Brad dies

Posted by
Oracle [legacy]
03 April 2011 00:00:00
Player Kill

A bit of overpower, but could be a funny read :) Brad had been running finds on me, and was pasting them on the comm. He had a C which wasn't ready for claiming, tough luck. Much enjoyment! (posted for Regoroth)


  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    09 April 2011 07:12:19

    I can't deal with dxm anymore, too many bad trips :P

  • Author
    Scythain [legacy]
    08 April 2011 05:39:05

    There's so much to DO though Douglas. I discovered warg fighting a few weeks ago... never knew that existed in 10 years. There's always something else to do on this mud. I can't stand people who say that this game bores them. :P

    Or just get high and play. That'll work too.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    08 April 2011 00:06:02

    Sorry Daywalker. I'm more interested in provoking and perpetuating arguments here than I am in playing. The game is boring as fuck.

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    07 April 2011 16:53:03

    It's amazing how much words both of you use to try to convince the other you have the biggest penis.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 April 2011 04:33:31

    The very fact that Dougles the moron likes Formid the moron is the proof.

    Google would give you PR rating for relevance:) Unlike you, Douglas who hasnt played in years (at least to my knowledge) and Formid who is trying to play, but fails miserably, I am still here and I still kick ass. Come online, turn pvp on and i will show you :)

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    07 April 2011 00:47:32

    Haha. Etrius, look at your description of Formid. 'he takes himself incredibly seriously and occasionally comes across as a little pompous. Such individuals are brilliant targets for mockery.'

    That describes me to a T. I'm guessing that's what you meant by irony :P You've known me a long time. You know how I like to champion the causes that don't need a champion.

    Formid taught me a lot in the game. This was long after Spansh pissed me off as a beorning. I didn't learn who Formid was until after he extended his hand to help someone he didn't know and owed no allegiance to, and it caused me to change my mind. It's not so much defending him as it is calling out morons on their bullshit because I enjoy berating people. To say he hasn't grown as a player is an ignorant statement. I watched him grow as a player and as a person. He went from being a sniveling little shit (reminds me of namarik) to being a knowledgeable player, willing to stand up to douchebags like the bulgarians, whom he used to be friends with, even though he knew they might retaliate. Daywalker has no room discussing RP, after all the times he and his brother defended beorning scouts by attacking with no warning and hunting level 12's when they were maxed, and then threatening them when they got reported.

    As much as he appears to have annoyed a few of you and as much of a fight as you're putting up, I'd say he's won. You fags continue to make yourselves look like assclowns and pitch fits over someone you consider to be noobish.

    If you're going to hate him Daywalker, just hate him and be done with it. Because you've yet to provide any reason for hating him that you haven't done yourself. All these things you hate are some of the same reasons that people have hated you. Guess what. You're a douchebag. I could list the reasons why I don't like you, but I've done quite a few of them myself. I'm a douchebag too. I'm just not going to pretend I'm innocent.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    07 April 2011 00:17:33

    LOL Formid, do you feel how you are mocking yourself?

    First of all, you have attempted me only once indeed. I have had contracts ALL the time. I honestly don't remember when was the last time I didn't have one, so don't even bother checking anymore.

    That being sad, I find NOTHING BAD in you trying to kill me, that is actually the good part of my post, saying that you actually tried to do something.

    The main point of my post was to mock your ER RP or whatever you call it, with doing annoying finds on people in mordor when there are not even evil assassins online, which only got you killed or at least hated by many different groups of players. Also the free finds legendinfo was just your way to say 'I have no teeth, but I will still try to bite you, and at the end i will manage to annoy you somehow'. There was a smart saying about Caenedrin (actually one of the very few smart things I've heard from ainur) that is fully relevant to you: 'He is stupid but harmless'

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    06 April 2011 19:14:14

    I made a character once called Gaywalker. I ended up in jail :(

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    06 April 2011 16:08:56

    Daywanker, you have been attacking my characters (mainly character as I only tend to play one at any period of time) for years. With no regards for any kind of seperation.

    When I happen to log onto an assassin and see you on Daywanker with a contract available, of course I'm going to go for it. If I remember rightly it happened once and I didn't even attack or uncamo. There's no multiplaying in there, I can justify it by the fact you had a contract. You've attacked my chars with many different alts of yours with no such justification, so get off your fucking high horse, stop acting like a retard and stop being such a hypocrit.

    I have no desire to interact with you on any particular level, I find you ignorant, annoying and without any redeeming qualities. You continually try to 'get one over' on me on the logpage any time a character of mine gets mentioned and try to accuse me of things with your straw man arguments. Honestly, I'm tired and bored of it, grow up.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    06 April 2011 15:35:16

    With regards to OMG this guy killed me I'll add them to my legendinfo, quite a few people managed to kill me (usually with some setup of drawing me into attacking them in Mordor and me getting a little low) without me going on any vendetta against them.

    Rotfl, and what exactly was your Vendetta, using your Alt once every 6 months to try and get a lucky kill?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    06 April 2011 15:33:09

    Wasn't going to reply again, but just figured I'd correct Daywanker.

    6 Years, try 12+... (The lack of improvement is debatable).

    Protect vs Annoy, depends how you define protect. I attacked any people in Mordor who I caught killing there. At the same time I did not kill in Mordor, or use Mordor equipment (and also tried damn hard to to kill any thematic evil NPC's, without good reason such as the traitor guy in Minas Morgul). I'd argue that Daywanker is trying to judge me by what he would/does do (he attacks/tries to attack people regardless of any thematic reason and will use whatever excuse he likes to justify this as RP). Now, I'll admit that ER comming when I noticed people in mordor isn't really 'protecting mordor', but often I was at work, and not focussed on playing much at all, as such actually spending time and running around wasn't feasible, so I helped out any other ER's who wanted to protect (in the spirit of the old ER cooperation).

    The legendinfo is there as I had some issues with people from those guilds (there's a log from me which explains why CoU are on the list, Daywanker himself caused Megs by multiplaying and having one of his party scam me out of something, then attacking me, BkD was due to one of their members who annoyingly went inactive around the shortly after I decided I had issues with them Berrus I believe it was). I wasn't pointing it out as confirmation that I protected Mordor, I merely pointed it out as confirmation for Sunflash that yeah, some people didn't particularly like the way I worked, and that I didn't particularly care what they thought.

    With regards to OMG this guy killed me I'll add them to my legendinfo, quite a few people managed to kill me (usually with some setup of drawing me into attacking them in Mordor and me getting a little low) without me going on any vendetta against them. So, as usual, you're full of shit.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    06 April 2011 15:00:13

    Or to paraphrase what Esker said, Formid is a total moron, who spent over 6 years on the mud without improving even a tiny bit. He was Ainur which excuses him a bit, but then he came back to being just a regular douchebag. He did NOT protect mordor, he only annoyed people. That's why I mentioned it in my reply. I remember that time pretty well. All the RP he did was in his legendinfo 'Free finds on BKD, MEGS etc members'.

    It was like, omg this guy killed me, I am adding his guild to my legendinfo.

  • Author
    Scythain [legacy]
    06 April 2011 06:05:02


  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    06 April 2011 00:02:33

    That first choose should have been 'you.'

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    05 April 2011 22:58:10

    Douglas, Brad is one of those people whose utterly deserving of your unrepentant and highly inappropriate vitriol. I have nothing against the guy, per se, but he takes himself incredibly seriously and occasionally comes across as a little pompous. Such individuals are brilliant targets for mockery. I consider it one of life's perverse ironies that you choose, of all people, choose to defend such a person.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    05 April 2011 22:20:22

    At least we can all always agree that Douglas should kill himself to improve the planet

  • Author
    Hurin [legacy]
    05 April 2011 15:59:01

    The important thing we all are missing is that India won the cricket world cup, and Australia did not (for once!) YEAY!

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    05 April 2011 14:16:52

    Good old Douglas bashing. Cracked me up so much just thought I'd jump on to say Hi and give this my endorsement.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    05 April 2011 13:44:50

    Hirgail is just saying what we're all thinking, he's really a nice guy.


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 April 2011 10:37:41

    Also I don't know where you found the time to type that in between sucking so many cocks. I guess you're more talented than I'd previously given you credit for.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 April 2011 10:36:51

    I dunno why they are Douglas but you should probably shut the fuck up about everything. I don't even know what the topic is but I've already firmly planted my flag on whichever side you're not on.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    05 April 2011 08:22:37

    Date: 04. Apr, 2011, 18:10:24 By: Norin

    Totally rp-like. Kudos.

    This was a joke. Fyi. :P

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    05 April 2011 06:25:49

    Your reading comprehension skill has decreased by 1. Congrats, Daywalker.

    'I alternated between actually going into Mordor and fighting people off and just running finds on people (depending on how busy I was outside game). Some people didn't like a little bit of theme being added to make Mordor a little more thematic and dangerous (it's ridiculous that >50% of the mud runs around with fresh Mordor equipment for most of the boot).'

    'It's not like I was sat watching the mud sitting in my innroom only doing finds, continually... I was generally doing other things (like work or whatever).'

    'I'd often go in a defend the place myself, sometimes I was a little too busy or had no gear, so I'd do senses on the ER comm, a little bit of help for those who were defending.'

    If you're going to a douchebag and drown yourself in haterade, do it for a valid reason. Or at least admit that you just hate Formid and you're jumping on the bandwagon because you see an opportunity.

    He already said he wasn't bitching about being killed. Why are you questioning his bravery on a fucking game? Really?

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    04 April 2011 20:57:43

    You'll have to try letting the cops know that you do whatever you damn well please if they ever arrest you then. The consequences of a 'THINK I CARE?!' attitude are usually that society ostracizes and punishes you.

    This may be a game, but the people are real, and if you act like a fucking toolbox they're probably going to punish you for it.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 April 2011 20:45:04

    I have to disagree with my guildamate Norin here. If this is RP on the side of Formid, then he should go to pussymud, where he will be crowned queen.

    If you are so brave, Formid, profchange to assassin and go hunt them down in mordor. Hiding in your room doing finds is guess what? - just going to annoy people, and they will kill you.

    I can't believe after all those years you are still as dumb.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    04 April 2011 18:31:01

    Hmm, there's some missing there from my memory (in the middle), but the general gist is there.

    Er, at no point in that (so littered with typos it's embarassing, sigh) conversation did I complain about being killed. I merely pointed out that killing me was likely to put me firmly on the side against the specific player and that I'd be much more likely to run senses on him now, even outside mordor (Call it my 'revenge' for his 'revenge').

    I don't remember you asking nicely at all for me to stop comming finds on you before killing me (it was more likely phrased as an order, which I'm unlikely to react well to, especially given my past), however I do get a few people complaining about me running finds on them (equally I got quite a lot of people thanking me, as it made Mordor more exciting for them).

    Either way, I'm not that fussed. If Brad is on, he'll be comming senses on enemies of Mordor (not that he is much these days), threats or no threats.

    And Sunflash, I certainly don't react well to being told what I should or shouldn't do :) I'll do what the hell I damn please, and deal with whatever consequences I have to deal with (you may note Brad's current legendinfo).

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    04 April 2011 18:22:29

    Definitely shouldn't comm finds all day on players in Mordor unless you like dying anytime you leave your innroom. That oughta be common sense.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    04 April 2011 18:11:13

    I love how you talk about making the mud more dangerous and RP more with Evil vs Free, but at the look of things, you only want that for others, you still seem to think and belive that you should be keept safe and free of retribution.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    04 April 2011 18:10:24

    Totally rp-like. Kudos.

  • Author
    Oracle [legacy]
    04 April 2011 17:54:10

    In my defense I asked you nicely before killing you. I saved the tells afterwards (as I normally do), in case anyone wants to read them. There were more, but I figure these are the core ones:

    The first few-

    [12:43] Brad told you: I com finds on everyone

    [12:43] You told Brad: and you ask why people dont like you :)

    [12:43] Brad told you: someone has to make moreor more challenging.. most

    peopel appreciate it tbh

    [12:44] Brad told you: but I'll be comming them more often now, and not just

    ni mordor

    [12:44] Brad told you: so congrats

    Some more-

    [12:44] Brad told you: and you thought killing me would stop me, it's just

    ilkely to make me do it more on you

    [12:45] You told Brad: yah i know, funny how that works.

    No hard feelings Formid.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    04 April 2011 17:31:48

    I specifically only do senses against FR's in mordor (who free <=demonic).

    I'd often go in a defend the place myself, sometimes I was a little too busy or had no gear, so I'd do senses on the ER comm, a little bit of help for those who were defending.

    I don't see anything particularly wrong with that, it's pretty RP in fact. We used to use the ER comm for the same thing around scouts/battlepoints times.

    It's not like I was sat watching the mud sitting in my innroom only doing finds, continually... I was generally doing other things (like work or whatever).

  • Author
    Scythain [legacy]
    04 April 2011 16:21:15

    So what you're saying is that sometimes you like to sit around and run finds on random people in Mordor, and comm them? What's the matter with you?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    04 April 2011 11:22:59

    I wasn't complaining, just saying.. The topic by Regoroth seemed to hint that I singled him out for the treatment.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    04 April 2011 11:14:16

    Nothing wrong in protecting Mordor, or making it more challenging. But if you do, you should expect to get disliked and/or killed for it too.

    Just saying. ;)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    04 April 2011 11:07:54

    Brad is/was me (just search the site for Brad, you'll see I posted something about Falgor a while ago), and it was pretty well known that I'd comm finds on people who were in Mordor (this log was well over 6 months ago, probably from the same time as me posting this log, hence the C not being ready, since Falgor put that one up).

    I alternated between actually going into Mordor and fighting people off and just running finds on people (depending on how busy I was outside game). Some people didn't like a little bit of theme being added to make Mordor a little more thematic and dangerous (it's ridiculous that >50% of the mud runs around with fresh Mordor equipment for most of the boot).

  • Author
    Scythain [legacy]
    04 April 2011 09:55:32

    Brad, now there's a wholesome name..

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    04 April 2011 09:23:41

    Thumbs up for killing Brad :)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 April 2011 06:11:21

    Oh wrong log...but whatever.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 April 2011 06:00:12

    Wait wait wait wait wait...What? Foraker has been playing for longer than I did and he doesn't know WLF or BD or...the fuck?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 April 2011 03:42:08

    Who the fuck is Brad? Goddamnit, I can't read this site anymore.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 April 2011 22:42:01

    Killing Brad or his alts = always win!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    03 April 2011 22:19:23

    Killing ER's with medallion = win in my book.
