The real face of Meglivornth.

Posted by
Cruice [legacy]
03 August 2010 00:00:00

One of many conversations he initiates.

[05:13] Twofoot told you: whats wrong cant find it ;)
[05:13] Twofoot told you: asshole
[05:14] You told Twofoot: lol, you have nothing to say after I kill 3 of
            your members.  Now I get rid of a unique just before boot and
            you're all cocky?  HAHAHA get your head out of your ass.
[05:15] Twofoot told you: not members anymore
[05:15] You told Twofoot: You must be retarded, or just have no idea what
            you're talking about
[05:16] Twofoot told you: cocky?... no they got their ass handed to them far
            worse by me than by you...yet still you are an asshole
[05:17] You told Twofoot: Haha, yes I'm the asshole that kills your whole
            guild.  You are correct.
[05:18] Twofoot told you: 3 idiots does not a whole guild make numb nuts
[05:18] You told Twofoot: Good thing I've killed way more than 3 shit for
[05:19] Twofoot told you: you were in the party that broke the treaty and
            killed me... no denying you are all a bunch of ass fuckers
[05:19] Twofoot told you: yeah i forgot... you love the cock
[05:19] You told Twofoot: HAHAHAHA,  you broke the treaty 5 times before
            that happened FIVE.  Stupid fuck.
[05:20] Twofoot told you: not once...
[05:20] You told Twofoot: Man you really need some mental help.
[05:20] Twofoot told you: for making a treaty with you...
[05:20] You told Twofoot: You can't even carry on a coherent conversation.
[05:27] Twofoot told you: why dont you move out of your momma's basement and
            get a job...thats what men do... boy!
[05:27] You told Twofoot: LOL, you really really are retarded, because
            nothing in that sentence was even close to true.
[05:28] You told Twofoot: What are you 46?  Trying to insult people who are
            20+years younger than you and fail miserably because you are
            partially mentally retarded?
[05:28] You told Twofoot: Yea, that's what I thought.
[05:28] Twofoot told you: what do you do for a living then... other than
            suck balls?
[05:29] You told Twofoot: I go to college and have a job.  It looks like you
            mud for a living.
[05:29] Twofoot told you: what job?
[05:29] Twofoot told you: cmon big man lets hear it
[05:30] You told Twofoot: lol, it's a part time job "big dumbass" I go to
            college too.
[05:30] You told Twofoot: YOu know college..  That education you didn't get
            and never will?
[05:30] Twofoot told you: what is it... you flip hamburgers

[05:30] You told Twofoot: College?
[05:30] You told Twofoot: It's an education I just told you dumb fuck.
[05:30] You told Twofoot: and my job is in retail.
[05:31] Twofoot told you: retail...LOL
[05:31] Twofoot told you: clerk at a mall kiosk
[05:31] You told Twofoot: Even if I did flip burgers.  I'm sure it's more
            exercise in one day than you get in a month.
[05:31] You told Twofoot: Man you seriously are fucking retarded.
[05:31] Twofoot told you: i can press 240... how bout you
[05:32] Twofoot told you: and i am 49
[05:32] You told Twofoot: HAHAHA internet tough guy...  I can press 240 with
            my cock, how about that?
[05:32] You told Twofoot: 49 get a life.
[05:33] You told Twofoot: Just so you know, I am recording your tells so I
            can show everyone how fucking retarded you are.
[05:33] Twofoot told you: my life is pretty good
[05:33] Twofoot told you: i own a small telecommunications comapny... and
            mud in my spare time
[05:34] You told Twofoot: Did I ask about your life?
[05:34] You told Twofoot: No I didn't.
[05:34] Twofoot told you: you would do well to listen to me sonny
[05:34] You told Twofoot: No thanks, I don't want to have a brain lapse.
[05:35] Twofoot told you: because this... your fantasy of college... your
            living with your mommy...its all going nowhere pal
[05:35] You told Twofoot: LOL
[05:35] You told Twofoot: Holy shit, you really really must be desperate. 
            This is actually pretty pathetic.
[05:36] You told Twofoot: I mean you're totally right, college doesn't help
            at all.  Fuck it, I mean look at how far you've come!.
[05:36] Twofoot told you: what is your major?
[05:37] Twofoot told you: did you have to think on that...look it up on the
            web... you have never come close to a university you moron
[05:37] You told Twofoot: Just to satisfy your weird, obsessive, curiosity
            of my life.  It's Cyber Security.
[05:38] Twofoot told you: cyber security as a major...LOL
[05:38] You told Twofoot: *moron*  Says the guy who is insulting my real
            life, when you have no idea about it, because hmm....  I killed
            your guild mates?  Damn.
[05:38] You told Twofoot: Pathetically pathetic.
[05:38] Twofoot told you: one of those 6 week colleges thru the internet?
[05:38] Twofoot told you: as seen on TV?
[05:38] You told Twofoot: No, I actually attend classes.  I don't take
            internet classes.
[05:40] Twofoot told you: good luck with your career as a cyber security
            major...should get you a job as a security guard at
            walmart...bout what id expect
[05:41] Twofoot told you: move out of your mommy's house... let her get on
            with her life
[05:41] You told Twofoot: Good thing your expectations are really low and
            not even close to that field.  This is sad, I've had better
            arguments from a 12 year old on Call of Duty about who had a
            better killstreak.
[05:44] Twofoot told you: i hod a masters degree en mechanical engineering
            from the University of Michigan... you go to internet college...
            piss off
[05:45] You told Twofoot: Which proves my point of you being incoherent and
            possibly semi-retarded.  1.  I said I didn't care about your
            life.   2.  I already said I don't take internet classes.  You
            must be on some really strong drugs.
[05:46] Twofoot told you: means i have forgotten more than you will ever
[05:46] You told Twofoot: Oh.... my.... god....   I really really hope you
            are just acting stupid as an attempt to get under my skin,
            because it scares me to think that someone can actually be that