its been a while sence i've seen a 7person bang

Posted by
Cyron [legacy]
23 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Oh well, Mordor is mordor. Names edited for content


  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    05 February 2002 06:31:34

    My kills were as you recall mainly with Grump only or by myself. I don't need no 7 man gangbang to kill pricks. However, due to your critiscm I think I will! Muahahahh! not.

  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    30 January 2002 06:26:21

    you worked out a new char cause he couldn't think of his own? bullshit, spartan was played by someone completely different. all he does is copy people and then abuse the fuck out of it. how fuckin hard is it for him to make up chars when he has or has had 16 of them?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    25 January 2002 20:54:04

    Spartan, get some new material already...I don't leave my guildhall? For the past 45 rl days I haven't left so much. But that's cos I don't have hours and hours and hours on end to spend here any more. You do, and you need to think to yourself whether that's a good or bad thing. Only leaving the GH to PK? Well son, that's called Wartime. PKs failing? Well, when you're fighting a guild of players who know what they're doing, who have the best armoury in the game, and who are expecting to be attacked, I'd LOVE to see you succeed every attack. My interest in active mudding has gone. I'm turning to my political skills to be a part of the Rimsilval RC. If you consider someone not having the same priorities as you as grounds to insult over...then sue me. At least I can leave my GH without abusing almost every bug I find. If Baklen can get hardbanned when he's such a decent guy, imagine what could happen to a slimeball like you.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    24 January 2002 23:00:44

    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I only counted 5 attackers. Yea, 5 people attacking 1 person in a party in mordor suck, I know from personal experience, but he was in a 4 or 5 person party himself.

    *shrug* I could be wrong I thats what I read in log.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 January 2002 21:46:05

    Oh,btw, a good name is Spartak (not Spartan, this sounds like an adjective:P).He was the leader of the mutiny of gladiators in Rome.He was of Tracian origin, from the tribe Medi.The Tracs were known as the best gladiators at the time.The old gladiators who taught newbies were mostly tracs - a long lived gladiator is a good one.And I'm red haired like the tracs:P Don't steal my name, bum:P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 January 2002 21:42:13

    I just pointed out the similarity in this case.But Tars was a swooped char for sure.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    24 January 2002 21:23:01

    Ruiniel..You really need to do a bit more research before you start flinging around accusations of so and so is a transfered character. I have a log of Spartan asking me over icq what a good char name is. Then we worked out Spartan together. That on icq is still playing the char Spartan.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    24 January 2002 21:10:19

    Dormin said 'I guess the new mentality on hte mud is if I can kill XXX number of people...'

    I seem to remember your chars with highly inflated numbers behind their names, you seemed to enjoy the numbers game as much as anyone else.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 20:37:06

    Shit, like I dont already know I suck? I just figured since he was missing me so much and the hits weren't really hurting me that bad...that I would walk home :)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 20:37:04

    Shit, like I dont already know I suck? I just figured since he was missing me so much and the hits weren't really hurting me that bad...that I would walk home :)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 January 2002 19:59:02

    Wasach, don't post anymore things like I alias from Rivendell... and he losses me.' It shows only how much you suck.Even Klouse with his 'get maxed' theory wouldn't say this.

    Anyway, Tarn sucks.But don't give him reasons to think he's cool:P

    PS: I suck too.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 January 2002 19:13:41

    Josef, you knew Spartan and now he's not himself.Just the same way I used to know Tars and one day he arrested me all of a sudden.How was I supposed to know he had changed his typist.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 17:23:01

    Never said I was the greatest player BB. However, I am not a newbie and your welcome to come find out anytime. I got caught unawares and died, I let my guard down and paid the what's your point?

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    24 January 2002 16:12:27

    Hehe tarn, wasach got lost in caras... hmm that's funny... Duniv got lost in loth warcamp and caras and died to solo attempt each time... that was a good laugh :-)

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    24 January 2002 15:52:14

    Mizrahi got me thinking about this, and I don't think I'm the only one either. I'm more prone to leave myself open when 2 people attack me then I am when 5 people attack me. You see 5 people you hit the fastest fucking huntbreak you can and work with it. You see 2 people you start thinking of a way to turn it around on them, and if you're not careful, you lets see more 2 man kills! :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    24 January 2002 15:34:37

    Of course your not a newbie Wasach. You only got lost in carchost and died. Which was funny.

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    24 January 2002 15:27:01

    I thought it was pretty cool, nice to see some slaughter now and then.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    24 January 2002 13:25:12

    Haha! What a silly log. I remember those tactics. people calling me to join their 2 pk-parties so they would be 10 people. If you are killing lvl 16 people, use your skills not gangbangs. And if your skills fails *shrug* it was in Mordor after all.

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Callif [legacy]
    24 January 2002 11:03:09

    sings, 'Hate is in the air!'

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    24 January 2002 06:32:53

    If no one else knew this, I thought i'd point out that Wasach is by far the least skilled person to post on this string. If you dont believe me, look here:

    I'm just getting annoyed because he talks like he knows what hes talking about when in actuality hes just another newbie.

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    24 January 2002 04:56:06

    adfasdasdf! Gazza, you have no room to talk, you suck, you don't leave your guild unless to pk, but you always fail your pks! You attack me in Bree? Jesus!

  • Author
    Mysticivan [legacy]
    24 January 2002 03:56:51

    this log is fucking gay with the name editing and calling it a 7 man when it's only 5 just a bunch of newbies

  • Author
    Cyron [legacy]
    24 January 2002 03:42:37

    I take some offence at being called a newbie, but from the D-man....i guess its not to bad, but i still dont agree.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 January 2002 00:53:28

    Remove the question mark Tarn because you have attempted me solo or atleast brought a nobody friend with and you failed. Need I dig up the log and post it here? I would but it shows no skill whatsoever. I alias from Rivendell to Rhos, Rhos to Loth, travelto Loth to Edoras and lost you somewhere before I crossed the Anduin. So give it a rest ok.

    You may have not noticed because your to busy seeing red but it took how long for the piddly-ass 1K contract Duniv put up for you to be completed? You might also notice that I HELPED ganbang you, your a blip Tarn. I wouldn't even remember you today if it wasn't for Duniv and Korzan.

    You dont like 'ifs' thats fine but dont act all big and ballsy when you aint got a dick to fuck with. But by all means, if all you can do is gangbang, go equipp yourselves with every unique in the game, gather 10, 20, 1000 of your closest friends and come get me. Whatever point you think to make my calling me names and threatening me isn't working and it never will. To bad Baklen, Rendor and the other cool Durms haven't rubbed off on you.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    24 January 2002 00:16:41

    Well, Wasach, you did help gangbang me. Thats why I have something against you. Also, I really don't see what is the problem with how many people you use so long your target is dead. Why would i try to take you solo Wasach? Your a warrior. I'm sure I could, but I don't like 'ifs' so I bring along another person to help. And you die. So its all good.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    23 January 2002 22:57:37

    yes, I have an alt in durms and what did I do when this whole mess started? I hibernated wow so you still didn't make a point there. I never said you weren't good I said I lost respect for you when you joined a group of fags like that. With the exception of manni and korzan maybe a couple of more the whole guild's a bunch of noobs

  • Author
    Cyron [legacy]
    23 January 2002 22:47:22

    In responce to everyones opinions negitive opinions on this log:

    It was worth it if only to hear you bitch and moan.

    to everyones positive ones:

    I love you all

    TO me: i'm a dumbass, I cant count

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2002 22:09:47

    Snorts, man, yah And I called you friend dormin and where is your alt? he is in d urmanhoth. WHO the hell cares what guild anyone is in that doesn't mean shit. If you all want to crappen on my skill. Go click on the word baklen and look at those logs and tell meif morpheus is a newbie, if westar is a newbie, shit I got another 160 logs not posted, oh alkizdin is a newbie? oh shit I hit him as well. Man I proved myself long ago its not my fault half of your assess weren't payen attention. Anyways To comment on amruin's nice placers 1, snorts ive killed them, 2 when was the last time turk left edoras? oh yah he attempted me. *snorts* I give credit to westar though he is cool. To bad he gets no credit. But I salute you westar keep amruin pumpen.

  • Author
    Lanka [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:58:11

    wow what a show of true power.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:16:15

    Hmm, I was just a little bored, so I guess I better comment on durkin making a little fun of amruin... well of course .... every guilds has easy kills. But think about it... amruin isn't a bunch of easy kills... Look at it... they have some old dirty players that you can't trick very easily :P

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:04:20

    ha! nothing beats when I was banged by 9, 7 old

    klokers :P That was something ;-)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:02:58

    i forgot to add that those nobody characters would be NUKED nobody characters.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    23 January 2002 21:01:37

    spartan i suggest you revise your mode of address for people that are worth 1000000000 of you (i.e. Morpheus).

    ***I don't care to hear about your whining nor probably does anyone else.

    ---Well *I* don't care to hear your holier-than-shit attitude. And I can GUARANTEE a multitude of others don't either. Like cheaters like YOU can come here and think you have a voice of substance...cheating only proves one thing - that you don't have what it takes to play the game fairly. At the end of the day, all you're gonna amount to is from five to fifteen 10-30 day old nobody characters.

    Let me knock this into your neanderthal cranium one more NOT treat Morpheus like you are better than him. You are NOTHING compared to him.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    23 January 2002 18:04:39

    Well, I look at the people doing the killing and I can see why it would take 7 of them to kill one mere level 16. And yes, we all know that Spartan most likely Aranuir so who gives a damn how he cheats or multiplays he does it gets nuked finds a new character blah. It's just a newbie version of Marthaon because he's not worth the time it takes to write a legend. I remember hearing stories of long before my time about BB, dravin, and greats like marsellus. I assume the fact that the majority of people who obtained legends were assassins or at least the ones most commonly remembered. I guess the new mentality on hte mud is if I can kill XXX number of people and attempt to make people fear me by using 7 man gangbangs I will be remembered on this mud. I had so much respect for Baklen until he joined yalls little cult of newbie killing now it's just like oh durms did another gangbang and blamed the persons death on some far out reason like they had waxy build up in their ears so they needed to die. (Durkin would probably use this reason as well but he can actually solo kill :) crazy mofo :P)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    23 January 2002 17:17:37

    I love you all!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 17:02:16

    Tarn, do you have some kind of specific problem with me? Lord knows you can't take me solo, which is why you have had the help of Korzan, Therigion or some other Durm with mad skillz to counter my infinite pK experience.

    Did anyone hear me whine about how we need a lawsys in Mordor? Did anyone here me bitch about how this went down? My comment was a pure rant about NOTHING! I just dont want Trempk to get all the attention, you waste of space. I love the way you just toss 'mordor is mordor' out there like that MAKES it LOOK like you know what your taking about. Of course this was mordor you fool, it was in the log descripton :) Everyone knows what happens in Mordor.

    Go to school, get an education and learn when someone is fucking around. Jeez there are some ignorant motherfuckers around these parts!!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    23 January 2002 16:50:25

    Man who started this shit with editing logs. its pointless. *blahs* next thing we'll have edited longs so people don't feel stupid. When they die. ooops tolate.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    23 January 2002 15:33:24

    Hmm, not very cool... actually wind should have gotten away with the skills the hunters shows there...

    And spartan wtf happend to you... i knew you like a totally different person before... now you have become a fucking multiplayer and master cheater... that the fuck is all that about...

    I hope the powers will undo my hibernation soon so I can wield my short sword once again...

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    23 January 2002 15:06:38

    Morpheus, If you don't like the logs, then don't fucking come to this page ANYMORE! I don't care to hear about your whining nor probably does anyone else.

  • Author
    Morpheus [legacy]
    23 January 2002 14:18:01

    Ok, I usually refrain from posting comments on these damned logs, but... I mean, where to start?

    (1)You didn't even gangbang WELL. I mean, he didn't die in the room you started in. It took more than one round. What kind of seven man gangbang is that?

    (2)You don't even have the cojones to post your real names up here, because you don't want retribution or are ashamed of this ganbang? Then don't post the damned log!

    (3)If you're gonna hide the names, at least hide them WELL, dammit.

    (4)If you're gonna gangbang, and think it's ok, then just do it. Don't post half-assed lame defenses of THIS ganbang, like 'Mordor is Mordor'. Lawlys schma-less. Since when are gangbangs about lawsys issues (all that Mordor changes)?

    (5)Don't spam us with this SHIT. It's not even a good log, aesthetically OR technically. Not clean cut with colors, and certainly not good enough to warrant wasting your time posting it. Maybe if you had wiped out the whole party...

    (6)Why the hell are your (not just you) logs always of killing some halfway decent player? It's not like you caught some player who is uberhard to kill or anything.

    (7)Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of shitty, ho-hum logs being posted on a place by people to show that they can piss further than other people? Isn't this a place for logs of merit, skill, luck, or humor?


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 January 2002 13:46:08

    Nah Wasach, 2 people is by far enough to take you down. Oh, and Mordor is Mordor. If you dont like it, dont go to mordor. But hey, maybe you guys can whine enough and make lawsys work in mordor. But that would be just dumb.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    23 January 2002 13:00:39

    *grr* Damn colorless logs .. I can't find 7 attackers here .. Guess this lack of color is confusing me ;-(

    I see 5 man attacking and this sly Foxxx who doesn't seem to attack or ? . . and who is man number 7 ?

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    23 January 2002 10:55:32

    no, the party was 5 amruin, they could done it with 2 :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    23 January 2002 10:29:39

    I am going to shoot for a full on massacre. The next time someone tries to collect on those 1K C's that keep popping up on me every uptime, I am hoping they bring 9 friends. That has got to be the best, 2 full parties trying to kill you. If I need to insult and degrade more people, I will certainly do my best to oblige all you lame dick motherfuckers who judge their self-worth by how many pK's they can get in a fucking MUD because they are about fucking worthless 2 inches from a PC keyboard. Btw, if I missed anyone its because your not fucking worth more of an effort then me acknowledging the fact that you a waste of chemical compounds used to make your shit-eating, MUD-loving, carcass.

    ps. I will leave wimpy on and run around at ND to make it easier for all you gangbangers out there to kill me. I know I know, you all need as much help as you can get.

    pps. If you want RL pictures of me, your girlfriend keeps one in the little shrine in a secret room behind her bed because only I can truly satisy her.

    ppps. Your mom has a shrine for me also.

    Now how about that 10 man gangbang?

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    23 January 2002 08:34:31

    For fucks sake, it was a 5 person party! you had to have at least 4 otherwise you'd get raped.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    23 January 2002 08:00:20

    I'll have to agree with Vallejo.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:51:38

    7 man gang and you go for a level 16....that's not very cool you realize.

  • Author
    Divaust [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:47:28

    Damn, That's Some Gangsta Shiet Right There!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:41:33

    I just hope I warrant a 7 man gangbang for all my complaining. That would be something.

  • Author
    Wind [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:41:09

    I like to say WheEeeeE!!! and note i got lazy putting wimpy off =)

  • Author
    Paladinz [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:39:54

    The cast of this fantastic log:

    Psycho ... Asterion

    Huntmaster ... Spartan

    Momma stabber ... Jerf

    Crazy Killer ... Grum

    Foxxx ... Foxxx

    Cyron ... Cyron

    This log was a co-production between Durmanhoth and Meglivornth. Props to them for a marvellous display of both manpower and organization.

  • Author
    Cyron [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:32:17

    Is it just me or do you complain about everything. ::Cyron points out to you that Mordor is MORDOR.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 January 2002 06:30:42

    That was sad, if he would have had wimpy off, he would have gotten away. 7 man bang, thats just lame, even for mordor.