This girl is so weird

Posted by
Zoso [legacy]
11 February 2002 00:00:00

Necsipaal logs on drunk and starts telling everyone to worship her as a goddess for 20 minutes straight. I tell her to put a sock in it. Only it comes out 'put a cock in it' :) I apologized for the typo that night, but two days later she sees me around and hilarity ensues.


  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    07 April 2002 22:28:37

    I don't know about anyone else, but I like Necsipaal, and she sounds like a cool girl. People get drunk all the time. I remember a log of Zoso in a similar situation.... wonder if I can find it...

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    20 February 2002 17:33:20

    Jasumin has a girly name, he likes to ride flying carpets, and now contently resides in Arabia with his soulmate Alladin.

    Also, he has a little monkey. That's me.

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    17 February 2002 01:24:16

    ROTFL Zoso

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    14 February 2002 03:56:18

    There is no way Zoso could have continued to do ANYTHING with all his friends, because as we all know, Zoso doesn't have any friends.

    LIES! I can't take the lies! argggggh!

    P.S. Zoso is hilarious. Some of you are a little too uptight, Loosen up. On the MUD, you're playing with CODE...anything goes as far as humor. Hell, tell me I have a girly name....go ahead

  • Author
    Endrek [legacy]
    13 February 2002 16:26:08

    I agree with Zoso. As a matter of fact I tell Plow to go suck a dick all the time. heh heh ; )

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    13 February 2002 07:16:41

    Ahem, well Cogline, put trite Feminist dogma aside for a while. I can just as easily tell a guy to go suck a dick. If you're arguing that there's innate oppression in our view of oral sex on men and that dicksucking shouldn't be used in a derogatory way you might as well throw out all the insults in the language, because few of the things they denote are really that bad.

    And if you threw them all out, I'd have to invent a new insult to use on Necsipaal.

    PS: I find your derogatory and stereotyped statements towards ice and children disturbing.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 February 2002 23:45:48

    It seems kind of weird someone calling Zoso 'son.' :P

  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    12 February 2002 22:20:53

    If Necsipaal lives herself into her character in a way Zoso can't I find it pretty weak of the male/female typist of Zoso to throw in words generally used irl to degrade females. Such is our society that white males are norm, rule and thus speak for 'everyone'. I believe there are no genders and that they are created by ourselves. I do not think females are born with a natural need to have pink clothes and have a barbie. Using our societies dark sides to attack a person who tries to us the mud to its full is not only weak, its disguisting. Imho he disgrace himself and his guild. Zoso could also have told a male who lost both his legs to take a run and laughed... in his cold way. For the guy is either cold as ice or a child without brain.


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 February 2002 13:43:19

    You people are dumb. Go get a life. And roleplay less.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    12 February 2002 06:45:12

    I dont care, and i dont really think many of the readersof this page care either. *shrug*

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    12 February 2002 06:09:11

    /quote/some interesting RP on one side - her playing her character as one could expect her to do. On this other side, your second intervention immediately uses 'slut'/-quote/

    harassment and nuking are both OOC things. Don't tell me she was RPing. I called her a slut because she was accusing me of harassment. I don't think she was RPing at any point in that conversation. I really think she's some Goth chick who muds with a powdered face and black lipstick and wants to be a dominatrix of some sort IRL.

    /quote/how can one post without hesitation a purely *private* conversation/-quote/

    Because it's funny. If you want things to remain private, then don't say them to people you don't know. Everything I say on the MUD, to anyone, I expect to be spread all over Arda. Is it mean to post it? It's not mean enough. Honestly, she's made an enemy out of me, and you expect me to be nice to her?

    /quote/'actually we shoudn't date'. Er... Cowering in fear?/-quote/

    Flippancy. She was railing up and down calling fire and brimstone down on my head. So I asked her for a date. It's like when Bugs Bunny pops out of his hole and smooches Elmer :) I do that a lot. For 3 reasons. See if you can figure them out, since you like deconstructing my rationale so much.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    12 February 2002 05:21:24

    I don't recall Zoso saying 'put a cock in it', intentionally, at all that night. Yes, I was there for the whole thing too.

  • Author
    Noth [legacy]
    12 February 2002 04:50:27

    Necsipaal said 'Because, if it maybe was a typo the first time, when you repeat it like five or six

    times with all your friends, 'tis clearly not a mystake, and saying that it was, is

    merely a lie!'

    Who were all these friends of Zoso you speak of?

  • Author
    Fenest [legacy]
    12 February 2002 04:07:54

    Last words on this already too long topic...

    C'mon, you seem very angry Zoso! Calm down, son, blood has not been spilt yet. *Grin*

    'Zoso reiterates that if Fenest agrees [...] ie that Zoso told her [...]'.

    You misread me and jump too quickly to a biased conclusion. I basically agree with her statements of the events as appearing below, notwithstanding some details that may perhaps have escaped me. Anyhow, do not put words in my mouth. Neither shit, should I perhaps add - You seem to be very eager to put stuffs in one's mouth *rotfl*.

    But - well - let's assume it was a true typo (I say 'let's say assume', for I am ready to admit misunderstandings based on facts - a thing you can't do apparently, as you immediately become insulting and offensive, instead of calmly defending you point).

    So let's assume that, and consider the log you posted. What I see (but it is well known that my opinion is biased, isn't it *grin*) is some interesting RP on one side - her playing her character as one could expect her to do. On this other side, your second intervention immediately uses 'slut' (does it really has, in your slang, the meaning my dictionary gives to it? a rather crude word then) in RL mode (don't deny the proof, complaining about a typo). As if you were personally attacked, not the character you incarnate here. *That* is hilarious.

    Just ponder that.

    And later on, what do we have? An empress (what is it already? level 19 or 20?) defying a somewhat higher character (20+?) to death, and he answers 'actually we shoudn't date'. Er... Cowering in fear? *That* is funny too, such a great sense of honor in RP. Or perhaps you had lost the path of RP once again? Hard to say... But anyway, you were right finally. It is indeed an hilarious post. Oh Mirror! Though perhaps not the way you intended it to amuse others.

    But then, this being said... Let's put an end to this story, and bring another (interesting? at least highly questionable) issue of ethics. A point in this affair especially troubles me (as far as the quality of a RP game is concerned): how can one post without hesitation a purely *private* conversation (tell cmds only), without somewhat missing an important part of what a RP game should consist in? Yeah, I certainly understand the interest of logs of hunts or battles. And sometimes they do contain, indeed, some 'tell' statements, but it shows only one side of the party, and makes the reading somewhat amusing (adding a value, seing the inner reaction of the persons involves as they get crushed or as they slay their oponents, etc.). Ok... But a *purely* private conversation logged and posted for general readers? That is truly mean. Unless you actually wanted, once again, to harass someone. Just ponder that, too.

    You could have it retold with you own words, or whatever. But you decided to post it however. And therefore, on this particular point, I will proudly stand with my 'Be ashamed for that post'.

    'Zoso also requests that in future posts, Fenest not file a claim [...]'.

    Fenest file the claims he wants to file (interesting use of the third person, certainly implying I am still in RP mode - I don't see why I should leave it:).

    Why should you 'request' something as if you had some rulership on my decisions? How hilarious again... *smile softly*.

    'If someone logged that night, please post it up.'

    Oh. Do you *really* think it would do some good now? Whatever it contains, if such a log exists (and it does, at least partially)... Bah... Better forget about it, don't you think?

    Fenest Dragonblood.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 February 2002 03:18:44

    uh, just go kill Zoso or contract him or somethin. then post the log and tell him to suck your cock (er, whatever)

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    12 February 2002 02:16:06

    ...and as Fenest mounts and spurs his high horse of Morality and wields his Sabre of Condescension, Zoso reiterates that if Fenest agrees with Necsipaal's version of the facts, ie that Zoso told her to suck cock more than once that night, Fenest is full of shit as well. Zoso also requests that in future posts, Fenest not file a claim for Victimhood under the 'He called me full of shit, boo hoo' clause. You deserved it.

    If someone logged that night, please post it up.

  • Author
    Fenest [legacy]
    12 February 2002 00:20:47

    Woo! And now some 'eithad', Zoso (elvish insults, for your knowledge - for yes, old prof. Tolkien even invented such words). Apparently we can't have a polite discussion with you, son. It seems you enjoy using crude words... Though I don't think I deserved them. Had I been impolite, I would have understood, son. But I just stated facts and my interpretation of them.

    Quoth Zoso: 'You are both so full of shit [etc.]'. Blah, blah... *Sigh*.

    'Whoever fights monsters should beware not becoming a monster himself; and if you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into yourself', said the Wise. Look into the mirror, son. I am afraid it will be an unpleasant sight.

    But please, please, go on. You make me laughing. How funny how one's so-said sense of humour may drop low when the targets changes.

    Or what? You thought no one would react to your post? *Chuckle*.

    Fenest Dragonblood.

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    11 February 2002 23:43:02

    Necsipaal and Fenest, you are both so full of shit it's a miracle you don't burst at the seams. I said it once, and at the time it was a mistake. After this bitch's behavior about it, I consider that typo pure serendipity, maybe fate guiding my hands to insult people who need to be insulted.

    So, Necsipaal, I am now officially telling you to go put a COCK down your vile, whorish, lying throat and gag on it until you collapse and die.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    11 February 2002 22:42:00

    My apologies. They are so similar that I have trouble keeping them seperate.

  • Author
    Burdock [legacy]
    11 February 2002 21:50:30

    Zoso, that was splendid! Keep it up! har har har!

  • Author
    Fenest [legacy]
    11 February 2002 21:37:00

    I followed part of the discussion mentioned here (that is, not the logged one, but the previous one) on the comm in another tavern, drinking beers [for I was truly drunk in RL - guess why - and what is RP if it is not played accordingly, hey?]. And indeed I do concur with Necsipaal's versions of the facts. 'Clearly a typo' Zoso says... Hmm... Assume what you said, son. And assume that your apologies are a lie since you seem happy posting a log afterwards... And be ashamed for such a post.

    Fenest Dragonblood.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2002 18:20:16

    How about referring to him as his current character, eh Duniv? Ruiniel doesnt even exist anymore if you havent noticed. :)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    11 February 2002 16:35:26

    Ruiniel, that might be funny if you didn't always type that way. I was barely able to tell you were trying to write poorly.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    11 February 2002 16:03:46

    Blaaaaargh, moooooooo, meow, bleat, yaaaaaawwwwwn.

    Me am drinked, me...emr, why me typieing boolsheet, me am tieerd und bored.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    11 February 2002 15:47:01

    To make things clear, here is my version of the facts:

    I logged totally wasted on friday night with a friend by my side, playing next to me and that could attest my tellls.

    I surely was drunk, 'tis a point I won't deny. I had troubles to write and did like three typos a word, which is indeed really funny.

    But the fact I was smashed don't authorise people to be that insulting toward me, and too bad for them I didn't forget, worst I think 'tis so pathetic to take advantage of a drunk personn by insulting her.

    Because, if it maybe was a typo the first time, when you repeat it like five or six times with all your friends, 'tis clearly not a mystake, and saying that it was, is merely a lie!

    So I went on yesterday and what is the first person that I see pasing by, is precisly that Zoso I rememberd who was soo vulgar and abusive the last time I went on... And here you have this log, during which I was not drunk at all... My english is obviously confused and unskillfull, and maybe more confused when I am angry, but I just can't conceive what is so hilarious in that log (except the fact Zoso tried to date me, which proves how desperate he is (So do I, may I be mean for it seems to be the often-childish use of this page)).

    And I am wondering if 'tis not the fact that I RPed that is objected to me.

    Attend, you just deeply insulted a woman whom egos is just as immoderate as the universe, 'tis the way she had to act. There have been a lot of polemic here concerning the fact of RPing outside the usual protection of NPC... I personnally do RP evry time or far, and I thought that game was meant for that.

    So you insulted me, my RP is to let you know I shall have revenge and to let it known in my exhaustive way.

    If RP is considerd as weirdness, I now figure easily the polemics that set on fire these log pages.

    I still wonder why you put that log on, I really couldn't guess 'twas so exceptionnal (and obviously hilarious) to see someone IC, while a guildwar stuff isn't the motive.

    But in a land where one shall bandage one's ennemies or beeing cursed, that's finally not that surprising.

    The *weird* and full of hatred Necsipaal

  • Author
    Razzor [legacy]
    11 February 2002 14:14:45

    Hmmm, coming on the towers under the influence of any substance is great fun and shouldn't be held against anyone if they make mistakes :)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    11 February 2002 08:54:48

    Oh my fucking god. Trempk, that was fucking hilarious.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 February 2002 07:58:09

    Bah, this was funny shit. ;) And its not like you speak out of experience Taidhbhse, so put a cock in it, fdl.

  • Author
    Taidhbhse [legacy]
    11 February 2002 06:42:14

    Er, i don't see the humor there. You tell a girl to suck a cock, of course she's gonna get pissed. Maybe if more time of yours was spent actually with a woman rather than with your hard drive and your favorite web page, you might even get some head. Ponder that.

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    11 February 2002 02:50:50

    *looking for a crazy excuse.

  • Author
    Terius [legacy]
    11 February 2002 02:50:22

    Necsipaal wasn't drunk. Not even a little.

    She's just a geek looking for a crazy

    1. Drinking SEVERELY hinders your ability to


    2. Nobody is that descriptive, even when sober.

    Great log Zoso!

    Shit, Adunazon just got nuked!

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    11 February 2002 01:18:03

    Zo, I think I am going to build you a shrine for that log ;) Brilliant

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    11 February 2002 01:14:30

    Can you say PMS? :p

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    11 February 2002 01:13:43

    I said it once. It went like this:

    ^Zoso: Necsipaal needs to put a cock in it with all this I am a goddess crap

    ^Zoso: sock, SOCK

    ^Zoso: sorry

    ^Various people: ROTFL

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    11 February 2002 01:07:53

    This was clearly not a typo, You said it more than once, you despicable beggar and a friend was by my side to attest it!!!

    It really is a pity I couldn't log this night, sure I was wasted, but I never was vulgar as your kind of insolent bowling dogs! I surely am weird if proudness sounds weird to some ears, and I surely am mad if seeking death is madness! But please it was clearly not a typo stop hidding behind a lie!

    Now i may seem like a freak for all of you I don't give a hell of your judgement, I only care of seeing your perdition...

    May my oath bass your trespass.

    The mad and furious Necsipaal

  • Author
    Shiro [legacy]
    11 February 2002 01:03:48

    Yeah.. Necsipaal is weird, she keep telling me that I am using his last name, but the fact is I have been using that last name since I played in this mud, God knows for how long. And keep babbling some shit about it. And indeed, she swears a lot!

  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    11 February 2002 00:59:43

    Necsipaal is a good friend. She was drunk maybe. My fault probably, too much Umbar's Finest.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    11 February 2002 00:48:23

    Lol that's hilarious. Sounds like she needs to drink a little less often to me :-p