SoU tries to defend Mordor

Posted by
Rolf [legacy]
09 February 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Dwarves in action!


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 September 2002 15:59:17

    BTW, really cool logg.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 September 2002 15:59:03

    Hehe, Rolf is my man!

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    16 February 2002 20:14:24

    Oh, I have never claimed to be good, but uhm... never left edoras? now shut the fuck up Wise or who ever you are. you didn't even know me.

    Take care.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    14 February 2002 14:12:30

    No comments

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    14 February 2002 04:29:01

    no shit josef, you were one of the most pathetic pieces of shit to ever reach lvl 19, and once you got there you left edoras for about 3 minutes each log on, shut the fuck up, you had no skill at all

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    14 February 2002 02:31:56

    *shrug* if i suck so bad, why do you have to use a fake name to say this Josef?

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    13 February 2002 05:59:02

    Hmm, is it just me or am I the only one who don't find squibb one of the best pkillers in the game... far from I'd say.

    Btw, nice kill *cheers*

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 February 2002 01:16:25

    yea brahm, if you have a dwarf's brain in RL too, maybe its too much for you to comprehend ;-)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 February 2002 01:12:34

    Erm, I never asked him to surrender, just to end the violence which they had started.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:47:06

    I can't get the picture of Squibb trying to convince Crusaderr to surrender out of my mind.

    Hahahahaha. Go Squibb.

    And nice job by BkD and i suppose the others too. At least both Anathema and Cerol made it alive.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    12 February 2002 11:14:10

    I think you can add Durmanhoth to that list. Yes Brahm, Glorglas shouldn't have any problems with Arda V2. It seems that this change only affects the guilds without a 'domain'. Glorglas have Thranduils.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    12 February 2002 06:14:46

    Yeah, they should all lose theirs too. Glorglas?

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    12 February 2002 04:29:39

    we are changing themes Brahm

    And oh yes, now that would be a good idea, why not ask Rimsilval and FRA and Glorglas what they think about that idea, since they will probably be the next ones down the line to get the change

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    12 February 2002 00:02:17

    Yeah, and since the megs are being changed I think that their bank should be reset, lol.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 12:07:11


  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 12:06:43

    Yes, here in t2t we seem to define RP as preventing another person from killing an NPC which we sword to protect. If we involve ourselves in these battles then we 'RP'

    And god forbid if your guild serves an actual purpose to arda such as filling weapon orders or contracts, then you really arent part of RP'ing.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    11 February 2002 11:32:54

    Your average t2t player: This is not RP this is PK!

    Who made this no-RP? I think it is very much like RP to kill 'enemies' in mordor like this. I'm totally fed up with the twisted definitions of RP in t2t... You all got the most wicked definitions... Damn, i am really starting to hate 't2t-rp' and people who 'RP' in the t2t. You seem like you never heard of Role-playing and Character-developmenting... Fuck this!

    -Just my 2 norwegian crowns

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    11 February 2002 08:42:47

    Balinul, rampant random playerkilling does not exist on this mud, i dont know where you've been playing, but its certainly not t2t. Playerkilling happens for the most part because of a) guild wars, or b) contracts. Neither of which are random.

    And, as for mentioning that i've never been known for telling the truth...thats coming from someone who was just caught lying in his very last argument. I dont know, but if i was the casual reader, I'd be a little skeptical of what Balinul is saying, because he is by far the greater liar.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    11 February 2002 07:28:18

    Oh, and two uptimes later I got the DAKS, hehe.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    11 February 2002 07:27:22

    One time I tried to get a DAP and the knight attacked me, and later I went to DA to do something like chop off my finger, or read their MC board or something like that, and they attacked me with like 3 people utterly ripped me up and just followed me around DA until I left, I think i had like 20 hp cause I was lagged. ;P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    11 February 2002 06:01:36

    Sorry for this late post but I was gone for a few days (Damn but I love Armor). Anyways...

    Talan, there are a very specific reasons why Lord Ilian and Lord Squibb reached a peace easily and quickly, 1)KoDA does not make powerplaying or playerkilling the focus of it's existence, 2)The Meg member gangbanged was pK'd for his actions prior to his inclusion with the Meglivornth, therefore KoDA had no argument with the 'Megs' as a Guild and the timing of the attack was unfortunate. 3)KoDA has never seen the 'Meglivornth' as an enemy but as Knights serving a Lord, we find the 'idea' of mercenaries distastefull. Plenty members of the Meglivornth have shown themselves to have honour.

    Should you ever attack my homeland, I can assure you that my defense is never pretend or fake. It has real pain and suffering for those that do it. No matter which Guild they belong too.

    Wasach Zadan-an-Naduim

    Man-at-Arms of the Knights of Dol Amroth


    I dont know about the rest of Arda but I have found that the Sons of Ulfang have quite a few members with a great sense of Honour.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    11 February 2002 05:31:30

    It looked dumb, so i didnt read any of them.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    11 February 2002 05:20:37

    Dang thats a lot...

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 04:20:17

    ?Because people like Squibb tried to force his kind of gameplay onto everyone instead of allowing the free choise.?

    Free choice? Free choice is playing the type of character your bitching about right now. That is free choice. One who helped force the Meglivornth to no be able to RP effectively for 1 year, meanwhile bitching at the Ainur that we dont RP. As for the moral guilds, its a complex game and I suggest they start actively learning to play it. As for the VC/KoDA, they killed a member of mine, didn?t give any explanation why, didnt mudmail me any reasons, then didnt try to talk with me. Any GM in their right mind would take this as an act of war. KoDA solved it with me fast, Crusaderr was completely stubborn and didnt want to accept any peace at first, then when he did he demanded 10k gold for each member of theirs we killed. Finally he accepted peace. I?m not forcing my gameplay on others by any means. YOU are forcing your view of gamplay on others, YOU helped destroy the Meglivornth by not allowing us to RP. You are a person with a god-like complex because and I quote you from a past conversation ?I do think I know whats best for Arda and its players?.

    And finally, I?m all for RP and promoting it, but by baby-proofing this mud you will destroy it, I sure hope you don?t succeed.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 04:13:08

    'You want everyone to play the powerplayers game. I want to allow the powerplayers their game and the roleplayer theirs.'

    You mean the skilled and the unskilled? And oh yes, you complain as though this mud is all wrong? Ever notice that we have upwards of 170 players online at a time? If you ask me people play here for a reason and its because its challenging and fun. Its one thing when a guild beats up on another guild for a long duration of time, but its another thing when they have a fast conflict and it ends. In that fast conflict you learn how your skills match up to others. And on an individual basis, if your mouthy and dont have skills at huntbreaking, you definately learn your lesson. Its how the world works.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 04:11:15

    I think people should have a fair choise to play how they think it suits them the best.

    Now, what I believe is that Melkor should clone this mud, and make a separate mud for everyone who never wants to die. Better yet, he can give them all 10000hp and make every npc drop 5000 gold. It would be great, people could protect npc?s from erm nobody, cause nobody would be there to fight them, they would all be on the normal mud where its a challenge. Now if people have a no pk setting, then they would also have to make different gold so that people who typically use alts to fill each other?s main chars banks with gold cant use this as a way to support their normal char. Also, no way should someone who isnt able to be pk?d be allowed to use uniques or other good gear like hauberks or AESS?s or forged swords. So pop that idea to Melkor, new char settings, new gold setting and new gear settings, should be easy and help you to ruin the challenge of this mud successfully.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 04:10:48

    ?Its that simple Squibb. I don't want to force my playing style onto the entire mud. You do.?

    Now how did you come to this conclusion? Seems a broad generalization based upon no facts. Yes Balinul, I feel there is MUCH more to RP than simply shielding an npc and saying ?leave him be, begone!? or seeing a Corsair?s rapier at alexa with a 3 line tag. If you had not noticed, the current state/time in Arda on our mud IS wartime and yes, death will/should occur. And no, I don?t want to baby-proof the mud and make it safe for all the wee folk who want to RP a badass warrior but are too fucking lazy to learn huntbreaks which would back up their RP! To this day it baffles me why people would rather spend their time trying to change the MUD rather than spend the same amount of time and make their fellow players more skillful, thus solving the problem which they bitch about in the first place.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    11 February 2002 04:10:08

    ?Squibb, I know your main concearns and priorities in this game is to get the best equipment and be the best playerkiller in the game.?

    Balinul, you are quite wrong about this, my priorities are not being the best pk?er in the game and if I were interested in that, I would not be a member of the Meglivornth, fact is that the FRA forced our guild into a pk war for 1 year, of which we had no choice but to fight or disband. I found this to be absolutely the most malicious act on the mud to date. You didnt bitch about that, actually, you took part in it. And I find this statement particularly amusing considering you have an alt who is a renound pk?er and in a guild whose theme is ?the best equipment and be the best playerkiller?. Typical hypocracy.

    ?I just have other priorities. I don't care about getting the whip. I don't need to be the best playerkiller in the game.?

    God,Again, hypocracy.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    10 February 2002 20:01:59

    Oh Talan, if you think rampant and random playerkilling doesn't happen on this mud, you're way off. You know that just as well as I.

    And, if I got my sources wrong, then Im sorry. However, you have never been known for telling the truth, so it would be interesting to hear what the VC had to say. But ofcourse, if what you claim is true, then fine, Im sorry for saying something wrong.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    10 February 2002 19:57:13

    Balinul, you're an idiot.

    As proof of Squibb 'forcing' his 'powerplaying' on arda, you say he told crusaderr '[he whacks vc] because he can, when crusaderr asked for peace'. Crusaderr NEVER asked for peace. We were always the ones offering it to him because we FELT BAD about killing our long time allies and people who really had no business being in a pking war (although certain members of their guild forced them into it). If crusaderr had asked for peace, we would have accepted and moved along. Now in the future, dont make things up as basis for your arguments, mmkay?

    Furthermore, the most recent war between Koda and Megs is a good example of why RP and Pk still can and does exist. Koda guildmembers gangbanged and killed a meglivornth member. There were repercussions, and 4 KoDA were killed as a result. However, because of quick negotiating by the KoDA leader, the war ended after 2-3 days, and they went happily back to pretending to defend their NPC's from attackers. So much for us 'powerplayers' forcing our style of play on other guilds. In short, for most guilds in arda, playerkilling only becomes a necessary tool of guild strategy when one of their members is playerkilled. For those not interested in playerkilling, who do not enter into playerkilling interactions, should have NO PROBLEM avoiding being playerkilled. However, joining a guild that pks other guilds WILL lead to being involved in playerkilling.

    For proof of this, look at the mirdain. These members NEVER playerkill, and as a result are only rarely playerkilled!

    Your argument is ridiculous, and would result in the total ruination of the mud.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    10 February 2002 18:08:19

    Good question, Cerol, I don't seem to get it either.May be you have to be a moron to get it (and abuse it like Adunazon or hide behind it like others).

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    10 February 2002 17:57:21

    Go Balin'ul! I think you have a point... But I'm not good at expressing myeslf.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 February 2002 15:41:46

    This is an awesome log!

    Nice Kill ;)


  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    10 February 2002 13:48:44

    Adunazon, have you ever thought about the fact that you may be forcing something onto others by the way you play. Something that they dont want to participate in.

    Have you ever considered the possibility, that this may be what Im objecting against you for?

    Did Nyssa really consider if Phantomjrd wanted to be playerkilled while he was trying to play his defense of Thranduils as a Glorglas member?

    (Hell, did even Phantomjrd consider if Nyssa wanted to participate in his RP).

    So yes, Im chasing you around. Yes, I object against some of the things you do. But no, I don't do it to force something on to you. I do it because it looks as if (in my book at the least), that you are trying to force something on to others.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 February 2002 13:38:23

    Balinul, you're preaching freedom to play the way you like, but you're chastising me for playing how I choose to RP (or not RP, in your eyes) and lead my guild. Give me freedom of choice, give me some peace from your incessant chastising. You say you don't want to force your playstyle onto the entire mud, but you complain that so-and-so isn't doing this the way you feel he should, so really, you think you could stick with one story? You're coming off as schizophrenic.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    10 February 2002 13:28:00

    Squibb, I know your main concearns and priorities in this game is to get the best equipment and be the best playerkiller in the game.

    Thats perfectly fine and I hope you get a kick out of that kind of gameplay.

    I just have other priorities. I don't care about getting the whip. I don't need to be the best playerkiller in the game.

    I want to play a dwarf. I want to experience a thriving dwarven community ... or a great elven community ... or an orc tyrant ... or whatever.

    Sure, all these things, both your list and my list -could- theoreticly work together.

    But, the evolution of Arda has proven that they can't with the current playerbase and code!

    Its that simple Squibb. I don't want to force my playing style onto the entire mud. You do.

    I think people should have a fair choise to play how they think it suits them the best.

    (And if they want to try other ways, they can always have several characters).

    You want everyone to play the powerplayers game.

    I want to allow the powerplayers their game and the roleplayer theirs.

    What is it that happens?

    Oh, a great new area is released... 10mins after, the powerplayers found this great new weapon.

    They want to test it.

    So they kill some roleplayers or whatnot...(easy targets at the least).

    The roleplayers gets frustrated, they start going inactive, because every time they managed to having build some great and fun roleplay, some powerplayer comes a long and whacks them ... 'because he can' (Wasn't that what you said to the VC GM when he asked for peace Squibb?

    So Valinor sees this new great weapon causes inactivity, playermigration and a bad spirit on the mud.

    So they degrade things... the evil, evil balance enemy!

    The powerplayers gets frustrated... they start yelling, Everything gets downgraded! Valinor sucks! etc, etc, etc... you all know the drill.

    And what happened just here? We ended up in a situation where everyone is frustrated, angry and rather pissed off at the mud.


    Because people like Squibb tried to force his kind of gameplay onto everyone instead of allowing the free choise.

    Remember Squibb, just because you can't see the fun in things, then it doesn't mean others can't.


  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    10 February 2002 11:02:45

    Its a funny thing those who want to do away with pk'ing in Arda.. What would be the challenge? Answer: there wouldn't be one and people would quit playing this game.

    Every idiot with a mouth would be able to talk shit and get away with it because there would be no reprocussions. Fact is people are complaining about pk'ing because they are too fucking lazy to get off their asses and learn a few huntbreaks.

    Remove the risk=remove the challenge=remove the fun=eventual death of the mud

    (on our way to 100 :-P)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    10 February 2002 09:34:20


    You said that death isn't the worst thing. Then what is? (And another bookmark:)


  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    10 February 2002 09:19:45

    Quit bitchin already... everyone

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    10 February 2002 09:09:22

    Can someone please explain the difference between PK and RP to me? I just don't seem to get it...

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    10 February 2002 08:25:30

    All of you goodie two shoes rpers out there calling Adunazon a bad RP'er because he ignores durms attacks in mordor are big fucking hypocrites. I was just in lothlorien merrily slaying elves, while lots of VC amruin and other goodies walk by. They ignore me because they know they'll get their ass whooped if they try to defend their NPC's.

    Adunazon ignoring Durms is basically the same thing. Because of the political alignment of the mud, 1.5 evil guilds, and about a zillion morals, he cant attack durms in mordor or else he'll be left very very alone politically. Its the same fucking thing, so if you're going to whine about him, then you'd better start behaving better yourselves.

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    10 February 2002 08:08:35

    Blah. Cirith Ungol is a brand new area. I think it's perfectly fine for them to kill whatever they want for a little while. Otherwise, all they'll ever know is a bunch of hearsay and whatever about the ongoings of the place. If they really want to be able to 'defend' the place, they have to know it forwards and backwards or they'll get beaten down all over the place... Give them another uptime or so before anyone starts complaining about this person defending that and whatever.

    And killing Shelob isn't akin to defying Sauron. Like Adunazon said way back - if the bitch is going to attack and kill many of his allies (including himself), he's not just going to stand there and take it. She needs to be eliminated.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    10 February 2002 07:47:16

    The possiblity of getting killed when doing your 'RP' as you would call it, shouldnt be a possibility, it should be a fact. Deaths arnt exactly the worse things than can happen to you in arda. So hunting should be allowed to an extent :P All i really wanted to say

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 February 2002 06:07:49

    Bah, the durms have killed the Nazgul in the CU tower before, i wouldnt call that helping out Sauron. Therefore, I decree, that you are just full of shit, Paraiko. :)

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    10 February 2002 05:06:23

    Gazza, I would think it to be a credit to the SoU that we think in thematic terms rather than playability terms. If our characters act like Sauron does not exist, it would inevitably lead to the complete disintegration of our adherence to our theme. And as for Martalk, I doubt that shovelling piles of rottting meat into the mouths of fell beasts is such an exact science; so even in thematic terms Martalk is completely inconsequential when compared to a Durmanhoth assassin.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    10 February 2002 02:10:44

    I see no problems with Adunazons RP, hell I encourage it, people should use hunt in RP OUT of mordor, it makes the game just a little more interesting ;) SoU SHOULD be attacking every angelic dwarf there see in there, Mordor has never recovered from ER's, hell, I remember when you couldn't be in mordor for over 5 minutes without being attacked, it's all good fun, so stop whining.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    10 February 2002 02:00:59

    Paraiko said:

    'If Sauron really wanted to stop the Durmanhoth from arming themselves from the corpses of a few of his slaves, he'd do it himself.'

    I'm sorry, but I've had enough of hearing SoU say this. It's such a lame disclaimer. If Sauron was a tangible being on this game, which could have any physical effect on PC's whatsoever, then SURE, that's a valid point. But since this is not true, it's just lame.

    And of course a prod in the hands of a Durm will do much more good than in the hands of Martalk. Martalk doesn't DO anything for playability reasons. You guys are talking like this is the real Arda. It isn't, it's a game, and a lot of realism has to be sacrificed for it to be playable.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    10 February 2002 01:10:07

    I have never seen a SoU kill in CU...

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 February 2002 01:06:16

    i think its funny how in one log Adun and some SoU are killing in CU, and in this one, defending the place.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 February 2002 00:22:42

    Now thats my kind of roleplay!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 February 2002 00:17:48

    Damnit, *mind lapse* insert Paraiko where you see Duniv in the last comment. My mistake, Im doing like 6 things all at the same time right now. :)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 February 2002 00:15:10

    Yeah Duniv, that like if I see someone kill the woman at the hearth and then go kill the gate guards because they failed to 'do their job.' Shit, i could probably come up with some dumb ass excuse to kill Theoden if I wanted to. You just dont attack them because you know they would kill you if you did.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    10 February 2002 00:00:09

    Balinul, first of all... If Sauron really wanted to stop the Durmanhoth from arming themselves from the corpses of a few of his slaves, he'd do it himself. From a thematic standpoint, it is not our responsibility to police his other servants.

    After all, the Durmanhoth, unlike the Sons or the Corsairs, are members of an autonomous organization. The Sons and the Corsairs, however, thematically cooperate with other servants of Sauron on a regular basis. As such, we do not kill His servants inside or outside of Mordor because we might be killing a present or future ally or subordinate, depending on his relative importance. It is, however, our responsibility to fight those whose express purpose is to oppose Sauron, such as the BkD.

    In addition, Sauron would be well aware that a prod in the hands of a Durmanhoth assassin is going to do his cause a hell of a lot more good than it would in the hands of Martalk.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:44:46

    I disagree with Adunazon here, just because the place is lawless doesn't mean it needs to be abused during RP, not that this was RP as I can clearly identify that it wasn't. However, if a dark one such as yourself entered Erebor with that Shadow spawn align I'm sure Durin's family would hunt you down and kill just for thinking about it....but because it's not -lawless- it'd be looked down upon. So just because you have an advantage in Mordor don't try to hold a double standard, it just makes you look petty.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:42:24

    C'mon Adunazon, you're not stupid. You damn well know what Im talking about.

    Lets take a fictive example:

    Adunazon sees someone in Mordor from a moral guild. Adunazon notices there is no SoU/CoU assassins on, so he calls an outsider assassin ... lets say a ... durm?

    Adunazon and the durm assassin (who brought his 3 friends) attack and kill the 'intruder'.

    So fine so well, as long as we're talking Mordor I really can't get too heated about that.

    However, here comes the problem:

    Durm (and his 3 friends) thinks they might as well grab a prod while in Mordor. They say: 'Lets get a prod!'. Adunazon realizes he don't want to offend his big brother, so he leaves in order to let his 'allies' kill what he just were defending.

    Now, that heats my piss!

    This was not meant to offend anyone, but Adunazon, ... however, this is how it happens. And quite frankly Adu, I don't care one bit about how many times you claim to have protected Mordor against durms or whatnot. Either they're your friend or your enemy, you can't just switch around when it suits you to kill someone you don't like.

    Im pretty certain Sauron would have felt you as a traiter, since you effectively are allowing others free access to Mordor by your actions.

    Have you turned into the piccolo rolling out the red carpet that leads to easy equipment and free pk's for your allies Adunazon?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:41:30

    Nice kill, I wish I had 3 or 4 dwarves with me every time I got attacked in mordor, there would be some heads rolling. :)

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:20:40

    Sorry I just reread Balinul's comment and it makes me sick. RP is lawless, ass. I guarantee if I abided by your 'You are attacking Mordor! Flee or be attacked!' bullshit idea of what RP SHOULD be, I'd be hunted 9 out of 10 times. What are you trying to do? Your argument on 'Mordor RP' is ludacrous. There is NO RP in Mordor. There is PK in Mordor. You as a dwarf RP killing in Mordor. I as a servant of Sauron RP killing the killers. I have no idea where your fucked up logic comes from, but maybe you should rethink it.


    *Lovable furry huggable evil servant of Sauron


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:17:00

    As Adunazon wields the shadow sword, it is enveloped in black lightning!

    Adunazon grips the shadow sword with one hand.

    Adunazon gets an empty flask from an Orc courier pack.

    Adunazon puts an empty flask into an Orc courier pack.

    Adunazon gets an empty flask from an Orc courier pack.

    Adunazon puts an empty flask into an Orc courier pack.

    Adunazon gets an empty flask from an Orc courier pack.

    Adunazon puts an empty flask into an Orc courier pack.

    HP:210 EP:119 shape all

    Cerol is near death.

    Adunazon doesn't look so great.


    I'd also like to mention how much I HATE sapphire swords with their 20hp hit hards, 25hp hit very hards, and 35hp inflicts. Most uniques don't hit that hard. And they're easy enough for most Beornings to get. *grunt*

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:15:39

    It was a brave attack Adunazon, I guess the darkness in your heart has devoured the coward in you. Also your sanity =) I wish Anathema had eaglesighted though, it would have been more of a fight then.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    09 February 2002 23:12:15

    Once again my eleet skillz shine as I dig in my pack for one of the 2 flasks I had in my cloak. I'd say live and learn, but I don't seem to be doing either. Good job BkD. And Balinul, you're a moron.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 February 2002 22:30:32

    Yeah, if Morthar was there, they might have killed him instead of Adunazon. Other than that, my brothers would have still crushed them. ;)

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    09 February 2002 22:01:55

    I'm just putting a bookmark to see how many of the comments I've read. Ignore this.


  • Author
    Morthar [legacy]
    09 February 2002 21:47:00

    If I was there the outcome would have been different. *shrugs* Looks like I wont be back. It was fun.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    09 February 2002 21:40:57

    Well from the way the title says. I thought bkd went in rpilling then tried to hunt, hmms

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    09 February 2002 21:37:50

    My respect goes out to Adunazon, with courage taller than all of those dwarves stacked on top of each other. :) Nice job too, dwarves.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    09 February 2002 21:04:29

    Balinul, I think you misunderstood me. Killing somebody in Mordor is hardly a theme violation for SoU. Ever tried to roleplay without playerkilling in mordor? It doesn't work. I've tried it. In short, killing can be incorporated into a theme. It is not at odds with roleplay. RP rules are set up for practicality reasons. They have nothing to do with actual thematicism. RP rules have been implemented because one of the goals of RP is to provide an enjoyable experience for all involved. I'm all for applying these rules in the rest of Arda, but Mordor is a definite exception. Gosh. I agree with Ruiniel for once. How scary is that?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    09 February 2002 19:39:07

    Btw, really nice log:))))))))

    Reminds me of the good old times when Mimak and co would rock Mordor couldn't be stopped:P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    09 February 2002 19:38:26

    Oh well, RP in Mordor is PK.The SoU have been doing it for long and I kinda see nothing wrong in it.I once got 2 strikes from Shagrath and Lazar

    and they claimed it was RP.Hehe, I had no RM, it kinda hurt but I escaped.We later tried/managed to PK someone of their party (forgot exactly) and we counted it RP too.

    Btw, RP and PK shouldn't be separate things.You win a war with kills.Dividing RP from PK makes things fake.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    09 February 2002 18:50:41

    By the same line of argument, you could claim that guilds was created for roleplay and thus only should be used for that...

    (And yeah, c'mon, lets see if we can hit over 100 comments on this one!)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    09 February 2002 18:45:51

    RP in mordor? Last I checked, mordor had been designated the lawless land for a reason. I'd always been under the impression it was supposed to be used for PK.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    09 February 2002 18:26:37

    Hey Baklen, calm it. Adunazon is known for having turned most the SoU RP in Mordor (some even claim outside, I don't though) ... into nothing more than PK attempts.

    Adunazon has hunted to PK in Mordor before while claiming it to be RP... only fair he gets some of his own medicin.

    Way to go dwarves!

  • Author
    Rogar [legacy]
    09 February 2002 18:26:05

    ouch! thats my brothers in action :)

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    09 February 2002 18:10:16

    Haha, funny log :P

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    09 February 2002 17:39:34

    I went in to kill Darknova, not to defend I pirate defending Mordor is not my job, my job is to enslave them Gondorian peasants and rape their men.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    09 February 2002 17:36:28

    I sure as hell hope this wasn't a rp event. Cause bkd your fucken moron's if it was

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    09 February 2002 16:55:02

    (mutters) Yeah, nicely done. You dwarven warriors really are bastards in combat. I have no idea why some people were getting blinded in combat. Isn't eaglesighting something everyone does before a PK?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 February 2002 16:04:58

    Nicely executed kill (cheers for BkD and Darknova)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 February 2002 15:25:33

    Ah, then I apologise for not including the option 'Was she blinded and the leader died' in my list of options at the end. I couldn't tell that from the log.

    I want everyone to note that I wasn't ACCUSING her of leaving her mates to die, as I said, I was 'wondering what happened to her'. It just came over that way, and I admit, I worded it very wrong.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 February 2002 15:13:38

    Very valiant of SoU/CoU to attack a group of dwarves where like 80% of them were warriors...and also had an assassin...if not a little naive.

    And a big high five to the dwarves. Halfling pride!

    I'm wondering what happened to Anathema. Did she party leave? Did she leave her mates to die?

  • Author
    Darknova [legacy]
    09 February 2002 15:13:04

    *wince* Blocking is good for your health. So is eaglesight and lots of other things. Double backstab, yeowch! I'm really a dwarf actually, I was wearing stilts in Cirith Ungol, made me look like...a dunedain!