
Posted by
Daywalker [legacy]
17 July 2011 00:00:00
Player Kill

Not easy to find one of them VC wimps vulnerable... This one nearly survived. Posting for Faneti Mazakura.


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2011 07:17:14

    lol@Daywalker. For how many years have you two been trying to save the MUD or the logs page from something?

    You fucking retards.

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    24 July 2011 02:45:22

    I agree with Sunflash for once in my life

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    22 July 2011 06:43:44

    I still drive my car through fields, but I have a Land Rover and I just got new tires, so I'm justified.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    22 July 2011 06:30:49

    Only because you're too drunk to see the road properly!

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    22 July 2011 04:18:31

    Sunflash I am not old!!! mind you :P I still drive my car through fields:P

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    22 July 2011 01:07:28

    What the fuck is this shit? T2T is closer to 20 years old than 10. You know how many 20 year old multiplayer games still exist? Not many.

    T2T is fine. There are some changes, this community has always completely lost its shit over change, myself included. But it's still a multiplayer game, it's not 'rotting' or 'stagnant.' The playerbase is smaller, but there are still dedicated players here having fun, logging on to chat with their other friends, and even occasionally stabbing each other, more for nostalgia's sake than for some overwhelming desire to right imaginary wrongs.

    There's nothing for you to fix. Nothing. You're not going to change anyone's mind or the game or anyone's playstyle or attitude or anything by stabbing them in the head. At some point, we all started growing up. T2T is like that group of college friends you still keep in touch with. Just because you don't get drunk and drive cars through fields and throw wild parties anymore doesn't mean you're not friends, or that something is wrong or broken. Things have just changed, you all have different goals and objectives in life now.

    TL;DR: DW, quit fucking ranting about how you're fixing shit, nothing is broken. Move the fuck on; we're old now. You're starting to look pathetic.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 July 2011 23:52:47

    Its not really about pk as a thing to do to have fun.

    I mean there are enough pvp ons to kill if you want to just kill a random person for fun.

    The problem is much more important.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 July 2011 22:28:47

    If you guys just let it go, it'll come easier. I know how much it sucks to want to pk but be unable to :))

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 July 2011 22:15:23

    Akhazir you are incorrect. WE HAD the choice of attacking others. WE HAD the choice to join a vital society. Now we can select which idler or grinder guild to join and random events can select who we could eventually attack if we make ourselves a target to everyone else.

    And I don't want the flag to be changed anymore. I did all my best for some time and when I heard the feedback from ainur, trying to insert guild merciful or whatever options and other bullshit, I truly believe the mud can get worse!

    So as always, no change is the best change they can do.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    20 July 2011 18:46:43

    'The mud is rotting and the smell is getting worse every day. And a big part of it is coming from your halls.'

    'With or without you idlers, the game would be the same. You are not any factor to the game at all.'

    A compelling argument, to be sure. It would appear as though Daywalker is right. I'm not entirely sure as to which one of these is right, but since one is the exact opposite of the other, it stands to reason that one of them is, in fact, correct.

    I stand corrected.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    20 July 2011 18:31:50

    Guys. Daywalker is obviously smarter than all of you and knows whats best for everything everywhere. We should all turn over our bank accounts to him so he can tell us how to more effectively enjoy our money and live our lives.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    20 July 2011 18:19:44

    The MUD was never entirely about PvP. That was only a small part of it. We all have the choice of attacking others, questing, golding, talking or idling. They're all valid play styles. We get what we want out of the game, just as we always have. Who are you to tell us we shouldn't log in to chat?

    Because I know Daywalker played in the old days to know that people always idled in guildhalls or sat around talking instead of 'playing', I have to ask you: when did you buy his character? You should have known this if you were the real Daywalker. Nothing has changed here except a dwindling player base.

    And you do know that targeting people just because they have their PvP turned on is only working against your effort to have the flag removed... right?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 July 2011 15:28:48

    I really don't get you guys...

    Why every time I point out a problem it has to be whining, bitching or whatever. Can't you look at yourselves and say, oh well, we are fucked up?

    I am still here because i have spent a lot of time in my life playing this game and I really enjoyed it through most of it.

    Unlike you, MORONS, I hate to see the game being ruined by pvp flags, 5d uptimes, rotting playerbase and idiotic changes done by ainur to the grid or the gameplay. I do care about the game.

    And yes, it is a GAME. A GAME is played, its not idled through, its not chatted through, and certainly is not spent aging 100d without freakin leaving the guildhall more than once a month *see katya for reference*.

    If you like it this way - play it this way, ainur give you that choice - take it. But I will keep calling you fucking useless pieces of idling shit, because you are! With or without you idlers, the game would be the same. You are not any factor to the game at all. And I am trying to get you to move your fat asses from your stinkin guildhalls so you can go out and actually contribute to the playerbase of the game.

    Once again translation for the people like Polk: FUCK YOU!

  • Author
    Jaber [legacy]
    20 July 2011 11:00:53

    VC rocks

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    20 July 2011 09:32:57

    'Back in the days everyone was actually playing'...

    You mean 5 years ago or so?

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    20 July 2011 07:30:20


    Man, when all of this started you actually sounded as though you had some sort of decent rationale lined up. Now you've managed to downgrade yourself to nothing but a petulant child who's throwing a tantrum and cursing at people. Seriously?

    The plain fact of the matter is that the game is no longer something that you enjoy. I'm sorry for that, I truly am. But here's the thing that I think we need to remember. The game isn't here exclusively for you or for me or for a couple of people with whom we might share a common mindset/goal/outlook/whatever.

    You rant about the VC who are a guild full of old idlers. You rail about the cowardly GB who are all PvP off. You say all sorts of things about all sorts of people who don't share the dedication that's needed to sit underneath someone's inn room for two hours on the off-chance that they'll log on. If gaming like this really means that much to you, there's a ton of MUDs out there with decent PvP systems that'll be happy to help you learn how to play their system.

    You know, I'm not saying any of this to be a smartass, either. I'm genuinely curious why you stick around as much as you do if you're so miserable with the carrion odor that's coming from T2T. I mean, I'm infamous for my activity and I see you on some name or another the vast majority of the time I'm on. If you hate it here so much, then leave. Otherwise, you force me to assume that you're simply happy in your misery and that you enjoy sitting around and bitching about the way things used to be.

    *shrug* Past that, man, I don't know.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    20 July 2011 04:19:42

    jesus daywalker, your logic is so bad it doesn't even deserve to be called logic at all lol.

  • Author
    Mekero [legacy]
    20 July 2011 02:41:06

    I do stuff! :(

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    20 July 2011 01:44:57

    See Alkath, I agree with you completely. This is the reason the mud is going down, and turning into a pussy parade. 'We're a guild full of old idlers. Eventually (and usually at reboots), we do stuff. Else we log on mostly to chat.'

    If you log on to chat, google mIRC and IRC and go chat and let a GAME be a GAME not a CHAT ROOM.

    Back in the days everyone was actually playing, getting stuff, going to dangerous places, getting killed or killing, golding with enemies, golding without enemies too, guildwars over any of the above, hitlists, contracts, player interaction.

    Now everyone is rotting in their halls, chatting to their circle of people, not doing shit that would get them into interaction with others aside 'hi, how are you'. The mud is rotting and the smell is getting worse every day. And a big part of it is coming from your halls.

    And I dont even know why am I explaining this, people dont give a shit about anything nowadays.

    So let me tell it in the language you all understand:

    FUCK YOU all

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    19 July 2011 23:33:57

    I bet it is, Daywalker. We're a guild full of old idlers. Eventually (and usually at reboots), we do stuff. Else we log on mostly to chat. I play T2T mainly for positive, light-hearted interaction/course, not to put noobs in place, show people who's da man, or mock with people in general. I (try) to do these things at times, but unlike some people, it is not the goal of my online presence.

    Just chill out. Stop trying to 'save the world' from such trash as an guild of oldies that log on to chat. I promise you that you'll feel better. If you don't want to stop. Well, have fun with your quest and I wish you all the best with turning T2T around and into a heaven on earth.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    19 July 2011 20:56:34

    it's a shame how much t2t consumes daywalker daily life and how much he still cares about a mud lololol 'omg xxx in a video game doesn't give me opportunity to kill it' better go flame on some forums

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    19 July 2011 18:30:12

    Its a shame Gizmalin was banned, you two could have made a cute couple :)

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    19 July 2011 17:17:08

    So they play safe with pvp on. Sounds smart if you ask me.

    I have pvp on and do nothing any more. Sounds retarded if you ask me.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    19 July 2011 16:47:11

    Alkath you need to make an alt and try killing your guildmates, with merciful or whatever. You will see yourself how annoying it is.

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    19 July 2011 13:51:02

    Its always entertaining to return to the log page after not reading it for a couple of days.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    19 July 2011 13:24:41

    Harassing VC is so '99.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    19 July 2011 11:57:14

    He *IS*, Koz. Almost as cute as you with glasses 8-)

    Sure. I have no idea about what's going on. No clue whatsoever about me and Fork doing Mordor with half a set of gear, killing Milentije with both going ND, etc etc. Actually, we hire Quintin to quest us sturdy armours and near-fresh VGC unall carapaces. That's how we get gear.

    If you need a couple of days to have Daywalker prepare Faneti's pk set with poisons/healing/weaponry/armour maybe I can ask my guildmates to hold on with starting the reboot until 2d. Or do you need more time to prepare? I can also ask Katya to stop being GM and busy with rl, and start going to Umbar more often for you. Maybe I also could ask Yeil to alert you before he does dragon next time? He can mudmail you with a time so you can be ready?

    Ok, stop being so cute already! You're making me blush :))

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    19 July 2011 06:10:44

    Foraker just realizing Daywalker is a hypocrite? Now that's cute.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    19 July 2011 05:59:50

    Since our armoury tends to be good, we obviously DO leave lothlorien. But lothlorien has good gold *shrug* why gold elsewhere, especially at 4d+ uptime. And then you complain about Katya/Yeil not going low, but you say I'm an idiot for dying 20 rooms from my guild, when I was at about 140hp when you stabbed. Any lower and I would have died outside the guild. Yeah I could have rented a tent, but then you'd bitch at me for inn breaking. As for missing, it happens. And not every hit is over 17 so even if you hit me might still have made guild. And I'm a maxed warrior and had good armour, including HBS.

    Anyway, I don't care I died. But it's annoying me how you call people wimps for not going low, and then call people idiots for dying when they do go low.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    19 July 2011 01:39:23

    shh Falgor, dont scare my audience:)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    19 July 2011 00:16:49

    Falgor is cute too

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    18 July 2011 23:33:45

    I like Daywalker, you are all gays.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    18 July 2011 23:28:29


  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    18 July 2011 21:19:46

    even i find him cute!

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    18 July 2011 21:05:09

    Awww... He _is_ cute, Alkath!

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    18 July 2011 20:57:22

    I mean seriously, how the FUCK do you spend your mudtime not leaving lothlorien area for a whole reboot... thats just freakin insane... its not like you die IRL if you do.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    18 July 2011 20:22:03

    Alkath you have no idea what you are talking about. The guy was lucky to have me miss him twice with a fresh morimacil, either hit would end him. Also he was like 20 rooms from his guildhall, with 10k C and pvp on, and still die... which is absolutely idiotic. He was killing the npc which he could have used to rent a tent and just hide there, which was also absolutely idiotic.

    Your guild is so wimpy Katya and Yeil were golding moria hall 1 orcs in PARTY!!! Never going below good shape 10 rooms from gh... and I bet you they will die sooner or later.

    Why don't you give them a lesson of growing balls for example. Or just have them pvp off so they dont catch my attention.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    18 July 2011 19:55:23

    Needless to say, he was right. No need to spam 'ram' rounds after you already rammed. Instead, you could've headbutted and finished him off outside of GH and got his gear as well. Oh, and maybe triggered a break in the meanwhile.

    Norin, if anything is cute, it's DW :)

    And Mirnac... omg, grow up? It's not flaming !! 1!!!11 It's an intelligent discussion.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    18 July 2011 08:19:13

    Aww, Greybush is cute when he tries his best. :) <3

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    18 July 2011 06:06:32

    I don't think i ever seen anyone on this page look better when trying to defend or attack back from pointless flaming. People that are trying to be taken seriously should really learn to shut up.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    18 July 2011 05:03:45

    my point exactly, without the educational part:

    Date: 17. Jul, 2011, 23:16:02 By: Daywalker

    am I hearing pk advice from greybush?:P

  • Author
    Ayal [legacy]
    18 July 2011 04:14:40

    Too bad that fail message has nothing to do with Faneti's ep, the message for not enough ep is different. You'd know that if you weren't a noob, Greybush :(

  • Author
    Dekker [legacy]
    18 July 2011 03:39:43

    Wow. Opportunistic, I like it. That contract has been up for years.

    Poison served its purpose well. All around good kill.

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    18 July 2011 00:39:51

    Greybush you seriously need to fix your spelling errors it is just getting ridiculous now.. It's spelled Faggot, not Faneti.

  • Author
    Greybush [legacy]
    17 July 2011 23:38:47

    No I would never try to give the great Faneti MPzakura pk advise..

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 23:16:02

    am I hearing pk advice from greybush?:P

  • Author
    Greybush [legacy]
    17 July 2011 23:14:30

    You are too tired to ram your foe. Try again later.

    Lets spam ram some more. I know I have the ep to do it.. the mud is wrong. I know it is!!

  • Author
    Armandil [legacy]
    17 July 2011 23:00:03

    Good kill, and well, now you don't have that 10 k on your head foraker.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:36:52

    I do follow the log page, but not that closely :P

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:33:48

    Bah, you dont follow the log page do you? I was just joking :( Its from a log with Aykor...

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:31:05

    we mentioned my friends? I dunno how many friends I have. I don't feel a need to count them.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:19:19

    and since we mentioned it, do you have 15 friends?

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:18:25

    Because I wanted the log to be different then a herk dying, who breaks, then gloats and dies from poison...

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:15:18

    Not sure why you edited out some tells after I hit guild but before I died. Maybe to make the timing seem faster? it was probably 20-30 seconds. I sent 3, you sent 2, then bled.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    17 July 2011 22:00:19

    I had 17 hp when I hit the guild. Didn't notice I was poisoned so foolishly didn't heal immediately. Poision ticked, -3, bled to death. And I quest early on boot, go kill me then :P but I suppose you need your twilight/mori/poison before you'll do anything. Faneti logged on 2min before he attacked me, which is annoying too. Oh well. That contract was on me forever.