
Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
23 June 2010 00:00:00
Player Kill

Also a little older.


  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    04 July 2010 04:00:23

    I now know who the author of those spam emails is.

    Big bells massive umbrella cock unit horny staplers telephone are status getting bigger Tireless cryptic sodomy massages computer teabagging hobbits dickless rendezvous

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    03 July 2010 06:35:47

    I couldn't believe it when I heard they lost. :P

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    02 July 2010 18:03:05

    Been sayin' it. Netherlands will win the cup.

  • Author
    Lucky [legacy]
    02 July 2010 17:53:13

    Just stopping in to say:

    NED- 2

    BRA- 1


  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    02 July 2010 04:49:18

    well i said it so of course it is true and of course it makes sense

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    01 July 2010 21:51:07

    Now that was an awesome comment Draimon. Only because its so fucking true. :P

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    01 July 2010 18:55:14

    herks cant post logs because it would show them multiplaying, the rest of arda cant post a log because they are idle or golding to get to level 27, so please dont bother them with things like pk or rp.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    01 July 2010 15:04:06

    Someone let me know when they're planning on posting a new log so we can have a release party and make the proper arrangements.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    30 June 2010 15:55:50

    And that must have given it massive trama.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    29 June 2010 06:10:37

    I think you should know that when I had that song memorized, I sang it to a real life llama.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    28 June 2010 19:41:58

    here's a llama

    there's a llama

    and another little llama

    fuzzy llama

    funny llama

    llama llama


    llama llama







    llama llama



    llama llama


    i was once a treehouse

    i lived in a cake

    but i never saw the way

    the orange slayed the rake

    i was only three years dead

    but it told a tale

    and now listen, little child

    to the safety rail

    did you ever see a llama

    kiss a llama

    on the llama

    llama's llama

    tastes of llama

    llama llama


    half a llama

    twice the llama

    not a llama



    llama in a car

    alarm a llama



    is THIS how it's told now?

    is it all so old?

    is it made of lemon juice?




    now my song is getting thin

    i've run out of luck

    time for me to retire now

    and become a duck

    -Jaron, 2008

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    28 June 2010 02:45:52

    Fuck you, you soft eared pussy. Vuvuzelas rule.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    28 June 2010 02:06:44

    Fucking horrible Sunflash.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    27 June 2010 23:44:08

    I logged on T2T yesterday and they had vuvuzelas.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    26 June 2010 09:13:08

    I might name my daughter Baitlia.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    26 June 2010 08:57:45

    If you think that's why Hirgail left, you're even more of a moron than I thought you were.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    26 June 2010 07:25:32

    Are you serious? Bitch, you be reachin like some jive ass motherfucker.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    26 June 2010 05:29:14

    You act like it's your first.

  • Author
    Yoana [legacy]
    26 June 2010 05:23:31

    I ate a penis today

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 June 2010 04:03:51

    this log made hirgail depart from Arda permanently

    Date: 20. Jan, 2005, 8:10:20 By: Porphyria


    Poor little Hirgail, you were too beautiful for this world:(

    Still pretty funny:(

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 June 2010 04:02:35

    Date: 19. Jan, 2005, 11:42:35 By: Gabriel

    if julius and raqtor were here they would get 20maned and they would shut up and leave after that. in this situation only the result (hirgail dying) counted. nothing more. pking isn't nearly as easy as it used to be. maybe if all the vials phials brewals and shitals were removed leaving only flask (the silver one wich takes 2 rounds to hit) then solo kills would be way more often. the administration made this mud the way it is, they made us resort to gangbangs like this one to do something efficient. especialy against people like oracle (a complete 0, ZERO, NULL, whatever you want) in this game because they abuse lawsys and unexperienced players to show their skill. then perhaps when we get them to level 14 and unable to actualy harm anyone, everything will be ok again. if none of us gets nuked for levelbashing.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    25 June 2010 15:20:47

    Why, I mean most of the people. I don't want the mud to exist FOR THEIR BENEFIT, I want it to exist for mine.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    25 June 2010 09:47:33

    escape goats on tv

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    25 June 2010 07:45:04

    Or maybe with more capital Os.

    Hi everybody!

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    25 June 2010 07:44:23

    But that is only a hypothesis since it is highly elusive and never been photographed in it's native habitat.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    25 June 2010 07:43:40

    I think a flying fuck would be more like..


  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    25 June 2010 00:58:51

    Anyways I think that was his impression of a flying fuck.

  • Author
    Shabba [legacy]
    25 June 2010 00:58:20

    Tireless your comment box was extended one centimeter on each side more than the others. Die.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    25 June 2010 00:34:02

    Lol, ok Everlast.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    25 June 2010 00:19:27

    not me though. i rap like black jesus

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    25 June 2010 00:15:10

    Tireless makes more sense than half you fuckers.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 June 2010 23:38:58


  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 June 2010 23:33:00

    that's an expression I've always found to be funny: flying fuck

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 June 2010 21:52:46

    Unwashed is the new uneducated? :)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    24 June 2010 20:19:17

    He's a champion of the people until he finds out that the people could give a flying fuck and won't be throwing him a parade. Then they're just ignorant unwashed masses.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    24 June 2010 20:13:30


  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    24 June 2010 19:39:47

    And this is the (penis thinking) mud you wanted to save with your (amazing) blog, Winnie??

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    24 June 2010 19:20:10

    draimon, you can't seriously think the mud got brains to find cruice after he announces on comm? they think with their penis (virtual)...

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    24 June 2010 19:18:32

    I like the part where Cruice often types ^legend blah before they're actually dead, just so if they do die he can be sure the entire mud community legends them as a ghost and before they rez. If that's not desperate for attention, I dunno what is.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    24 June 2010 17:42:46

    and rome has a small penis

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    24 June 2010 17:42:28

    the brilliant part of this log is where you are full. with 35 hp and 60 ep. in mordor, letting everybody know you just killed gambrinus on the comm to feel good about yourself. most people would probably say LOL kewl. find cruice. CRUICE IS IN MOMRDOR, LETS GO TRY HIM REAL QUICK, AND THEN YOU WOULD GO OMG I GOT PKED BECAUSE IM A DIPSHIT THAT BRAGS ABOUT MY PK INSTEAD OF WORRYING ABOUT SURVIVING BECAUSE I CANT THINK THAT FAR AHEAD. luckily though when you are competing against like 7 people who arent idle you can get away with ^legend /_____/_, while in a danger area and 30 hp and full heals

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    24 June 2010 17:31:14

    Long live the Bethagan!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 June 2010 16:24:53


    Date: 20. Jun, 2007, 15:50:41 By: Jasumin Remove

    A guide to MUD insults.

    The first and most common type of insult is that one sucks as a player because they're not as involved in the pk game. It apparently doesn't matter whether the intended victim actually sucks at the pk game or not. This is supposed to be a dire insult indeed.

    Example: 'You are such a clown. Instead of whining about being killed, why don't you do something about it? You can't. You're just a pathetic newbie.'

    The second type is the 'real life loser' insult. Pretty straight forward here. Oddly enough the person using this insult often has no clue about the insulted's real life. They just assume, often using stereotypes and sweeping generalizations.

    Example:'You just act like that because you're ugly in real life and your father beats you with his penis.'

    The third type is the Has-been/Never-was. Very similiar to the first type of insult except that a lot of times the person conceeds that the insulted was good once. Used a lot when players have been at the game a while and are less interested in T2T than they once were.

    Example: 'Now, youre just someone who sits in their guild all day and runs their mouth because you wish you were half the player that Sza is.'

    The fourth type is the implication that the victim has gay/bestial/incestous relations or that a female player is a whore. Alot of times it's unclear whether they mean real relations or in-game ones.

    Example: 'You were too busy having buttsex with Razey, a sheep, and your own mother to know what's going on in the world of t2t'

    Exhalev's last post was brilliant because it managed to hit all four of the most common MUD insults into a single post.

    Of course, there's more insults...I'll get to the rest when I have a little more time.


    People like Lethe and Pallasch trash talking.


    'If you really think that's what bugs me, you're even more of an assburger than I thought.'

    - Hirgail, June 2007

    'You really, honestly don't believe what you type, do you Exhalev? You can't...'

    - Pallasch, June 2007


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    24 June 2010 15:56:24

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 June 2010 13:12:27

    I'm aware it's not on your list of posted logs, but the fact remains that this log has already been posted. Whether it was removed or posted by someone else, I don't know.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    24 June 2010 10:39:23

    It's not on my list of posted logs.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 June 2010 08:17:20

    You already posted this.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    24 June 2010 06:52:32

    That would give this log an avg rating of 3, rome. And since it's a herkie log, that's unacceptable. Pure 1.

  • Author
    Rome [legacy]
    24 June 2010 03:08:59

    So, lets inquire about a character centric rating system:

    Gambrinus - 5

    Cruice - 1

  • Author
    Rome [legacy]
    24 June 2010 03:06:58

    Looks like Gambrinus would much rather fight than run. Solid style.