Kieran and I

Posted by
Narshock [legacy]
01 June 2009 00:00:00

Good clean RP, we need more of this!! Good fight by Kieran


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    03 June 2009 23:11:02

    Dying means you have to grind gold. It takes me <1 hour to make the gold to pay for my stats loss, an extra 30 minutes on top of that to make back the exp and another 30-45 minutes to quest back the eq I lose (usually)... but it's still forcing the person who's died to engage in the 'cost' part of the game instead of the 'benefit' part of the game.

    Plus, if roleplaying involves the substantial risk of death it means high levels can't really do it (or if they do they risk losing A LOT.) There are multiple breeds of RP, but the mark of really good RP is the ability to opt out (and, in my opinion, the mark of a really good RPer is electing not to.)

  • Author
    Trap [legacy]
    03 June 2009 22:41:26

    Yea, i hate dying as much as the next, but i agree with the true RP idea that if i'm a dwarf, and i live for the dwarves, any enemy of any dwarf is an enemy of mine, and if said person is killer of dwarves, well, he needs to die. Lothlorien was DEADLY to any outsider that didn't have connections of some sort, and even then if they weren't lucky they could could end up dead, Gimli himself was scared to death to tread there. I used to love Tenzeks camp when DH was around, that little tiny area was like a mini mordor, get in, get out, and pray to hell you don't get caught inside, it was exhilarating. Course i can also see the other side of not having to relevel, just perhaps go find a new sword, and whatever else you loose, and then be right back ready to RP some more, but dying don't hurt, and the main reason for that change was to promote PvP, way back when it happened, so either which way, if they want to promote RP, its going to involve more combat between players either which way, and people need to just deal with it, or go find some MUSH or something to play.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    03 June 2009 19:08:21

    Damn you Huan, now i miss DH even more. :(

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    03 June 2009 18:51:56

    Hey, RoI had 3 active assassins, 2 strikers and an archer when I was there! For a year!

  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    03 June 2009 18:08:52

    That said, being a nympho cultist with a penchant for lewdness (read Larion, Laon or Dalkar) is hot.

  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    03 June 2009 18:07:20

    I think RP is cool when it makes areas Tolkien thought to be dangerous - actually dangerous. Henneth Annun should be freaking dangerous. Lothlorien should be dangerous. Screw youngbies who want to train. Preparing to face danger is part of training. Next time they won't be careless. Heck, barrow downs should be dangerous. That's the only instance where roleplaying (not the shielding NPCs cRaP) has scope. There are enough places to gold, so if you think your life is threated in one place, you can always move to another. When I do play, I play as a casual player, and I think that if people were to really RP, it wouldn't cramp my golding or questing. For instance, unless I know I have lots of time to gear up decently, I won't enter HA or Mordor - they are places I know are dangerous. (Well, HA when RoI is active, which is never).

    To speak like an American Idol judge, RP is about making your character your own. Not just a cookie-cutter scheme that your GM lays out that involves paragraphs of eloquent bull-shit and kudos. Hobbits being generally funny and sarcastic may be good RP. Dwarves being mulish may be good RP. Elves being gay may be good RP (and I mean androgynous, before the rainbow guard jumps on me). But if you play a character that doesn't respect these stereotypes; for instance, you are an elf with a cock and balls, awesome! You don't have to act pansy just because your GM tells you to wear pink. I think that's what RP is all about.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    03 June 2009 15:46:01

    Never said to kill anyone who enter the 'protected area', I talked about those who kill the npc's/citizens in that area. That would be rather harsh (yes, RoI are cold as ice that way).

    I don't engage in any such kind of defending or 'rp' or what you call it any more, so *shrug*. Btw, you are a tool! ;)

  • Author
    Tool [legacy]
    03 June 2009 11:10:18

    Oh I love this RP defense. Basically what Norin is trying to say if you are guilded you should kill all those that enter the area your guild protects.

    Ok.. some level 10 enter Lothlorien to train some stats. I kill him in the guise of RP.. all good. sorted! I dont think so.

    RP is different to certain guilds? Yes, but don't flame on the way one person RP to the way you want to see it done. Every guild has different RP aspect that no one will ever agree on. Do I think we should kill anyone that enters Lothlorien like BKD did or DH or even RoI. That would just place us in wars with other guilds and well then RP goes right out the door.

    Sure we could do it, but what is the use of it as members would just go inactve like they do in all wars and only the pk's come out in what they thrive in.

    Once again I rant and forget what I was on about

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 June 2009 10:46:51

    Norin, RP stands for roleplaying. Pure RP would require playing the role of a character rather than a text based expansion of your ego.

    People 'RP defending' npcs with agreements etc. can show an equal lack of RP to those pkilling in the name of RP, of course.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    02 June 2009 08:08:47

    Galandrin, it's hardcore rp, feel free to report. If you like, see it as enforced pvp. :P What we did was not a nuisance and a hassle it was outright killing you (or trying to). That's what 'RP' should be like. Not a bunch of 'agreements' and whining. But whatever rocks your boat i guess. :)

    Tireless, if you get attacked by another player you should expect that this player wants you dead, and you act accordingly.

    Myrddin, what we did was killing people who killed our people. It's the purest rp. As i said, like Bkd used to do. An i suspect close to what RoI did/does with a certain area too. It's in my opinion how you should run a guild that is themed towards protecting an area or people.

    But we all have different opinions. ;)

    And yes, I am an asshole griefer... haha. Mental image.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 June 2009 03:09:41

    I don't think Mordor counts, it's there as a PK arena. And I was responding to Kozlodoev.

  • Author
    Satyr [legacy]
    02 June 2009 02:24:17

    i dont think i'm an asshole griefer.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 June 2009 01:58:34

    Attacking someone in RP who just wants to be left alone to gold is forcing your RP on someone.

    Pkilling someone 'in RP' who just wants to be left alone to gold is forcing your RP on someone.

    The difference? Basically like comparing a charge of sexual harassment to rape.

    Also, if you told an 'RPer' you wanted to be left alone most would leave you. If you told someone like DH to, they couldn't care less. That's the primary difference between being righteous and being an asshole griefer.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    02 June 2009 01:16:48

    I didn't say it wasn't.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    02 June 2009 00:12:19

    Just a reminder: RP comes in all shapes and forms. You don't have to spend an hour typing up pretentious IC paragraphs and battle people in a lexicon-measuring contest Tireless. I like doing that as much as you but this was just fine by any standard.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    01 June 2009 23:39:25

    Establishing the expectations of both parties before you engage is important. When the expectations are reciprocal it's a fun experience. When they're not it's either a less fun experience or a negative one. I'm excited to see reciprocal RP interactions, particularly those involving GB which don't involve corpses.

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    01 June 2009 23:14:32

    So killing us when we killed where you protected isn't enforcing RP upon us? Sure. Difference between our RP and yours is that we choose to avoid killing in our rp combat, as the loss of exp and stats will force a player to spend time on leveling back up, thus taking time from the more fun parts of the game, fighting other players. We use merciful, and thus the fun can go on, instead of killing the other player. But hey I guess that's just me and a few others who prefer that way.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    01 June 2009 22:59:10

    Enforcing RP in DH? What DH did was to kill you if you killed where we protected. Kill my brother (be it player or npc), and we will kill you. It's how BkD used to do it back in the day too. Love it.

    The 'enforced rp' is the 'gentlemans agreement' about being attacked by protectors who 'RP', you will not retaliate, hunt or report, etc.

    The idea is that if you do not want to be initiating in this 'rp', but this n00b of an Amruin, KoDA or whatever comes along to interupt your golding, it is 'enforced' on you and you can not kill him or report his attack. It's just silly. And if you kill him, he reports you for not being into his 'enforcing of rp' upon you. And it all becomes a whine-fest. /rant

  • Author
    Galandrin [legacy]
    01 June 2009 22:45:25

    *chuckles* I don't think that kind of RP has been 'enforced' since DH stopped existing Koz. Or well that kind of RP does exist in Mordor still but I don't realy count that. Anyway, looking forward to seeing more of GB and rping with you guys. Besides Exhalev, fighting off a scout and a wizard at the same time isn't very beastly, most people can do that! ;)

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    01 June 2009 22:24:49

    both Kieran and Narshock are awesome guys and very good in roleplay

    Good show guys, you sure give us an example.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    01 June 2009 21:40:37

    This type of RP is fine as long as people don't force it on those who do not wish to participate and then complain about the reports. And if you are in a guild that can bully those you force your vision of RP on into not reporting, just realize that you are not being righteous, but rather being an asshole and a griefer (which is perfectly fine of course, just don't delude yourself). This rant wanted to be typed for some reason.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    01 June 2009 20:21:28

    herkie log detected. auto-rating...

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    01 June 2009 20:16:53

    A for effort. Glad to see there's at least the intention to RP there.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    01 June 2009 19:32:38

    You are just so much of a god damn tank with that cleaver, I love how you fought him off while fighting the scout as well. BEAST.