*** This is a private server. Only registered users may join. *** If you're a registered user, identify yourself by sending *** a private message that says: identify  Connected to host t2tmud.org _____ _____ __| |___| | ^^ . . . | _/ \ . . ^ . | |_| |_| | | / \ /\ . ^^^ \ / / _/ \_ . /^^| /~~~\_ | | / / \_ /^^^^\__ . /~ ^^^ \ | |_| | / _/ \ |~ _ \ _/ \_ | | / / \/ /_\ \ /~ \| | | __/ _/ _/ _-\ \/ | | __ __ | _/ / / \ / | | | | | | | / The / / \/ __/ | | | | |/ Two / _/ | | | | | Towers _/ / | | | | | __/ ==| |__| |__| | _/ ===__| | _/ ===== / | / ====== = _/ | ___/ ==== == == / | __/ ===== / The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8 Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers. Your name? You chat to R, 'identify password' *** Users: Jewel Qfm Mithgil Warrax Greg  *** Hi! I'm R, the chat server. To see a list of helpful commands, send me a message that says "help". In zMud and Mushclient: #chat r help In Mudmaster: /chat r help ********** ANNOUNCEMENT ************ Qfm is in charge now! ***************************************** You were last online 7m 27s ago. esker Password: password Reconnected. (HP:230 EP:228) [ROV] comm hist Last 20 comms are: [562] ^ Bakal: Moral of the story, don't make fun of ainur, they have thin skin. They get insulted easily and often retaliate with too much force. [563] ^ Warrax: Mathias is a special ainu [564] ^ Scatha: each of us is special in our own ways [565] ^ Tanar: so very true [566] ^ Bakal: I imagine he had an overprotective mother, you know, the kind that wouldn't even let him play football during recess and shit. [567] ^ Warrax: He loves to argue and provoke players though [568] ^ Warrax: Sometimes I think he does it so they would get pissed off and nuked in the end [569] ^ Bakal: So now, given a tiny bit of power... an internet game... he takes out his revenge on bullies from high school :P [570] ^ Warrax: He watches anime [571] ^ Warrax: And his favourite thing to do back in the day was to enforce 'theme' on the main comm [572] ^ Bakal: He's like that red haired cop in every town in Iowa. [573] ^ Draugluin: Those of you falsely blaming others for Pounders issues are starting to get on my nerves. Please stop it. At least, on this channel. [574] ^ Bakal: I'm not blaming anyone for Pounder's issues. Those are his issues. I'm just commenting on Mathias. [575] ^ Bakal: You know, my general opinion of the guy. [576] ^ Bakal: Like, on a scale from 1 to 10 he's a negative 2. [577] ^ Tire: Draugluin: If you piss someone off by tormenting them, and then they do something inappropriate, you share in the responsibility for their actions. [578] ^ Dorf: He wasn't the one that nuked YOU, though, was he? [579] ^ Draugluin: I'm not going to repeat it, I thought it was pretty clear what I said. [580] ^ Bakal: Whee. --More--(95% line 20 of 21)-- [581] ^ Crusaderr: congratulations to Impy, Armand and Athin you now all have a shot at the title (HP:230 EP:229) [ROV] ^ Laefang: hmm we should have a wake ^Haha. ^ Esker: Haha. (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] comm list Tuned to the comm line are: Aliah, Ardilion, Aslak, Bagronk, Bakal, Belnik, Belshazzar, Beraldir, Carmel, Chelios, Cordox, Crusaderr, Dorf, Doronoth, Edzin, Eomar, Esker, Finrod, Giro, Hoshkebosh, Hypieran, Karkandor, Laefang, Madeye, Mathias, Mazen, Mitharazon, Moandor, Paraiko, Percival, Qfm, Rathmar, Ravathir, Sasari, Scatha, Seeker, Slot, Somnus, Stareagle, Tanar, Tire, Tuluin, Warrax, Yvo (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] who a The Two Towers Finrod (Maia) Camus was born slippy (Lord) Scatha's a sexshooter, shooting love in your direction (Overlord) Mathias ponders the next step forward. (Overlord) Drogian (Power) Draugluin, Werewolf of Angband (Power) Total ainur: 6 Total users: 73 (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] ^ Belshazzar: Wonder what pounder is going to do with all that free  time ^ Eomar: haha ^Perhaps he'll get some work done at this "job" he always muds from. ^ Esker: Perhaps he'll get some work done at this "job" he always  muds from. (HP:230 EP:224) [ROV] comm list Tuned to the comm line are: Aliah, Ardilion, Aslak, Bagronk, Bakal, Belnik, Belshazzar, Beraldir, Carmel, Chelios, Cordox, Crusaderr, Dorf, Doronoth, Edzin, Eomar, Esker, Finrod, Giro, Hoshkebosh, Karkandor, Laefang, Madeye, Mathias, Mazen, Mitharazon, Moandor, Paraiko, Percival, Qfm, Rathmar, Ravathir, Sasari, Scatha, Seeker, Slot, Somnus, Stareagle, Tanar, Tire, Tuluin, Warrax, Yvo (HP:230 EP:224) [ROV] Edzin has idled too long. Edzin left the game. ^ Eomar: nice way of looking at it :P ^ Scatha: create a level 1 of course. ^ Belshazzar: When I reach 100d, I'm leaving you all. ^ Tuluin: he already has, lol ^ Laefang: naa, he'll slowly go crazy from the mid numbing tedium  of it all and start taking prozac soon, then it's a quick decline  into alcoholism and finally prostitues at weekends and jail ^ Eomar: hey i want that too ^Also known as the 'Aodh method.' ^ Esker: Also known as the 'Aodh method.' (HP:230 EP:224) [ROV] legend aodh Aodh NeoRayne the edain Master Thief (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 6d 21h 49m 30s Aodh has recorded a life story. Aodh is a servant of the Dark lord. Info: So look me in the face when you point the barrel down (TB) (HP:230 EP:224) [ROV] ^ Laefang: and it's only a few insults away ;) Autosave. ^ Bakal: What the hell is livery anyways? ^ Tire: Worthless. ^ Warrax: We should post poetic logs on the log page that seem to  say nothing obviously but tell all subtly. That would be akin to how  my people back home deal with a lack of freedom of speech. ^ Tire: It's a piece of code which actually has literally no  value. ^ Warrax: Somebody log on a silenced char and log 20 lines of  'grovelling' and post it :P ^ Qfm: I will begin composing a collection of haikus. ^ It doesn't have much practical application. ^ Esker: It doesn't have much practical application. (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] ^ Bakal: What is it!? :P ^ Tire: I propose all guilds boycott livery. ^ Bakal: PLZ EX:ALIN WHTAT IT USI OMG THSX ^ Tuluin: a guild thing where you trade in armour for a more  durable less defensive piece of armour ^ Qfm: It's kind of like an armourtrader, except you trade in a  top-level armour item for something far inferiour. ^ Qfm: I don't buy the 'more durable' bit as the item we  purchased degraded faster than what was traded in. ^ Bakal: Hmm. Clownlike on all levels. ^ Tire: (aka a completely useless piece of code) ^ Drogian: It greate has RP value. ^ Drogian: Erm. ^ Dorf: But self-designed. I rarely use boots or gloves, but  now can design my own if I wish, even if they aren't too great. ^ Drogian: It has great RP value. ^Careful, everybody. We don't want to get banned from our Guilds. ^ Esker: Careful, everybody. We don't want to get banned from our  Guilds. (HP:230 EP:224) [ROV] ^ Tire: Drogian, I have dropped shits with more RP value than  liveries. ^ Drogian: Tire, you're the best! legend tire Tire the silvan Henchman (Angelic) On for: 1h 57m 39s Gender: male Age: 2d 9h 16m 8s Can be mailed: Tire@Bree Info: Pounder was nuked at 23:18 09/19/06 Bring Pounder back!!!! (HP:230 EP:226) [ROV] ^ Bakal: One time I took a shit and I thought it looked like  Draugluin. ^ Draugluin: Haikus are pretty annoying. ^ Bakal: but it was just a turd. ^ Qfm: The thing is, they don't have to be only for RP value.  If they were brought up to levels of protection and durability much  closer to what you trade in, I don't think anybody would complain. ^ Eomar agrees ^ Qfm: The gulf is however rather wide between what you pay for  and what you get. ^ Qfm: This isn't whining, this is constructive criticism. ^ Warrax: The Pounder of drums, Punched through a very thin skin,  A big mushroom cloud ^ Drogian: Qfm, that all depends on what type of eq you trade in  :). ^I don't think roleplaying and playability should be mutually exclusive. ^ Esker: I don't think roleplaying and playability should be mutually   exclusive. (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] ^ Draugluin: I think the fundamental disagreement might be whether  its good for the game that guilds have access to their own,  high-quality, special armor. And not just for RP purposes. ^ Bakal: Warrax, that was beautiful. ^ Eomar: hauberks mostly Drogian and dark mail shirts ^ Qfm: I've only found two items I can trade in for high-level  chest armour, and one of them I can't really get normally because  it's in ERlands ^ Eomar: ok i know more is possible ^ Tuluin: why would it be so bad for people to have  hauberk/carapace like eq, that they quested, with a different  description? ^ Draugluin: I was there when the person who thought up livery  dreamed it up: it was never, honestly, supposed to be some pkilling  incredible tool that others would salivate at. It was instead simply  supposed to allow a guild to have a 'uniform' for RP, if they wanted.  And if they didn't want, more power to em. ^ Dorf: Well, it's only "their own" if they go out and quest the  prototypes, Draug. ^ Eomar: and i do believe it would become better or could become  better in the future with some amendments ^ Qfm: Nobody's asking for guilds to get armour that is better  than what they are questing. ^ Dorf: Nothing gets better, but I don't see an inherent balance  in having it get worse. *** Warrax has disconnected. ^ Dorf high fives Qfm. ^ Qfm: We're just asking for armour that is comparable to what  we are questing. ^ Draugluin: This is my personal opinion: But personally, I think our  (ultimately, my) fundamental mistake was that we didn't remove guild  armour as a separate act, to show the point a little more clearly. ^ Warrax: Does that thing degrade armour? ^ Bakal: To be honest, when I lie awake in bed at night, all I've  dreamt about for years was the ability to describe my own armour... ^ Bakal: Just kidding, I'm not Carver. ^ Laefang cringes at the thought of looking at a personalised  carver... ^ Tire: How many guilds actually have livery? I want to know. ^ Bakal: I have basketbal to play. Later bitches. [ Bakal has left The Two Towers ] ^ Warrax: I have food to eat ^ Qfm: Honestly, I think it probably would have been -easier-  to code a livery system that just changed the description of armour  that covered certain areas than to have this much more complex  system. ^ Crusaderr: we probably have one, however I have no idea :P ^ Laefang: plus can you imagine the emotes on the weapons he made?  "Carver gracefully slices the air above your head and shouts in  westron "Ye evil may have evaded me this time but with the power of  manwe i will slay thee all"!!! ^ Warrax: He also examines blades of grass a lot ^ Qfm: My guild currently has a livery room that we never use,  because hauberks are pretty much all you can trade in for an item  that is worse than sturdy armour. ^ Warrax: Maybe looking for some shrooms ^ Warrax: To build himself a cloudy mushroom soup Laryn tells you: a dragon longsword is now on sale as lot 182, minimum bid 110 gold FRESH ^ Warrax: Er, cook ^ Warrax: I am tired ^ Warrax: bye! Warrax left the game. l You have entered a dimly lit room with a warm, home-like atmosphere. You are surrounded by dozens of comfortable cushions that are scattered across hard, wooden floorboards. A window provides the main source of light by the sun or moon, but a large wagon wheel that hangs suspended from the center of the ceiling by a heavy iron chain holds a candle at each spoke, providing a smattering of mood lighting in the evening. A tapestry hangs above a set of double doors leading southward towards the bar, another behind the spiral staircase. A message board is attached to the wall near the west exit that leads out of the tavern. To view the guild's hitlist, type 'hitlist'. You may 'sleep' in this room. The only obvious exits are south, down and west. Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) The board of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim [24 posts] A wooden ballot box (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] who The Two Towers Tanar AxeSwinger the dwarf Crime Lord (Angelic) (free) Jewel Rose Luna the silvan girl with kaleidoscope eyes (free repairs) (free) Esker the dunlending Supervillain (Shadowspawn of Fangorn) (free) Paraiko the dwarf Battle Lord (Demonic) (guildmaster) Qfm the sindar Conspirator (guildmaster) Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) (guildmaster) Total friends and enemies and guildmates: 6 Total users: 68 (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] ^ Draugluin: Does anyone know the other name for the Battle of  Unnumbered Tears? Nirnaeth Arnoediad? Is that how its spelled? Razor appears from the shadows. Razor enters the game. You chat to R, 'hist' ^ Qfm: Each month it pulls 10,500 in additional rent. Last 200 (of 5423 total) chats: (You can use "hist <#>" to see the last # items or "hist -" to see a range of chats) ============================ [ 12:38AM ] Vildoran: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c223/mornaner/000awkeg.jpg [ 12:39AM ] Qfm: heh [ 12:39AM ] Mithgil: haha [ 12:39AM ] Vildoran: such an awesome picture :P [ 12:41AM ] Mithgil: Fimbu says he won't be logging on while he's at school :P [ 12:41AM ] Vildoran: That bastard! [ 12:41AM ] Qfm: Well he can't really, right now, since he doesn't have his zmud license on that comp :P [ 12:41AM ] Qfm: I told him he would be changing his tune when those new hampshire winters rolled around [ 12:41AM ] Josh: Why is Ezra gone? [ 12:41AM ] Qfm: WoW [ 12:41AM ] Qfm: He plays every spare minute he has, basically [ 12:42AM ] Mithgil: How many level 60 characters does he have again, like 19? :P [ 12:42AM ] Josh: What the hell happened to caber? [ 12:42AM ] Qfm: He's more addicted to it than he ever was to t2t [ 12:42AM ] Josh: did he suicide? [ 12:42AM ] Qfm: yeah [ 12:42AM ] Mithgil: Last time Ketan logged on T2T he's like, 'I miss you guys, seriously' [ 12:42AM ] Qfm: And then he logged off after a few mins :P [ 12:42AM ] Mithgil: Yeah :P [ 12:52AM ] Josh: Son of a [ 12:52AM ] Josh: did they change the level 5 quest? [ 12:52AM ] Vildoran: and the level 10 [ 12:52AM ] Josh: how different are they? [ 12:54AM ] Qfm: completely [ 12:54AM ] Josh: gah [ 12:54AM ] Josh: GOllum used to be a good source of 300 gold too [ 1:37AM ] Mithgil: Weird, my bittorrent bandwidth just dropped to 0 [ 1:37AM ] Qfm: What are you downloading? [ 1:38AM ] Qfm: actually your bandwidth to me fell off just now too [ 1:38AM ] Qfm: But it looks to be back [ 1:39AM ] Mithgil: Yeah [ 1:39AM ] Mithgil: Only some connections stopped [ 4:04AM ] Mithgil: Greg??? [ 11:08AM ] Josh: yarrrr [ 11:08AM ] Qfm: ahoy [ 11:13AM ] Qfm: hie ezra [ 11:13AM ] Caber: HI QFM DID THE LINUX THING WORK?!?! [ 11:13AM ] Josh: omg [ 11:14AM ] Qfm: Actually I haven't tested it yet. [ 11:14AM ] Josh: Hi caberino [ 11:14AM ] Caber: I'd call you a fucker, but if I can take 3 weeks to change one line of code, you can take a few days to test it. [ 11:14AM ] Caber: Hi Joshie! [ 11:14AM ] Qfm: Next time R has to go down I will try it [ 11:15AM ] Caber: Nukes? [ 11:15AM ] Caber: Or what's up? What people? Fill me in! [ 11:16AM ] Qfm: Pounder got nuked [ 11:16AM ] Qfm: No joke [ 11:16AM ] Qfm: War with Durmanhoth! [ 11:17AM ] Josh: well caber [ 11:17AM ] Josh: I got stood up [ 11:17AM ] Qfm: In a big way, too [ 11:17AM ] Josh: Yo Greg, who's Elendur? [ 11:17AM ] Greg: I changed my legendinfo in honor of your birthday, Caber. [ 11:18AM ] Caber: Aww, thanks. [ 11:18AM ] Caber: How'd Joshie get stood up, and why was Pounder nuked? [ 11:19AM ] Greg: I don't know anything about Elendur, except that he seems like a bit of an idiot. I killed him a few weeks ago and he seemed to think it made me a terrible player. [ 11:19AM ] Qfm: Nuke Reason: grossly inappropriate attacks, slurs, profane insults [ 11:19AM ] Caber: Interesting. [ 11:19AM ] Qfm: continued pattern of behavior, too many warnings/bans [ 11:29AM ] Qfm: I'm downloading the animated xmen series that used to be on saturday morning [ 11:29AM ] Qfm: I bet I'm going to think it sucks now [ 11:29AM ] Qfm: Back when I was about eight or nine I thought it was the best show on saturday morning! [ 11:31AM ] Caber: Ok, bye for now. It feels awkward chatting here during class, now that some dude has sat down right next to me. [ 11:31AM ] Qfm: HE IS ASHAMED OF US [ 11:31AM ] Greg: THE LEGENDINFO GOES BACK [ 11:32AM ] Qfm: I just asked Carver what he thought about the mail :P [ 11:32AM ] Greg: Brace yourself. [ 11:42AM ] Qfm: Carver tells you: OOC: There's no doubt that we consider Durms a threat, as always, but this may be overkill for a guild that fields three, maybe four, active members at best. [ 11:43AM ] Qfm: Carver tells you: OOC: In fact the last call to war against the Durms resulted in more sitting than action because there was no one online to fight [ 11:43AM ] Josh: hahaha, still persisting with that OOC business [ 11:44AM ] Greg: Explain to him that his signature would be symbolic of a united FR front. [ 11:49AM ] Qfm: Seriously, should I just tell him that? [ 11:49AM ] Greg: Yes. It's what I intend to say. [ 11:53AM ] Qfm: KotN has ceasefire with durms [ 11:53AM ] Greg: Really? Why's that? [ 11:54AM ] Greg: Do you think KoTN will fall apart now Pounder is gone? [ 11:55AM ] Qfm: Probably, although they've been golding heavily the past day to make rent. [ 11:57AM ] Qfm: I should have killed Korf last night when I had the chance [ 11:57AM ] Qfm: I was tired and lazy tho [ 12:05PM ] Qfm: still here! [ 12:05PM ] Greg: Oh! [ 12:05PM ] Qfm: there were two of me :P [ 12:12PM ] Greg: Who's Tanner? [ 12:17PM ] Warrax: hi [ 12:17PM ] Josh: hi [ 12:18PM ] Josh: is you... good? [ 12:18PM ] Warrax: yeah [ 12:18PM ] Josh: excellent [ 12:18PM ] Warrax: a friend of mine had a laptop stolen from his room last night [ 12:18PM ] Warrax: while he was sleeping [ 12:18PM ] Greg: What has happened to Canada lately? :( [ 12:18PM ] Warrax: don't know [ 12:18PM ] Warrax: This is messed up [ 12:19PM ] Warrax: the laptop was by his bed and plugged in [ 12:19PM ] Warrax: the thief walked into his room and stole it from beside him [ 12:20PM ] Josh: Who started that ridiculous Assassins of the world divided clan? [ 12:20PM ] Josh: Do any of you guys remember? [ 12:20PM ] Warrax: did you guys see Pounder got nuked? [ 12:20PM ] Greg: No. I missed it. [ 12:20PM ] Josh: I saw it [ 12:20PM ] Greg: I'd like to have seen it. It sounded dramatic. [ 12:20PM ] Warrax: he was 10d old short of 1y [ 12:22PM ] Qfm: It wasn't on the comm or anything [ 12:25PM ] Qfm: Matrim tells me KotN went neutral in the war because of vault and activity [ 1:01PM ] Warrax: haha, that log that nyx posted is awesome [ 1:02PM ] Qfm: OH MY GOD [ 1:02PM ] Qfm: hahaha [ 1:03PM ] Warrax: that's a kick ass log :P [ 1:13PM ] Warrax: I love exploiting this to make VC look bad :P [ 1:14PM ] Warrax: class! [ 1:14PM ] Warrax: bye! [ 1:14PM ] Josh: bye [ 3:19PM ] Qfm: I was looking over the flier for adult evening classes [ 3:19PM ] Qfm: there are two different classes for japanese cooking [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: I am [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: delirious [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: again [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: with [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: no [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: sleep [ 3:19PM ] Warrax: :))0 [ 3:19PM ] Qfm: why? [ 3:30PM ] Warrax: so I get two hours of sleep and go to class [ 3:30PM ] Warrax: and 10 minutes into the class, when the prof writes the first definition [ 3:30PM ] Warrax: some jackass pulls the fire alarm in the entire fucking building [ 3:31PM ] Warrax: I could have slept until noon :P [ 3:40PM ] Qfm: I've been looking over the Linux From Scratch documentation [ 3:40PM ] Qfm: And I'm thinking to myself [ 3:40PM ] Qfm: WHY WOULD ANYBODY DO THIS?! [ 4:38PM ] Warrax: hey matt! [ 4:38PM ] Warrax: here? [ 4:38PM ] Qfm: Yeah [ 4:38PM ] Warrax: check out pictures of kittens on my facebook! [ 4:38PM ] Warrax: my friend's cat gave birth like last month [ 4:39PM ] Warrax: three kittens! [ 4:39PM ] Warrax: they're cute [ 4:39PM ] Warrax: I'm going to adopt one [ 4:40PM ] Qfm: I don't really care much for cats :P [ 4:40PM ] Warrax: :( [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: but they are sooooooooo cute! [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: the small ones [ 4:41PM ] Qfm: kittens are kinda cute yeah [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: they fit in your hand! [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: they were the size of a palm when they were born [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: now they're like triple the size [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: after a month [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: opened their eyes last week [ 4:41PM ] Warrax: and now barely walking [ 4:50PM ] Qfm: Firefox, using over 110 MB of RAM [ 4:50PM ] Qfm: LAMMMMMMME [ 4:57PM ] Qfm: hahahah omg look at slugz' response to 1909 [ 5:02PM ] Qfm: hahah [ 5:13PM ] Warrax: Rathmar says in Westron: Hold on, I'm making fun of french people where you can't hear. [ 5:13PM ] Warrax: whatever that means :P l You have entered a dimly lit room with a warm, home-like atmosphere. You are surrounded by dozens of comfortable cushions that are scattered across hard, wooden floorboards. A window provides the main source of light by the sun or moon, but a large wagon wheel that hangs suspended from the center of the ceiling by a heavy iron chain holds a candle at each spoke, providing a smattering of mood lighting in the evening. A tapestry hangs above a set of double doors leading southward towards the bar, another behind the spiral staircase. A message board is attached to the wall near the west exit that leads out of the tavern. To view the guild's hitlist, type 'hitlist'. You may 'sleep' in this room. The only obvious exits are south, down and west. Razor Blades the dunlending Sharp Guy Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) The board of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim [24 posts] A wooden ballot box (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] petition list # Petition Title Status #yes #no - #agedy #agedn new 60 Forging Expansion tovalinor 130 5 3894 71 83 custom equipment tovalinor 92 13 2544 341 105 More slings/belts tovalinor 106 17 2778 717 149 Suggested Headbutt change tovalinor 83 18 2377 445 229 Petition Status tovalinor 74 10 2601 227 491 Improving poses tovalinor 88 9 3135 229 * 501 Storage for spears tovalinor 69 11 2631 699 * 504 Scrolls at the Auction tovalinor 49 11 1828 541 * 637 . tovalinor 72 20 2071 707 697 Comm Colours tovalinor 41 7 1382 213 735 Two handed weapons tovalinor 43 14 1815 729 738 languages: add "(N% fluency tovalinor 28 14 861 602 872 Boating Past Minas Tirith tovalinor 59 6 2594 166 1082 ER/FR Color highlighting tovalinor 48 10 2163 530 1092 Sniffer hunt and party says tovalinor 38 9 1843 553 1132 Combat Arms tovalinor 55 3 2798 88 1866 Attackable/Unattackable waiting 24 33 1200 1567 * 1871 Mafia game waiting 10 51 171 2855 * 1873 saddlebag waiting 47 2 2456 38 * 1874 Dark/Light ring. tovalinor 60 4 2692 325 1875 Moving of Horses waiting 49 1 2555 8 * 1878 Kill Records tovalinor 73 8 3272 434 --More--(48% line 23 of 47)-- 1879 Armour traders. waiting 59 2 2585 18 * 1880 Retrieving in the darkness. waiting 37 14 1759 882 * 1881 Nuke News? tovalinor 73 7 3026 513 1882 . waiting 19 19 841 1143 * 1883 Kitchens! waiting 50 6 2638 231 * 1884 Hibernate for Hours waiting 40 21 1687 1233 * 1885 combat, who? waiting 62 3 2640 334 * 1886 Fix 'legend top' lists. tovalinor 68 16 3122 732 * 1887 Wimpy waiting 18 28 915 1451 * 1888 Wimpy redux waiting 5 30 235 1336 * 1889 hanging keys waiting 39 3 1927 308 * 1891 Lower EP For Finds waiting 6 43 255 2287 * 1892 Sorting Books waiting 52 0 2733 0 * 1893 Revise Bounty Costs waiting 66 14 2515 381 * 1895 Change reboot time to 4d-5d waiting 63 9 2764 309 * 1897 Battlepoints and etc. waiting 34 16 1542 1315 * 1898 Moria lattice changed waiting 3 45 253 2348 * 1899 Alingment at Title waiting 6 38 138 2079 * 1902 Stopping Combat waiting 5 26 203 1552 * 1903 Riot evil races waiting 5 42 254 2027 1904 Orc racism waiting 17 23 967 1062 * 1905 Top levels tweaks waiting 7 14 339 788 * 1906 Gold Transfers waiting 26 13 1316 630 * --More--(97% line 46 of 47)-- ^ Tuluin: sounds pretty close 1907 help multiplaying waiting 15 17 836 557 * (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] petition read 1906 # Petition Title Status #yes #no - #agedy #agedn new 1906 Gold Transfers waiting 26 13 1316 630 * Petition created on 09/18/06 18:43: This petition proposes that Servant Guilds be made unable to transfer gold to FR Guilds, and vice versa. When I suggested this idea on the comm, someone inferred that it would be thematic for one victorious Guild to demand reparations from their defeated opponent, but I feel this is a moot point and inapplicable to the war we have on T2T, where neither side is motivated by financial gain and both sides are encouraged to be in a state of constant and unyielding conflict. In addition to being grossly unthematic, the present system is open to abuse. Banning such transfers would reinforce what it means to take a side, as well as curtailing any potential multiplaying. +++ From Athin (Mon Sep 18 2006) P#1906: Hmm.. Taking a side? Being an fr is not taking a side at all. It is quite possible to be an impartial fr, and even in some ways an 'evil' fr. Why --More--(60% line 23 of 38)-- should guilds that are evil, but for one reason or another, do not serve Sauron, be catoregized as good? They should not. This petition is pointless. Abused? I don't see any way for this to be abused that this petition fixes. Sure, one guild can transfer to an alt guild..but this petition doesn't remove that ability, it just limits who can abuse it :). It isn't unthematic. It can be, but simply because something can be unthematic doesn't mean it should be curtailed. +++ From Avarice (Tue Sep 19 2006) P#1906: I was going to comment... Then Athin took all the good ones. <3 Athin. (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] legend tuluin Tuluin the silvan Bow singer (Angelic) On for: 1h 20m 43s Gender: male Age: 20h 25m 16s Info: Reluctantly, you grip the bow as a cudgel. (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] ^ Moandor: yes thats it ^ Draugluin: Thanks. ^ Eomar: i thought removing of guild armour had very much todo  with the option to create custom role playing armours through usage  of liveries Draugluin ^ Eomar: which point were you referring too? Laryn tells you: a cat-hide pack is now on sale as lot 183, minimum bid 110 gold FRESH Laryn tells you: a dark runed battle axe is now on sale as lot 184, minimum bid 120 gold ^ Qfm: Those of us with guild armour (which cost I think 150k to buy) were given a livery room (which I think costs less) in return. ^ Tire: So right now I count VC, GG, NiA, and KotN with liveries. Are there any others? Laryn tells you: a dark runed battle axe is now on sale as lot 185, minimum bid 120 gold FRESH! ^ Crusaderr: I think we have one I'm not actually sure ^ Scatha: given? for free? that's pretty generous ^ Crusaderr: I've never actually seen anything from one :P ^ Eomar: yes, so when you get rid of it, you should get your  guild armour back then? ^ Qfm: That's like taking my wallet and giving back my driver's  license, Scatha ^ Qfm: You make it sound like nothing was lost :P ^ Scatha: well I know one thing, you'd be a lot more pissed off if  you weren't given your license back ^ Dorf: Similar to our guild foods being taken, then bought back  at less effectiveness and higher prices. ;) ^ Qfm: Well, the other difference in my analogy is that in this  case, the thing being taken away has no value to you. It's not like  my guild armour was any use to YOU. ^ Qfm: So it's not like you gained anything by taking it away. Autosave. Laryn tells you: a Dragon staff is now on sale as lot 186, minimum bid 175 gold Fresh! l You have entered a dimly lit room with a warm, home-like atmosphere. You are surrounded by dozens of comfortable cushions that are scattered across hard, wooden floorboards. A window provides the main source of light by the sun or moon, but a large wagon wheel that hangs suspended from the center of the ceiling by a heavy iron chain holds a candle at each spoke, providing a smattering of mood lighting in the evening. A tapestry hangs above a set of double doors leading southward towards the bar, another behind the spiral staircase. A message board is attached to the wall near the west exit that leads out of the tavern. To view the guild's hitlist, type 'hitlist'. You may 'sleep' in this room. The only obvious exits are south, down and west. Razor Blades the dunlending Sharp Guy Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) The board of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim [24 posts] A wooden ballot box (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] who The Two Towers Tanar AxeSwinger the dwarf Crime Lord (Angelic) (free) Esker the dunlending Supervillain (Shadowspawn of Fangorn) (free) Razor Blades the dunlending Sharp Guy (free) Paraiko the dwarf Battle Lord (Demonic) (guildmaster) Qfm the sindar Conspirator (guildmaster) Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) (guildmaster) Total friends and enemies and guildmates: 6 Total users: 70 (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] legend me Esker the dunlending Supervillain (Shadowspawn of Fangorn) On for: 31m 1s Gender: male Age: 13d 7h 24m 14s Can be mailed: Esker@MinasCitadel Esker has recorded a life story. Info: It takes a gentleman to suffer ignorance and smile. (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] legend razor Razor Blades the dunlending Sharp Guy [ Idle for 5m 49s ] On for: 5m 58s Gender: male Age: 85d 17h 7m 52s Can be mailed: Razor@Bree Razor has recorded a life story. Razor is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: Who needs a shave? (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] legend korf Korf the dwarf Exterminator (Impartial) Korf is sleeping peacefully. Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 1d 15h 26m (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] legend gm The legendary guildmasters are: Dalkar (Aina Amarth) Ellsabiea (Amruin) Azer (Baruk Khazad-dum) Rambler (Beornings) Lordevil (Corsairs of Umbar) * Rathmar (Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim) Devinius (Galadhrim) * Qfm (Glorglas) * Esteban (Gondor's Vengeance) * Dorf (Gwaith-i-Mirdain) * Dreadson (Knights of Dol Amroth) Elk (Knights of the North) Lupin (Meglivornth) Larso (Michel Delving Mathom Society) Narden (Nar-i-Anor) Hart (Preservers of Tharbad) Etrius (Rangers of Ithilien) Scapegoat (Ranhoth) Athin (Sons of Ulfang) * Paraiko (SotPotUASFoR) Amearn (Udungul) Mute (Unknown) Azarael (Unknown) Carver (Valacirca) (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] ^ Scatha: I dunno, I'm not really vested in this issue. Your  wallet and drivers license mean little to me. legend catrin Catrin Ruazair the dunedain Llafn Gwaig [ Idle for 5m 8s ] On for: 3h 26m 34s Gender: female Age: 43d 13h 59m 52s Can be mailed: Catrin@Lothlorien Catrin has recorded a life story. Catrin is a member of the Gondor's Vengeance. Info: Snyder tells you: snyder is a pimp isnt he (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] legend snyder Snyder the dunedain Crime Lord (Demonic) Snyder is sleeping peacefully. Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 15d 22h 22m 42s Can be mailed: Snyder@Erebor (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] ^ Crusaderr: What if he took a nice picture? ^ Draugluin: Cash means something to me. ^ Qfm: Well, you have a habit of making it sound like you are  doing us a favor by not taking away everything we've already paid  for. ^ Qfm: (Directed to Scatha) ^ Scatha: Well, I think I remember rather vocally proclaiming,  "NEIN", when it was being decided whether to give free livery :P   So... yeah, from my POV, it is a favour :) ^Oh haha, the Pounder debacle is on the logpage now. ^ Esker: Oh haha, the Pounder debacle is on the logpage now. (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] ^ Scatha: fantastic. I need a good laugh. Laryn tells you: a serpent sword is now on sale as lot 187, minimum bid 150 gold Fresh! comm list Tuned to the comm line are: Aliah, Ardilion, Belnik, Belshazzar, Carmel, Chelios, Crusaderr, Dorf, Doronoth, Eomar, Esker, Giro, Hoshkebosh, Irun, Isr, Laon, Madeye, Mathias, Mazen, Merudo, Mitharazon, Moandor, Nash, Paraiko, Percival, Qfm, Quirz, Rathmar, Ravathir, Razor, Sasari, Scatha, Slot, Stareagle, Tanar, Thuglife, Tire, Torsk, Tuluin, Yvo (HP:230 EP:227) [ROV] ^ Dorf: Why do you ask about the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Draug? ^ Qfm: And what was your reasoning for not giving away livery  when something was being taken away? ^ Qfm: Spite? ^ Qfm: I can see no other reason. ^ Scatha: he's preparing the "we're cancelling the event" post ^ Scatha: I dunno what it was, but I can tell you're getting angry  again. ^God, look at Nyx's stupid comment. "I was eventually driven off in other ways." ^ Esker: God, look at Nyx's stupid comment. "I was eventually driven  off in other ways." (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] ^ Rathmar: Can I be the first to get in a 'five months too late  lol!!!1' post? ^ Tire: I would. (HP:230 EP:226) [ROV] ^ Tire: (To Scatha) legend berzelius Berzelius the dwarf Slayer of Shadows (Maleficus) Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 29d 23h 22m 46s Can be mailed: Berzelius@Erebor Berzelius has recorded a life story. (HP:230 EP:227) [ROV] ^Some of the other comments are quite amusing too. ^ Esker: Some of the other comments are quite amusing too. (HP:230 EP:222) [ROV] [ Chat ] Qfm: Scatha is such a twat ^In retrospect, Pounder should have just multiplayed instead. Then he could be an immortal like Fyng. ^ Esker: In retrospect, Pounder should just have multiplayed instead.   Then he could be an immortal like Fyng. (HP:230 EP:218) [ROV] There is news. news new Note 58 Draugluin (09/20/06 17:51) IMPORTANT Dear Ardans, Please, if at all possible, reserve the following dates and times to be present here for our presentation of Nirnaeth Arnoediad aka The Battle of Unnumbered Tears: Friday, October 6th at 9pm EST Saturday, October 7th at 10am EST Saturday, October 7th at 4pm EST PLEASE remember that these times are in EST, which is also the time kept by 'mudtime'. We'll see you then. Draugluin PS: We've done our best to finally bring about this rather huge undertaking to you, and we've also done our best to split it up into manageable chunks, and scheduled so that hopefully everyone can attend at least /one/ of the times. --More--(95% line 23 of 24)-- (HP:230 EP:219) [ROV] mudtime 09/20/06 17:51 Mudtime is in EDT (GMT-4) (HP:230 EP:220) [ROV] ^ Tire: Blackout on October 6th at 9m and 7th at 10am and 4pm to  protest Pounder getting nuked? ^ Dorf: Hmmmmm! ^ Tuluin rolls his eyes at tire % Stareagle: wow big battle coming up, The Battle of Unnumbered Tears % Tire: Ironically announced the day after Pounder's nuke. % Tuluin: oh yes tire, it's a huge conspiracy ^Bah, people might start liking Valinor again now. ^ Esker: Bah, people might start liking Valinor again now. (HP:230 EP:222) [ROV] ^ Slot: 3 cheers for the N.A. coders! % Tire: I never said conspiracy. % Stareagle: wow Pounder got nuked he will be missed, by me anyway % Qfm: I'm the one who is a conspirator. % Tire: And by everyone else, Stareagle. Thankyou, Valinor. Razor slaps his hand on his side rtmar. Razor winds up and slaps Rathmar right across the jaw! WHACK!! Razor left the game. legend tire Tire the silvan Henchman (Angelic) On for: 2h 19m 21s Gender: male Age: 2d 9h 33m 32s Can be mailed: Tire@Bree Info: Pounder was nuked at 23:18 09/19/06 Bring Pounder back!!!! (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] You chat to R, 'chatall Is Tire Pounder?' [ Chat ] Greg: Who is this Tire? Pounder? legend pounder Pounder was nuked at 23:18 09/19/06 Pounder the dunedain Knight (Demonic) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 355d 9h 51m 30s Info: Well unless something changes fast... PEACE :) Nuke Reason: grossly inappropriate attacks, slurs, profane insults; continued pattern of behavior; too many warnings/bans (HP:230 EP:226) [ROV] % Stareagle: I just read his legend, he was one himself, but rules are  rules, I know nothing about the entire thing though % Stareagle: lets drop it [ Chat ] Qfm: No, Boerwee is. Tire is, most unoriginally, Tiresias, Tireless, etc The scouts report: Our forces are attacking the Anduin Bridge battlepoint! %What if Mandela had said "lets drop it" about apartheid?! % Esker: What if Mandela had said "lets drop it" about apartheid?! (HP:230 EP:227) [ROV] [ Chat ] Qfm: I swear, Scatha is more or less in favor of anything that will screw or piss off players. ^ Dorf: BUG. :( ^ Aliah: cant cast? % Aliah: ERs in South Gondor % Irun: Swiper Ravathir.. and one more ^ Dorf: Yeah. After getting concentration broken, I get "You  cannot kill that person" when trying to cast again. Autosave. % Nash: carmel is other one who gm The Two Towers Paraiko the dwarf Battle Lord (Demonic) (guildmaster) Qfm the sindar Conspirator (guildmaster) Dorf Grimhammer the dunedain Couch Potato (Vegetable) (guildmaster) Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) (guildmaster) Total guildmasters: 4 Total users: 69 (HP:230 EP:230) [ROV] % Aliah: Carmel % Dorf: Carmel. % Irun: I was going to say Camel, but it seemed wrong :p ^ Dorf: Not that I was landing successful spells anyway, but  still. :) Pallasch appears from the shadows. Pallasch enters the game. ^ Aliah: Dorf, i bet thats the same as others got:( lost  hearbeat ^ Aliah: heart even % Irun: I guess some resistance will be needed at Pelargir again ^ Calle: so at the risk of being redundant... what happened with  Pounder? % Aliah: Too late, got the beer already:P ^Rumour has it he was nuked for no reason! ^ Esker: Rumour has it he was nuked for no reason! (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] legend calle Calle Lomien the sindar CharmeR On for: 7m 19s Gender: female Age: 11d 6h 47m 22s Can be mailed: Calle@MinasTirith Calle has recorded a life story. Info: The true war is within (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] ^ Tire: *poor reason ^:is only repeating what he heard. ^ Esker is only repeating what he heard. (HP:230 EP:222) [ROV] Warrax appears from the shadows. Warrax enters the game. ^ Calle: I logged off here last night after enjoying some fun.  With Pounder and others. Seemed fine Warrax says in Westron: Rathmar! *** Warrax has connected. Warrax says in Westron: When are you going to make me GM :P Calle tells you: what happened? Rathmar says in Westron: When Uzbad logs in Warrax says in Westron: Man Warrax says in Westron: Where is he? Warrax says in Westron: I'm worried a Warrax says in Westron: about him Warrax says in Westron: He usually doesn't leave for this long ^ Calle: ok I can tell by the silence noone wants to speak about  it (again prolly) Rathmar says in Westron: I am worried about him, I'd have expected a mail or something by now. Maybe he got fired. ^Apparently those who mention it are imprisoned immediatly. ^ Esker: Apparently those who mention it are imprisoned immediatly. (HP:230 EP:223) [ROV] tell calle He got banned from being in Guilds, supposedly. You tell Calle: He got banned from being in Guilds, supposedly. (HP:230 EP:223) [ROV] Warrax says in Westron: Yeah, anyway to reach him at all? Warrax says in Westron: At least just to see if he's alive. tell calle Then insulted Mathias afterwards, and was nuked for it. You tell Calle: Then insulted Mathias afterwards, and was nuked for it. (HP:230 EP:224) [ROV] ^ Calle: ah I see, well then dont be imprisoned on my curiousity Rathmar says in Westron: I used to have his ICQ but I can't find it since they fucked me Calle tells you: thats never good ^ Draugluin: Yeah, that isn't true Calle. Don't listen to Esker. ^ Calle: ok. I am sorry to see it though. I quite enjoyed him ^ Scat: Cool. % Sasari: Ok % Sasari: Mis % Mithe: ravathir and carmel and amriun % Doronoth: carmel % Mithe: at amruin** % Dorf: Anduin. % Tire: You mean Anduin? % Aliah: what did you drink?:) % Tire: Drof beats me again. Autosave. % Mithe: possibly, im so tired.. % Dorf: Dorf. ;) % Nash: i chased them off for a second but i fear they will be back  soon % Tire: Yes, that's what I meant, Dofr % Nash: guards avareage Rathmar goes away from the keyboard [Afk for a few.]. ^ Paraiko: So... It's March in Arda, right? ^ Aliah: 15th ^ Zoso: help setting ^ Paraiko: okay- so if someone in Middle Earth were a farmer and  out of the war zone, what would they be doing at that point in time? ^ Drogian: Planting. ^ Paraiko: ah, that's in March? okay, great, thanks ^ Aliah: seed ^ Zoso: yep. that's an indoor kid, alright. ^ Paraiko: haha *** Warrax has disconnected. ^ Paraiko: I wasn't sure if the ground would be unfrozen enough; we  can't have our beornie slaves in the fields if it wasn't! ^ Zoso: I would like to present to you all, a poem. ^ Zoso: written by a girl who blew my friend. every time she  does that, she writes a poem. ^ Warrax: How old is Pounder irl? :p ^ Zoso: this is the latest one Autosave. ^ Zoso: under my spell...under your spell / my head by yours  found its fortress... / we celebrated with a bottle of wine on the  shore... / you became my king, and I, your mistress... / both of  us....inebriated Pallasch has idled too long. Pallasch left the game. ^Well, it's better than Nihil's poetry at least. ^ Esker: Well, it's better than Nihil's poetry at least. legend qfm Qfm the sindar Conspirator On for: 3h 35m 14s Gender: male Age: 77d 23h 37m 14s (Guildmaster) Can be mailed: Qfm@Thranduil Qfm has recorded a life story. Qfm is the GM of the Glorglas. Info: http://glorglas.t2tinfo.net (Minuiron-nuin-Glyrlais)  (HP:230 EP:226) [ROV] legend nihil Nihil of Many Faces the sindar Con Artist (Demonic) Nihil is sleeping peacefully. Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 23d 23h 49m 4s Can be mailed: Nihil@Khamul Nihil has recorded a life story. Nihil is a member of the Durmanhoth. Info: Nihil verum nisi Mors. - Thread-cut Wanderer. (HP:230 EP:226) [ROV] ^ Paraiko: are her parents still together? because you know,  children of divorce are twice as likely to write bad poetry ^ Zoso: this bond...silent, unseen ...yet too sturdy... /  knitted by chains of hope through our errant touch... / we dreamt of  dousing in the sea when its dark... / my pelt...your pelt...it scares  me so much... ^ Dorf: You are now ignoring Zoso. ^ Hoshkebosh: Blasphemy. ^ Crusaderr: I should write a ton of bad poetry and then go commit  several bizzare crimes ^ Warrax: pelt? :p ^ Crusaderr: that should set me up for life ^ Warrax: I am planning on writing many Pounder haikus! ^ Zoso: marred...by your treasured existence.... / i have become  the wound that you itch... / bleed...for you...i bleed / your bitter  sweet words...they serve me as a stitch ^ Zoso: and now, my favourite verse ^ Bleed: SHUT UP! ^ Bleed: BLEED F"OR ME HOMO ^ Crusaderr: Bleed says he doesn't want to be a part of your shitty  poetry ^ Lachdonan: pounder was the shit/ now he is nuked forever/ ha ha ha  ha ha ^ Zoso: Your haughtiness...after every heartbeat.... / too  ashamed to realize you're made of flesh... / kiss me...kiss me once  again... / your saliva is what seams my gash ^ Fortitude: Hey, Lachdonan, go play in traffic. ^ Lachdonan: OK!! ^ Dorf: You are no longer ignoring Roflcopter. Hmm. ^ Paraiko: hah, gash ^ Warrax: oh man that was my char :( ^ Warrax: Roflcopter ^ Zoso: so, who wants to fill me in on what pounder did :) Rathmar returns to the keyboard. ^I heard he was nuked for attempting to intervene when he saw a group of Ainur beating up a negro child at a bus stop. ^ Esker: I heard he was nuked for attempting to intervene when he  saw a group of Ainur beating up a negro child at a bus stop. (HP:230 EP:225) [ROV] Calle tells you: rotfl [ Chat ] Qfm: hahahha ^ Dorf: Oh, Orcsalot still exists. But everyone else on my  ignore list is gone. Except Zoso, whom I've reinstated. Unless that  godawful poem starts up again. A bolt of lightning descends from the heavens, and all goes dark. [ Chat ] Qfm: ... *** Warrax has connected. Connected to host t2tmud.org _____ _____ __| |___| | ^^ . . . | _/ \ . . ^ . | |_| |_| | | / \ /\ . ^^^ \ / / _/ \_ . /^^| /~~~\_ | | / / \_ /^^^^\__ . /~ ^^^ \ | |_| | / _/ \ |~ _ \ _/ \_ | | / / \/ /_\ \ /~ \| | | __/ _/ _/ _-\ \/ | | __ __ | _/ / / \ / | | | | | | | / The / / \/ __/ | | | | |/ Two / _/ | | | | | Towers _/ / | | | | | __/ ==| |__| |__| | _/ ===__| | _/ ===== / | / ====== = _/ | ___/ ==== == == / | __/ ===== / The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8 Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers. Your name? eskeralt Password: [ Chat ] Qfm: ^ Draugluin: Intervene on that. password News in Arda! 1 message, type "news" to read. Last logon: Wed Sep 20 17:46:08 2006. You currently have 2 applicants awaiting your decision. (HP:230 EP:206) [GON] legend esker Esker was nuked at 18:37 09/20/06 Esker the dunlending Supervillain (Shadowspawn of Fangorn) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 13d 7h 32m 20s Info: It takes a gentleman to suffer ignorance and smile. Nuke Reason: inappropriate comment (HP:230 EP:206) [GON] comm hist Last 20 comms are: [749] ^ Crusaderr: Bleed says he doesn't want to be a part of your shitty poetry [750] ^ Lachdonan: pounder was the shit/ now he is nuked forever/ ha ha ha ha ha [751] ^ Zoso: Your haughtiness...after every heartbeat.... / too ashamed to realize you're made of flesh... / kiss me...kiss me once again... / your saliva is what seams my gash [752] ^ Fortitude: Hey, Lachdonan, go play in traffic. [753] ^ Lachdonan: OK!! [754] ^ Dorf: You are no longer ignoring Roflcopter. Hmm. [755] ^ Paraiko: hah, gash [756] ^ Warrax: oh man that was my char :( [757] ^ Warrax: Roflcopter [758] ^ Zoso: so, who wants to fill me in on what pounder did :) [759] ^ Esker: I heard he was nuked for attempting to intervene when he saw a group of Ainur beating up a negro child at a bus stop. [760] ^ Dorf: Oh, Orcsalot still exists. But everyone else on my ignore list is gone. Except Zoso, whom I've reinstated. Unless that godawful poem starts up again. [761] ^ Bleed: I like [762] ^ Crusaderr: hahaha [763] ^ Bleed: Never mind [764] ^ Lachdonan: LOL [765] ^ Dorf: Boom. Haha. [766] ^ Draugluin: Intervene on that. [767] ^ Stareagle: hmmmmm it is a sad thing [768] ^ Fortitude: I love big brother! (HP:230 EP:206) [GON] ^ Frosco: ohhh snap ^ Daywalker: in sweden ^Haha. ^ Eskeralt: Haha. (HP:230 EP:201) [GON] [ Chat ] Warrax: what the fuck ^ Bleed: How the hell are you going to nuke him over a simjple  joke [ Chat ] Qfm: Well I personally would suggest filing a calm law report ^ Crusaderr: I dunno, but it was the funniest thing I've seen today ^ Stareagle: but uh I think that was uncalled for myself and I am  shutting up now ^ Aergollor: i second that Cru ^ Letina: fdl ^ Yvo: Did someone log that? ^ Warrax: Christ, we better all shut up now ^ Yvo: I didn't see what happened. ^ Paraiko: oh man, hahaha (HP:230 EP:207) [GON] Daywalker tells you: I know you hate me, but find bleed pls?:P You chat to R, 'chatall Hmm, possibly.' [ Chat ] Greg: Hmm, possibly. ^ Qfm: Hmm, the friend announce thing doesn't happen when the  person gets nuked. f bleed Bleed is in Harondor at the plains. In the room: the plains. Bleed is not wanted. (HP:230 EP:189) [GON] ^ Scat: You aren't serious. ^ Paraiko raises his fist and lowers his head in memory of Esker,  freedom fighter. ^ Stareagle: what he said was uncalled for, let me clarify, I dont  think it was funny either ^ Zoso: I thought it was funny...but it got a lot funnier when  he exploded! ^ Aergollor: how was that not funny? ^ Rathmar: http://www.dogsinduds.com/pictures/ty3.jpg ^ Lachdonan: i got a cheap laugh out of it ^ Letina: i thought it was mildly amusing ^ Paraiko: I thought it was hilarious. ^ Mazen: It was hilarious ^Esker recieved a lot of "Hahah" tells in the seconds between the comm and his nuke. :P ^ Eskeralt: Esker recieved a lot of "Hahah" tells in the seconds  between the comm and his nuke. :P (HP:230 EP:190) [GON] ^ Undertow: well, if you are going to be nuked for making a funny  comment, that is the way to go You chat to R, 'chatall I might just stay nuked. I've never been nuked before' [ Chat ] Greg: I might just stay nuked. I've never been nuked before. Calle tells you: you Esker?  tell calle For my sins. You tell Calle: For my sins. <(HP:230 EP:192)> ^ Stareagle: it was uncalled for, the racial part, I was not amused  at all but rather shocked for a sec Calle tells you: well I did laugh I must say ^ Lachdonan: oh get over yourself stareagle ^ Warrax: What the hell are you talking about? ^ Crusaderr: yeah really :P ^ Zoso: yeah You chat to R, 'chatall Do you think it's worth law reporting?' [ Chat ] Greg: Do you think it's worth law reporting? ^ Qfm: If you had a brain, Stareagle, you would see that it was  a joke involving race, not a racist joke. [ Chat ] Warrax: yes ^ Qfm: Sadly I see that is not the case. ^ Lachdonan: it was a great comment with excellent timing and a  wonderful effect ^ Crusaderr: the nuke hit right in stride too it was just a perfect  setup] legend lachdonan Lachdonan the dwarf Squire (Immoral) On for: 36m 35s Gender: male Age: 19h 17m 20s Can be mailed: Lachdonan@Combe Info: Lachdonan the Khazad of Old (I don't care what you say) (HP:230 EP:196) [GON] ^ Undertow: dont comments like that usually just warrent a warning?  seems like valinor is going a bit overboard nowadays ^ Lachdonan: heres to esker, and the most timely nuke since pounder ^ Zoso: it's all about mood :) ^ Undertow: ah. ok ^ Stareagle: I simplt said the racial part, either way just more  clever words, thoughtless words, trying to impress with how tough you  are and clever and it is neither to one who is 55 and lived through  the sixties, it was not funny ^ Crusaderr: that should be a tidbit as opposed to watching Mithgil  call someone stupid and people saying penis repeatedly ^ Pedron: They've always got players to spare. ^ Undertow: so that 'three warnings thing and you're nuked' deal  isnt working anymore? You chat to R, 'chatall Haha. I can't believe I got nuked.' [ Chat ] Greg: Haha. I can't believe I got nuked. [ Chat ] Qfm: I can't either! ^ Aergollor: you're 55? ^ Zoso: tell us about the sixties, grandpa stareagle! were there  riots and pogroms and starving children? ^ Stareagle: nod ^ Warrax: Stareagle is another weak suckup who subconsciously  agrees with whoever is in charge ^ Paraiko: yeah, stop being such a jew about it, Stareagle. [ Chat ] Qfm: Stareagle is in Eriador at Bree. [ Chat ] Qfm: In the room: Prancing Pony Private Renting Room. [ Chat ] Qfm: I have 194EP left. ^ Stareagle: no I am simply not a young punk, and now will say no  more ^ Lachdonan: 3...2...1...and nuke paraiko ;) ^ Calle: well THAT didnt rate a nuke hmm ^ Crusaderr: omg Paraiko I won't stand for your racist behavior! [ Chat ] Qfm: Paraiko really pushes the envelope a lot. [ Chat ] Warrax: yeah :p ^ Fortitude snickers. ^ Paraiko: :( ^ Crusaderr: back in 1962 we punched guys like you in the face for  those types of anti-semtic comments ^ Crusaderr: and then we went and got a vanilla malt ^ Aergollor: fdl ^ Paraiko: did you share a soda pop with your special lady? ^ Lachdonan: not a lady.... ^ Crusaderr: no it was past 6 PM and her dad would have been sore  with me ^ Fortitude: The part I'm most sad about is by the time word loaded,  the nuke graphic was out of my (300 line shitty telnet) bugger. ^ Fortitude: Buffer, even. ^Which graphic did he get? ^ Eskeralt: Which graphic did he get? (HP:230 EP:203) [GON] ^ Paraiko: standard ^ Aergollor: mushroom cloud ^ Frosco: nuke nshroom ^Ah, the classic. He would have wanted that. ^ Eskeralt: Ah, the classic. He would have wanted that. (HP:230 EP:199) [GON] ^ Pedron: Truly, an artful way to go. Fortitude tells you: It's going in a set of tidbits I keep, and I wished I  could have gotten the graphic :( tell fortitude I'm sure it's around somewhere. Possibly on Tevildo's webpage, or the logpage somewhere. You tell Fortitude: I'm sure it's around somewhere. Possibly on Tevildo's  webpage, or the logpage somewhere. (HP:230 EP:202) [GON] ^ Crusaderr: if a certain unnamed mudder ever gets nuked, I want to  see an ASCII big mac as his nuke pic legend taudrek Taudrek the dunlending Crime Lord (Heroic) Last on: 17d 8h 53s ago. Gender: male Age: 22d 12h 11m 10s Can be mailed: Taudrek@Dale Info: Where troubles melt like lemon drops.  (HP:230 EP:203) [GON] who 20 The Two Towers Laon Luinthol the dunedain Deadly Hot (Hand of Amarthatar) (free) Yvo the dwarf is very stressed out! (free) Saurus SlowFoot the dwarf of the Lonely Mountain (free) Hoshkebosh Longbeard the dwarf Gabil-burk Barazinbar (free) Fortitude Drauthrô the silvan thinks Pounder should be reinstated. (free) Leofa Guthláf the dunedain Bastard son of Azer (free) Zoso the silvan Autarchist (free) Korbin Mythil the dunedain Kathupazgân n'Nâlozâin (free) Yacoy Tresaió the sindar Istalindir (linde) (free) Zillak Argith the dwarf Berserker (free) Calle Lomien the sindar CharmeR (free) Dorf Grimhammer the dwarf Couch Potato (Vegetable) (guildmaster) Etrius the dunedain Machiavellian (guildmaster) Qfm the sindar Conspirator (guildmaster) Rathmar the Rat the dwarf Comm Bandit (Censored) (guildmaster) Total 20s: 15 Total users: 64 (HP:230 EP:204) [GON] ^ Undertow: is that unnamed mudder you, cru? ^ Undertow: personally, my unnamed mudder would like the flowchart ^ Crusaderr: actually I just didn't feel like saying Obair again :P ^ Paraiko: I want my graphic to be a big canister of Zyclon-B legend fernando Fernando the eorling Accomplice (Impartial) Not present in Arda. Gender: male Age: 13d 14h 40m 38s Can be mailed: Fernando@Bree Fernando has recorded a life story. Info: @ (IC) Fernando: BuKloDug SialUmiCnáKS -- petition approve 1818 (HP:230 EP:207) [GON] ^ Warrax: (OOC) Zoso: so, who wants to fill me in on what pounder  did :) ^ Warrax: (OOC) Esker: I heard he was nuked for attempting to  intervene when he saw a group of Ainur beating up a negro child at a  bus stop. ^ Warrax: (OOC) Dorf: Oh, Orcsalot still exists. But everyone  else on my ^ Warrax: (OOC) Bleed: I like ^ Warrax: (OOC) Crusaderr: hahaha ^ Warrax: (OOC) Bleed: Never mind ^ Warrax: (OOC) Lachdonan: LOL ^ Warrax: (OOC) Dorf: Boom. Haha. ^ Warrax: (OOC) Draugluin: Intervene on that. ^ Warrax: (OOC) Stareagle: hmmmmm it is a sad thing ^ Warrax: (OOC) Fortitude: I love big brother! ^ Warrax: (OOC) Frosco: ohhh snap ^ Warrax: (OOC) Daywalker: in sweden ^ Warrax: (OOC) Etrius: hahaha. :P ^ Warrax: (OOC) Bleed: How the hell are you going to nuke him over  a simjple ^ Warrax: (OOC) Crusaderr: I dunno, but it was the funniest thing  I've seen today ^ Warrax: (OOC) Stareagle: but uh I think that was uncalled for  myself and I am ^ Warrax: (OOC) Aergollor: i second that Cru ^ Warrax: (OOC) Letina: fdl ^ Warrax: (OOC) Yvo: Did someone log that? ^ Warrax: (OOC) Warrax: Christ, we better all shut up now ^ Warrax: (OOC) Yvo: I didn't see what happened. ^ Warrax: shoot ^ Snakes: hahahah ^ Undertow: woh ^ Warrax: I was logging it :P ^ Fortitude: "Oops"? ^ Draugluin: Please don't do that. ^ Crusaderr: nice :P ^ Warrax: It wasn't on purpose :P ^ Yamabushi: that was interesting ^ Dorf: What just happ... oh. ^ Letina: lol ^ Warrax: Stupid send button in zmud logger Esker was nuked at 18:37 09/20/06 Esker the dunlending Supervillain (Shadowspawn of Fangorn) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 13d 7h 32m 20s Info: It takes a gentleman to suffer ignorance and smile.  Nuke Reason: inappropriate comment Report #: 1121 Title: Esker's nuke Submitted by: Eskeralt Submitted: 09/27/06 17:46 (3y 345d 18h 55m 30s ago) Last updated: 09/27/06 22:08 ----- Details: In the wake of Pounder's nuke, there was a consistent stream of commentary on the comm regarding it. The circumstances surrounding it were and remain the subject of some speculation, and that sort of commentary tends to spill over onto the comm. Some of the proposed reasons were believable, others less so. The comment I made was an obvious satire of some of the more outlandish proposed reasons behind Pounder's deletion, and a thinly veiled mockery of the people who were doing their best to depict him as a martyr. It wasn't the sort of comment that I felt deserved a nuke, especially on a character with only one warning. It is for that reason that I am petitionining you for the reinstatement of Esker. -Eskeralt ----- Comments on this law report: 09/27/06 17:46: Submitted for discussion by Eskeralt. 09/27/06 22:08: Comment by Draugluin: Esker's nuke was an obvious satire of some of the more outlandish punishments given to people who say such things, and a thinly veiled mockery of people who would say and do such things. 09/27/06 22:08: Dismissed by Draugluin.