
Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
27 April 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2010 17:50:55

    I found out when you told me, though we spotted Aryl when he was applied with you in about 30 seconds. (I wasn't 100% positive I knew _which_ person he was, but I had narrowed it down to a list of 2 or 3, and our actions were going to be the same for any of those 2 or 3) In fact, because I was positive he was someone that was sitebanned, I almost objected to your application because you were with him, though in the end things worked out well and I'm happy with the choices I made.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    29 April 2010 17:33:07

    Tireless you didn't know who I was either for a while. :P At least I don't think you did.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    29 April 2010 15:59:08

    actually that log proves my point

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    29 April 2010 15:10:11

    Attention whore?

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    29 April 2010 14:52:59

    RP isn't dead!


  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    29 April 2010 13:30:44

    I really don't get it, stop speaking of RP. RP died few years ago. And Herks + RP is just hilarious.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2010 06:43:29

    Not even a little bit.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    29 April 2010 05:50:24

    Kinda hot though.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2010 05:14:52

    That's really distasteful.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    29 April 2010 04:48:17

    i would totally give cruice a bj but i heard he had aids so i stick to handjobs without lube only

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2010 03:09:01

    You didn't know who he was :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    29 April 2010 01:47:04

    Not sure when that happened tireless, but i'm sure i had a bad word about him. I always do :)

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    29 April 2010 00:29:47

    I am all about the cockmongering.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2010 00:25:40

    The last time I was on Cruice's team (and we were working on someone else's agenda - nobody had a bad word to say about him, not even Shabba or Sunflash) he got better results than I did and I'm pretty sure he didn't die or lose a party member once. I think we got about the same number of kills - I might have gotten a few more, though I had a fresh market and I'd already soiled his when he started - and I lost party members on two occasions.

    It's not a subjective matter. There can be no cockmongering when discussing objective data. No matter what method you use to quantify the situation, when Cruice and I were on the same team he out-performed me.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    28 April 2010 23:59:02

    So do you Sunflash, don't lie.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    28 April 2010 23:50:09

    Tireless really wants Cruice's cock.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    28 April 2010 19:06:14

    I always used who <=demonic free and enemy !(guilds that I couldn't attack), and it produced for me a list about 2-10 people long, and I had 60 6th sense. When anyone entered Mordor, I knew within about 2 minutes. Cruice was always better at this than I was, though.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    28 April 2010 17:49:52

    you have to be really bad to get solo'd in mordor, assuming you are putting forth any effort whatsoever. generally if cruice is on it can be assumed he's typing things like who free demonic and who free shadowspawn and then running a find on you if you happen to be on that list. so maybe like keep track of where he is if you are in mordor. idk. fucking wild stuff, patton himself couldn't master such brilliant tactics

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    28 April 2010 15:40:20

    Cross-eyed easterling doesn't say much, he'd probably get killed for looking at you funny.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    28 April 2010 14:59:53

    If you make anything rely on shadowspawn while removing the shadowspawn default from ERs, no one would ever knock again. Some piece of shit redesigned the alignment system, and it's almost impossible to maintain shadowspawn or hand. And frankly, if you were a completely fucking evil numenorean necromancer, and you were shadowspawn to the core, and you rolled up in mordor? You might see some guard on the BD battlements, maybe a cross eyed easterling, and he might say some shit you don't appreciate, so you suck the fucking life out of him and take his mace.

    Unfortunately, due to the shitbag who redesigned alignment, this would drop that evil fucking necromancer to demonic, and it would be weeks before he could be shadowspawn, because apparently it's not evil to wantonly kill people who fuck with you, it's actually the nice thing to do.

    Fuck T2T. Join the movement, quit the game :D

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    28 April 2010 09:40:03

    Triggering isn't something that takes effort, it comes instinctively. Kthx.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    28 April 2010 09:17:26

    Latty is allways pulling targets into GB's range. It's funny. :D

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    28 April 2010 07:51:27

    Anyway, if Mordor was treated like the PK arena it should be then nobody would have a problem with ERs killing there. The only time problems arise are when we try to back our actions inside with theme. Just remove ER set alignments and the Mordor password. Make shadowspawn/of Mordor able to knock on the gates and have killers there run the lair. Buff the gear inside (or move other quest in) so it's worth the risk of entering. FRs and ERs should be treated the exact same inside, with no real advantages for either.

    In truth there should be no difference between an ER killing in Mordor and an ER killing in Harondor, or in Minas Morgul. They are all evil regions and to single out one just because 'it's Mordor' isn't right. Somebody who might pride themselves on not using Mordor gear, or being a major defender of the region will still be found killing the haradrim patrols in Harondor, so yeah.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    28 April 2010 07:32:42

    Sunflash, the point behind ERs not killing in Mordor is that it's seen as an attack on the region. In this setting, the war is in the west and there would be less tolerance of infighting. As far as the game is concerned, there's a nazgul looking for Shagrat to hold responsible for the fighting at CU.

    An evil (especially orcs and ologs) would kill here and there, but if they made a habit of killing they would be killed by those around them. You can only do so much before you're just fighting on the moral side.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    28 April 2010 07:27:52

    You can't discuss theme when it comes to Mordor. It's entirely unthematic as a playable region. Treat it like the PK arena it is or else put it in lock down so FRs can't enter at all and servants/ERs are executed at the gate for deserting their legion posts.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    28 April 2010 07:25:46

    My major beef with BP-era ERs is that among the ER community if you killed in Mordor at all, you were a riot.

    I thought this was stupid. I was fucking Olog, if something was smaller and weaker than me and I wanted to kill it, I fucking killed it and took it's loot. Who cares? I'm an olog. I'm big and mean and no one gives a shit about whatever useless orc I killed for loot.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    28 April 2010 04:28:21

    Shabba which break did you want me to trigger? Defys? I can't, and he wasn't going to do the 2 other breaks from Isen because I know that he wouldn't. And I was ready to trigger the slab as he got a little closer, but there was no need because he didn't get closer. (remove head from ass)

  • Author
    Ulfanil [legacy]
    28 April 2010 04:01:23

    Hmm.. Latty..

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    28 April 2010 02:20:37

    d it one hope wou undErtstaandi didn.t read tireless comentw

    but .i rate

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    28 April 2010 01:42:15

    Tireless, please remove your own comment and stfu.

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    28 April 2010 01:21:16


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    28 April 2010 00:40:20

    Jeez, if you're going to be down on him for 'consistently' using Mordor gear, pick the easier one: He always has a cleaver and twilight dagger. (He uses Heartbreaker when he has it, but the principle is the same.) While we're on the topic, could you find me a citation where Cruice self-identifies as a Mordor defender? He kills people in Mordor and doesn't kill in Mordor himself; that's not the same as saying he's a Mordor defender.

    I can see several reasonable thematic justifications for his position - remember, PCs can have a very wide range of importance. If Dexter is essentially a freelancer who generally works in favor of Sauron (which is a valid reading of a demonic FR) a much greater degree of latitude would be shown him by the soldiers of Mordor. Evils DO kill each other. The reason why nobody in the books messed with Gothmog was that he was the baddest ass in the area. Cruice, therefore, could be a Mordor defender who exempts Dexter on the basis of his value to the Eye. Alternatively, he could be a soldier with no special allegiance to Mordor - under Sauron's sway, but in a different venue - who comes as goes as he wishes, and periodically lends a hand in Mordor while he's there. Similarly, Galadhrim is ostensibly the guard of Caras Galadhon, but they wouldn't shrink from helping KoDA defend the castle.

    RP thumpers may retort that Galadhrim would never kill a guard of DA and KoDA would never kill in the tree, and that's the important difference between the two guilds reinforcing each other and the RP implications of the Cruice/Dexter dynamic. To this I respond more emphatically that EVILS KILL EACH OTHER. Killing a guard in DA is a serious crime among morals. Killing a snaga among evils is lunch. Dexter doesn't need to toe the company line; he only needs to serve Cruice's interests to justify Cruice giving him preferential treatment.

    Rau, regardless of whether you could have done better, Latty could have done MUCH better. I'm not saying he was collaborating with Cruice on this kill, but if he were, it wouldn't look any different.

    Cruice, nice job sniping one out of two, especially with him so high before the stab.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    28 April 2010 00:36:13

    No props because even if your target is some newbie you should still trigger on the slight chance they might try to break.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    27 April 2010 23:34:47

    Or just let Rau break at the gates of BDT? Or several other breaks right there. :(

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    27 April 2010 22:31:50

    do you really wait for Dexter to auction?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    27 April 2010 22:30:02

    Consistently? Can I see more of these consistent logs featuring that shield? Btw, the auction is a pretty cool place to buy stuff. You should check it out sometime.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    27 April 2010 21:53:44

    Cruice's logs consistently feature that nifty spiked shield from an Orc Commander in BD. How fortunate he must be to be able to routinely loot one in his defense of Mordor. Bonus style points. Negative hypocrisy points.

    I will break you?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    27 April 2010 20:46:44

    die pot die

  • Author
    Rau [legacy]
    27 April 2010 20:24:27

    Oh man, it's been a long time since I logged on here:

    '553 new logs.'

    Anyway, nah, not 100% Latty's fault. When I first went into Mordor I was just dropping off some jerkies for Latty, didn't intend to stay around for a quest so I had no healing on me. I'd have survived that if I had healing ;)

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 April 2010 20:00:33

    it was 100% latty's fault for rau dying.

    How hard is it to type shield rau, backstab cruice, kill cruice every round?


    Props to cruice, as much as i hate saying it.