Quixef dies.

Posted by
Klouse [legacy]
29 January 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

I told him not to leave his guild when I am on. One death down, 4togo. Didn't even get to report me :P


  • Author
    Quixef [legacy]
    06 February 2002 15:02:32

    Lol, is that all you do klouse, brag and do pkill.

    infact i never seen you do anything more than run around well equipped wich i doubt you even got yourself. and annoying prick indeed you are and backup you indeed have, but what i know Durms bragging about a 7men pkill is not that much to proud of, as just wich stupid man could do that.. now if you want to backup your big mouth come pkill me alone.. i doubt you even have guts to think about it. so stop bothering me with your pathetic noncense and get down to buisness you always say you have.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 February 2002 20:38:11

    Hmms, what about when Eldalamber only gangbanged?

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    02 February 2002 18:47:48

    Klouse, I'll say it again. My guild isn't a pk guild, yours is. If you're proud of the fact that you could pull together 5-6 man gangbangs more often than we could, then go ahead and gloat. We both know that the system got changed because you all decided that you could gangbang the hell out of whoever you wanted and you'd barely have to pay for it. And that's exactly what you did. But go ahead, blame it on me some more, Klouse. Nothing's ever your fault.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    02 February 2002 16:39:05

    Anton, you should listen to your own advice. The gods of the mud put in the system...they should of tested it first. They choose not to, you guys had the SAME oppurtunity as us to kill us. Not my fault we got your members to 15th-17th lvl so quickly. Also, why did the gods change the system? Cause we were fucking destroying your ass. You can say all you want Anton...but you know as well as I do, they changed it because you guys wouldn't play at all. Log on and stay in your guild and members started bitching about it. So they gods changed it to how it is now. The fact still remains, your guild got slaughtered and that is the only thing I care about.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    02 February 2002 16:31:19

    Quixef, please. You got LUCKY ASS HELL I lost Tarn, if you had ANY sense in your brain...you would know that it's the assassins fault the he loses people in the party due to his wilderness. You would of been corpse before Rhos if I would of stayed in the party. Also you weren't even the person we were trying for, Woden was th person we wanted to corpse, which we did. You were only second after we found out you were at Red Sword. Anytime you want to step up to the plate with me Quixef you can, Ill stay at 150hps also. That gives you a bonus since I am a warrior and would kicked the shit out of you anyhow. Anytime you want to handle buisness, we can. When it comes down to it...there are about 15 percent of players on this game who would say 'Ok, lets handle buisness then the next time you are on' lets face it...your stupid ass isn't one of them. So if you want to open your mouth, why don't you back it up? I ALWAYS do, people can say I am an asshole or a prick whatever...but when it comes down to it NO ONE can say that I back away from someone talking shit, messing with my guild, or challenging me.

  • Author
    Quixef [legacy]
    02 February 2002 02:20:37

    Lol, man you guys suck, Korzan dont brag about something you don't even know how to do,

    youre so full of shit half would be enough..

    what's this coward thing you do for living

    set up a 7 men pkill party to kill a simple wizard that is just pathetic.. no respect dude

    and why is that you never post all the 3000 other failed attempt ive escaped...is that too embarassing.. i remember Klouse and Taris chasing me all way from gundabad... man i could have broke them anytime i want, but i thougt it would be even more embarassing to break them in Lorien, and klouse did not even know what he was doing he lost it halfways.. want anything more embarrasing? no? ok ill have mercy on your soul, anyway.. get a life lads.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    01 February 2002 21:45:40

    You still haven't explained your amazing war-stopping efforts, Korzan. Please tell us how you stopped the Meglivornth/FRA war? I'd really like to hear you back THAT claim up. Then we'll see who's really full of shit, huh? :)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    01 February 2002 07:29:05

    Thanks for restating my argument korzan. I appreciate it.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    01 February 2002 05:28:42

    What gets me is how you guys complained of no active members. I don't recall us whining when we had 1active member on in hours and you guys had 10. But hell what comes around goes around, everything shifts in middle earth.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    01 February 2002 04:41:33

    Variel, you're as full of shit as usual.

    First off, you mention that _I_ was killed in this Durm/Rim war...well guess what? I got killed by BEORNINGS.

    So if we're going to tally other guilds into the mix, The war was actually Rimsilval: 22 and Durmanhoth: 70+ kills.

    And I'll have you know, Variel, that Mrga, your AGM, first approached us to talk peace. He also begged that we have peace for the Holidays.

    We completely massacred your guild, and every guild that dared to raise a weapon against us.

    And as far as getting what we want, I, Korzan, am the one who is trying to establish a guildwide policy for EVERYONE, not just the Rimsilval, that we only fill contracts 3k and higher...because that is EXACTLY what we want: The ability to simply be professional assassins.

    And as soon as the Valacircans give up from the asswhooping they're receiving, we can start filling only 3k+ contracts on them, too.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    01 February 2002 04:25:09

    From my perspective durms whooped the rimsilval. They had massive numbers on and all the uniques for the majority of the time. Rimsilval were mostly scared to leave their guildhall while durms were standing around mordor. And while variel mentioned that there were 25 from his guild killed...he should also mention that those 22 kills on durms were using members of other guilds. If you include those guilds, as he should have in the durms tally, the numbers are grossly in favor of the durmanhoth.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    01 February 2002 04:23:48

    Baklen, you used one guild that was (at the time) abusing the hell out of the guild war system so they could gangbang like hell with cheap fines. You're a guild of pkillers, you're SUPPOSED to have a lot of killers. When you guys have like 10 active assassins and we have 2, don't tell me that things were SOOOO unbalanced by the 5 or so people from other guilds that helped us out. Think about it before you start babbling, man, and use a little common sense.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    01 February 2002 03:04:28

    Ok I'm gonna make say something that REALLY ticks me off. You say that ok, ok so maybe you killed more of us. But let me saythis Durmanhoth RECRUITED NOONE we used one guild were you used

    BKD/VC/BEORNINGS/ some KODA Attaked us also.

    Thats all I got to say about that shit.

    I know who won the war, say what ever you fucken like. We TORE YOUR SHIT APART. Untill you fucken whined.

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    01 February 2002 01:49:03

    Durms approached Rimsilval for peace... on two different occasions.

    We accepted the second time, because the terms were incredibly favourable

    Though there was strong movement within the guild to keep going.

    We were also aware that under the existing system the war could have dragged out

    forever and as Manni and I agreed, it was a fairly expensive exercise.

    The peace treaty was a modified version of the Rimsilval-Durmanhoth treaty, 1999.

    I wrote both treaties. Hardly something a defeated party would be able to do.

    The other factor was the knowledge that I would have to resign to focus

    on post Grad this year, So I wanted peace before I left.

    As for 'spanked'

    If that was true we'd have accepted the first offer in December

    When Klouse and Serex asked for peace.

    We accepted a peace deal in January, when Manni asked.

    But we did not surrender, nor did we need to.

    There was a strong desire to keep going with the war.

    Both guilds came out of this as strong as they went in to it.

    Rimsilval has already recovered war costs.

    Guildbank and personal accounts are as they were before we started.

    The final death toll was 25 Rims and 22 Durms

    Not counting multiples... the casualties were as follows:

    Durms: Orlandu, Therigion, Toto, Deadlok, Gangrel, Oreo, Foxxx,

    Havok, Randyb, Kriss, Korzan, Nasgoth, Klouse,

    Rims: Gazza, Devinius, Estraven, Anton, Duk, Soltan, Truffles, Lotze, Poseidon

    It?s good to see that Klouse can finally afford to pay for sex again,

    but he needs to get a grip on reality before posting about warfare.

    -Variel Firefax, retired Guildmaster of the Rimsilval

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    01 February 2002 00:08:47

    Thank you Vallejo :) Everyone knows you solo'ed me in Mordor even when I had a party :P Scared the piss outta me as well

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    01 February 2002 00:06:30

    On a further note. Rimsilval got spanked like a bitch I fuck on friday. Everyone that plays and knows what is going on can see that. You guys killed a few of us sure I will give you that, but you got whooped on. Plain and simple.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    01 February 2002 00:03:35

    Anton, you might not have said 'We give up', but your guild was defeated. No one came out of the halls ever...and don't say that is because your halls were inactive. They were playing before the war happend and they are playing now that the war is over. Defeat was there, you don't need to say anything to be defeated. Your guild was doing the talking but the actions they were taking.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    31 January 2002 20:55:32


  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    31 January 2002 19:52:56

    OOH i want to hear the details on the Meg/FRA war. :)

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    31 January 2002 19:00:44

    Bah! .. Who the hell wanna see some silly logs about a Solo kill .. It's the most boring reading available.. I normally don't even log a solo kill unless its on some old high level player or if the target actually tries to do a break.

    The logs we wanna see are when people that are somewhat known getting corpsed. And believe me .. Woden doesn't get soloed that often when he never leaves his forest.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    31 January 2002 13:45:47

    And while we're at it, let's hear those details on how YOU stopped the Meg/FRA war, how you stopped the FRA/SoU war that I don't remember existing, and how you 'stopped the Rimsilval/Durmanhoth war.' If you stopped it, it doesn't sound like we were begging you for peace, does it? But come on. I want to hear all the details, because you said on the comm that you single-handedly did ALL of those. Is it me, or are you turning into Drizzt?

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    31 January 2002 13:43:54

    God, Korzan. Do you always have to be such an ass? Manni should keep you on a shorter leash. I'm sick of having Manni be nice and courteous when it comes to treaties, and then have you start spewing bullshit. Rimsilval was NEVER going to give up. You spent a lot of time bitching at me about how I should, and I told you that we never would. Who approached you asking for peace, Korzan? Let's hear you back up some of the baseless crap that you're putting out there. And past that, you got what you wanted? Things went back to normal. You can take contracts out on Rims any time you want. But now, they have to be _3k_, which is in OUR favor, and in your favor...we're only retaliating against the killer. Don't give me that 'we won, you lost' bullshit, because we don't give up.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    31 January 2002 08:34:57


    I didnt 'think right' anything..

    I was asking a question which i didnt know the answer to, as their were no Durms or Rims to my (limited guild) knowledge i know on when i posted it..

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    31 January 2002 00:29:22

    First off, Kilth, I guess I'm rare, because I do know what Fjant means.

    Secondly, Gazza, you guys ABSOLUTELY came to us asking for peace. Perhaps not you PERSONALLY, but we were asked for peace by the Rimsilval guild. And third, you can call it whatever you want, but the facts are, you guys got completely spanked, and in the treaty we made, we got what we wanted all along - to be able to fill contracts on Rim members.

    So regardless if you call it a surrender or not, one this is equivocably certain. We won, you lost.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    30 January 2002 23:10:53

    Kujo, you think right. Rimsilval never approached Durmanhoth (to my knowledge) asking for peace. In fact we made it clear we were going to fight it out. But then THEY offered US a peace agreement (something that puzzled us a lot) and since we hadn't gone to THEM asking for it, we didn't see it as surrender. So we accepted. I find it very amusing seeing Durms claiming we went out looking for peace.

  • Author
    Risan [legacy]
    30 January 2002 22:47:57

    And I just remembered...if nothing else, at least I finally got to see a log where the Manni participates in a kill. I'm honestly not mocking you here, Manni, I just always thought it funny that you're the GM of an assassins guild and you rarely kill anyone. :)

  • Author
    Risan [legacy]
    30 January 2002 22:40:36

    For the record, Baklen: I never said 'good assassins don't gangbang,' so you don't need to say stuff like 'Risan, don't even say that shit about how good assassins don't gangbang!'

    Secondly, find a log of me doing 2 kills in a row, one with 7 people, the next with 8, and then we'll talk.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    30 January 2002 22:03:01

    I don't care what you do, I'm just saying some people criticize people that they don't even know.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    30 January 2002 21:54:31

    uh, Vallejo, can we critize morons that have been here forever but still dont know how to play?

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    30 January 2002 21:52:47

    'Wonder what I will find upon my return?'

    Various stupid messages on the chalkboard in your hometown. *nods*

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    30 January 2002 21:13:18

    Josef, you played here what, 3 weeks? Don't criticize older players from before you were here.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    30 January 2002 20:39:59

    Dear Baklen,

    I am very sorry. I was wrong.

    Hope you can forgive me.

    Love, Josef.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    30 January 2002 18:22:23

    *ponders the wisdom of Klouse and sees the light!*

    ...which would explain why I hibernated, I didn't have the time or the inclination to bother releveling at the start of the semester...Wonder what I will find upon my return?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    30 January 2002 17:06:31

    Josef you are a moron.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    30 January 2002 15:48:51

    Hehe Kilth, Fjant was a jerk... exploiting every single thing he could in this game, that includes cheating! He sucked

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    30 January 2002 13:26:03

    I am going to say this once and once only. THIS IS A FUCKING GAME, get a damn life and start treating it like one. If I have 20 people I would probably attack with 20 people. Hense all 20 wouldn't get to attack but still...this is a game something you do in your leasure time. If you do not enjoy doing it in your leasure time, find another hobbie...if you do then shut the hell up and start treating this mud like it was ment to be a damn game.

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    30 January 2002 12:30:05

    Kujo, I seriously don't belive you think the durmanhoth did....

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    30 January 2002 11:27:53

    'BkD and Rimsilval have both come to the Durmanhoth looking for an agreement, and we have granted it to them. '


    who actually asked for peace in the Rim/Durm war anyways?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    30 January 2002 10:45:43

    Woohoo! I bet only a few of you know what Fjant means. =)

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    30 January 2002 08:49:50

    Kilth, I have a log of Fjant gangbanging me at DWH on my computer at home. I'll post it sometime. Its rather entertaining. He attacked with Azarael (who was like 15th level at the time) and someone else. It was rather entertaining...I ended up breaking in Belegost...going from dwh to rhos to rivendell to bree to bywater to belegost inn. (i had someone waiting in the forsaken inn, but since three attacked, i just said screw it and ran for the inn) LoL. These were different times...I'd say better, times as well.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    30 January 2002 05:48:21

    Hey, Vallejo...I do get serious about some things, but I'm not about to let hypocrisy and ignorant arguments destroy the reputation of the Durmanhoth, who have neither idle killed nor corpselooted nor cheated since I have become guildmaster. Ask anyone who has ever known me- it's all about having fun and that's what I do. Any Durm member or any ainu that tunes in to the Durm comm on occasion will be able to verify that much. It is a game, but I like to make some long winded responses when the opportunity arises. :)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    30 January 2002 05:25:24

    Yeah, Korzan.You are the smart leader and there are your moronic, laic troops, gathered from the native peasantry:P

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    30 January 2002 04:44:51

    Shit about it. Can I see Fjant now?

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    30 January 2002 03:46:37

    people keep bringing up the same points over and over again, shut up already :P I swear Baklen has posted that last comment, worded differently at least 2 dozen times over the last month :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    30 January 2002 03:32:12

    And Risan I can pull up logs of you gangbanging, And I im sure you can pull up logs of me gangbanging. And if you say shit about it, I can pull up logs of fjant gangbanging, dravin, valerian. Don't give me that shit that good assassins don't do it. In a war, the end justifies the means.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    30 January 2002 03:30:12

    First off, I want to point out that any of you who whine about gangbanging ARE NOT EVEN ASSASSINS! Have you ever hunted someone with any skill REMOTELY in a war.I'm tired of hearing people bitch an moan WHEN your not even assassins and have no what the fuck pk is about.And It really makes me laugh when someone gangbangs someone else then complains about it. I wont say no fucken names. THIS IS WAR IF SOMEONE IS STANDING 30ROOM FROM A HB ALL THE GOD DAMM TIME

    AND thats ALL he does. then by all means take 20people to kill his ass. Standing near hb's waiting for an attack is lamer than gangbanging.

    Ok Woden told me himself that he stayed near loth or moria during the war. And were did they gangbang his ass lothlorien and with 7 people jesus fuck he had enought timie to eat 5pasties and drink a phial. Next time woden help triggers if you have no rm, drinking a phial being striked counter attacks it. shit you could of lived.

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    30 January 2002 03:29:10

    'Woden - killed by 8 people' - - - I WIN!!!!


  • Author
    Risan [legacy]
    30 January 2002 02:50:17

    Okay. I went back and actually checked logs from the past while. Both Manni and I are off by a bit. :P


    Woden - killed by 8 people

    Quixef - killed by 7 people

    Jaier - killed by 2 people (my mistake on this one, four people were hunting, only two attacked.)

    Preciouss - killed by 2 people

    Fofester - killed by 3 people

    Fofester - killed by 2 people

    Isilrion - killed by 2 people, though there were 3 in the party again

    Zoso - attempted by 3 people


    So in short: I don't see any of the solo kills Manni mentioned, but I was pretty far off in saying that I didn't see many with just 2 attackers. That'll teach me to talk before counting, I guess. :P

  • Author
    Risan [legacy]
    30 January 2002 02:36:34

    Don't take it personally, Manni, but I've generally been seeing logs of 3-4 Durms/Megs attacking or killing their targets. Perhaps you could point me toward the addresses of some of those solo or two person kills? :P

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    30 January 2002 02:23:27

    I used to think this was a game, Manni has shown me differently.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    30 January 2002 01:43:35

    I would like to reiterate that we did not start war with Valacirca. They joined the war that we fought with Rimsilval through Woden, Quixef and Dorianna participating gangbang attempts on us. Valacirca is now facing the consequences of their poorly thought out actions of that war. While, on paper, it might have seemed great and noble to run finds for Rimsilval and join in a few attempts while Rimsilval, Beornings, and BkD overpowered Durmanhoth...The war certainly turned out differently and Valacirca has been left to face both the Durmanhoth and the Meglivornth. So this is not a new war started by the Durmanhoth to opress the Valacircans- we have only been actively attacking them for a few days and aside from the bang on Woden and Quixef, have been killing them solo or in groups of 2. This is merely an extension of the Durmanhoth and Rimsilval war of the past couple months. BkD and Rimsilval have both come to the Durmanhoth looking for an agreement, and we have granted it to them. We are not focused on killing in mass numbers against mass numbers of victims, but if you declare war on us, you will be held accountable for those actions. When the Valacirca realize that they are out of other viable options and admit defeat, the conflict will be swiftly concluded on our terms.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    30 January 2002 01:42:44

    Sure they are Bentelbow. They kill one durm every couple weeks and then we get pissed (more so) at them and kill about 50 of em. Oh wait, thats not a war, its a massacre.

  • Author
    Bentelbow [legacy]
    30 January 2002 00:11:56

    Some war.. VC isn't even fighting it.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    30 January 2002 00:07:55

    We understand why you do it (cause you cant kill woden with any less?), we just think its lame.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    29 January 2002 23:36:58

    You guys obviously don't understand the concepts of War, and Assassination.

    In Assassination, you sneak around stealthily and kill your enemy by exploiting his or her weaknesses.

    In War, you get your troops and go wipe out enemy troops, slaughtering them all, as fast and easily as possible.

    And folks, this is a war. If you don't like it, you can surrender.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 January 2002 23:22:58

    I guess I could say that the Amruin are a great pk guild, since we could kill people with 7man parties too. Woohoo!

  • Author
    Risan [legacy]
    29 January 2002 23:16:41

    Oh my fucking god. Another one? All hail the mighty Durmanhoth.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    29 January 2002 22:13:39

    Hey, we were all assembled after Woden bit it... Why not, right?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 January 2002 22:07:13

    Man, you guys get lamer every log. And to think I thought you were a bunch of bastards *before* the last two 7man gangbang installments.