We can only hope for a better future.

Posted by
Urban [legacy]
05 February 2010 00:00:00


  • Author
    Teleporno [legacy]
    03 March 2010 10:03:41

    Unblock Tool.... No idea why he was blocked in the first place

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    22 February 2010 02:42:40

    Omg, you racist cunt!

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    17 February 2010 22:53:57


  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    17 February 2010 22:44:56

    No, you open up first.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    17 February 2010 19:36:12

    We'll see after I get mine. I'm selfish like that. I can't wait to get inside Urban's facegina.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 February 2010 16:52:13

    No, but you're going to suck mine no??

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    16 February 2010 14:03:26


  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    16 February 2010 13:38:28

    Urban would make a great cockholster.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    16 February 2010 09:20:50

    Ok, its been too long beating around the anus...

    You gonna suck my dick or what, Urban? Damn cocktease.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    16 February 2010 03:41:42

    Less than you'd think, Lobo :(

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    16 February 2010 03:35:11

    One day i swear i'll read all this thread, surely there is fun stuff.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 February 2010 02:48:33

    Actually myrddin, the n word has a massively different context when someone who is black says it compared to someone who is white. At least in several places I have been too. From a black person, it has a very close semblance to the word bro or brother or friend etc. From someone not in the race, it can garner a very severe negative reaction from black people and very often from other people as well. If you really want to go with it, I should be able to say myrddin is a fag or something to that degree. The origin of the word means a bundle of sticks. If we use that logic, you cannot without direct referrence of that person know which I am calling them. I am going to stop here, because there are a lot of ways this argument can go and there isn't a surefire way to end it either way. That proves more than anything that banning of any word other than something that has NO OTHER meaning than racial attack against people is wrong on a generic method, and it depends on the word and use and circumstance (just like everything in this damn world).

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:45:45

    Stop with the corruption :(((((

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:35:38

    Shhh. Nobody is onto you. Remember, vaginas are where the penis normally is.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:34:09

    Seriously, stop trying to make it out as if I'm gay...

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:33:33

    You already own my heart. That is... if we were gay... but we're totally just into vaginas.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:27:53

    I'm gonna own you. k?

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:26:44

    Totally. Gay dudes are gay. We love vaginas.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:25:05

    Fuck off, I'm not gay. I prefer to munch cunt!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:20:10

    I have four orifices

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:19:05

    No kidding. We gay men hate cunts. Ass worship all the way.

    Right, Urb?!

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    16 February 2010 00:00:10

    I think we should ban the word 'cunt'!

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:56:15

    Yeah I was going to add that but was too lazy. Can't compare the usage of gay with racial slurs.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:53:26

    To the best of my knowledge 'nigger' doesn't have any inoffensive modern usage beyond the meaning as a racial slur, at least not one that I would have any reason to use or have had any exposure to in order for it to become part of my vocabulary. 'Gay' on the other hand does. If nigger had somehow become a commonly used inoffensive word such as gay has then yes I'd probably apply the same logic.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:49:48

    I await for thy service!

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:49:13

    In that case, mark me down a nice asian lad.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:46:17

    Depends if they are black lol.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:45:23

    Is it uncomfortable to take it in the ass, Urb?

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:35:24

    I'm gay :(

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:21:38

    I think the point is that gay people themselves don't find it offensive when people throw around the word. That's who they are, why do they care if someone uses the word in a derogatory way? They're not relating it to being homosexual, it's simply become the best way to describe things which are not so pleasant. Around a gay friend I once said 'that's so gay' about something on habit then apologized right after. My friend said they really don't care.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 23:20:36

    I'm not banning a word. If it's used properly I don't care.

    Again, the same logic you apply to using sexual orientation as a slur seems to apply to racial slurs as well. Do you use the word 'nigger' with the same freedom as you do 'gay'?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 22:26:28

    An interesting question whether the concept of black and connotations of death actually predates the ethnicity...but not really relevant.

    I also think if you're going to argue for a 'direct, incontrovertible line' you'll be needing some kind of evidence. The evolution of language is a very, very complex thing and I doubt there's any word whose origin can be traced with 100% accuracy.

    Regardless, if you're banning words based on their origins there are hundreds of words whose modern usage has arisen from discriminatory use in the past. I don't think it's a good line of attack. Instead of allowing the word to run its course and eventually lose all association (I don't think of a 'lame rule' as having a mobility deficit) the link between 'homosexual' and 'bad' is being played up and trumpeted by the people who think they're doing some kind of service for the cause of justice by censoring it.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 22:08:21

    Myrddin, 'black' has many definitions (obviously) and they don't all source back to ethnicity. Black is also the color most things turn when they _die_. Ominous connections to the word black descends from this connotation held by the color, which predates the ethnicity.

    Gay, on the other hand, can trace a direct, incontrovertible line of descent from homosexual to lame or bad. By what method can you explain the shared use of the term other than that?

    On an unrelated note, I just spilled my blastingly hot tea all over my crotch.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:58:20

    I think we should all just stop swearing because it does us no good and only causes more anger.

    You fucking cuntholes.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:34:15

    Is it also racist to tell people they are 'black-hearted' or have 'dark motives'?

    I see absolutely no reason why gay can't exist in two independent forms without them somehow becoming twisted together to fulfill some sinister homophobic plot. I have no issue whatsoever with homosexuality, yet I use the word gay in reference to something 'lame' (NOTE: why is this ok? Lame can also refer to people with a mobility deficit, yet I don't see people tearing at their shirts about the modern usage of the word)

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:34:11

    What about people who have cancer, and then it randomly goes away?

    Are miracles real?

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:12:53

    So, what do you say for people who have long-term gay relationships and go straight?

    It isn't just a one-way 'Oh, when people find out they're really gay it is truth, but when gay people find out they're straight it isn't the same.'

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:08:01

    I'm fairly certain being gay is a choice is about as true as global warming being a myth.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:06:32

    There are two schools of thought on being gay:




    I've yet to see a scientific formula. There are fatties who can't stop being fat, i.e. gland issues.

    Where is the line drawn?

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:04:45

    Because being fat is something you have complete control over (unless you have medical problems)

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 20:00:16

    'The systematic conflation of a word describing a segment of the population with 'bad' is harmful to that segment of the population, regardless of whether the comment is directed against a specific person or not.'

    So, why are we allowed to make fun of fatties? They are a segment of a population deemed as 'bad.' Sorry I'm not smaht enuff to make it a more elaborate.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 19:55:03

    The systematic conflation of a word describing a segment of the population with 'bad' is harmful to that segment of the population, regardless of whether the comment is directed against a specific person or not.

    By your logic, it seems to me that one ought to be able to drop racial slurs (calling someone a 'nigger', for example) at will, so long as the person they're using the term against is not in fact black.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 19:37:19

    'any acceptable definition' = my point exactly.


    1. Is the prosecution in order to actually prevent hatred towards a minority group?

    YES > Then you're doing the right thing

    NO > Go to Question 2

    2. Is the prosecution in order to make the prosecutor feel as if they are somehow championing for a minority?

    YES > Then they're a self-indulgent twat

    NO > Go to Question 3

    3. What is the point of it?

    The fact that this use is happening 'casually, without even thinking about' makes it pretty clear that the behaviour being prosecuted isn't actual homophobic hate speech. The real issue here is a draconian view about what words should and shouldn't be allowed to mean, and the ability to enforce these views whimsically.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 18:55:34

    'prosecution' 'from the bench'

    You pre-law these days, Tireless?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 18:15:27

    'The banning of the word 'gay' is a riduculous load of assfaced twatheaded bullshit. But not because it's ok as a sexual orientation slur. Because when used in a completely different context it is somehow still a sexual orientation slur,'

    I haven't banned the word in every context. I've established that it's not an appropriate _insult_. It's precisely the same idea behind societal treatment words like 'black' or 'negro'. It is possible to use the word 'black' as a racial slur. It is patently obvious that it can be used, not as a slur, but as an accurate, objectively correct descriptor. The sensitivity to the former is proportional to the frequency with which it's used in that sense.

    The reason many people make a big deal out of 'gay' being used as a slur is that it's used _so much_ in that way. That people will casually, without even thinking about it say 'Oh, that's so gay' (Meaning the statement to be one of general disapprobation, not referring to any acceptable definition of the word) says to me, very clearly, that this particular behaviour requires aggressive prosecution until it is no longer practiced.

  • Author
    Azhag [legacy]
    15 February 2010 17:42:03

    Apology accepted, Tireless.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 15:20:39

    P.S That comment wasn't meant to be personally directed toward anyone in particular, but rather generalized to anyone who wants to ignorantly label me a homophobic because I call something gay.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 14:57:35

    The banning of the word 'gay' is a riduculous load of assfaced twatheaded bullshit. But not because it's ok as a sexual orientation slur. Because when used in a completely different context it is somehow still a sexual orientation slur, as if, you know, we were some kind of retard who couldn't distinguish between two clearly different meanings of a word.

    When I point this out it seems counter-argument to this to be that the 'other meaning' is not an acceptable modern usage or is somehow still a sexual slur...to which I feel obliged to reply; greetings from 2010. Let me know how that cave painting turns out.

    Also, keep in mind this word has been in the English language well before it ever (if ever) came into use as a derogatory word for homosexuality. So you're prepared to allow this word to be interpreted as an offensive/homophobic/derogatory term, but refuse to allow any other interpretation? That seems like the real interest here is keeping the word instilled in our minds as something to hate homosexuals with, rather than allowing a far less offensive and more modern usage.

    Lucky hit the nail on the head. The people who make the most deal about racism/sexism are the ones who see the need for a deal to be made about it. If i was constantly thinking of gays as 'different to us' I might give a shit about 'misusing' the word. But I don't go around forcing labels on people by sexuality so excuse me if in doing so I'm being homophobic. I like to think of it instead as not-a-self-indulgent-twat.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    15 February 2010 14:27:28

    Clearly G-WORD = G-Unit

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 February 2010 13:45:05

    A good man???

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 February 2010 11:20:18

    I feel like quoting one of the best comments I ever read here:

    Date: 18. May, 2009, 9:38:18 By: Lucky

    Hell, can we not even say idiot or dumbass any more? It is derogatory towards those that are not as smart as the average person after all...

    This world is goin down the politically correct toilet like a used condom after being used to blast a (CENSORED G-WORD) man in the ass.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 11:16:00

    Short version of newest long post:

    Racial and sexual orientation slurs aren't ok and I don't care if anyone disagrees.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 February 2010 11:13:19

    Tireless, can you sum up your newest long post? is it a new rule or something. Btw, i liked that dialog.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 February 2010 11:10:55

    I am clearly a Dalek.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 11:06:56


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 10:55:43

    Shabba just told me about a development in MUD politics to which I thought a particular scene from Doctor Who applied. I'll let you all draw your own conclusions on the topic. In context, the Cybermen and the Daleks are both villains in Doctor Who, with the Daleks being The Doctor's greatest nemeses and the Cybermen being more like inconveniences.

    Cyber Leader: Daleks, be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen.

    Dalek Leader: This is not war - this is pest control!

    Cyber Leader: We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?

    Dalek Leader: Four.

    Cyber Leader: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?

    Dalek Leader: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You superior in only one respect.

    Cyber Leader: What is that?

    Dalek Leader: You are better at dying.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 10:47:26

    And then I die after shit talkin... I feel like a herk...

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 10:44:17

    40 more comments and this goes on the all-time most commented logs, displacing one in which Aryl relates how Valinor is conspiring against him. Is this desirable? *shrug*

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 10:22:49

    Anyway, a recent happening that I found cute:

    [04:12:22] Finnegan told you: yeah hide in that GH boy

    [04:14:02] X told you: Finnegan is in Rohan at Edoras. In the room: The Courthouse.

    This was minutes after me attempting to educate him on just how stupid and hypocritical he was... and him claiming I was redundant(my word, he doesn't know what it means) and could get no pussy. I'm sure the two are related somehow.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 09:34:10

    Because I really like Tireless I will keep it to this...

    I disagree, jerkoff.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 February 2010 09:05:11

    There were certain slurs which are and were not acceptable that were being used here some time ago. After a few people got warnings, the point was made and people have been pretty good about not using them. If you think you should be able to use these sorts of slurs, I have three responses for you (Which I hope you won't take with undue harshness, Lucky, since I really do like you):

    1.) They're not ok here, so they won't be here. Whether they aren't here because I remove them and your ability to comment or because you voluntarily refrain from their use is up to you.

    2.) I have to look at you with a little bit of disrespect. Either you can't think up a better insult (and are thus pretty dull-witted and lack creativity) or you are _actually_ hating someone based on their race, sexual orientation or whatever. The latter explanation needs no justification for my loss of respect.

    3.) The distinction between sexual orientation/racial slurs and insults like 'fatty' or 'oldie' are fundamentally distinct. I can give a detailed defense of that claim, but I doubt any of you would appreciate it.

    You might think that my attitude on these matters is legislating from the bench, so to speak, as the rule to which I refer isn't very specific. Maybe I am. If you think I'm abusing my power by insisting that this site operate consistently with being a place not infected with racism or sexism or homophobia, I'll readily admit to that.

    On this topic, we gave Smoky a lot of guff for gender issues a while back. While this was on the basis of some... deceitful practices at the time, using the terms we did to taunt him was not appropriate and, for my own part, I'd like to take the opportunity to apologize for that.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 08:30:25


    Speaking of Here. I defend all those peoples who can not defend their own births or lifechoices... unless you you enjoy the love of one of your own sex. In that case, you need only the defense of a MUD. That makes life easy for you. All other people at a seeming disadvantage are shit outta luck apparently.

    Fuck idiots, fatties, oldies, and the deformed says this log page.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    15 February 2010 02:57:54

    Shut the fuck up you old cunt.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    15 February 2010 02:35:58

    On the mud or here? :S

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    15 February 2010 01:56:35

    I got warned for using a sexual orientation slur...

    What the fuck did I even say?

    Am I still allowed to make fun of the elderly? I mean... FUCK... it isn't THEIR choice to be old fucks.

    This planet is full of sissified idiot pussies now.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 February 2010 01:37:27

    If it was a facebook chat every second sentence you typed would be inexplicably deleted and the window would keep opening up when you are trying to do other things.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    14 February 2010 22:07:36

    This entire comment section is a failure. Gud log lol.

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    14 February 2010 19:49:07

    Sorry to everyone else here, I didn't mean to turn this into a facebook chat.

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    14 February 2010 19:45:04

    It seems you can't understand me well. Let me try to make it simpler for you.

    Firstly, I'm just stating facts Tireless, I'm not complaining.

    [Include definition of 'a fact']. [Include definition of complaining]. [Try to twist those definitions through my prism]

    Secondly, the reason you blocked my alt is asshated, shitheaded, fucked up [include the most used words in this page (even herkie would do)].

    Thirdly, let's suggest I'm cool with the reason itself. There's no way I can be cool that you don't force it on viewier cases [understand people doing shitheaded comments with non-existing characters].

    And to conclude my rant, I don't give a damn what kind of virtual person you think you are.

    P.S. I tried to make a post like the ones you like to do, but I was too lazy to copy/paste definitions of any kind here.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    14 February 2010 17:26:03

    If it was seven years ago, that was a different typist. Fingondor Fefalas and Fingondor Ciryamo are not the same dude.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    14 February 2010 03:08:53

    How did the speed dating go?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 February 2010 01:26:49

    tireless I think you suck as a mod and you smell like smelly arse ty.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 February 2010 01:05:42

    I am conducting myself in the same way that I have for years, Octavian.

    And you'll notice that I'm not taking any action against you (despite the fact that I do, in fact, have justification for blocking you for as long as I like using the standards and rules passed down to me when I got the position and as are posted on the site) on your extant account.

    I am a very permissive mod (ask most people here. I am absolutely more permissive in virtually every category than any mod that has been here in the last 5 years or so). I am approaching you with more than just a little patience. What have I taken away from you? The ability to comment with one of many alternate accounts. You lost nothing, so shut the fuck up.

    If you really think I'm doing such a terrible job as a moderator here, bring up any -- ANY -- instance in which I've taken any action against or for anybody using my moderator powers that you think was inappropriate. Convince a majority of the people who come here that you're right. Do that and you have a basis for your complaints. Do it not and you're just another shithead farting out of your face and making the entire room smellier for the rest of us.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    14 February 2010 00:32:20

    still i wuv woric 2 much:{

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    13 February 2010 22:59:29

    these are the sentiments of a bitter drunk hasbeen. please ignore

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    13 February 2010 22:51:51

    also someone please tell me who trescothik is. he seems like he would give a good blowjob

  • Author
    Woric [legacy]
    13 February 2010 22:51:22

    being in the top 30 of a 40 player mud is not quite the impressive feat you all think it is. congrats and remember. nobody gives a damn about your opinion

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    13 February 2010 22:18:17

    Now we are talking about rules you make on the move. Anyways, 'shitheaded' comments are the basis of this page as well as 'shitheaded' administration here and in the game itself. Tho, as the title says 'We can only hope for a better future.'

    P.S. Good log.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 February 2010 21:30:58


  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    13 February 2010 21:29:40

    Yeah, you suck. Although

    Brubaker the variag Elf-target

    In hibernation for another 8 days 11 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds

    Not present in Arda. Gender: female

    Age: 1h 40m 4s

    and it's not even mine character.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    13 February 2010 21:03:33

    [Character name] the [Race] Orc-target (Impartial)

    Last on: 1h 28m 20s ago. Gender: male

    Age: 31m 2s

    When players comment with level 1's or non-extant characters it's my prerogative whether or not to allow them to stay. I don't like forcing people away from the community so normally I won't block someone's only account. However, if you have 5 accounts and 4 of them are for characters that practically speaking don't exist, I want to encourage you to comment with the one representing a real character. Ask Brubker - I did the same to him.

    Pretty much if you make shitheaded comments, I'm not going to let you get away with anything. What you said on Cruice's first posting of the above log when comments were enabled? Those are shitheaded comments.

  • Author
    Octavian [legacy]
    13 February 2010 18:36:54

    An alt of mine here got blocked with reason 'Non-existing character'. Tho this character DO exists in the game and was created 298d ago (unlike many other people's characters here, who freely comment). Not to mention that its first creation predates this logpage. Nice administration!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    13 February 2010 07:56:18

    Tevildo: It's a mystery, though it looks like he was administratively blocked about 7 years ago. Several other people asked me about that too.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 February 2010 07:22:47

    comment no. 100 was mine :D

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 February 2010 07:22:08

    Maybe he was a herkie!

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    13 February 2010 06:44:39

    Now I'm wondering what Fingondor could have possibly done to earn a block.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 February 2010 02:48:03

    I'm going to go post on the forums just to spite you.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    12 February 2010 19:03:27

    I couldn't figure out how to remove his forum block, but he should be squared away to post here. Nobody uses the forums anyway.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 February 2010 17:17:09

    Bah, vallejo then

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    12 February 2010 16:49:33

    Vallejo for sure. Guy's a crack-up;.

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    12 February 2010 16:44:32

    the fuck did i bother reading that?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 February 2010 15:59:50

    I think you should ban someone by popular vote instead. Much more fun.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    12 February 2010 07:05:55

    As it turns out, Tuareg has actually been administratively banned (that is, his account was disabled by an admin, which is a higher rank than mod) and I cannot reactivate it. The following accounts (which are a subset of the earlier posted list) cannot be reactivated:

    Ajbakhal, Allantir, Anatharn, Aug, Beatnik, Coramoor, Culain, Dequelyn, Fild, Finduilun, Fingondor, Gado, Gazza, Gleam, Intulor, Kharil, Lasco, Leorhik, Mazza, Obxidian, Peesho, Quix, Streak, Trigger, Tuareg, Vittorio.

    Sorry about that.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    12 February 2010 01:03:14

    Now someone get tuareg back here

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 February 2010 22:43:52

    Voting for Tuareg here. I think that's 5? :)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 February 2010 19:14:01

    ok, then unblock Eomar, he will break us.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 February 2010 19:09:49

    Netwarrior doesn't even flame on his onw sucky page.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    11 February 2010 19:07:04

    Fuck Tuareg, we need active flame!

    Turn up the heat!


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 February 2010 16:35:27

    Vote on tuareg!

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    11 February 2010 12:57:21

    Because it's hilarious that I don't cheat?

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    11 February 2010 11:41:41

    Going against my better judgement, especially considering my dislike for him as a typist...

    Blackman. Because that shit was funny, racist or not.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    11 February 2010 11:17:36

    anyone else find it funny urban is posting about cheaters?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 February 2010 06:19:55


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    11 February 2010 03:31:30

    Current count:

    Tuareg - Lobo, Falgor, Tevildo, Jakar

    Vallejo - Sunflash, Pounder,

    Netwarrior - Lucky

    Arandur - Shabba, Pounder

    Rhakyrh - Lobo, Lucky

    Barabas - Lobo

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    11 February 2010 02:36:29

    I'll throw my support behind Tuareg, his actual presence or lack thereof notwithstanding. His comments are an integral part of Log-o-Mania history.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    10 February 2010 11:46:01


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 February 2010 09:48:04

    Its basis is gone and so my good mood is rapidly returning to normal, so if you guys want to act on my offer you need to come up with a name in the next few days.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    10 February 2010 03:57:26

    I've unblocked the one account which I know is held by a person who is now deceased. If anyone else fits that criteria other than frend Bakal (RIP :() let me know.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    10 February 2010 00:02:25

    Hirgail you mofo. Give this a 6 now.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 February 2010 22:09:05

    I was gonna say that exact same thing Hirgail.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    09 February 2010 18:43:53


  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    09 February 2010 18:43:28


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 February 2010 17:22:46

    It's creepy to see a dead persons name on that list. You should unblock them.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    09 February 2010 10:40:05

    The only thing you will be able to taste is the froth in my mouth due to my anger.

    There ain't no tears here, boy.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 February 2010 10:02:31

    Yes! Yes! Oh let me taste your tears, Urban! Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! Mmm-yummy! Mmm-yummy

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    09 February 2010 09:59:46

    You fucking shithead.

    I will break you.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    09 February 2010 09:46:13

    I have my revenge on Urban }:D

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    09 February 2010 09:33:48

    Please don't use my comment section to unblock cheaters etc. LEAVE THAT ALL BEHIND ON T2T PLZ.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 February 2010 08:06:54

    Lets have someone that's actually around?

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 February 2010 03:03:43

    Arandur, Delvar, Vallejo?

    I agree with Arandur if its the person I think it is.

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    09 February 2010 01:42:38

    Tuareg totaly isn't around anymore, but yeah - unblock him, I miss his well structured arguments. Or Treyz, I miss him.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    09 February 2010 01:17:26

    Because I am a kitten.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    08 February 2010 23:12:13

    You people are the worst sheep ever.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    08 February 2010 23:03:46

    Haha seriously, unblock Taureg.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 February 2010 22:45:54

    Pick a name at random and there's like a 20% chance you'll be letting Rhakyrh comment anyway.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    08 February 2010 22:44:40

    Follow my lead you fucks.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    08 February 2010 22:22:58

    Unblock Arandur!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 February 2010 21:18:52

    unblock TUAREG! for flaming sake!

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    08 February 2010 20:56:21

    I vote for Netwarrior. Lets go old school for this dooshbag.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    08 February 2010 20:12:19

    --I suggest you guys act reasonably quickly, though, as this offer is the product of me being in an unusually good mood and one never knows how long that'll last.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    08 February 2010 20:11:23

    The following users are currently blocked:

    Adanethel, Ajbakhal, Alavir, Alorian, Anatharn, Araglas, Arandur, Aryl, Aug, Avaar, Awful, Azhan, Azhrarn, Azmodan, Azrylar, Baitlia, Bakal, Baral, Bared, Berzelius, Blackman, Cathal, Coramoor, Corleidum, Crazyeyes, Daeril, Dark, Darkcaster, Darkterror, Dechon, Delvar, Derk, Dighi, Douglas, Durad, Eomar, Eredir, Esperian, Exhalev, Exide, Fairfax, Female, Finduilun, Fingondor, Frumgar, Fyng, Gado, Gizmalin, Gman, Grady, Hannah, Hazin, Heath, Hellflame, Hobbe, Hobson, Holic, Hunty, Hurb, Hurykai, Hypocracy, Iago, Ill, Insane, Intulor, Ithilos, Jolana, Josef, Karos, Karvid, Khaedes, Khaos, Kharil, Khranim, Landrian, Lathen, Light, Limdul, Linna, Lmno, Loshia, Maelg, Maelvor, Magneto, Miroth, Mortigan, Mute, Nahte, Netwarrior, Nildnab, Nilreg, Nroeb, Ochyrocera, Omaha, Otr, Perrota, Quix, Rajje, Rasputin, Redbull, Rhakyrh, Rheorx, Rondo, Rushing, Serafina, Shachmir, Shulk, Sigmund, Soltan, Speedy, Spektor, Streak, Syra, Tarith, Teleris, The Society, Tomasis, Tool, Treyz, Trigger, Tuareg, Tuatha, Twitchy, Ulkhilyrh, Utatha, Vallejo, Vie, Vijraihn, Vittorio, Wrekker, Yggdrasil, Zandramas, Zeus, Zurak.

    We have the following types of blocks: All (what most of these accounts already have), comment/rating (Cannot comment or rate), posting (can comment and rate, but not post). If I get a 5-person consensus with no serious objections for a 1-day period I'll unblock someone or change their block to whichever of those the community wishes. The unblocked person, of course, will still be subject to the community's rules. They will not have carte blanche to do whatever they want, but I will offer the same number of chances I would anyone else before reinstating their block. (For example, if Rhakyrh were to be unblocked and then started outing people's alts on day one, his block would go back up pretty quick.)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 February 2010 19:20:21

    I'd vote to unblock rhakyrh if just his comments are unblocked, don't let him post logs :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 February 2010 19:19:32

    Who else is blocked?

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    08 February 2010 19:17:14

    In the interests of flaming...

    I say to unlock one of those twaterific accounts of Rhakyrh.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 February 2010 18:01:20


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    08 February 2010 17:41:41


  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    08 February 2010 17:16:20

    1 pr3f3r t4lk1n9 l1ke th15. m4k35 m3 l00k m0r3 n3rd13.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    08 February 2010 16:53:58

    Thou art benevolent o' omnipotent king o' teh log page. *grovel \ bow* etc.

    That stuff kinda reminds me of the actions of Pontius Pilate when offering to free a prisoner during the Passion of the Christ. *giggle*

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    08 February 2010 16:20:19

    Hi Tireless!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    07 February 2010 14:16:04


    However, I am now back in my normal, jolly mood and am no longer going to be a dick to everyone. In fact, I've had such a fantastic evening that if public opinion supports it, I will unblock one popularly desired account (forgive whatever offenses got the person banned).

    I no longer hate any of you, Shabba is still a kitten and the removal of the log in question was operating consistently with the stated rules: I have consistently taken down logs which contained no content (and given the poster a note, rather than a warning) and I've asked that they not be posted. Posting a log without content explicitly to bait me violates rules 10 - it is the very definition of troublemaking (generating trouble with the admins for no purpose aside from its intrinsic worth).

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    07 February 2010 10:43:20

    So, was the 'spit in your face about comment logs' log removed via the poster... or moderator?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    07 February 2010 08:46:12

    Fuck you all. You're all a bunch of bastards.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    07 February 2010 04:26:22

    If I'm a shithead, you're a cunt, CUNT!

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    07 February 2010 00:52:49

    Ah, good 70s Show quote, tire.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 February 2010 21:07:45

    Tireless' foot seems to be smarter than a herkie!

    You are all shitheads.

    I will break you.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    06 February 2010 20:05:30

    I have a dream that one day you will all read a book my foot wrote, called 'On the Road to 'In Your Ass''.

    You are all shitheads.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 February 2010 19:33:32

    I have a dream that one day Falgor will have a dream that one day Tireless will make out with Urban.

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    06 February 2010 19:16:44

    I have a dream that one day Tireless will make out with Urban.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    06 February 2010 19:11:27

    I have a dream that one day, Tireless will make out with me.

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    06 February 2010 19:08:44

    I have a dream you will all stfu.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    06 February 2010 18:30:27

    Tireless, let's make out?

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    06 February 2010 15:19:34

    Woo, I can post again! :) <3 Tireless.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    06 February 2010 09:54:30

    I have dreams about Urban's moma!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    06 February 2010 09:27:51

    5:26am, just got home and i have to wake up in 3 hours to drink :(

    Tireless, i wasn't talking about mussolini either. I was talking about **Stalinor**.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 February 2010 04:46:24


  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    06 February 2010 03:51:01

    Cunt! I asked for a 1!

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    06 February 2010 03:27:33

    Not sure about a one... but I'll drop a deuce on it.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    06 February 2010 02:08:23

    Guys, please keeps the 1s coming!

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    06 February 2010 01:53:30

    I rated this a one because I hate Urban.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    06 February 2010 00:06:43

    And I will gleefully laugh at tireless assuming that he's not serious with his first post because that would be the first time I have seen him act like someone who shouldn't be a mod (ruining fun on a page exactly for that reason?)?!?! Also, WTF, at least set up your alias fucking right to make the kill. And lobo, your falinor, fucking pick up your cup and keep drinking buddy!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    06 February 2010 00:04:30

    I have a dream still also.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 23:10:24

    Fuck you.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    05 February 2010 23:08:45

    I have a dream still!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 23:00:17

    That's like saying, 'I wasn't talking about Mussolini, I was talking about the fascist regime in Italy during World War II.'

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    05 February 2010 22:58:40

    Who's talking valinor?? I said **stalinor**

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 22:56:58

    If I were a representative of Valinor I'd remove all blocks and bans and invite all the worst cheaters in the game to come back to the site, and maybe give them my password so they could continue to abuse the community and the system here.

    I have standards, even when I'm in a bad mood. That makes me the opposite of Valinor.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    05 February 2010 21:43:35

    Stalinor has taken over logomania again.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    05 February 2010 19:48:38

    aww, that's not nice!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 18:42:28

    Aww. I was right.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 18:39:33

    I feel you're probably right.

    ...and now that you mention it, I might block that account anyway.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    05 February 2010 18:23:14

    I feel the account 'arandur' will get blocked if he does that.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 17:14:13

    I don't know who your primary is, so I can't review his situation. You can mail me at phantasm_past@yahoo.com (include something about the logpage in the subject line) with specific requests to review blocks.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    05 February 2010 15:29:28

    Tireless, being that serious is unhealthy. Just relax and cum.

  • Author
    Arandur [legacy]
    05 February 2010 14:39:11


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    05 February 2010 14:31:32

    LOL cry sum more

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    05 February 2010 13:28:04

    lololo noob

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 February 2010 11:42:18


  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    05 February 2010 10:51:12


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    05 February 2010 10:06:00


    This 'log' is a reposting of a comment. So-called 'comment logs' have been reasonably well-tolerated thus far as long as they're infrequent. Reposting individual comments as logs isn't ok. Add in the fact that this comment was so stupid that it infuriated me the first time I read it and the fact that I'm SUPER grouchy tonight and you get this warning:

    I will warn the next person who pulls this kind of shit and I might... forget... to remove the block for a few months.

    I'm not playing around when I say it this time: You are all fucking shitheads and I hate you.

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    05 February 2010 09:00:38

    don't kill noobs, noob!

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    05 February 2010 08:08:18

    great triggering skills! too bad you had merciful on.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 February 2010 05:15:34

    And learn to turn merciful off, kthx.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    05 February 2010 05:15:16

    Show loot, asshat.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    05 February 2010 04:01:00

    This is an epic log.