Lil RP fun and games.

Posted by
Cyron [legacy]
23 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

The SoU comes to Galadriel with intent of throughing down her self-rightous reign of Caras Galadon. The Valacirca try to protect her, and two fall in the effort.


  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    25 January 2002 00:06:12

    Ruiniel, i'd just like to point out that what you said is true for Sparring. However, how in theme is it to spar with your mortal enemy when he is trying to kill your brother?

    Not very.

    And good, i'm glad you used to hunt down reporters in the Amruin. I would too.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 23:01:09

    Actually it was aimed at no one specific person or everyone in the mud. Yeah, there is a system but it's also obvious that alot of people aren't happy with it. There does need to be a system change to some extent. I agree with Deboraha's append to one of the recent MC cases (forget the number) where she says, the ainur need to make a choice of having an RP mud or PK mud. Sure we RP and people will get killed but how many people actually RP, kill someone and it be just a happenstance? Alot of players will kill someone in RP then lament aftewards what a badass they are and thats what the other player gets for standing in his way? Since when is being a jackass a mode of RP in a Tolkien world?

    You want to honestly look at it everyone who plays this game is full of shit.

    There are only to 'free races' in this game that have ever been minions of Sauron in any fashion. Dunlending and Dunedain (contain the blood of old Numbenor), I mean honestly those are the only two races that in any role played on the dark one's team at any point. Dont mention the forging of the rings of power either, that is a crutch.

    The really major evil humanoid NPC's are 'edain'. Tenzek is a Dunlending, Gothmog is a edain, Tiarwil is a fucking Dunedain! Sereg is Edain. Show me a NPC Shadowspawn Elf, or Dwarf or Eorling. BLAH! Forgot Ulkhalad [sic]

    Big whoop! I vote for an RP mud with playerkilling allowed. Ya'll made them change the Megs to a 'thematic' Guild, I say the Ainur make the rest of you lame-dick themed Guilds do the same.

    Fed up

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 January 2002 22:22:00

    Ok, the next time I spar I'm gonna break someone's bones.They shouldn't have let me do that grip, it's their fault, it's not outside the rules,it was an accident.Ummm, but think what if you were the someone...

    PS: Once we used to hunt down reporters in Amruin...

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    24 January 2002 21:29:33

    Well, that last comment by Wasach could be aimed at me or many others, but i'll respond anyway.

    'Either help make a system that works or shutthfuckup' (Wasach)

    Well, I along with a sizable percentage of the mud already use a system that works. I'm just trying to improve everyone elses RP experience. I dont know what else I can do try to help the rest of you stumble onto my system. The 'RP'ers' seem to isolate themselves from me and my kind, and refuse to listen to us. *shrug* oh well, not my fault.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 17:28:15

    You know what I am tired of? I am tired of overthehill players bitching about how the 'real essence of RP' has been lost. You dont like they way people are wanting to RP to fucking bad. I dont see any of you so-called oldtimers, trying to help make an RP system in the game that works. Do think your the 'all-knowing RP-god' just because you may have been around for Marsellus or Fjant or Tempest or who-the-fuck-cares. Either help make a system that works or shutthefuckup.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    24 January 2002 13:06:35

    Oh my!

    Nice fighting SoU.

    I just can not put words on my frustation, stop the fucking whining people! The SoU are the servants of sauron, the people of the shadow, if you do not want to die, then do not mess with them... If that isn't thematic then what is?

    And one more thing: The word 'RP' makes me tear my hair off in frustraion now-days. You all have lost the real essence of it.

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    24 January 2002 04:30:34


  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    24 January 2002 04:30:13

    Be a fucking man and ie once or twice. Even if its during RP.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    24 January 2002 03:54:26

    You know, it's really amazing how quickly discussions (if they can be called that) like this turn into a series of posts just outright bashing other players/guilds/groups etc. You people (not all of you, but some of you) have turned this series into one of our gossiper chains of 'You were wrong.' 'No you were, and you're a bitch' 'No you're a bitch' and so on. You all know what i'm talking about. As a VC myself, I was pretty mad the other night when this all happened, but after reading this post i realize that really it wasn't meant to happen how it did. Mistakes were made (by both sides) which did lead to the deaths of 2 members of the guild, but it happens. Over all it wasn't very bad roleplaying. Seeing as this discussion will go on indefinately, I suggest it just stops here and now. The war over the rules of RP will never end, as everyone has differing views on how they should be. If you don't have anything insightful or proper to post on here, just don't post it! None of us want to see it, it's just obnoxious and pointless.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 01:05:13

    Cyron, in 8 days your free to come see how much of a bitch I am and if you dont like 'ifs' either bring about 19 other Durms and all your uniques. I wouldn't want you to fail.

    Dont know why Durms weren't invite but could it be that everyone else there would have feared for their lives since they aren't durms?

    As for the rest, never said my Guild was perfect. I have ordered my Guildmates to withdraw reports and to not make reports. The system was imperfect, like I does something to yyyy that didn't really matter, yyyy becomes irate due to immaturity, next yyyy does blah blah to xxx and so xxx...cycle over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...

    I though we were trying to make a new and better treaty, Wise but everyone wants to bitch about the past.

    PS. If sarcasm is above and beyond your comprehension or you are inable to take a joke...loosen up and ignore 90% of what I say :)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    24 January 2002 00:10:23

    Good log! Nifty! A party of evil SoU attack Lothlorien, and some Valacirca try to defend it, but are beaten back, some of them killed in the fight.

    That's what I call RP!

  • Author
    Cyron [legacy]
    23 January 2002 22:52:03

    I ROCK!

    Anyways, Wasach, every post you've ever written can be sum'd up in a few words, I'm a whining bitch. If your goin to complain about everything keep it short enough to read please?

    To bad no members of the Durmanhoth were invited to the RP thing-a-magigger, then I'd beable to talk about it too!

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:09:21

    Well, I got sick of reading this shit, so i havent actually read most of this string, but all I have to say is that If you didnt have any lame treaties that try to control the way you act in combat, then there wouldnt be any whining about so and so breaking the rules. Everyone would know the rules, because there are none except those put in place by the MUD admin. (except perhaps no hunting). This crap is just one of the reasons i find this so called 'RP combat' nauseating.

  • Author
    Silvayn [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:07:57

    The presentation of the RP event ends.

    Teacher says: So... any questions, kids?

    Small boy raises his hands and asks:

    How do I know it's the right time to start a RP event?

    Teacher says: Ahh, whenever you feel superior.

    Small boy says: You mean when I'm maxxed?

    Teacher chuckles and replies:

    Well, yes but not only that. I mean when you are sure you outnumber your foe. Also, it really helps to have superior equipment. Uniques

    and double hitting weapons. They both help to enlarge the fun factor

    of any RP event.

    Small girl asks:

    Are there any other rules to follow that make it more fun?

    Teacher says:

    Good question. There are indeed several rules that help you to have

    fun. First, focus on the weakest members. That's the best way to

    have fun as soon as possible. Second, use fireballs! Or use

    lightning if you have EP to spare. Use magic as often as possible,

    as magic is your friend. Don't bother setting bandage triggers as

    those triggers aren't needed when you follow the previous rules.

    This also saves system resources for something more meaningful.

    Also, don't pay attention to shape of your foes, but, and here is

    the catch, use shape command often.

    Small boys gets a puzzled look in his face.

    Teacher smiles and continues:

    Let me explain. If you'd watch the shape of your opponents that would

    prevent you to really... merge with the fun. I mean, we are just

    humans - noone can afford from us to read and have fun at the same

    time. Use the shape command often, however. As we already know, your

    foe knows when you shape him. And when you can make your foe think

    you care for his shape before launching the next fireball, he will

    think that you want him to have fun, too.

    Small boy beams brightly: Ahh, now I get it.

    Teacher says:

    This is an easy way to avoid frustration. And as we already know...

    The whole class completes: Frustration means less fun!

    Teacher gets a satisfied grin on his face: Right!

    Suddenly, the bell rings.

    Teacher says:

    Ok, that's all for today. Go home and tell your parents that today

    you learned how to RP and have Fun at the same time.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 January 2002 20:54:37

    I'm not even sure why Trempk is commenting on this, there weren't any Amruin present during this particular log. I even spoke with the VC members and from what they told me, the issue was resolved and forgotten. But of course, there's always Trempk, and he won't let us forget he's here.

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    23 January 2002 19:58:33

    We all know that there are some flaws in the current treaties system. And MOST of us are using the flaws. What an SoU/DoU do when he/she saw a hostile person in Balforth, first they will comm it, then if nothing happened, no other comms come from him, then we assume he/she can handle it, and the SoU mostly takes the RP fight at Balforth fairly, you come with one person, we send one, you come with 2 other, we send 2 other. And as far as Amruin goes, I go to Edoras to kill and expect a RP fight with them at least twice per log in. I even tell them to come to where and I am mostly solo. But guess what, a whole bunch of ppl started to appeared, I still tried to fight all of them. Once I was in combat with the west guard and 6 other Amruin, I killed one of them, he is bitching about it, then do some 'false report' to the Amruin HC. You know who you are.

    And about the treaties again, weren't we trying to set a new and better RP treaties?

    And do I ever report if you attack me for 'RP'? NO

    But I do get reported KoDA, NaOG and Amruin. And again, you said Toto was the party leader? Thats mean we are in his party, not he is in our party.

    party leader control the party, in this case, Toto = Durm's way.

    And like Duniv said, get the hell out of the combat if you think you can't receive more damage.

    Most of us know what can happen if a sindar archmage cast his spells.

    And btw, I left SoU not because SoU not RP, but because i don't have time irl to mud. And to give some of the new members a lesson.

    -Wise Lynnriel

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    23 January 2002 19:56:15

    Bah, Wasach... either I use horrible grammar (most likely) or you misread... but I meant you fellow guildmates ran out of the room when I fireballed, not the other way around. In fact, I'd probably more than likely stay in the room if a Knight tried to fireball me.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    23 January 2002 19:25:22

    Ummm....Who bitched?

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    23 January 2002 19:12:10

    About 2 weeks ago, I had been raiding Edoras with a few of my colleagues. We were doing quite well for ourselves, repulsing numerous Amruin attacks. Then, of course, the VC and Knights began to show up. We were dispersed. In my case, it was after a battle with a full party at the North Gate. I left north, 2 north in fact. Suddenly, that same party was in the room with me. I was at 50 hp. Luckily my armour saved me, since they remained in the room for 2 rounds before I saw what was happening (my attention was briefly elsewhere) and fled.

    About a week ago, I was sitting in the GH. Rhoads gives me a tell demanding that I defend my fortress. I go out, and what do you know, there are 12 Amruin/VC/KoDA there. Some of them hadn't stopped from a previous encounter, and I was drawn into combat with a handful of them. Suddenly, all 12 started headbutting with abandon, and Ezekial even tried to fireball me. I beat a hasty retreat.

    In short, get off your fucking high horses, Trempk and Wasach. Your guilds are in no way any better than ours in terms of treaty-adherence.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 18:38:37

    Almost forgot, your right. this thread is pointless as it will only continue on with bickering from both sides and result in nothing. It is better to be taken up IN the mud.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 18:37:33

    I would have made an intelligent rejoinder to your comment Lord Adunazon however due to my youth, I have never to my knowledge RP'd with those people. While I have heard names like Annatari before, I am for the most part ignorant of their existence and there style of RP. Thus no comment on how SoU was under them for I did not know. The same reason why I do not comment on the original CoU and those events...I wasn't around then.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 18:27:46

    First of all, well said Wasach. Secondly Duniv: my comments obviously dont do anything to strengthen RP between our guilds. But your guilds actions definitely do not do anything to strengthen the RP between our guilds. Also what I clearly said was that you guys usually bring a large party of people when you RP, at least in my recent experience. Which is why you get beaten up by large parties. Because you are being taught a lesson. 'Hey SoU come with big parties when there are few to defend. So lets kick their asses with big parties when they come to attack. And about the only times that I see SoU to come RP in edoras solo is when they have the whip, shadowsword or some other good piece of eq. Just yesterday I took on a party of 5 people, including Adunazon, in Edoras by myself while I was repeatedly chased when I left the room by their party leader Toto. Now I know that this is how Toto RPs, but there were 2 SoU in the party also. Now I know Adunazon can RP, and he does. But most of the time when I see him in Edoras he just leaves cause he's got too many people after him for me to be taking him to low hp. And believe it or not, Duniv, I dont sit around in Edoras all day. I check it whenever I'm near edoras and as often as I can, but when every time I battle with people there, they have 5 people and I have to spend thousands upon thousands of gold in healing, I am forced to spend most of my non-idle time(when I'm doing something IRL) getting gold for that healing and secondaries. And I'm not really complaining to try to improve RP, because frankly I think its never going to happen with you guys. I complain to bash the shit out of most of your guild members, because I think they thoroughly deserve it. Thats all from me, so if you post something, dont expect a reply. This log doesnt deserve any more comments.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 January 2002 18:11:26

    I'm glad to see no one made a worthwhile retort to my statements. We can end this pointless whine thread now.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 17:17:44

    I hate to break this to you Duniv but not all of your Guildmates are as idealistic or as noble as you. There are also your friends and buddies who come-a-running to Balforth, Edoras, DA, Linhir, blah blah to help SoU or CoU. Wanna talk RP? ok here we go....

    1)Everyone attacks in large numbers. It guarantees a greater success rate in the attack.

    2)When overwhelming forces show up, defenders usually call in assistance. Although, I have seen attackers in Edoras (en masse) and been told the Amruin dont need my help.

    3)Not everyone in T2T RP's. Those people you see solo attacking Edoras, are usually 'reporters' and of course the Amruin wont bother with them. The only person we get like that in DA was Aranuir but he is a cocklover...

    4)Your idea is correct about having 100HP then leave the room, its not bad and I like it. However, in the past (speaking from experience) I have been hunted by Durms, FRA, Megs, whoever it is thats helping SoU, CoU defend Balforth.

    5)You have an RP? State it and live by it, but please none of this Clan of Burning Cheese (boggle) horseshit. Make your RP atleast close to Tolkienesque, show some respect for the man's work.

    6)Dont whine and bitch about other Guilds coming to help out. If there is an RP reason why so-and-so Guild comes to help during attack so be it. None of you can beat the reason why Amruin comes to aid KoDA or vice-versa...Its in the books! HA! RP reasons why Durms help SoU defend Balforth or attack DA?...because they are friends?

    Lord Adunazon, I know you can RP and so can SOME of your Guild. Problem is, most of your Guild cant. The majority of any RP Guild's population CAN'T and it is exacerbated by us seperating our RP gaming and 'hanging out' with our friends. I do it, you do it, we all do it. Everyone is part of the problem here and no one is part of the solution yet, but it seems there is works in progress.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 January 2002 17:06:21

    Also, note that this thread is about a specific log. If you have issues with SoU, take it up with us in the MUD, not on the log page. I probably shouldn't have even written a reply to some of these petty accusations.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 January 2002 16:57:17

    First, you've been the one doing the complaining, we've just been defending our name. I hate to break it to you Trempk, but not all of us sit a Balforth all day. Thus, when people come, those of us who are there do our best to defend him. I've gone up against the Amruin with odds ranging from 1-3 to 2-6. That's more than can be said for some of your members. Also, if you left your guild hall more often, perhaps you'd noticed that people do in fact raid Edoras alone. Myself included. If an Amruin member enters, however, they usually call help and I have 3 people on my back in addition to the NPC I'm killing. Why should I stick around only to take a beating? It's also pretty unfair to accuse SoU of gangbanging in RP. For example, if Theodrek comes to Balforth I'll try to either fight him 1-1 or abstain from attacking. Quite frankly Trempk, I don't believe your comments to anything to strengthen an RP relationship between our guilds. In your comments you've dished out nothing but petty insults and unsupported accusations. Some of your last statements didn't even make sense. We get beaten up by 6-7 KoDA because we need to RP in large parties? That's hardly it. Many of us RP alone, or in small groups. Take Adunazon, Paraiko, or myself as examples. In any case, shut the hell up until you know what your talking about.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 14:48:18

    Did I die in this log? Cause I didnt see my name. Last time I died in RP was like at least over 6 months ago cause I cant remember. And the reason you guys get your ass beaten so bad by like 6-7 amruin/koda/vc, etc. Is because every fucking time you go to RP somewhere you need a full party. I cant remember the last time I saw one SoU alone killing in edoras when I was around. The same goes for RP at balforth. It seems that you guys attack with like 10 people, but when it comes down to getting the repercussions, where the hell is everyone, theres only like 2 people defending Balfy? When you guys all of a sudden appear with 7 or 8 people attacking Edoras in a matter of minutes before anyone even sees you, or tries to defend, sure we might call a few allies to even the odds, cause we know damn well that all 7 are going to attack us. So dont complain when people try to teach you a lesson for trying to gangbang them in RP.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    23 January 2002 14:47:44

    its like this, as long as no one hunts, where is the problem?

    Worried about dieing? dont get involved...low hp? move.

    IF they do hunt, THEN you can complain.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 January 2002 14:02:03

    Stuff happens, and honestly, in large party RP like that, you need to run as soon as you see your HP hit 100 or so. If you don't, be prepared to die. Also, if you notice somebody casting at you, just leave. The spell will most likely kill you. I'm sure neither Paraiko or Anathema intended to kill anyone. We all know such RP events are very spammy. One round can fill an entire screen and it's very easy to get confused. Anyone who claims we try to use RP as a guise for PK is severely misguided. Should a set of rules be adopted to govern large party RP combat? I think it would be nice, but until then, quit your bitching.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 10:22:49

    Melfice, would you care to point out which Knights fireballed you at ND?...that being said let me get on with this....

    Not being Amruin, this is just a guess but from what I understand Lord Westar dropped the 'RP treaty' because no one seemed to be following it. Lord Adunazon is right in so much that everyone is whining and bitching but your all bitching about the same thing. Treaty says this, treaty says that, but Lord Adunazon says he is not peeking over the shoulders of all of his members. Well, I got some bad news for all of you...

    If your Guild agrees to whatever conditions for a treay, every member of that Guild should abide by it. If you dont like articles of the treaty, become GM and withdraw from the treaty or leave your Guild. Personally, I have seen members of just about every Guild violate some article of the old RP-treaty. Some violated them in retaliation to members of other Guilds violating them and the cycle goes on and on. Alot of distrust and bad feelings occur when members of Guilds that aren't signed to the treaty are in the battle and blatanly violate the treaty. Now, if someone is in your party then you ARE responsible for their actions. However there is always alot of 'oh well, yeah he/she was in my party but they aren't in my Guild so I can't control them.' You'r right, you cant control them. Lord Adunazon cant control Fuinor, Paraiko or Duniv anymore than I can control Melkor.

    What you all need to decide is this....

    1)saying fuck it, next time I see you , your dead and fuck all conventions.


    2)we are going to set up a treaty and it will be fair and it will be abided by all members of all Guilds.

    Then there are other things to consider...

    1)If a Guild doesn't sign the treaty to we follow treaty articles when battling them?..answer is NO

    2)If we have non-signed Guild members in our parties, are we responsible for their actions?

    Answer: Yes.

    But oh wait, no one wants to be bothered with actually following the conventions because the combat goes so swift and quick and its to hard to keep track of someone's shape when its 10 attackers on 2 defenders and it takes so long to cast FB or lightning and oh wait but that thieves Guild guy in my party just corpselooted no he is in my Guild sorry but he already sold your stuff.

    I say fuck it and if you ever see me defending DA with a wizard and an assassin better run for the northern opening of the Rammas Echor because if I am fresh out of mercy. Only thing holding me back is my Lord and my fellow Knights. I will do combat with you as you do it with me. People who RP in a fun and joyous way like Wyngel have nothing to fear. People who use RP as a means to pK people and then laugh about how tough they are...your fucked.

    ***Note that thoughts and feelings here are in no way the policy or orders of any ranking Knight or higher. This is solely my reaction to an abused system of playerkilling in this mud.

    Just remember, whatever brought it on yourself.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 January 2002 09:07:43

    Yeah here I am again. One other thing I'd like to mention. Are you sure that 'SoU RP was so much better' when Galaad, Garic, Annatari, etc etc was around? Or maybe you guys used to decide that instead of getting butthurt about it, you'd turn around and shove the same thing in our faces?


    So goddamn tired of hearing how 'I don't RP,'

    like I'm supposed to kiss your ass after every RP battle. Get over it.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 January 2002 09:04:00

    Just a couple comments in regards to the string of slanderings aimed towards my guild. A) It was Westar's decision to disband the treaty we had with the Amruin. B) It happens on both sides of the game, so who the fuck are you to cry about it?

    Every time me or one of my members goes into Edoras, we're nearly killed by a horde of Amruin plus whichever of their 'friend guilds' are on that day, and you know what? Big deal. Life is life, death is part of life, and if you can't handle death, stop trying to live. I've taken just as much if not more punishment than either of the 2 VC who died today, I just had the brains to leave and heal before that fireball hit me when I had 30hp. Don't whine to me because your members don't have the fucking brains to leave the room when they're about to take a fireball between the eyes. And Trempk, not an hour after this happened about 8 or 9 VC/Amruin/KoDA came to Balforth, and Thalus and I were the only two defending. You know what? We got our asses kicked. I took two headbutts at 50hp, but you know what? I left the goddamn room! That's right! I'm a cheater! And no matter how much it makes you cry at night, I'm not typing at every one of my party member's keyboards, so no matter the amount of punishment, yelling, and physical/verbal abuse I throw at them, they're free to do what they like, and if they don't like you, then my guess is they might just throw in that extra headbutt at ND, like I did to Paladinz, who repeatedly backstabbed me while I was in combat with 2/3 other Amruin in Edoras. This is more than I wanted to say. Bottom line is: I don't really give a fuck about you, and the more you whine, the more I'm going to 'look the other way' when one of my members slips up and shoves a fireball up your ass at ND. If you want relations to get better, how about practicing a little of what you preach?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 January 2002 08:50:13

    I mean you should protect your enemy, keep him from death and injuries.Like when I spar with someone with my katana, I don't try to cut off his head, saying he shouldn't have sparred with me.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 January 2002 08:39:52


    The morons didnt type 'stairs' to get away and you blame the SoU for their deaths? Thats totally fucking ridiculous. If the SoU really wanted to kill them, they'd have hunted them.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 January 2002 08:33:37

    I completely agree with Trempk.In this log (and in some of the later logs) the SoU are trying to kill treir enemies.Techically their deeds are according to the treaty.But after all laws are created to serve the people.You should be trying to follow the law's idea.The very letter is not the main thing.The general difference is that the moral guilds (especially Amruin) try not to kill their enemies.The SoU on the other hand would care only if the kill was a kill de jure.

    Oh, come on, what's up with you guys?I remember SoU as one of the best RP guilds..

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    23 January 2002 07:55:33

    Screw them long comments. Let's just say 'Yay!'

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    23 January 2002 07:39:09

    Bah. I've never been in a guild (God knows anyone would want me) so I don't know jack about the treaties. But it's not hard to notice that you're getting your ass kicked in a fight. You can tell when someone's fireballing you, so get out of the way! A couple of the Knights have done it to me before. Not only do you not take damage, but you make the wizard angry. It's easy. And if you think you're not going to die going into a fight then you shouldn't be RPing in the first place. It'd be a wonderful world if every RP battle was fun and happy and everyone was carrying around bandages all the time (I'd probably bandage someone just because I'm normally a nice guy). But in reality, there are always consequences and bandages aren't always going to be fast enough.

    They died honorably defending their Guild. Is that such a bad thing? They gave all their equipment back like they should. There were a couple mistakes made (not typing stop twice or whatever), sure, but like I said, this isn't a perfect world. Train some resist magic or learn to headbutt wizards while they're casting.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:58:55

    Yeah, I never see in 'combat rp' either. Anyway I guess the current SoU 'rp treaties' are fucked up then. Either that or you guys just dont do shit to follow them. Just today Toto almost killed me three times fireballing me when I had like 90 hp, pretty cool fight though cause i kicked his ass later ;), but just to make the point, but I guess he was following SoU treaties cause he was with Adunazon and Thalus. Paladinz almost died at Balfy like 20 minutes later when Adunazon headbutted him and Anadriel hit him with a fireball. Seems you guys talk a lot of shit about treaties, but then just end up doing whatever you want.

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:49:04

    Wizard's defense, when we cast our spells, either fireballs or lightning, the target might be at avg shape but seconds later (when our spells hit) he might already ND. It is his/her own damn fault. I am not going to waste my EP and combat rounds only to stop it in the middle to shape them. And as the RP goes, EVERY other guild who follow SoU when RP, tied to the current RP treaties. Same as Amruin, if you bring KoDA or VC, they are bound to the treaties. That is all for now.

    And Trempk, I don't think I ever see you doing some now a days 'Combat RP'.

    - Wise Lynnriel

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:39:35

    I might hold you up to that sometime. Anyway, my mistake, Cyron. Paraiko's headbutt killed Hayduke, and Anathema killed Wormbaneii. But its not like everyone on your side wasnt trying to kill whoever they could. Which was pretty much my point.

  • Author
    Cyron [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:30:31

    As a responce to the 'let the durm get the kills' statement. I attack edoras everyday. Its usually defended quite well by Rhoads or Paladinz, who seem to be the key members of its defense. I take my ass kickin or give it out without complaint, all in good fun. If i were to die i wouldnt whine and bitch saying 'they brang along those dirty Valacirca (no offence to vc just needed a name) to get the kill. If you dont watch your hp in combat when all you have to do is go down to not die then dont complain. Notice also the log is from my point of view, that means it would say 'you killed so and so' No durm got a kill or I would have got me some neat heads for paperplaces.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 04:59:57

    Of course I'm not saying all SoU/CoU/durms, etc are bastards. Just 80-90% of them.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 04:58:47

    Common SoU tactics. Trigger to fireball, probably no shaping. HB whenever you want. 'If you get the kill, we'll cheer for you cause thats the main reason why we bring over 5 people every time we come to RP. We like to have durms with us, cause when they get the kills no one complains.' Then when shit that cant even compare to what they do happens to them, like no stopping, etc they like to complain and whine. They've been hipocrites and bastards since Galaad's days anyway. Too bad.