Story goes... im swimming in the cool waters of Anduin then went to check my fellow thieves of Pelargir and I met a herk reunion! You swim towards the city of Pelargir. The river Anduin(n) [e, s and w] HP:230 EP:174> n You stop swimming. Poortown Wharf(e, n and w) [s] A grubby little girl HP:230 EP:174> e Poortown Wharf(ne, n and w) [e and s] HP:230 EP:174> ne Poortown Wharf and Thieves' Row crossroads(e, sw and nw) [s] HP:230 EP:174> e Poortown Wharf(e, n and w) [s] Zandramas' ferocious warg Zandramas is riding Zandramas' ferocious warg Lug the uruk-hai Master Sniffer Felk the uruk-hai Animule (Drunk) A bottle of wine (open) An empty bottle (open) [2] An empty bottle A bottle of wine (closed) A sweaty old man HP:230 EP:174> n Old man obliviously picks at a putrid boil on his brow. A narrow alley(s) HP:230 EP:174> s Poortown Wharf(e, n and w) [s] Zandramas' ferocious warg Zandramas is riding Zandramas' ferocious warg Lug the uruk-hai Master Sniffer Felk the uruk-hai Animule (Drunk) A bottle of wine (open) An empty bottle (open) [2] An empty bottle A bottle of wine (closed) A sweaty old man HP:230 EP:175> i Gold: 115 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: A formal black tabard (worn). A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn). A metal necklace (worn). The 11th Two Towers EVENT! badge. A small sewing kit. HP:230 EP:175> Felk looks at you. Old man coughs. get bottle Ok. HP:230 EP:175> get bottle Ok. HP:230 EP:175> Zandramas looks at you. Felk hehs. 2give bottle to lug steal sword from lug Do: starting commands. HP:230 EP:175> You give Lug an empty bottle. HP:230 EP:175> You give Lug a bottle of wine. HP:230 EP:175> Do: Commands completed. HP:230 EP:175> You steal a long haradrim bone sword! HP:230 EP:155> aww You go, "Aww!". HP:230 EP:155> wield sword You wield your long haradrim bone sword. HP:230 EP:155> g Poortown Wharf(e, n and w) [s] Zandramas' ferocious warg Zandramas is riding Zandramas' ferocious warg Lug the uruk-hai Master Sniffer Felk the uruk-hai Animule (Drunk) An empty bottle An empty bottle (open) A bottle of wine (closed) A sweaty old man HP:230 EP:155> i Gold: 115 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: A long haradrim bone sword (wielded). A formal black tabard (worn). A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn). A metal necklace (worn). The 11th Two Towers EVENT! badge. A small sewing kit. HP:230 EP:155> l lug This is a young uruk, but one possessing the strength and training to be useful as a skilled hunter of the foes of Sauron. He moves fluidly, and the deadly gleam in his eyes looks threatening enough to give you second thoughts about trying anything funny. He is carrying: A bottle of wine (open). An empty bottle (open). A set of climbing gear (worn). A stubby bootknife (worn). A crystalline shield (worn). A grey studded sheath (worn). A rather roomy pack (open) (worn). An exquisite set of steel chainmail (worn). A small, white pipe (empty). A branding of the Eye. The 13th Two Towers EVENT! badge. HP:230 EP:155> l zandramas Zandramas looks like a very influential person indeed. The image of an Eye is branded on Zandramas' forehead.  A cursory glance at Zandramas' cloak reveals a lidless eye overlain with a crossed staff and sword, identifying her as a dreaded Black Mage, graduate of the famous Black School, Asturasartes. She is carrying: A bull horn (worn). A heavy silver necklace with a blood-drop gem attached (worn). The gusle of Anfauglir. The Guildmaster's Handbook. A mithril ring, inlaid with a translucent black gem (worn). An event case containing two memorabilia (closed) (worn). A branding of the Eye. A formal black cloak (worn). HP:230 EP:156> Felk looks at you. Lug drops a bottle of wine. Felk looks at Lug. Lug drops an empty bottle. s hi lug You say in Westron: hi lug HP:230 EP:156> shape all here Mello is in perfect shape. ---------------> P E R F E C T! Zandramas' ferocious warg is in perfect shape. ---------------> P E R F E C T! Zandramas' ferocious warg is starting to get tired. Zandramas is in perfect shape. ---------------> P E R F E C T! Lug is in good shape. ---------------> G O O D ! Felk is in perfect shape. ---------------> P E R F E C T! Felk has a bad headache. Old man is in average shape. ---------------> A V E R A G E! HP:230 EP:156> You hear the thunder of horses' hooves and the grinding of carriage wheels coming to a stop nearby. l felk An uruk-hai. Felk looks tired and flushed in the face. There is an aura of malevolence around Felk.  Felk is a Captain in the army of Mordor with 64 wins and 14 losses. This person has the air of a scholar. Felk has completed the trials of the Moria Maze! He is carrying: A crystal in the shape of the Eye (worn). A dwarven deathmask (worn). A studded green baldric containing a great bone-handled flamberge (worn). A large, tarnished shield (worn). An exquisite set of steel chainmail (worn). A dwarven mining pack (worn). An ebony harp. An empty, carved wooden pipe. Grimdor's Domechecka pipe. A metal necklace (worn). An event case containing one memorabilia (closed) (worn). The 13th Two Towers EVENT! badge. A dark red medallion (worn). A rank insignia. The Tale of Beren and LĂșthien. HP:230 EP:156> g Poortown Wharf(e, n and w) [s] An empty bottle (open) [2] A bottle of wine (open) Zandramas' ferocious warg Zandramas is riding Zandramas' ferocious warg Lug the uruk-hai Master Sniffer Felk the uruk-hai Animule (Drunk) An empty bottle A bottle of wine (closed) A sweaty old man HP:230 EP:156> i Gold: 115 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: A long haradrim bone sword (wielded). A formal black tabard (worn). A leather archer's quiver [0 arrows] (worn). A metal necklace (worn). The 11th Two Towers EVENT! badge. A small sewing kit. HP:230 EP:156> Felk says in Westron: go fuckin die s nice sword you HAD You say in Westron: nice sword you HAD HP:230 EP:157>