^ (OOC) Namina: jasumin just called me and was trying to talk to me about something, and my response was, "Jesus CHRIST im trying to read tidbits can we talk about this later!?" ^ (OOC) Azer: Hmm, i'm a narcissist, i only read something if i see my own name ^ (OOC) Adoni: Azir is the coolest person ever! ^ (OOC) Kosher: azer sux ^ (OOC) Tiridien: lol he has noob fans ^ (OOC) Adoni: HAHAHAHA TRICKED YOU ^ (OOC) Azer: naw but i'll read it tomorrow or so when i'm not all drunk and buzzed and shit ^ (OOC) Kosher: i got bout 2 chars ^ (OOC) Tiridien: wow, drunk AND shit ^ (OOC) Azer: adoni, stfu you bloody shame to bkd you. ^ (OOC) Adoni: :( ^ (OOC) Adoni: Give me back that 10k I gave you to lvl then jerk ^ (OOC) Tiridien: lol, it's the Azer gets drunk and abuses his guildmates show again ^ (OOC) Tiridien: sweet!@ ^ (OOC) Aisyah: My favorite soap! ^ (OOC) Growlin: Baklen isn't as much fun since he learnt not to take himself seriously. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: I think it would be fun if Baklen were a meteorologist. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: "Ninety percent of TEH STORM today, so don't forget your umbrellas!" ^ (OOC) Tiridien: wonder if when Baklen gets diarrhea, he refers to it as the shit storm ^ (OOC) Growlin: haha ^ (OOC) Alcavant: haha ^ (OOC) Tiridien: UH OH the shit storm is coming, brb Rickul tells you: went sneaky, infilrated beornings :p Rickul tells you: got all their info Rickul tells you: am i leaving right now? yes. Rickul tells you: did I just log everything? I think so :P You tell Rickul: hahahaha Rickul tells you: :) Rickul tells you: that's what they get! Rickul tells you: i log in like once a week and see skyman has died x 20 on board For a brief while, the comm was gobbled up nom nom nom... ^ (OOC) Tiridien: 'On the night that Jasumin got seriously hurt, I remember hearing my name from below the sheets just before the accident,' thought Naminomnomnom ^ (OOC) Reginald loves making Aisyah om nom nom ^ (OOC) Otoron: Reginald... I don't think you get it. ^ (OOC) Aisyah doesn't actually get it either, he's just pretending. ^ (OOC) Reginald doesn't want to get it ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Only when nomming and dentata collide is humor generated. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: read the tidbits log :P ^ (OOC) Otoron: Aisyah, you're on your female char right now. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Comm gender appropriately. ^ (OOC) Adoni: hahahahha ^ (OOC) Tiridien: LOL ^ (OOC) Aisyah: my female char? ^ (OOC) Aisyah: which of my char _isn't_ female? ^ (OOC) Reginald: who hasn't had a female char? ^ (OOC) Tiridien: pwned ^ (OOC) Azzan: Your RL char perhaps? ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Mathias threatened everyone with permanent commbans. It tends to quash the casual banter. ^ (OOC) Henshi: Mathias is the man! ^ (OOC) Scythain: Yeah, RIGHT. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Mathias WAS a man. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Then it went OM NOM NOM NOM. ^ (OOC) Tiridien: BAHAHA [03:10] You told Tevildo: Vagina dentata sounds like the name of a Disney song. [03:11] Tevildo told you: Perhaps in "Aladdin". That movie had some problem lyrics. [03:23] You told Tevildo: I was thinking Lion King. Hakuna Matata has the right rhythm. [03:24] Tevildo told you: Ah, I could see that. [03:25] You told Tevildo: "It means no penis for the rest of your days... it's our toothy... biting pussy... Vagina dentata!" ^ (OOC) Mim: Ok, honestly? Nim? ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Corwin/1 Halen/7* Aiwendil/3 Eaoden/1 Tevildo/2 Nim/1 ^ (OOC) Eaoden: it's not a hard word, you know. ^ (OOC) Teleporno: In 1993 and 94 Tom Hanks landed the best actor award at the Oscars for which two Films? (1 comm) ^ (OOC) Eaoden: It's M-I-M You tell Aiwendil: How come he can spell your name right, which is 3 times longer than mine ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: forrest gump philadeplhia You tell Aiwendil: But mine... a 3 letter word... shortest name you can have in towers ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Corwin/1 Halen/7 Aiwendil/4* Eaoden/1 Tevildo/2 Mim/1 ^ (OOC) Teleporno: How many characters did Eddie Murphy Play in the first The Nutty Professor movie? ^ (OOC) Chantry: 7 ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Corwin/1 Halen/7 Aiwendil/3 Eaoden/1 Tevildo/2 Nim/1 Chantry/1* ^ (OOC) Tiridien: I'm ashamed of mudding here now :P ^ (OOC) Teleporno: What wedding anniversary is designated as Platinum? ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: 70 ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Corwin/1 Halen/7 Aiwendil/4* Eaoden/1 Tevildo/2 Nim/1 Chantry/1 ^ (OOC) Teleporno: 70 ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: wait ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: why did I get point removed? ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: I should have 5 now? ^ (OOC) Teleporno: What part of the body does ..Lacrimal.. fluid lubricate ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Eyes ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Corwin/1 Halen/7 Aiwendil/4 Eaoden/1 Tevildo/3* Nim/1 Chantry/1 ^ (OOC) Mim: Oh come on ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: dude =P ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: I had 4 after gump, check hist ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Which part of France does Claret come from? ^ (OOC) Teleporno: check my tell :P ^ (OOC) Mim: Seriously ^ (OOC) Mim: You got my name right ^ (OOC) Mim: Now it's wrong again ^ (OOC) Teleporno: Bordeux (sp) ^ (OOC) Mim: It's M - I - M ^ (OOC) Teleporno: somethign like that anyway ^ (OOC) Aiwendil: he took away my point for nothing, why should I play if it's like that? ^ (OOC) Mim: Like MOM only with an I ^ (OOC) Eaoden: NIMNIMNIMNIMNIM ^ (OOC) Zanthar: And Zues is kind of like Zoro. ^ (OOC) Mim: Oh... my god... it's ZEUS, not Zues ^ (OOC) Zanthar: Who cares? ^ (OOC) Zoso: it's mom not mim ^ (OOC) Irime: Mim, Obviously. ^ (OOC) Mim: Me, obviously. ^ (OOC) Mim: Oh god, look at what you've done. ^ (OOC) Teleporno: What was the gift given the Legolas by Galadriel? ^ (OOC) Feaiaur: Arrows and a bow ^ (OOC) Otoron: Third hole. ^ (OOC) Jasumin: her virginity ^ (OOC) Aledukine: ELVEN WAR LONGBOW ^ (OOC) Alcavant: Does anybody know anything about laws and shit? Someone like a lawyer or law school student? ^ (OOC) Greystone: why what did you do? ^ (OOC) Mim: I'm not a law student or a lawyer, but I have a passing familiarity with "google". What do you need? Monash tells you: i wish i went to that mud party Tanar went to with Poobaker Monash tells you: i would've totally punched him in the teethies Monash tells you: then probably poobaker too for hanging around such a faggot Suddenly you have a massive headache. Your headache clears up. Monash tells you: and then i would've filmed it, converted it into a funny little text based log, i.e. Monash punches Tanar in the teeth, breaking all but 3, Monash kicks Tanar in the shin, nearly breaking it... then i'd post it on the log page Monash tells you: it would be the greatest log ever Monkey bounds in on all of his four limbs. Monash tells you: and the little cunt would have no recourse, cause i'd be back on a plane to mother country, with no extradition to most of europe The animal springs onto your head then jumps to the floor. "monash welcome to tidbits :P You tell Monash: welcome to tidbits :P ^ (OOC) Berrus: I come back to being nominated to tuck in Otoron? ^ (OOC) Berrus: I hate you all. [new] Date: 19. Mar, 2009, 8:49:41 By: Gramul I will not deny that it's true what you say about sean tireless, though i have difficulties believing it. Along with quiauh, sean is one of the coolest and most respectable persons i've met on this mud. ^ (OOC) Osse: speaking of something entirely different ^ (OOC) Eaoden wants to be a lumberjack. ^ (OOC) Osse: I saw a headline on yahoo today of the effect: "Gunman goes on shooting rampage in NY town" ^ (OOC) Otoron: NUKED FOR SATAN?! ^ (OOC) Osse: And my first though? "Oh god, please tell me it isn't Herkimer" ^ (OOC) Otoron: Wait. ^ (OOC) Josi: lol Osse ^ (OOC) Otoron: WHAT?! ^ (OOC) Osse: it wasn't Herkimer. It was Binghampton. ^ (OOC) Halen: Haha ^ (OOC) Otoron: LESS HERKIES=MORE HAPPINESS ^ (OOC) Carver: 'Ex teacher 'ends' Tolkien project with a bang' ^ (OOC) Eaoden: Herkieslaying = "Oh, they play T2T! ANGRY MOMS AGAINST T2T! [ RoI ] Rami: goddamnit 'who female' still doesnt exist :( [ RoI ] Otoron: Does 'who crazy'? [ RoI ] Mornaner: it does for ainur [ RoI ] Jasumin: I think they had it for like a week. Or did I dream that? [ RoI ] Jasumin: Figures. Ainur get the first chance at all the mud chicks. [ RoI ] Jasumin: bunch of bullshit [ RoI ] Jasumin mutters ^ (OOC) Female: I'm a girl! ^ (OOC) Alcavant: Yea right. ^ (OOC) Zing: Is 23 days too long for salami, should I eat it or just throw it out? ^ (OOC) Otoron: Give it to Namina. ^ (OOC) Hiral: Thanks Namina. You're not ugly. ^ (OOC) Otoron: She'll gobble down anything of that shape. ^ (OOC) Zoso: omg we're all gonna die :( ^ (OOC) Namina: stick it up your ass otoron. ^ (OOC) Tevildo: Unless it's discolored or smells funny, it's probably fine. ^ (OOC) Namina: thats the sort of thing youre into. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Are you saying YOU will stick it up my ass, or that _I_ should do it myself? ^ (OOC) Otoron: These are very different things. ^ (OOC) Namina: what part of "stick it up your ass, otoron" insinuates that i plan to be a part of it? ^ (OOC) Zing: It's like, salty, and I've kept it cold, I'm eating it. Namina will have to find another object for otoron's oriface. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Namina, here I am, OFFERING MY ASS TO YOU, and you insult me? ^ (OOC) Otoron: Ok that might have gone over the line. ^ (OOC) Otoron tip-toes backwards. ^ (OOC) Namina: well now im flattered. ^ (OOC) Zoso: that's like offering her free air or access to public land. ^ (OOC) Hiral: Never take air for granted. HP:206 EP:163 Alexa says: Auction fee for this item will be 37 gold. Alexa charges you 37 gold. Alexa puts up an Orc courier pack for auction as lot #47. Alexa tells you: an Orc courier pack is now on sale as lot 47, minimum bid 750 gold Be teh mailman HP:206 EP:163 Agis gets an ominous dark ring from a dwarven mining pack. Agis auctions an ominous dark ring. Alexa tells you: an ominous dark ring is now on sale as lot 48, minimum bid 200 gold fresh, dark l An old armoury(n) Agis the dunedain Warlord A trash can Alexa, the auctioneer HP:206 EP:163 Agis tips his hat. alexa2edo Do: starting commands. HP:206 EP:163 A hallway(n, w and s) HP:206 EP:163 A large meeting hall(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Main hallway(n, w and s) HP:206 EP:163 The keep entrance(n and s) An outpost guard, standing rigidly [2] HP:206 EP:163 North courtyard(nw, n, se, w, sw, e, ne and s) HP:206 EP:163 The center of the courtyard(n, w, e and s) A statue of a howling wolf HP:206 EP:163 South courtyard(nw, n, out, w, e and ne) HP:206 EP:163 The outpost gatehouse(d, enter, w and e) A massive wolf Grinning Charon, guarding the entrance HP:206 EP:163 The White Mountains(n, nw, u and e) A hitching post HP:206 EP:163 The White Mountains(n, se, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rocky Ground(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rocky Ground(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rocky Ground(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 The Firien Wood(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 The Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 The Great West Road(nw, n, se, w, e and s) [nw] HP:206 EP:163 The Plains(n, w, e and s) [n, w and ne] HP:206 EP:163 The Mering Stream(n, w, sw, e and s) [sw and e] HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) [se and s] HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) [se] HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 tell agis *tip* Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 The Great West Road(nw, n, se, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rocky Ground(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Aldburg(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 The Great West Road(nw, n, se, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:206 EP:163 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(n, w, e and s) [ne] HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(w and s) [nw, n and e] HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(w, e and s) [nw, n and ne] HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(w, e and s) [nw, n and ne] HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(w, e and s) [nw, n and ne] HP:207 EP:164 Rohan Plains(w, e and s) [nw, n and ne] HP:207 EP:164 Alexa tells you: New bid of 1000 gold for lot #47 "an Orc courier pack" received. Ephidel tells you: no way in HELL is anyone going to buy that pack at that price Alexa tells you: a burnished steel flask is now on sale as lot 49, minimum bid 200 gold 5 doses Ephidel tells you: highest i've ever seen packs go is 400 You tell Ephidel: ...you're kind of new here, aren't you? Ephidel tells you: no Ephidel tells you: i've never ever seen an orc courier pack go that high before, its ridiculous You tell Ephidel: Congratulations, you just made your tidbits debut! Ephidel tells you: ... ^ (OOC) Delrerango: ballack are we related ^ (OOC) Delrerango: you speak my language like noone else ^ (OOC) Ballack: are you irish? ^ (OOC) Delrerango: no ^ (OOC) Delrerango: its not delrerang'o ^ (OOC) Someone: where can you get a gingerbread man? ^ (OOC) Kieran: drury lane? ^ (OOC) Neroth: I would love to show you, but you would warn me, sir The ghost of Ooc Last on: 4d 6m 12s ago. Age: 1m 52s Info: Curse you, commkillers! namerestrict crunk WHAT!! YEAAAAYUH! You request to rename Crunk. ~~*~~HP:230~~*~~EP:230~~*~~<~~~~> namerestrict krunk OKAAAAY!! You request to rename Krunk. ~~*~~HP:230~~*~~EP:230~~*~~<~~~~> Namerestrict: Krunk has been flagged to rename his name Namerestrict: Crunk has been flagged to rename his name You feel a sudden hot flash race through your body. You ack and say, "UH OH!". You say calmly in Westron: I'm going through menopause. You sigh silently. pick nose Your fingers get tangled up because you are in too much of a hurry. ^ (OOC) Aschnack: What're these wagons people are talking about? ^ (OOC) Osse: dev list #96 ^ (OOC) Aschnack: Oh ^ (OOC) Aschnack: cool ^ (OOC) Olembe: Imagine giant panniers you can carry without a horse :D ^ (OOC) Impaler: yeah, and you pay few k for those ^ (OOC) Osse: imagine mog's mom, but hollow and with wheels ...a few moments later. HP:50 EP:50> legend me Mogsmom the dwarf Orc-target (Impartial) On for: 3m 8s Gender: female Age: 2m 44s Info: Like a wagon, just not hollow, and lacking wheels! legend orack Orack Runefist the dwarf Battlemage (Heroic) On for: 44m 32s Gender: male Age: 27d 21h 7m 26s Can be mailed: Orack@Belegost Orack is a member of the Baruk Khazad-dum. Info: Fahrenheit. You tell Orack: Hi. Orack tells you: Lets fuck ^ (OOC) Resin: "Boy, does my ass hurt from all the guys at my construction job." ^ (OOC) Osse: The outcry of surprise is deafening in its silence. ^ (OOC) Alcavant: What outcry of surprise? ^ (OOC) Otoron: Idiot. ^ (OOC) Osse gets out the chalkboard. ^ (OOC) Resin: Legend Osse. ^ (OOC) Osse: anyone who actually legends me is automatically a loser. ^ (OOC) Colven :( ^ (OOC) Osse: because I mean really, who actually does what Resin says? ^ (OOC) Osse: Impaler is legending you. Mello is legending you. Arkayl is legending you. Colven is legending you. ^ (OOC) Resin: Nobody, I would hope. ^ (OOC) Osse: this has been a fun experiment. ^ (OOC) Resin: Losers. ^ (OOC) Resin: Mello, you're an idiot. ^ (OOC) Resin: Impaler, you're an idiot. ^ (OOC) Arkayl is an idiot ^ (OOC) Resin: Arkayl, yeah. ^ (OOC) Colven: what? ^ (OOC) Resin: And hey Colven - Guess what! ^ (OOC) Colven can read minds. ^ (OOC) Resin: Any other idiots, or did Osse cover it all? [ Udungul ] Belial: jesus Exhalev knows the quest better than i know how to get to my bathroom why not ask him ^ (OOC) Esker: It's essentially dumping rubbish illegally ^ (OOC) Bronn: why would you want to do that ^ (OOC) Esker: Because I'm moving out of this house, and I have too much rubbish to dispose of it all legally before I go in two days. ^ (OOC) Esker: And I also because I like to stick it to the man. ^ (OOC) Bronn: hmm...this makes sense ^ (OOC) Bronn: the man does stick it to us and often ^ (OOC) Esker: And my landlady has said we'd lose our deposits if there's any rubbish left in the house. ^ (OOC) Esker: God, this is such a boring story. Even my brushes with crime are tedious. :p ^ (OOC) Exhalev: WINNAR IS ME ^ (OOC) Mim: Jakar/4 Impaler/5.5 Maltok/2 Macbeth/10.5 Kelemir/1 Belshazzar/1 Kigaren/1 *Exhalev/15.5* Pharuzzir/2 Bronn/1 Temujin/1 ^ (OOC) Exhalev: Thanks for hosting Mim ^ (OOC) Impaler: he cheated ^ (OOC) Mim: Exhalev wins, congrats. ^ (OOC) Impaler: he probably have smaller keyboard, so he can type faster ^ (OOC) Exhalev: That's exactly right, I have a super small Dvorak keyboard and I type with my mind ^ (OOC) Ketan: I heard that he types with a mobile phone keypad. ^ (OOC) Olembe: Or a computer faster than an Apple IIc, Impaler? ^ (OOC) Ketan: But I've also heard that Marthaon types on one as well, and faster. ^ (OOC) Exhalev: Just like Mornaner plays by whistling and popping into a tin can and a piece of string from Alaska ^ (OOC) Impaler: shrug, i write with pen ^ (OOC) Ketan: Okay, but of all of those, the one about Mornaner is actually true. ^ (OOC) Manni: So whats new ^ (OOC) Otoron: Oh, what else is new? I WENT TO HERKIMER ^ (OOC) Olembe: Did you take that picture? ^ (OOC) Bronn: HE DID NOT ^ (OOC) Otoron: Girlfriend forgot her camera :( ^ (OOC) Manni: Otoron, you went to Herkimer?? ^ (OOC) Olembe: Oh, /fail/ ^ (OOC) Otoron: There was an ice cream truck called "Mr Ding A Ling" ^ (OOC) Bronn: hje was supposed to take a picture of himself peeing on the welcome to herkimer sign ^ (OOC) Otoron: And I swear to god, there was a face-shaped hole cut out of the door at crotch-height. ^ (OOC) Olembe: ... ^ (OOC) Otoron: I now know why the Herkies are so anti-social. ^ (OOC) Olembe: WHY DID YOU NOT HAVE A CAMERA ^ (OOC) Otoron: They were all molested by Mr Ding A Ling :( ^ (OOC) Adunazon: That's one Ice Cream truck you never order a Ding Dong from. ^ (OOC) Olembe wiggles ^ (OOC) Otoron: So, yeah. ^ (OOC) Otoron: I drove through Herkimer in an attempt to understand. ^ (OOC) Manni: so did your car run out of gas outside herkimer and that's why you stopped there? ^ (OOC) Otoron: Explaining this to the girlfriend, who said, "I'd log on to the internet and kill people if I had to grow up here, too." ^ (OOC) Hiral: i've got something to do on the way to montana now ^ (OOC) Otoron: AND SHE IS FROM ALASKA PEOPLE ^ (OOC) Olembe: hahahaha ^ (OOC) Manni: hahaha ^ (OOC) Bronn: wow ^ (OOC) Adunazon: Straight from the horse's mouth. Olembe tells you: Please tidbit your girlfriend. ^ (OOC) Quickblade: omg. where did my guild go?! Post 19 Blade (06/18/09 13:23) UGh Hey all, just wanted to let you know that I'm having some computer issues which will prevent me from being very effective around here until I can figure out what the hell is going on. :P Any computer genious insight would be appreciated. *peers at Ketan*. Post 20 Ketan (06/18/09 22:09) < no title > Please describe your issue after the sound of someone caring. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... --More--(23% line 24 of 104)-- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... --More--(46% line 48 of 104)-- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... --More--(69% line 72 of 104)-- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... --More--(92% line 96 of 104)-- ... ... ... ... Post 21 Blade (06/18/09 23:48) < no title > Ummm, hello? ....hello? ^ (OOC) Otoron: Olembe is the new Mathias. ^ (OOC) Otoron: Someone I used to hate and now think is vaguely amusing. ^ (OOC) Impaler panics ^ (OOC) Olembe nerfs your fun. Mornaner says in Westron: go stick a popsicle in your asshole. You stick a lollypop into your asshole. Ivon ponders something. Ivon says in Westron: they should code condoms [01:21] Thrond told you: for a moment i considered saying it was an injury incurred during raucous sex [01:21] Thrond told you: erm. that was a mistell. [01:21] You told Thrond: that was an epic mistell. ...moments after this was submitted to me. Thrond tells you: Has Colven sent you any of my tells which may be considered indiscrete? You tell Thrond: Had you spelled discreet properly, perhaps I'd have taken pity on you, good sir. Thrond tells you: Hang on a second, that was correct Thrond tells you: Unless my high school was shit :p Thrond tells you: we had discrete mathematics >_> You tell Thrond: You wanted indiscreet. You tell Thrond: DIFFERENT WORD. Thrond tells you: o noes:(( Thrond tells you: I always wondered why it was called discrete, considering the mathematics was kind of foregrounded... Thrond tells you: it was actually kind of... indiscrete. You tell Thrond: No! It was indiscreet! Thrond tells you: no this time i can say indiscrete! :p You tell Thrond: You do realize this is all going into tidbits, right? Thrond tells you: pls no :( .-~*~--,. .-. .-~-. ./OOOOOOOOO\.'OOO`9~~-. .`OOOOOO.OOM.OLSONOOOOO@@OOOOOO\ /OOOO@@@OO@@@OO@@@OOO@@@@@@@@OOOO`. |OO@@@WWWW@@@@OOWWW@WWWW@@@@@@@OOOO). .-'OO@@@@WW@@@W@WWWWWWWWOOWW@@@@@OOOOOO} /OOO@@O@@@@W@@@@@OOWWWWWOOWOO@@@OOO@@@OO| lOOO@@@OO@@@WWWWWWW\OWWWO\WWWOOOOOO@@@O.' \OOO@@@OOO@@@@@@OOW\ \WWWW@@@@@@@O'. `,OO@@@OOOOOOOOOOWW\ \WWWW@@@@@@OOO) \,O@@@@@OOOOOOWWWW_\ \WW@@@@@OOOO.' `~c`8`@@@@WWW@@W\ \WOO|\UO-~' (OWWWWWW@/\W\ ___\WO) `~-~'' \ \WW=*' __\ \ \ \ \ __\ \ \ \ _\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ Fun has drawn Osse's wrath and is no more! [684] [04:04] ^ (OOC) Loot: I slept with Otoron to get in the guild... [685] [04:04] ^ (OOC) Carver: Must be a short application process. [686] [04:04] ^ (OOC) Carver rimshots. [687] [04:05] ^ (OOC) Belshazzar: badum-chhh [688] [04:05] ^ (OOC) Mornaner: haha [689] [04:05] ^ (OOC) Loot: Sadly I sucked badly and had to leave [690] [04:05] ^ (OOC) Mornaner: quite literally? [691] [04:05] ^ (OOC) Carver rimshots again. ^ (OOC) Morzart: legend Zmoht ^ (OOC) Trap: ZMOHT MY GOD! ^ (OOC) Kieran: If Teleporno was representative of the entire Elven nation, we would've never crossed the Sea.