The future of RP in arda

Posted by
Rhoads [legacy]
19 January 2002 00:00:00

Log of the first meeting about the future of RP in Arda. For those interested, please don't post useless comments nor flames. Enjoy the reading

The Amruin High Council Room(n)
 Annadur the dunlending Mistress (Villainous)
 Garik the dunedain Master Ranger (Angelic)
 Hayduke the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Angelic)
 Andron the dunedain Weaponsmaster (Hand of Eru)
 Mimak the dwarf of the Lonely Mountain (Stonehead Family)
 Elendur the dunedain Warlord (Angelic)
 Rolf the dwarf of the Lonely Mountain (Stonehead Family)
 Turk the eorling Third Marshal of the Mark
 Crusaderr the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Hand of Eru)
 Dorianna the dunlending Master Ranger (Angelic)
 Tiew the dwarf Knight (Angelic)
 Nichodemus the dunedain Necromancer (Black Hand)
 Viking the dwarf retired Soldier of Rohan
 Plow the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Hand of Eru)
 The High-Council vote box sits on the floor
 Elder Board [21 notes]

Plow says: Welcome to the First Meeting of the Roleplaying Guilds of Arda.

Turk says: who would like to open the discussion

Nichodemus hmms setting his forehead in wrinkles.
Nichodemus raises his hand.

Turk says: you have the floor Nichodemus

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.

Andron listens.

Nichodemus says: Respected guildmembers -
Nichodemus says: Well all gather today in light of perhaps the greatest ability
     of all guilds, past and present.
Nichodemus says: Roleplaying is a virtue, even today, though is less commonly
Nichodemus says: Thus is the basis of our meeting, I trust.

Turk says: exactly

Nichodemus says: Ages ago, those who walked before me and mine, and you and
     yours, upheld their theme with the best roleplay possible.

Nichodemus says: It was a way of life, a form of honor.

Annadur raises an eyebrow.

Nichodemus says: Today, if that was still the definition, there would be so few
     without honor.

Duniv enters.

Nichodemus says: Personally, I feel that roleplaying is the most important
     aspect that any one person, guildless or not, can have.

Morphiend enters.
Vanan enters.

Nichodemus says: Thus, it is in my opinion that such things must be restored, as
     they had been ages ago.
Nichodemus says: Arda as we know it has grown lazy.

EMOTE:-> Annadur raises her hand

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes at Annadur.

Turk says: Thankyou SoU. your comments are well noted by us all

Annadur says: i would like to simply state my opinion on RP matters

Turk says: Lets hear the thoughts of Annadur
Turk says: you have the floor

Viking raises his hand.

Annadur says: speaking for the Corsairs we feel that what has been called RP
     and RP rules is in fact only about playability and keeping Arda fun for

Turk says: a powerful statement

Annadur says: RP is playing a role...i am a Corsair, therefore i play a
     Corsair...i would like to defy and see the blood of every ....well take
     KoDA for instance
Annadur says: ATM

Garik smiles.

Annadur says: the Corsairs are having a test case in RP with the NAoG

Elendur grrs.

Andron chuckles.

Annadur says: allowing us to fight more realistic wars

Plow says: I would like to ask to refrain from Emoting since it will
     reduce the spam level. Thank You for your cooperation.

Annadur says: we do see importance of playability rules, but honestly i hope
     that for once we can really focus on playing a role as well

Annadur says: thank you

Turk says: well said
Turk says: Viking you wish to add comments for the Amruin
Turk says: you have the floor

EMOTE:-> Viking steps forward
Viking says: what in the past has been a problem, is that there seem to be
     some conception that roleplay only takes place in specific areas
Viking says: ie, if the battle is not in dol guldur, edoras, or dol amroth,
     its not regarded as a roleplay fight
Viking says: I find this to be wrong, whereever we meet and there is a
     chance to interact, it should be done in character, and in the same way
     that it would have been done in the 3 mentioned areas

Duniv raises his hand.

Viking says: its very hard to roleplay with someone if you dont know his or
     her motives. if you cant be sure he is going to battle fairly with you,
     or if he is gonna hunt you

Trempk enters.
Trempk winces just from the thought of it.

Viking says: up through the years theres been a consent that the roleplaying
     guilds dont contract and pkill eachother, this has slipped lately and I
     believe it to be one of the reasons rp as a whole has degenerated

You salute Trempk.

Viking says: thank, that will be all for now
EMOTE:Viking steps back

Dorianna raises her hand.

Turk says: Duniv of the SoU wishes to add comment
Turk says: you have the floor

Duniv says: I just want to second the comments made by Viking.
Duniv says: It's a shame that RP has been confined to combat.

Annadur nods.

Turk nods grimly with the wisdom of many years in battle.

Duniv says: It's also very unfortunant that some view a player's RP ability
     solely on the basis of how they perform in combat.
Duniv says: I think it would be great for other RP circumstances to occur
     more often in order to give us non-warriors a chance.

Andron raises his hand.

Trempk gives Duniv a thumbs-up.

Duniv says: I certainly can't stand up to a warrior with a sapphire sword.
Duniv grins crookedly.
Duniv says: That's all.

Turk says: indeed

Irun enters.

Turk says: Andron of the KoDa please gives us the thoughts of your guild

Irun bows in the way of a true ranger.

Crusaderr says: erm wait

Andron smiles.

Crusaderr says: Dori raised her hand first

Turk says: my pardon

Andron says: Dorianna was first

Turk says: Dorianna please proceed

Dorianna says: I'm curious as to the definition of "role play guild". It seems
     somewhat subjective from what I've seen here, but perhaps I am wrong. I'd
     like to know what criteria you're going on here. For example, the
     inclusion of Rimsilval but not Glorglas or Durmanhoth

Dorianna says: No problem

Turk says: of course
Turk says: i will specify briefly
Turk says: You all here have classified yourselves as RP-guilds. I
     recieved one single flame mail from the mirdain for not being included
Turk says: I based RP guild on the premise that the majority of the guild
     has attempted some form of Roleplay during its existence
Turk says: as the Durmanhoth have made zero effort to support or deny
     claims of roleplay. they are not represented
Turk says: the guilds you see here are the guilds concerned and interested
     in making a difference to Roleplay in arda

Dorianna says: And what is "role play"? Defined by player combat? How does one
     judge if a guild is role playing...for example, mirdain's theme as far as
     I can tell is to remian quiet and hidden, which they have. Who defines
     role play?

Dorianna says: Not to be aggressive, i'm just curious

Turk says: i will address that very question in section 2 of this meeting

Dorianna nods.

Turk says: anything else from the Valacircans?

Crusaderr says: well i'll say one thing
Crusaderr says: What partially hinders the efforts of RP is the fact that alot
     of guilds have members who are unwilling to cooperate with the laws
Crusaderr says: and when they break them there are no reprecussions

Dorianna nods at Crusaderr.

Crusaderr says: there needs to be more involvement from the GMs for it to
     regain it's meaning

Draugluin phases into reality.

Turk says: well said!

Mimak tugs on his beard thoughtfully.
Mimak raises his hand.

Turk says: I believe Andron speaks for the Knights of Dol Amroth next
Turk says: Andron you have the floor

Andron thanks Turk.

Andron says: First of all I want to thank the Riders of Rohan for this
     meeting. It is a great idea.
Andron says: From our point of view RP is not based only on combat. It
     should go beyond that
Andron says: And here is the first problem I want to mention
Andron says: Playing this mud is more and more reduced to combat, there are
     no other interactions or if there are some they are only very frequently

Adunazon enters.

Nichodemus humbly kneels before Adunazon.

You hear a footstep nearby.
Anonymous figure chortles like an ass.
Anonymous figure says: hey hey hey
You hear a footstep nearby.

Trempk hmms.

Irun arcs a curious eyebrow.

Andron says: thus our RP depends also more and more on the will of other
     players to RP and not to report us

Andron says: seeing it from this point we will stand behind each effort from
     players and coders to make RP possible...

Draugluin gets creative and makes the idlef++ (idle finder).

Nichodemus smirks in amusement.

You arc a curious eyebrow.

Andron says: as it was said before, RP should not be reduced to certain
     areas, so there have to be rules whcih will be respected by each player.
Andron says: Nobody has to RP but everybody should respect it when someone
Andron says: Thank you, thats all
Andron bows suavely.

Plow says: I would like to ask again to refrain from Emoting thus reducing
     the spam level, and if you wish to talk please raise your hand. Thank you
     for your cooperation.

Turk says: well said
Turk says: Mimak of the BKD, you have the floor

Mimak nods.
Mimak says: I'd like to adress a few comments at Andron's words.
Mimak says: Especially about his views on Roleplay. As I see it Roleplay
     can be rougly cut into 2 situations. One which involves combat and one
     which doesnt.

Andron agrees with Mimak wholeheartedly.

Mimak says: The defend/attack situations are hard to control.

Adunazon raises his hand.

Mimak says: They often involve people not from guilds and can turn into a
     frustration more then actualy roleplaying fun.
Mimak says: The other situation, thus not combat-minded, is something I
     personally like a lot.

Plow raises an eyebrow.

Mimak says: That is, actually playing dwarf (in my case) when there is no
     combat involved.

Plow raises his hand.

Mimak says: I see a lack in the current population especially here. It
     practically only see roleplay at combat grounds, and not between those
Mimak says: I think we have to focus a lot more on non-combat  roleplay.
     That is, those who are more experienced in Roleplay from guilds, teaching
     the younger ones.
Mimak says: combat roleplay is then also easier to understand, and to be
     kept honorable.
Mimak tugs on his beard thoughtfully.
Mimak says: That is all.

Turk says: thankyou BKD
Turk says: Adunazon you have final comments on this topic speaking for SoU

Adunazon says: Thank you.

Turk says: then we will move on

Adunazon says: I'd like to address Mimak's comment on controlling the combat
     side of RP.
Adunazon says: A few days ago.. I spent awhile speaking with Hochopepa of the
     Knights and Wyngel of the Corsairs.
Adunazon says: It was suggested that any combative RPing to be done should be
     forewarned in an RP style..
Adunazon says: It begins both parties on a level field as far as health,
     healing, etc.
Adunazon says: And would, in fact, be more thematic because the PC defenders
     of certain areas would be the first line of defenses.

Relg enters.
Relg bows as a dwarf of the Lonely Mountain.

Adunazon says: While I have my reservations on whether or not this would work
     at all times, it is a good idea, and a good way to keep OOC relations
     from degenerating while still RPing fierce enemies.
Adunazon says: We the SoU have been putting a strong focus on an honorable
     style of RP as of late..
Adunazon says: And are trying to "lead by example" for the younger ones, who
     at times are quite bloodthirsty.
Adunazon says: In closing, RP in general is something that will only increase
     if the desire is present, and the desire will exist if RPing is done

Turk says: well spoken

Andron nods.

Adunazon says: It is something that we all must work towards if there is any
     hope of saving what, in my opinion, makes this mud great.
Adunazon bows swiftly, his dark cape draping about him.

Swamp enters.

Turk says: Alright gentlemen and ladies, the second part of this meeting
     is what I REALLY called you all here for

Swamp says: woo

Turk says: im going to make a couple short statements

Swamp bows to Elendur with a warrior style.

Turk says: I want you all to signal your agreement by noding or
     disagreement by shaking

Elendur gracefully returns the bow with an even lower bow.

Turk says: 1) All of us here value Roleplay and do not want to see it die
     in Arda ?

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.
Garik nods.
Andron nods.
Duniv nods firmly.
Elendur nods.
Viking nods.
Vanan nods.
Mimak says: Aye!
Irun nods quickly.
Morphiend nods.
Plow nods with the wisdom of the Numenor.
Relg nods.
Swamp nods.

Turk says: 2) All of us here have all kinds of ideas on how to improve RP
     and what some of the problems with it are?

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.
Viking nods.
Garik nods.
Andron nods.
Plow nods with the wisdom of the Numenor.
Mimak nods.
Elendur nods.
You nod.
Morphiend nods.
Duniv nods firmly.
Vanan nods.
Swamp nods.
Annadur nods.
Irun nods quickly.

Turk says: 3rd) All of us here want to make a positive contribution to
     Roleplaying in Arda

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.
Duniv nods firmly.
Garik nods.
Plow nods with the wisdom of the Numenor.
Elendur nods.
Mimak nods.
Viking nods.
Morphiend nods.
Annadur says: absolutely
You nod.

Turk says: wow look at that we are unanimous!

Irun nods quickly.
Andron nods.
Mimak grins with a semi-sober look in his eyes.
Swamp nods.
Relg nods.

Turk says: which brings me to the the purpose behind this meeting..

Santao enters.

Santao ohs interestedly.

Turk says: The formation of a "Roleplaying Council".  We would take a
     representative from each of the guilds here, and meet say maybe twice a
     month and discuss  cases on roleplaying and bring different issues to the

Irun leaves north.

Andron says: Good idea!

Turk says: we would all have a chance to speak and listen to whats going
     on in the world of roleplay
Turk says: we could tackle the really hard issues like What is roleplaying
     what isnt! and how can we make universal rules of RP
Turk says: stuff like that

Dorianna raises her hand.

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.

Turk says: but we would do it professionaly, and hold votes and so forth
     much like how Mortal Council is run
Turk says: and then report back to our guilds after each meeting

Rogar enters.

Turk says: Please give your comments on this idea

Rogar cheers like a dwarf.

Turk says: Dorianna you have the floor

Nichodemus raises his hand.

Dorianna says: Now, by the very definition of role play, however...moral
     guilds aren't going to meet with immoral guilds and say "let's all play
     nice". I mean, it's a good thought, but in my mind a treaty with Durms or
     SoU isn't worth the paper it's written on (no offense, but my role play
     is to distrust elf and friend killers)
Dorianna says: That's all

Turk says: Nichodemus you have the floor

Viking raises his hand.

Duniv raises his hand.

EMOTE:-> Annadur raises her hand

Nichodemus smirks in amusement.
Nichodemus says: Well.
Nichodemus says: First of all, it requires tuning, as expected.
Nichodemus says: However, the question you must also ask yourself is this -
Nichodemus says: Will it be entirely out-of-character?  Obviously the Sons and
     the Amruin don't have meetings like this.

Nichodemus says: As well as that -

Andron raises his hand.

Turk says: I believe Viking is next

Nichodemus says: There has to be a certain amount of rigid formality amongst all
     of you say.
Nichodemus says: If there was such a council to be created,

Turk says: sorry

EMOTE:-> Duniv has to leave.
Duniv leaves north.

Nichodemus says: Then the only way it would work would to focus on the task at
     hand as typists, then resume normal business.
Nichodemus shrugs.

Turk nods grimly with the wisdom of many years in battle.
Turk says: Viking your thoughts?

Viking tugs on his rugged red beard.
Viking says: much the same as Nichodemus, in order for something like this
     to work, in my mind it _has_ to be an out of character body

Plow raises his hand.

Crusaderr raises his hand.

Turk says: quite right. I dont think any of us would argue that statement
Turk says: Andron you're up

Annadur coughs.

Andron nods.

Viking says: and I think it would mean that those present on this council
     should as one of the first thing they do...

Andron points at Annadur.
Andron smiles.
Annadur smiles darkly.

Viking says: ... get to know eachother a bit irl and stuff as to why they
     are playing their characters and stuff like that
EMOTE:Viking steps back

Turk grins Turk-like.

Annadur says: i like to name one example to clarify my point

Turk says: okay Annadur you have the floor

Annadur says: i like the whole idea to stimulate RP, but i think the MAIN
     point is here that we need to go back to our guilds and stay in our
     theme..really RP, like Wyngel of my guild for example..who RPs in combat
     and out of it
Annadur says: the CoU have not made any RP agreements with anyone
Annadur says: yet because of his RP he's been appreciated by many of our
     enemies, and even combat is most of time always worked out even without
Annadur says: my opinion is that we need to focus on real thematic (not
     playability combat rules) RP first...and then rules will be easier to
Annadur says: because even enemies can appreciate each other OOC more

EMOTE:-> Mimak agrees fully.

Annadur says: and that will help a lot
Annadur says: and will make it more fun for all of us
Annadur says: thank you

Turk says: I believe andron is next

Andron nods.
Andron says: I can agree with the mentioned aspects. In addition to them I'd
     like to point out that the council will only be of any real use if it has
     an effect on the "outer"-world. We may discuss anything in the council
     and make some treaties (maybe) but if the rest of Arda's player do not
     pay attention to our decissions..
Andron says: well they are not worth anything ;) Thus I suggest that the
     council's aim should also be to influence the Ainurs and maybe MC
Andron says: and because we are debating RP matters in this council we have
     to do this OOC

Turk says: exactly

Andron says: and I agree with Annadur too..

Turk says: okay I believe crusaderr is next

Andron nods.

Crusaderr says: plow is before me

Turk says: plow has withdrawn
Turk says: you have the floor

Crusaderr says: Alright basically I agree with Andron that the idea of this
     council would best be served only as a body for making suggestions.

Adunazon laughs strangely.
Adunazon coughs.

Andron chuckles.

Crusaderr says: I don't know about the other guilds, but our guild will never
     take orders from a body outside of our own.

Dorianna agrees with Crusaderr wholeheartedly.

Turk raises an eyebrow.
Turk raises his hand with a look that commands your attention.

Tiew hand raises an eyebrow.
Tiew raises his hand.

Crusaderr says: if you have somethin to say Turk go ahead

Tiew smiles.

Turk says: thankyou all for your comments
Turk says: very valued

Crusaderr says: as for Adunazon laughing at me I held my tongue when you spoke
     so do me the same

Turk says: I would like now to clarify 2 things

Plow has gone net-dead.

Adunazon says: I apologize. I was laughing at the tag upon Celeborn's sword.
     You have my sincerest apology.

Turk says: number one. This council would NEVER try to Govern Roleplay or
     create a ruling body. IT would be there as a way for each and every guild
     to discuss and express their thoughts on Roleplay in the hopes that in
     some issues we might all vote unanimously! because that is the only way
     anything could be acomplished. The hopes that after debating the small
     issues we will all find mutual agreements. And build from there
Turk says: number 2, this council would NOT focus on players outside of
     guilds because we all know that battle is fruitless. We here in this room
     represent the major bodies of roleplayers in arda. We here can only speak
     for ourselves. This council would be designed as a way to interact with
     each other
Turk says: thankyou

Crusaderr says: Just as long as this doesn't get out of hand and try and start
     imposing rules.

Turk says: one final thing
Turk says: What would it hurt to beta test this idea? Could we not say run
     a couple of trial council meetings and then decide for ourselves wether
     it is worth keeping or disbanding?
Turk says: that is all

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.

Andron agrees with Turk wholeheartedly.

Annadur nods.

Annadur says: sounds good

Mimak says: At least it would keep us focused on roleplay. That cant hurt.

Andron raises his hand.

Annadur nods at Mimak.

Turk says: Andron you have the floor

Andron says: Maybe after some meetings the Council will become respected..

Rolf raises his hand.

Andron says: and so be some kind of guideline
Andron says: thatsall :) thankyou

Turk says: excellent
Turk says: signal by means of nod or shake if your guild will agree to a
     couple of "trial council meetings" in the future and see how it goes

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes.
Annadur nods.
Andron nods.
Garik nods.
Mimak nods.

Turk says: what say you valacirca and Sons of ulfang

Relg nods.
Adunazon nods slightly.
Elendur nods.
Dorianna hmms.

Crusaderr says: well we'll try anything once I guess

Dorianna nods at Crusaderr.

Turk grins broadly.

Tiew nods.

Irun nods quickly.

Hayduke points at Crusaderr.

Turk says: excellent guys. That concludes my meeting here with you today.
     I just want to point out that this had been the most civilized and
     productive meeting of guilds i have ever seen. Pat yourselves on the back

Relg coughs.

Nichodemus pats his head and rubs his tummy at the same time.
Nichodemus smirks in amusement.

Garik smiles.

Andron smiles with sparkling eyes.

Mimak says: So.
Mimak coughs.

Adunazon says: Who is buying the ale?
Annadur says: will you organise the council?
Adunazon grins wickedly.

Mimak says: Any ale around?

Santao drops a keg of Dwarven ale.
Santao drops a keg of Dwarven ale.
Santao smiles.

EMOTE:-> Annadur could use a drink too

Turk says: i guess there are just a couple particulars we all have to
     agree on

EMOTE:-> Relg gives rolf a chair to stand on

Viking mmms.

Relg says in Khuzdul:  Raise ombene hand now my friend

Rolf raises his hand.

Mimak says: Turk, I believe my son Rolf has some more things to add.

Turk says: the Guildmasters/ whoever runs your specific guild should
     choose one member of each guild to be in the council
Turk says: sure

You say: Before everyone goes, leaves or drinks, please be carefull with
     oportunists outside, specialy Valacircans and Knights

Rolf coughs.

Turk says: Rolf you have the floor

Rolf says: You just said it Turk

Turk grins Turk-like.

Adunazon gets a keg of Dwarven ale.

Tiew nods at you.

Annadur grins evilly.

Turk says: and we need to decide how often we should meet.  every two
     weeks or something?

Draugluin thanks Turk.
Draugluin fades into the shadows.

Annadur says: we can try

Nichodemus nods with crimson eyes at Turk.

Adunazon looks at a keg of Dwarven ale.

Mimak looks at a keg of Dwarven ale.

Turk says: ill take responsibility of mailing each guild and finding out
     who the reps will be and what kind of times are good for them

Mimak oohs excitedly.

Adunazon guzzles the dwarven ale with a sign of contentment.
Adunazon drops a keg of Dwarven ale.

Mimak gets a keg of Dwarven ale.
Mimak guzzles the dwarven ale with a sign of contentment.
Mimak guzzles the dwarven ale with a sign of contentment.
Mimak looks at a keg of Dwarven ale.
Mimak burps like an alcoholic.
Mimak drops a keg of Dwarven ale.

Annadur suddenly shimmers and fades away.

Andron thanks Turk.

Dorianna looks around the room with white glowing eyes.

Crusaderr looks around the room with white glowing eyes.

Tiew bows with dwarven courtliness, his beard barely brushing the floor.

Dorianna says: later

Andron says: Thank you for the meeting.

Turk says: i guess the last thing is this

Tiew looks around the room with white glowing eyes.

Andron waves the banner of the Ship and the

Crusaderr leaves north.

Dorianna smiles.

Tiew leaves north.
Andron leaves north.

Irun looks around the room with white glowing eyes.

Hayduke waves.
Hayduke waves.

Irun waves.

Elendur waves.

Swamp waves like a surfer... (the original).

Garik waves with the banner of the Ship and the Silver Swan.

Dorianna leaves north.

Turk says: everyone think of an issue to bring to the first meeting

Elendur leaves north.
Garik leaves north.

Turk waves.

Irun leaves north.
Hayduke leaves north.

Adunazon bows swiftly, his dark cape draping about him.

Nichodemus tips his dark hat and perishes into the night.

Adunazon says: Thank you for the opportunity.

Mimak salutes as a proud dwarf of Durin's line.

Turk salutes with the stern gaze of the

Viking gives Mimak a hot, sweaty hug, leaving sweat all over him.  Gross!

Nichodemus leaves north.

Rogar grins as a true BraveStone.

Mimak looks at a keg of Dwarven ale.

Swamp waves like a surfer... (the original) at Mimak.

Mimak mmms.

Viking says to Mimak: oh do leave the kegs.

Mimak laughs loudly, splitting his beard in two!

Adunazon leaves north.

Mimak says: I'll leave those kegs for those who want to taste our marvelous
     ale ;)

Viking nods eagerly.

Turk says: well i really need a smoke!

Relg bows deeply.

Rogar goes "WHEE!!".

Relg leaves north.

Viking gets a keg of Dwarven ale.
Viking gets a keg of Dwarven ale.

Turk says: damn that was hard
Turk grins Turk-like.

Rolf pats Turk on the back.
Trempk grins.

Mimak chuckles in some weird dwarven manner.

Rolf says: You did well

Mimak says: Ye did great, Turk.

Morphiend nods.

Turk says: i am so impressed that everone was civilized and got to speak

Rolf agrees wholeheartedly.

Mimak says: Keep strong, friends. For I must depart.

Mimak looks at Viking.

You tell Annadur: ah, for 1 sec i got scared :p
Turk salutes with the stern gaze of the

Morphiend says: Now wait till the first meeting :P

Viking whistles innocently.

Turk says: be well

Mimak says: And dont let Vikign drink all the ale.
Mimak winks.

Turk grins Turk-like.

Mimak waves with his mug.
Mimak leaves north.

Rolf says: Turk, what is the name of the council

Rogar says: we should do that more frequently to clean the bad thoughts
Rogar smiles.

Viking rubs his his kegs.
Viking tips his war-helmet in a nice gesture.