
Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
10 May 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    24 May 2010 00:15:37


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    20 May 2010 06:37:18

    So do I.

    And Xaron, DJing techno does not count as listening to it.

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    20 May 2010 06:10:24

    Eminem thought that nobody listened to techno: he was wrong. I listen to techno!

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    19 May 2010 02:40:03

    I mostly listen to the same pop radio shit that every other average american listens to.

    But not that garbage.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 May 2010 02:01:39

    Judging the responses to your comment Tireless, I might just skip it. :P

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    19 May 2010 01:26:13

    the internet elitists of the two towers have never listened to any band that anybody else listens to, because we are too fucking busy being cool on the internet to enjoy such shallow and pedantic tripe

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    19 May 2010 00:45:33

    Die, Tireless.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 May 2010 00:34:55

    ......What the fuck is this shit

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    19 May 2010 00:34:03

    Almost tempted to youtube it, but I will resist.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    19 May 2010 00:33:46

    ...I also like Plain White T's quite a bit. I disliked them initially, but they quickly grew on me.


    Boys Like Girls:

    Plain White T's:

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    19 May 2010 00:10:33

    What are they about Sunflash? (I almost never listen to music honestly)

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    18 May 2010 23:00:15

    Bands like Boys Like Girls and Plain White Ts are what's wrong with women today.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 May 2010 22:45:43

    I do.

    Two is Better than One is a fantastic song.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    18 May 2010 22:22:05

    I bet Mathias listens to Boys Like Girls.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 19:58:21

    Or what westar said.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 19:58:12

    Tireless, the only problem is, even when you find fundamental issues with his argument incorrect, he just calls you misinformed or something else and will not admit it. Yes, I realize this is potentially possible for anyone, and everyone has done it. But at least a person in the power position should at the VERY least give it a thought instead of. NO I KNOW BETTER.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    18 May 2010 16:40:51

    Trying to discuss with someone who has the last word and already had his mind made up is a waste of time.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 May 2010 12:46:01

    I've gotten on Mathias' bad side more than once. In my experience, that situation requires only that one remain calm and rational, and know when to sit down.

    He does have some notions about what Towers ought to be. I don't think that if you fail to share these notions that he automatically labels you a demon. I have embodied the opposite of virtually every PK-related policy that Mathias has introduced, implemented or championed. I have argued with him as a mort and as an immort over most of them. I don't know how much he respects me these days, but I know that in our most recent discussion he treated me civilly.

    As far as I know, he doesn't whip out player statistics at every opportunity. I know that I brought the statistic up frequently (as did some others, including Sunflash when he introduced it) but I've not heard of Mathias doing so.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 11:30:33

    Frankly Tireless, yes, he tries to explain shit etc etc etc. But he does not have the capacity or common sense intelligence to administer a role such as power ESPECIALLY in a public format. It's very very apparent when you get on the 'bad' side of his for any particular reason. If you don't fit the perfect mold of what goes with his idealogies, you are the miscreant, devil, uninformed etc. Then he pulls out his quote of about thousands of users still play etc, not that funny but still usefull here. He does not care about the other viewpoints unless validated based on being forced too (IE: a higher ranker power/Melkor etc). And frankly, his actual vision and humanity (community/etc) aspects of type things is near the place you get sent to when a room breaks and you aren't in one.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 May 2010 09:21:16

    (Agreed that Salmar is a good PoL, based on the information I've got available to me. What ever happened to Pharazon? He seemed to pop out of nowhere, then disappeared again just as quickly.)

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 May 2010 09:20:32

    I'm skeptical of that claim, Lobo.

    I agree with Shabba, though, that Luthien would make a great power. Phenomenal people skills.

    Of the claim that Mathias shouldn't be interacting with users... I don't even know about that. I think his people skills are very good in many fields. I disagree with many choices he makes and I think he over-prioritizes some things which should be of lesser import, but when I approached him about new updates, ideas being implemented and the like, of all the Ainur I've ever asked, he gave the best feedback. He explained things to me in a complete, detailed manner which addressed every concern I was able to raise (even if I disagreed with the way he addressed the problem.)

    As far as I can tell, the only Ainu that really deserves our contempt is Melkor, for the reasons I've previously discussed.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    18 May 2010 09:19:31

    Luthien as PoL? Now that's just a joke. current PoL (if its Salmar!) is the superb choice

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 May 2010 02:00:32

    Morwen would rule behind the curtains if Luthien was PoL, you guys know it.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    18 May 2010 01:54:03

    Luthien would be the only decent PoL out of all the ainur that are currently OL+.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 May 2010 01:34:59

    Luthien? Fuck no.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 01:14:53

    You are right Tireless, I know for a fact Mathias did contribute a huge amount to the towers. But he has zero people skills and cannot see the big picture. I really like what Vazroth just mentioned. It's spot on about both of them. Both types can do great things and both can go the very wrong direction very fast if not in the proper facility. They really need(ed) someone who can do high level PR with the players and really get a real feeling of what is going on, stay involved etc. Someone like Osse (very sad about this still) would have been nearly perfect for the role but with a higher level of input after discussing with players instead of being most likely ignored like I felt he was often. Or someone like Luthien who is active now would be excellent choices. But alas, I don't mud because it's a great community and playerbase left. To be blunt, there are several times now you can see only 12 users online. Obvious signs there is only one intent of valinor now.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    18 May 2010 00:26:52

    Draugluin was a nice guy, and the saddest thing about all of the controversy and blunders which surrounded him was the fact he genuinely believed he was doing what was best for the MUD. He persevered with changes which were unpopular and damaging because he imagined himself as some kind of visionary who could see the bigger picture. It's difficult to reason with people like that, and doubly so when they're a friend and all you can do is watch them sow the seeds of their own demise. It's all played out a bit like a Greek tragedy in the end. He always had good intentions, though, even if that never counts for much.

    I've said before that I don't think Mathias should be in a position where he deals with users. I've been told time and time again by friends within Valinor that his contributions there are invaluable, but I don't believe they outweigh the asinine and unnecessarily stand-offish way he deals with people. He's like the guy you play Monopoly with who insists on following every rule to the letter and consulting the rulebook every two seconds. He drains the humanity out of things.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 May 2010 00:15:15

    I think you guys are forgetting some of the stuff Draugluin did because he's not around to remind you. It's not fair to say that Mathias is worse than Draugluin (or vice versa) - or that they're really that bad at all. Both (and, indeed, all Ainur, all people even) have and had their own failings. Their strengths and weaknesses lay in different areas, but comparing them is comparing apples and oranges. Both Mathias and Draugluin were powers, just as apples and oranges are both fruits. For some things, either one is bad (apples are bad if you have the shits and oranges are bad if your teeth are compromised, eg through cavities). For others, either one is good (apples are an excellent source of simple sugars and roughage, oranges have vitamin C). To say that apples are objectively better than oranges is utter stupidity.

    A better observation would be that you think that Draugluin was better about patrolling the comm than Mathias, or something to that effect.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 00:05:44

    If there wasn't lawlessness between the two sides, I can only imagine how many more times successful the change would have been. (make bp's control shop keepers etc instead of PVP).

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 00:04:26

    Draugluin had the uneviable fate of wanting to implement the largest failure of a system in the history of the towers assuming it would succeed and have it fail on him and having to deal with all the fallout, 'rioting', and other things. He little chance for success if any from the get go upon becoming power. His intentions were sadly fairly pure unlike some others who have come since.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    18 May 2010 00:02:02

    [new] Date: 17. May, 2010, 21:55:37 By: Sunflash

    I just assume that Pounder is a fucking idiot, lately.

    Naw, I was just drunk. I still didn't think Etrius was that bad or should be banned. And Sunflash, don't be sad just because some people don't really care what you say because you just rave on and on about stopping playing the game. At least I have attempted to suggest things to people in how the game could be better.

    [new] Date: 17. May, 2010, 23:10:56 By: Sunflash

    I've decided I liked Draugluin better than mathias.

    And not to mention you are way fucking slow, anyone with half a brain should have known this at least a year ago if not longer.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 May 2010 23:49:03

    Dunno if i can say the same. Although Draugluin never protected cheaters, he protected would-be cheaters with the 'hobbit project'

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    17 May 2010 23:10:56

    I've decided I liked Draugluin better than mathias.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 22:55:00

    Fun and light-hearted police state :P

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    17 May 2010 22:11:50


  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    17 May 2010 22:11:04

    that's the fun and light-hearted atmosphere

  • Author
    Damocles [legacy]
    17 May 2010 22:06:20

    I got a 30 min comm ban today for saying Mathias was Fyngs alt :)

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    17 May 2010 21:55:37

    I just assume that Pounder is a fucking idiot, lately.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 19:00:29

    I suspect that Pounder's intent may have been that there is a causal relationship between people being friends with Fyng and doing things which get one banned in-game. I am not really a fan of pre-emptive action, but that's the only way I can read Pounder's comment and be even remotely in agreement.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    17 May 2010 15:39:45

    I accept that I broke a rule. I should have realized what I was doing at the time, but I was a little drunk so my clarity was impaired. The observation about the arbitrary nature of the line between 'posting for someone else' and 'thinly rehashing their words' was just for amusement's sake. On a website where you used to get banned for making fun of a moderator's favorite guild, I think a temporary or even permanent ban for such flagrant disregard of an obvious rule is fair.

    However, I do think calling for someone to be banned and punished in-game just for being friends with someone you dislike is a little extreme, but fair enough Pounder. If being vilified by people I considered friends is the price of being sane, then stick it on my tab

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    17 May 2010 15:38:04

    Berrus 05/16/10 23:37 : Discussing the alts of Fyng on the comm. 'help multiplaying' A: You may not publicly discuss the existing alts of anyone. ... It also includes making what you think to be 'jokes' about such matters. Just don't do it.

    HP:230 EP:181$X> ^ (OOC) Esker: Hey Polis. Good to see you, old friend.

    ^ (OOC) Esker: (lol jk, I don't know who he is)

    Brianna says: just put a bag over her head.

    ^ (OOC) Esker: How are things?

    ^ (OOC) Polis: haha

    Brianna says: i need to go change some laundry, brb.


    You say, 'Ok!'.

    HP:230 EP:183$X> ^ (OOC) Polis: like my alts ever escape you.

    ^ (OOC) Polis: things are well.

    ^you have alts?

    ^ (OOC) Berrus: you have alts?

    HP:230 EP:179$X> ^ (OOC) Esker: (He's Fyng, obviously)


    ^ (OOC) Berrus: orly?

    HP:230 EP:174$X> ^ (OOC) Polis: what?

    ^ (OOC) Polis: i am not fyng!

    ^Hie Fyng

    ^ (OOC) Berrus: Hie Fyng

    HP:230 EP:170$X>

    Awesome. Best warning ever.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 May 2010 14:44:57

    Eh, he was given the ER->FR racechange after the brief time interval they had for everyone?

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 12:04:03

    I would complain about Aryl's special treatment, questtracker notwithstanding. I've never cared about the legend top stuff (I'd largely stopped playing by the time it was implemented) so if he were given an advantage there it wouldn't bother me in the least.

    My complaint is over the fact that Melkor gave more special treatment to Aryl, one of the worst behaved typists in the history of the mud, than almost anyone has received, regardless of their history of contribution or good behaviour. Aryl was given both a cross-side AND second namechange. Nobody else gets this sort of treatment, nobody. Aryl is a walking, talking example of the utter failure of the rule of law on T2T. Every time he logs in, every time he makes a new alt and every time he disrespects the game and community by everything he is and does he reminds us all that Valinor has subjective standards which are more likely to bend and sway in your favor if you don't bother even pretending to make an effort to obey them.

    I think that Aryl's critics need to keep their focus where it ought to be: Whether Aryl has an unfair advantage on legend top loser is irrelevant. The fact that he's here at all after what he's done is the injustice - his presence is a standing indictment against holding any rule on The Two Towers MUD in high regard.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 May 2010 11:43:45

    Well you can't just go ahead and take one person's word for it. While I was an ainu my method of coding was searching around for a piece of code that functions similar to what I need and modifying it to do what I want, rather than actually learning to make things from scratch. Anyways, I remember that at least once I ran across a readme that said it was ER exclusive and it specifically stated servants would not be able to do it. I remember that quite clearly for some reason, although I can't recall which quest it was. Perhaps it was changed since then, dunno. I'll be really surprised if there aren't more quests like that out there anyways... Whatever though, the answer really makes no difference to me :p

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    17 May 2010 11:13:13

    See? ;)

    So please, before you go all crazy on people for having an unfair upper-hand, check the facts. It's no such thing as upper-hand on the 'top quester' list. It's just knowing what to do, where to do it and when to do it.

    And yes Sunflash, i'm full of shit normally, but sometimes, i know what i'm talking about. ;)

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    17 May 2010 11:03:53

    servants can do LHBS, they just have to do the quest the evil way.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 May 2010 07:14:43


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 07:02:28

    So I guess the answer to my question was that yes, servants can do LHBS?

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    17 May 2010 06:15:59

    I can't think of any tracked quests that only ERs can do. It doesn't matter though, quests get added often enough that nobody's going to ever have them all.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 04:46:37

    Erm, Pounder, I was mocking Aryl with the second faux quote. They were examples, not actual quotes.

    And Vazroth, he's only blocked for 4d, not banned for life. I try to draw the lines in the sand as liberally as I can, but concretely. I think it's irresponsible to try and enforce a policy whereby people have to pretend that someone doesn't exist, or that they don't talk with said person... but at the same time, I do have an obligation to enforce the rules of the site and the bans associated with them.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    17 May 2010 04:39:59

    Oh oh, Aryl's comments remind me of early Quiauah stages. The long useless words to 'assert' his 'mastery' of the English language thrown in with some garbage that doesn't even relate to the initial passage of his comment. It looks like someone ran out of brain power and then reverted to being a herk. And I have nothing against RoI if anything have been a friend of them, but I think its time to ban Etrius from here and maybe some punishment on the mud for even considering helping that worthless cancer.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    17 May 2010 04:37:35

    I think it's a bit absurd that a few paradigms are the space between life and banning, but fair enough.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 04:29:45

    Can you guys see the difference between referring to what someone said and posting for them?

    'According to Aryl, there are no quests exclusively available to ERs except their level quests, and he was only allowed the FR set.'


    'Posting for Aryl: //'Shabba's vociferous repudiation of my supposedly affable treatment by the regulatory organization on the mud is ill-founded, as it is contingent upon apocryphal anecdotal malefactions on my part. His ubiquitous asinine stupefaction (if you'll forgive the pleonasm) is flagrantly in evidence via his below commitment to the errant allegation that there are extant quests accessible only by those of malevolent convictions. SAFOOMA think i care about ur nice mp? cry sum moar, Id rather grow a sac than a brain. Oh and fuck Tireless for banning me without any warnings, he's abusing his power to get at me personally because he's embarrassed about the time I lit a fire in his igloo and it melted.'// (DON'T BAN ME!!)'

    Now, can you guess which one is ok and which isn't? (Yes, the person who got a warning did in fact do the second.)

    I don't even have to do any interpretation of the rules to get my justification to prevent the latter case. Every single admin since the rules were written has enforced the rule in the same way (...though, now that I think about it, Ecidon would probably perm ban a person for doing that, while I only gave him a 4-day warning.)

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    17 May 2010 03:52:53

    sure thing, matey

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    17 May 2010 03:51:37

    I didn't want to be too confrontational. You understand, Kelevra, being as genial and pleasant a person as you are.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    17 May 2010 03:51:02

    ain't that tragic?

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    17 May 2010 03:47:49

    Well, I happened to hear from nobody in particular that there are no tracked quests that are reserved for evils only. In fact, I also heard that the only exceptions would be the 15 and 19 level quests. I also heard it through the grapevine that Aryl has completed those. I also, heard, believe it or not, that he's only allowed the 15 and 19 quests from the FR side. Imagine that.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 03:42:26

    Please review rules 2: Even though we prefer that everyone gets his own account, you are allowed to post for other players, given that a) You have the consent of the player you are posting for, b) The identity of the logger is made clear, **c) This is not used to circumvent blocks.**

    and rules 8: **The rules explained in sections 2-8 of course also apply for comments as well.**

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    17 May 2010 03:41:20

    If my comments are going to be removed, then I'd appreciate an explanation.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    17 May 2010 01:41:16

    Can servants do LHBS?

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    17 May 2010 00:56:35

    Well like I said.. there are plenty of quests that are for ERs only. Many of them don't let FRs OR servants do them.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    17 May 2010 00:42:14

    Norin's full of shit.


  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    16 May 2010 20:43:38

    If you compare to what you lose as serving free race, compared to what you can haul out of west arda. I wouldn't say you are on the winning side as servant.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    16 May 2010 19:46:36

    And the fact that serving ER's can still access West Arda alone is completely imbalanced. Serving means you don't have the same freedom which means you shouldn't have MORE power than regular FR's (PVP free access to mordor etc, helping your friends rape mordor while you protect them, etc.)

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 May 2010 14:04:37

    Im not going to elaborate on it any further really because it's alot of qi and stuff. But he does not have any upper hand on it just because he used to be a ER. It's not exclusive. One giant hint is being a Serving FR i suppose. I'm not adamant on this point, but i'm pretty sure i'm right. :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 May 2010 13:51:11

    Well, feel free to explain why that isn't the case..

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 May 2010 13:47:03

    Ok Shabba. If you think so. :)

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    16 May 2010 13:44:54

    It does. West Arda/FH quests don't count, but there are still plenty of quests not in those regions that are exclusively for ERs/FRs.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 May 2010 13:39:10

    Jakar, you are wrong about the top quester stuff. Aryl can be beaten or at least when he tops out, someone can have the same count. ER <-> FR changes does not give you the upper hand. ;)

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    16 May 2010 00:25:03

    let's sign a petition to hardban Mathias

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    16 May 2010 00:02:49

    Who said I was surprised? :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 May 2010 22:40:30

    If you are banned for various things and you CONTINUE those actions that got you banned in the first place, you should be perm banned (no warnings, nothing, at minimum immediate nuke). Maybe I lose 2-3 people I know that way but you also keep the environment much cleaner and better.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 May 2010 21:48:48

    I'm interested in what track record you think Salmar has, Pounder. The only decisions you disagree with coming down from Valinor were ones which were reversed by Melkor.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 May 2010 21:28:11

    It's not a service if i'm not getting paid!

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 May 2010 21:25:33

    Date: 15. May, 2010, 18:48:25 By: Jakar

    You can't beat him on top questers, he was allowed a racechange (er/fr) and servant changed after. Accept the fact that you won't top the list, ever.

    Jakar, why would you be surprised? The guy clearly doesn't give a shit about anything else and has no respect for the admin. I would be unsurprised if he had paid to get back on the game. Any self respecting admin would have long banned him permanantly. But at the same time, maybe we are actually doing the real world and other games a great service by keeping him from there? :)

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 20:16:00

    spha! Pounder, I heard often that my actions hurt t2t, still not believing it for a second.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 May 2010 19:48:34

    'I would like to see one guild person who has alts.' Westar you ass, do you have something against people who don't have alts??

    Secondly, Salmar IMHO does actually seem to be pretty fair about things. He actually seems normal when I talk to him but going by track record, its obvious that he's either still learning about everything or he won't enforce proper punishment to people that should be on at least one of their 2 'last chances'. I am guessing it isn't solely his responsibility or choice on the execution of punishment.

    Finally Westar, the worst kinds for places like this are those whose actions hurt the towers but conceal it in a (and even I will admit that aryl does this best) fake face of nicety. Most will not understand for a while why, until it usually is too late for the damage done.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 19:24:14

    Woo! A bit personal today Jakar? Never really understood the reason for all the hate build up in you. As for kissing ass, At least i'll never have to kiss yours then. :)

    Always gotten well on with Aryl, by the way but i don't see any of us kissing in any corners. don't know what arses you think i kissed, perhaps you will care to elaborate on that?

    I will have to agree a bit with you Lobo on your valid point about Mathias.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 18:48:25

    You can't beat him on top questers, he was allowed a racechange (er/fr) and servant changed after. Accept the fact that you won't top the list, ever.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 18:46:38

    Westar has been infected by Aryl, I'll forgive you. It's expected though, you always kiss ass to the dominate players, it's your game style.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 May 2010 18:24:42

    ash long as mathias is there, valinor can't be impartial or fair.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 16:46:34

    With Salmar as PoL i don't think one side has the ears of Valinor, I find him to be very impartial and fair.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 16:27:03

    the only solution left is to spree kill, get on it everybody

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    15 May 2010 16:22:29

    'Kelevra would you have made such a report if it was another person?'

    You don't need a clean record in order to snitch on other people. If all sides are snitching on each other then all people cheating should end up being punished. The problem here is that one side clearly has the ears (or balls) of Valinor, so it's not being dealt with properly.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:54:47

    I would like to see one guild person who has alts. There can stand forward and say they have never helped the guilded character with information’s they obtained by the alt, aid to that guild in some way, helped another member in that guild with an alt or something similar.

    I think the real problem is here are people wasting ainur time; people try to find dirt on people and then use the law system report to get that person nuked just because they hate that given person. Kelevra would you have made such a report if it was another person? Maybe someone in your own guild?

    [[I'm of course spotless clean]]

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:44:31

    i think what everybody forgot was that the things written under the help files in regards to the rules were actually a joke and that by following what is written under the rules is actually NOT what you are supposed to be doing. color us owned by the ainur on that one

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:43:43

    Guilds are not to be used as rotating

    safehouses/service-providers by all of your characters, nor are

    any of your characters allows to interact, donate equipment or

    assist a guild your main player is in.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:43:31

    With these new provisions, the administration hopes to not be

    involved in Player vs Player killing disputes any longer.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:43:26

    With these new provisions, the administration hopes to not be

    involved in Player vs Player killing disputes any longer.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:42:50

    Guilds are not to be used as rotating

    safehouses/service-providers by all of your characters, nor are

    any of your characters allows to interact, donate equipment or

    assist a guild your main player is in.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:42:44

    Guilds are not to be used as rotating

    safehouses/service-providers by all of your characters, nor are

    any of your characters allows to interact, donate equipment or

    assist a guild your main player is in.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    15 May 2010 15:42:38

    Guilds are not to be used as rotating

    safehouses/service-providers by all of your characters, nor are

    any of your characters allows to interact, donate equipment or

    assist a guild your main player is in.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 14:29:19

    Do nothing to appease Shabba, he is scum.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 May 2010 12:17:01

    It's not beyond the normal window size in my browser... how narrow do I have to make it? :P

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    15 May 2010 10:44:47

    Well, then i guess i misunderstood that response, my bad *shrug*.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    15 May 2010 10:43:31

    Its obvious the two love birds neither have any form of respect for the game and the ainur couldn't care less about that. :)

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    15 May 2010 10:28:36

    Well that's the thing. Judging by the comments on the law report as well as the report itself, there's nothing to say they ever went there anyway. That's just guesswork. I mean, yeah we have GB's reputation to go on but that's not to say every time something looks fishy there's a crime being committed.

    It wasn't a verbal warning, by the way.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    15 May 2010 10:12:47

    'The offending player has been warned of this behavior being

    against the rules and policy.'

    The problem wasn't that she mped, thing is that as i understand ainu response, she was told that what she did was wrong, not actually warned for it.

    And even if vials weren't used for resetting whip, they still shouldn't go to GB armoury.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 May 2010 09:14:24

    Tireless, your reformatted version of his comment still extended beyond the regular window size.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    15 May 2010 07:57:25

    Also, isn't there a way to make comments auto-wrap? Most places I go to these days have that feature for this very reason.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    15 May 2010 07:55:54

    Didn't Ulkhilyrh's alt kill Shelob that boot? It's easier to believe the vials were used on that rather than to reset whip with. Whatever anybody thinks of GB, they have to grant that the guild is more than capable of killing Galadriel when they want without needing to use their alts for it.

    Maybe I'm wrong since the warning was given, but the report and comments sound like a lot of assumptions were being made.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    15 May 2010 07:33:28

    Do not delete and repost any comments to fix linewrap, its a minor thing. This was not why you were given the rights to remove comments.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 May 2010 07:25:39

    And I think it's twattish and annoying, so I fixed the formatting. Using formatting to harass people so they'll feel the impact of your comments more effectively is a counterargument against my new policy which I have now heard, considered and rejected.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    15 May 2010 06:34:20

    My intention was to cause it because i believe it makes my 'hahaha' cause more impact.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 May 2010 05:30:32

    (If anyone disagrees with this practice, make your opinion known and I will consider changing my decision... though I think I am well justified in this.)

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 May 2010 05:26:22

    From now on, I am going to repost comments which cause side-scroll. I don't view this as a punishment (as I'm not removing anyone's content - merely reformatting it - and I'm not going to issue warnings for posting comments like that unless it's used as a method by which to harass me) so I don't require a rule to justify its practice.

    If I were going to refer to a rule, however, I would point to rules 1. It basically says that you are to post logs in such a way as to maximize the ease with which they can be read. I am extending my interpretation of this rule to include comments sections.

    Date: 14. May, 2010, 23:49:34 By: Lobo Remove

    Mathias dreams of a MUD with a fun light-hearted atmosphere. Could it be T2T? Someday. (Power)



  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    15 May 2010 04:53:10

    Fucking delete comments that cause side-scroll, Tireless.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    15 May 2010 02:58:47

    Well they've all learned their lesson now, obviously.

  • Author
    Kelevra [legacy]
    15 May 2010 02:42:29

    Report #: 3691

    Title: XY/ Ulkhilyrh MP

    Submitted by: XX

    Submitted: 03/14/10 23:29 (60d 20h 45m 10s ago)

    Last updated: 05/14/10 08:27



    3. You may not have more than one character in the same guild or

    clan. This includes having an alt invited into your other alt's

    guild for whatever reason. Guilds are not to be used as rotating

    safehouses/service-providers by all of your characters, nor are

    any of your characters allows to interact, donate equipment or

    assist a guild your main player is in.

    Today i've witnessed XY helping GB members at killing Galadriel. I am

    ready to believe it happened more than once that day (finds said of XY

    in gala tree before and when i went there galadriel was dead). It

    happened once at around 4:45pm (or 3:45pm, not sure cause of DST) and

    other time 2hours before that. It's obvious that Ulkhilyrh is her main

    char. I suspect that galadriel's vials were used to reset whip, which was

    later used by Ulhilyrh also. I can provide log if needed.


    --More--(66% line 24 of 36)--

    Comments on this law report:

    03/14/10 23:29: Submitted for discussion by XX.

    03/18/10 22:15: Comment by XX:

    Vials were most probably used to reset whip, which was later used by


    05/14/10 08:27: Comment by the Valar:

    The offending player has been warned of this behavior being

    against the rules and policy.

    05/14/10 08:27: Marked as resolved by the Valar.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    15 May 2010 02:03:43

    You have caused my browser to have a side-scroll bar. Die.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 May 2010 23:17:21

    Or exists at all that is.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    14 May 2010 23:17:09

    [new] Date: 14. May, 2010, 12:44:06 By: Formid

    It's actually a shame I don't still have Formid, I had originally intended my surname to be 'able'.

    [new] Date: 14. May, 2010, 12:34:10 By: Urban

    He's already banned me from surnames :p

    [new] Date: 14. May, 2010, 12:32:34 By: Formid

    Urban, change your surname to 'Sprawl' or 'Decay' and see what he does then :)

    Hahahahahahaa. Fuck, I was falling asleep a little bit at work from eating too much food and this definitely woke me up. Hilarious! Everyone knows Mathias (most likely due to being told to do so) is slowly trying to shut down the mud. This should not be a surprise at all to any of you. This is evident with the fact Osse is no longer a power. :(

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    14 May 2010 22:49:11

    I also found it amusing that the game preserves tellhist through logins now, so when I got on and idled yesterday I could see tellhist from whenever the winter olympics were where Mathias told me that there's over 5000 active players on the mud with nearly 1000 unique logins a day. As I keep saying, Valinor always has been and always will be everything that's wrong with this game. Shitbags.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 May 2010 20:01:01

    cry sum moar

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    14 May 2010 18:24:12

    u mad?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    14 May 2010 18:13:29

    'You know, if you're going to announce the answer it might be a good idea to check if it's correct first?'

    Not as good an idea as learning what a question mark is for before being an insufferable asshat, though!

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    14 May 2010 17:32:24

    Mathias is sadistic, instead of killing the mud with one blow he is doing it slowly.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    14 May 2010 12:44:06

    It's actually a shame I don't still have Formid, I had originally intended my surname to be 'able'.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    14 May 2010 12:34:10

    He's already banned me from surnames :p

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    14 May 2010 12:32:34

    Urban, change your surname to 'Sprawl' or 'Decay' and see what he does then :)

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    14 May 2010 12:28:41

    We said 'Eat shit' on the OOC comm and were banned for an hour on that channel. So we decided to talk about the reason we were banned and Mathias got all huffy and puffy so decided just to permacomm ban use from all channels...

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 May 2010 12:22:34

    What did you do?

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    14 May 2010 11:48:22

    Me and Mog got permacomm banned from ooc/fr/guild... Guess who from! GO ON, GUESS!!!

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    14 May 2010 10:34:41

    I idled in the bkd gh for like 4 hours at work today. I even left the gh for like 5 minutes but decided the game was still stupid and went back to talking to gnark.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    14 May 2010 10:15:17

    I just heard that Baklen logged on today. What the fuck man, you need to tell me what's been up with you and show me some pictures of you cracking heads.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    14 May 2010 06:32:15


  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    14 May 2010 02:53:05

    yes, it's bleach.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    13 May 2010 23:34:13

    ... guys... chemistry isn't my forte, but that's bleach, right?

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    13 May 2010 22:44:46

    You know, if you're going to announce the answer it might be a good idea to check if it's correct first?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 May 2010 21:41:21

    Sodium Chlorate? Could've probably just googled it you know Loot :P

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    12 May 2010 23:17:31

    I actually meant Rx. It was pretty late.

    And Clorox is a brand name of the substance described there.

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    12 May 2010 14:53:08

    Px is probably like rx except canadian

  • Author
    Loot [legacy]
    12 May 2010 12:59:39

    Not sure what the Px is. But NaClO, Sodium Clorox? or some salt based crap. Here I am trying to sound smart but failing misrably.

    Still I am learning on how to construct sentences to appease Tireless.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    12 May 2010 09:23:55

    The following is a tested and approved method for treating yourself if you think that you have Herkism:

    Px NaClO 50cl 2x/d

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    12 May 2010 08:39:22

    How many steps total?

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 May 2010 23:16:45

    it's the first step in the process unherkifying yourself!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    11 May 2010 20:05:11

    I am afraid I have to agree with Lobo...

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    11 May 2010 15:46:33

    Aries > all

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    11 May 2010 14:16:14

    Nobody who picked a 'sac' over a brain did, Mirnac

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    11 May 2010 12:20:19

    Aries > Cancer

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    11 May 2010 11:48:05

    This comment section is now about CANCER

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 May 2010 09:47:57

    Nobody considered he might have been full?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    11 May 2010 08:20:37

    I log off, and you go die Kelevra. Do i have to watch over you at all times!? *sigh* :p

    Quick kill!

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    11 May 2010 08:06:50

    Urban, kelevra had 3 rounds to drink vial :). Plenty of time...

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    11 May 2010 08:05:25

    No loot, FRA are fighting the herks (AKA: 'cancer of the mud' or 'sac over brain' or nevermind).

  • Author
    Loot [legacy]
    11 May 2010 07:57:56

    Ooh. So FRA are still fighting GB?

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    11 May 2010 07:14:16

    To be fair, he had no time to drink it :(

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    11 May 2010 06:26:49

    Seems he paniced on typing 'drink vial'. Ouch Kelevra gotta be good :P