02 February 2009 02:59:50

    --I might add that the position that we are exclusively the product of our genes (the perspective which dismisses the Herkie hypothesis) undeniably supports institutional racism.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    02 February 2009 02:58:56

    I don't claim to be non-racist. Everyone's a little bit racist sometimes. Doesn't mean we go around committing hate crimes.

    And racism isn't a good analog for the bias against Herkimer. Virtually everyone agrees that people are to some extent a product of their environment (just how much so is a matter of debate, but very few people hold that we are EXCLUSIVELY a product of our genes). Also, the people in this community have observed that disproportionately many - nay, almost every person who has come from Herkimer has displayed certain objectionable characteristics.

    Asserting it as a proven point is overstating the case, but based on observation there appears to be a strong correlation between being from Herkimer and traits dubbed 'being a herkie'.

    A reasonable hypothesis (which can be rhetorically overstated as a theory or reality) is that there is some environmental phenomena which produces this type of behaviour. Trempk's observation that a piece of shoddy workmanship came from Herkimer supports (or can be rhetorically overstated as proves) this hypothesis. It's not racism. It's not even close.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    02 February 2009 01:31:29

    Trempk, all of the US people claim to be 'non-rasist' and tolerant to other people.

    Don't you think that all who whine against a whole city are... idiots? You can't just take 65 000 people and call them names, just because you are an ignorant bastard that has never left his state.

  • Author
    Gramul [legacy]
    01 February 2009 03:12:55


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    01 February 2009 01:28:52

    I helped my uncle out painting a couple rooms in his house over the winter cause he has a bad back and all. Anyway, he has this really shitty looking fake-looking fireplace that was left in the house when he moved in some 16 years ago, among other furniture.

    I had to move it to do the work and on the back of it there was an old tag of paper hanging there from the company who made it. It made perfect sense to me that it was made in Herkimer. I was like, 'Of course.' I'm not sure if he seriously considered my suggestion, but he didn't think it was a bad idea to bring it outside and and take a sledge hammer to it.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    01 February 2009 00:44:20

    Who decided to let this tool play again?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    31 January 2009 19:09:38

    What is wrong with people of Herkimer?

    Once it was Iowa, now Herkimer?

    If you can't handle to keep your ass safe, dont get into trouble:)

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    31 January 2009 18:05:33

    What wrong did he do this time to you guys ?

  • Author
    Frumgar [legacy]
    31 January 2009 17:23:43

    Run to europe? i haven't met anyone who would hear about herkrimer there:)

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    31 January 2009 15:29:12

    That, if true, is horrifying.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    31 January 2009 15:17:27

    ah Sevrin. Then he probably has another character already. This kid hasn't anything else to do in his life. Good Job, Delvar!

    Btw, this week i went to the USA consulate to get my visa and the guy who interviewed me was extremely dumb and rude. Talking to him, i found out his family was from herkimer, ny. a true herkie in my country! that's an infestation!

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    31 January 2009 15:11:46

    Yes Sevrin suicided, SEVRIN!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    31 January 2009 14:58:36

    did savrin suicide?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    31 January 2009 14:42:07

    Read the line before the dedication Lobo :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    31 January 2009 14:30:37

    Nice log. Thank you for dedicating it to me but i didn't get it :P I don't know who the hell Frumgar or Savrin are.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    31 January 2009 12:15:29

    Didn't you fight with him during BkDurm war?