Holic gets killed.

Posted by
Klouse [legacy]
12 February 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Holic had a nice contract. Julius and I take him out.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:09:23

    I was here too!!

    Date: 12. Feb, 2002, 19:06 By: Bashgeroy

    Cool triggers.

    Who is Holic anyway? Why do the megadurms hate him?

    Funny to read that some monthes after =)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 March 2002 00:58:08


  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    17 February 2002 03:16:30

    Why don't you all just shut the fuck up and suck on my big cock :P

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 21:18:52

    Erm Kian, check the log hist, I believe it was you who talked shit on me first, don't matter, just fuck off please.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 12:06:36

    Kian? Who are you and why are you talking shit? You make no sense so quit bothering me kid *shoos you away like the pest you are*

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 12:05:17

    Baklen, honestly at that point I had NO idea it was you as that thief. Now we pk'd a lvl 12 thief in Mordor who was coming out of BD tower, can you say money train? :-P Seriously I told Tuareg after the thief 'snorted' when we killed it that 'that musta been an FRA alt, I forget but one of them *snorts* all the time'. Lo and behold when you ask Tuareg why, he says 'cause your FRA alt' *bonks Tuareg for that*

    course now we all know the *snorts* emote is a Baklen?

  • Author
    Brageeel [legacy]
    16 February 2002 10:51:13

    Taureg inn miy langeuj meen cokmought insuck.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    16 February 2002 07:43:23

    Heehee, well squibb there was the time you nailed me with taureg because of my alt, not you but taureg, heehee no grudges ,its cool, still hate tuareg though. I just look back and find it funny that I opened a mc case about it:)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    16 February 2002 06:30:39

    Watch it...I don't like seeing my name up here anymore, please find another way to argue then mentioning me. Klouse and I can do our thing on the MUD, if you're going to flame each other at least leave me out of it.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 06:19:56

    wtf were you talking about then? Who kills lowbies? and just because a level 16 or above wants to talk shit, should we ask them 'excuse me, i am planning on pk'ing you, but I wont if your defense is under 80, could you please tell me what it is?'

    Stupid fucking Kian

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 04:21:13

    BTW, all of you should go and check out

    MC Case # 1645

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 04:03:59

    And who are you to call Tarn a newbie? from what I've seen thus far you just follow around Holic and Azura like a lost puppy.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    16 February 2002 04:02:46

    Kian, who did we kill as a lowbie? Holic? man Holic was talking shit, now when a 2d old lvl 19 talks shit or a 1d old lvl 16 or 17, then I don't feel you need to take it easy on them. Fact of the matter is that if you keep to yourself we really wont bother you. For example, you hang out with Holic and Azura, for that I would guess your an FRA alt, have we attacked you?

    Answer is no because until now, you've kept your fucking trap shut like a good little boy.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    16 February 2002 02:29:07

    That makes perfect sense Kian. Kill them when they are maxed as opposed to when they are more easily delt with.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    15 February 2002 23:36:05

    It's no meglivornth.It's Durmanvornth.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    15 February 2002 23:30:26

    Nice kill by Julius and Klouse. Where do the Meglivornth come into this log?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    15 February 2002 21:27:11

    WOw, bashgeroy that proves so much its unbelievable. I mean, i love how you put your prompt in there but didnt include any of the context of the conversation.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    15 February 2002 21:00:42

    Yeah Tuareg thats it. You are so fucking lame its unbelievable. Get a fucking hobby and stop swingin on my nutz like they are damn jungle vines..also stop slobbering on my dick so much, starting to make it shrivel up when your hands have been in water to long. If you think about me that much man you can go ahead and ask me out on a date. God damn...stop hanging on the nut sack.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 February 2002 19:26:55

    Nah, just delete bashgeroy. :p

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    15 February 2002 18:26:50

    You tell Arthlor: then all this about meglivornth and honour is bullshit?

    HP:210 EP:58 Do: Commands completed.

    HP:210 EP:58 Arthlor tells you: Bullshit

    I think it's time to have this guild deleted at last.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    15 February 2002 15:26:29

    Hehe I am sorry about the previous stuff about Tuareg giving away his password to specific people with his previous char. He actually put it in his ghosts legend when he was ghost for like 2-3 weeks. You have to respect him for that, realy.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    15 February 2002 12:09:30

    Tuareg how are you going to sit there and tell people what they want to hear or not? Your stupid ass sure in the hell doesnt speak for my behalf. If any wants to say something that is fine, I ust don't like people spitin' out fiction. There is room on here for truth, fiction gets told in children books.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    15 February 2002 12:06:12

    Whatever Barazbund, you can say what you want but I know the truth. The fact is were slaughtered you. Was forced to stop. So don't make stupid excuses for what you think was someother group cause if I recall correct we were the only ones at war. Yes, we were.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    15 February 2002 05:37:50

    im pretty sure klokers still are some of the best...

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    15 February 2002 03:23:48

    Hey I'm not talken when I was a durm, I was talken w hen I was FRA, And I didn't ask noone to come help with megs, we all said shit were friends, fuckem up. I didn't start pkilling you guys till you attacked me, then I went nuts. nuff said

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 February 2002 01:49:22

    No offense klouse, but it wasnt you 5 that were kicking our asses. There were these guys called klokers, and once upon a time they were the best of the best. To say that you alone were responsable for that is ridiculous. And besides, We werent really that bad off, Uther was just a rather persuasive GM and wanted the guild wars over. He used the ainur as his method of stopping that since your GM's couldnt control you.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 February 2002 22:09:52

    Well Klousie poo, I've had my hands in about 70 pks since dec 2 so you gotta work harder... :p (and I've killed about 0 people in the last couple weeks cause I'm bored of doing finds and getting Random Person is in random guildhall crap)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    14 February 2002 21:49:59

    Baklen, when Megs started out, yes, we had a lot of members who cared nothing for pk'ing and were simply interested in RP'ing a mercenary who fulfils orders. So yea, we had a bunch of inexperienced targets for you all to beat up on. And yes, every single person in FRA was decent at huntbreaks and most very good at pk'ing.

    IE, someone thought it was a cool idea to get pretty much every good pk'er in arda to make an alt and pick on the Megs then say 'look how badass we are!' *while thinking in their heads 'maybe the kids at school will think im cool now and wont pick on me!'*

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    14 February 2002 21:42:55

    I don't know about destroyed Barazbund. The only time I remember one of our guilds being destroyed is when Aule and Sauron told Me, Elthor, Serex, Hanzu, and Grimlok that if we killed anymore Meglivornth even for a contract we would be nuked on the spot. That is destroyed, when the gods step in and say ok they have had enough.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    14 February 2002 21:27:42

    First off BB, lets just get this cleared up. FRA's didn't die that often, it was when the durms entered the war that you all had targets that actually died.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    14 February 2002 21:01:18

    *smirk* Baklen, no matter how many times you say that it wont make it true. For the majority of the guild wars, we destroyed the durms. The FRA was more even kill wise, but basically every time we went after a durm, they died.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    14 February 2002 19:18:43

    -a few successful gangbangs- Some idiot commented.

    Since December 2nd to the present time there has been 47kills I have been in and apart of. If that is a few successful gangbangs/2-3man kills. I would hate to see what some successful kills are.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    14 February 2002 19:06:10

    If I am so average and not important. Then you people wouldn't waste your time putting up your comments. But since I do get under your skin and your blood boils when you talk to me....that makes it worth my while.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    14 February 2002 18:48:08

    ROTFL at Tarn's comment. Tuareg, limme say this in plain english. YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH FOR ME TO RESPOND TO YOUR COMMENT. On another note I wish everyone a great Vday. Although people like Tuareg who's dicks are small won't be getting any pussy. Chin up buck, it will happen for you someday.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 February 2002 18:11:40

    Yeah Bashgeroy and then we will like, gangbang your ass like uh, mad. And you'll die. And it'll be cool. And then we will kill everyone else. And they will die. And then I'll get a magical gold fish. And kill that too. And it'll be cool. And then I'll get fuckin bored. And well, it'll suck. Actually, lets abolish guild halls and inn rooms. That'll make the game more fun. Then lets start some wars and we will see who can play and who will get their asses beat.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    14 February 2002 15:50:58

    You can't solo?Yeah, it's helluva hard but..oh, well, ask Shaft:P

    Hum hum, Klouse, if, under some strange circumstances, I start acting logically for a while and get maxed and gather some gold you might get soloed too:P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 February 2002 13:51:12

    I really don't want to get into how bad MEGS got a fucken asswoopen. Shit I can still feel the heat.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 February 2002 13:49:32

    Taureg WERE the fuck do you get off trash talking klouse. If not you are no fucken better, how many times have you BAILED on your friends during a pk to stay alive? HOW many times did YOU only go to loth during the damm war. I remember legending you for fucken 2hrs and you went to loth, gh, ghghgghghghghghghg, loth. You have no fucken Right to talk AT ALL, and guess what, yah thats right durms only had 2-3 players before loggin in the whole week. But you got to remember Arda had to ban together to stop the durms once, and then did, now they must do it again. But this time, rotfl who can stop them? Sure as hell as not your bitch ass. Then you went inactive like every other meg loser except Squibb. YOU ARE NOTHING, you need to do shit to talk on this log page and be heard. Yah back to the comment about haven only 2-3 players. They don't know more, go ahead pk a durm and see if you don't get smashed to fucken bits. You guys all fucken talk, but who the hell is backen it up on the mud. Yah you pk a durm, but then Korzan, raqtor, klouse, and the rest get fucken medival on your ass. You know its true.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    14 February 2002 12:21:54

    Yeah Dormin, it was a 3 man party. After I died once, they hit me agian. They stoped after that...but I am sure he didn't tell you I lost it and revived and then just attacked him and sat in the room with him so he could kill me the rest of the times. But of course he wouldn't say that, cause he would want you to believe that he killed me 7 times. Ill give him credit for 2, but the other 5 was because I was pissed. If he wants to say otherwise he is a damn lier.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    14 February 2002 12:18:01

    Kian why don't you have some fucking balls and post with your main character. I have a warlord, yes. But do I do the same thing with all my characters I have ever had? Yes. I have. So don't toss some lame ass bullshit out like, 'You only do that cause you have a maxed warrior'...once agian someone who thinks they know what they are talking about but just gets shut up in the end.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    14 February 2002 11:21:02

    You guys are so funny ;-)

    Kalling Klouse a guild rat ;-) .. Just because he doesn't go to linhir to make gold alone ? .. Now that would really be stupid. Klouse have kleaned out linhir many many times with me .. And I have seen him fill our armoury alone several times. I would never go make gold in Linhir without a friend.

    Why only make gold in Loth ?? .. Well perhaps because it is the OLNY place where and evil align player can make real gold without being beat up by some RP group. Not that I don't like a RP fight .. but I also need to make gold sometimes.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    14 February 2002 06:04:12

    Doh! I didn't realize your thief gold nuked for using a bot, or was that Dravin's thief?

    And another thing, I have gotten my share of whuppings, but I honestly don't ever remember you being part of any of them, if you can find one refer me to the log, just want to make sure your not making shit up again.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 February 2002 03:47:07

    Taureg as your statement with fjant, I was watching as he got killed near rhos. So what everyone dies sometimes, noone is perfect. Except well me, and I haven't been soloed umm, let me think. As Baklen. Never. So don't give me that shit:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 February 2002 03:42:53

    Ok me and klouse are on and off on each others friendships, sometimes we are friend sand die for each other and sometimes we are brute enemies. The thing is, I WAS in a guild with Klouse

    and at times I didn't like the arrogant prick, one he had a bigger attitude than me. But I can tell you this, If you were in trouble, NO MATTER WHO THE HELL YOU WERE OR THE CIRCUMSTANCES Kloues would come runing. When klouse kills, Everyone wants in, You know I'm going to say this straight the fuck out, If you fuck with klouse he will attempt to kill you in a 5 man 4 man, and I learned one thing The assassins of old no matter how good they were in there time, can't hold a flame to the mudders of today. Think what you want but its true. The pker's are more ruthless, don't abide by any rules whatso ever, and frankly

    Has beens, So when you say Dravin, yah he was good in his time, but when he played another char and WAS not on the good side, what happened to brycin? shit he got nailed to the wall. Its all about the time you are in, if you don't adapt you are not gonna live. Right now the time is gangbanging, so if you dont like it don't complain, its gonna happen no matter what.

    And you know I tried to say blah don't kill under level 14's but somewhere there is someone saying you did and have a log to prove it. It means jack shit, if SOMEONE is as good as they say they can get AWAY from ANYTHIHNG at any level. Ask filil who got attempted by a 5man gangbang meg party. He lived, thats skill, nuff said. and he was level 10.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    14 February 2002 01:42:14

    Squibb likes to think he's tough, but he ain't got shit without 3 guys in his party.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    14 February 2002 00:50:35

    Squibb, if you legend my characters which I know you know who they are cause one of them whooped your ass quite a few times, then you'd know I'm not on. Otherwise, you would think Klouse would have died by now eh? Oh and another thing, Dravin reminded me of that time we killed your ass from 19-13 Klousie boy and it wasn't no 5 man gangbang.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 February 2002 22:59:32

    Dormin, why don't you post under your current character?

    I promise I won't let anyone hurt you, show your face and be a big boy

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 February 2002 22:15:19

    This reminds me of something the wise Durkin once said. He said arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, your still retarted. Not to point anything fingers or anything.... :p

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 February 2002 20:02:27

    Sure, no problem. I accept. Do we start this now? Or do I have to wait for you to lvl up?

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    13 February 2002 19:55:41

    Wonderful Klouse, that means you go absolutely no farther then 10 rooms from a huntbreak. *clap* But you want to know what really chaps my ass? I mean, more then smoking my last cigarette and having 2 bucks in my pocket, more then getting >< this close to getting in it only to see that I have no condoms. More then people that open a beer, sip it, set it down and get another one. You really think you proved something by killing me at level 15 while I was semi-idle. You 'handle'd' business (Did I say it right? I'm not fluent in dumbass.) by my idiocy going in another window while I had no online enemies. So, here's a deal Klouse, since you're so good, lets do this. You use those big bank accounts that you always brag about, switch to assassin, I'll do the same, and you and I will have a nice little fight where solo's can't be reported? Sounds like fun to me, how about the rest of Arda?

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 February 2002 19:41:02

    Oh, almost forgot. I only goto Lothlorien? Oh my god, you cats need to come up with something that makes since. Before CU was out, I always went to mordor, since it has came out going in is limited. Other than that, MT nothing to kill cause of thieves. I goto Linhir, Loth, Edoras, and random council for flask and gold. If you can't find me in those places when I am not idle. Then tell me, I will proudly meet you somewhere so we can handle buisness. But if you can't do that...and you can only talk then why do you open your mouth?

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 February 2002 19:37:56

    OOC-Don't start talking about only going to Lothlorien Holic, cause you do the same damn thing. 4k a run in there, why the hell wouldn't I kill in there? I clean Edoras also..but don't bring up something when you do the same damn thing. Come on now. Have alittle more intelligence than that. Also I don't even remember my last character that was over a year ago, but if I tried to think hard enough I think I know who it was and he wasn't solo'd. But that isn't the point. The point is I saw a contract, Julius confirmed it. We took it out. Enough said..handle your buisness when you are rdy. I already handled mine nothing more to say.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    13 February 2002 19:25:29

    Oh, and Kostolomac, nothing of the sort was decided in the void, that's why I didn't log, absolutely no progress was made in either direction, you can ask Melkor yourself, as you weren't even there. Unless....*gasp* you and Bragl and the rest of the Croatian sensations play from the same computer!

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    13 February 2002 19:22:47

    *lol* Hasn't been solo killed my right nut. This char maybe, but that's because you only go to Lothlorien, but how many times was your last char solo'd Klousie?

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 February 2002 18:35:45

    I am going to post this in responce to Nikkas lame ass comment. It doesn't matter how many flasks I carry be it 1-20. I can only drink one of them. Am I always outside of my guild with eaglesight on? Yes. Is half of arda with eaglesight? Yes. Am I going to be unprepared with the chance of getting attacked? Hell no, I am going to be ready for an attack if I am outside the halls. You have to be a complete and utter moron to not be prepeared at ANY time for an attack. Sitting at a spot? Please, how do I have SUCH a large bank account...did I just sit in my guild and see the money appear in my pouch? No, I went out and killed things for it. So if you want to talk that is fine, but show some action cause I have and always will. You can talk all you want, but can you actually take action in your words? I always do. Always.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    13 February 2002 18:34:35

    I think the fact you haven't been soloed in 4years proves the fact your a pussy. Dravin one of hte best players on this mud never claimed to have done that because he was actually active and skilled unlike your wigger ass.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    13 February 2002 18:03:27

    Funny, I never thought of Klouse as a guild rat, the though has actually never crossed my mind. I have thought of him as one of the people who has always been active and has done a great deal for his guild both in good and bad times. I know he aint, since i have (a few) buddys in durmanhoth who i know takes stuff with him, and for instance if armoury's bad he gets loads of stuff. And on reboots and so. Cool pk btw.

    And I dont meen to kiss ass here but its what i think and I dont particulary care much about durms but to me, it appears as if some people try to get an excuse here to why they dont manage to pk klouse.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 February 2002 15:25:09

    Uh, Nikka, your annoying, but also durms can no longer hold contracts unless they are assassins (because its a guild skill supposedly). Oh, and why the hell would you let your self get low if you possibably were going to get attacked? Thats kinda dumb.

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    13 February 2002 14:10:39

    The reason Klouse can never be solo'ed is because he's inside his guild or outside it sitting at a spot with 2-3 flasks, eaglesight on, and WAITING for an attack, if he went out and did something where he might be low it would be differnt. With the Durms having the ability to have any prof get contracts as a guild skill, He can have Manni go grab it who idles 24/7 and have Manni sit inside his GH, and that gives Klouse the ability to go and wait for an attempt.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 February 2002 12:33:36

    Wigger? Listen you back woods, country fumpkin. Let me get this straight for you. I AM NOT AN ASSASSIN, had I been an assassin would I post? Yeah, why the hell not. This is a, let me spell it out for you cause your country ass is to slow to understand anything, G A M E ! You understand that word? Good.I am sorry but I NEVER use an INN! I don't know where you got that lame as comment from, you are starting to sound like Ruiniel Durkin, go back to the hole you got put in by the gods. Do you HONESTLY think I care if you have respect for me? This is a game, why the hell would I need someones respect on a game? It doesn't get you anywhere or do anything for you...the only thing that you can do...is do shit for yourself...I do that, I take things into my hands when they appear. I am not like you are have my little cronies come around and help me. I do shit for myself. Oh and Jian's money? Please, I have helped him lvl so many damn times by giving him money I cannot count. Don't say you make your characters out by scratch anymore either, wait what characters? I hope you try to come kill me. I can place your head on the bottom shelf of my kill list, cause that is where sorry ass people belong. No one can solo me, I am sorry. I haven't been solo'd in hell 4years. So before you open your trap, use facts son. Cause that is all I use.

  • Author
    Kosty [legacy]
    13 February 2002 12:01:29

    Well Azura the real reason why we killed Holic was becouse he had contract and he was on Meglivornth killing list. I didn't know who Holic was until a friend told me after we killed him. Holic is a lieing son of a bitch. Why didn't he posted the whole conversation with Melkor? He didn't becouse you will all see the reasons why we've killed him and he would only prove that he's a lier.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 February 2002 09:23:07

    LoL. If anyone solo kills klouse, i'd be very very surprised. His ego might be 'bigger than his ability' but hes no fucking newb either, and thats what you have to be to get soloed as a maxed warrior.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    13 February 2002 05:30:55

    Klouse, next to Woden who I respect more than you even though he posts those gangbangs and thinks he's the shit for them jut on the basis he roleplays. Why would Durms post kills? Is it not in an assassins best interest to be stealthy. If you want to be a power house assassin go Free-lance. Garmir was the best at it and I know he could kill you solo just like Anton, Vallejo, Mizrahi, hell even Leto and Dooky face on a good day. You hide in your guild like a puss or when you have the balls to come out you'll have inn breaks (which i think should be removed just becase it's not like your going to rent and room and stop my ass from kiling you) or you have a friend holding your contract because you don't 'want' to be killed or in other words are scared of the people that might appear online from no where. Give it up your ego is bigger than your ability you wigger.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 February 2002 05:28:38

    Yesh, I'm going to paly now that im stunk annd droned.

  • Author
    Soltan [legacy]
    13 February 2002 03:28:43

    Nice kill. *Goes off changing his carrock huntbreak*

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    12 February 2002 23:34:20

    Im actually gonna go with Tarn on this one:P. Hell when im drunk and stoned its even more fun to play this thing :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 February 2002 23:21:34

    Oh and when I am in my guild its cause I'm bored. Usually when I'm drunk and stoned I'm out running around killing people... :p

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    12 February 2002 23:21:03

    Why would someone attempt someone in Caras Galadon? There is tons of huntbreaks around there and one of then can't be triggered...

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 February 2002 23:20:46

    uh, yeah, playing smart is usually a good idea. That does not include standing in your guild hall. Thats just boring. Yeah, Woden maybe smart by not going further than 2 rooms away from his gh, but then again its kinda lame, boring, frustrating, etc etc. I mean I've been attempted 3 times since I've been maxed (got killed by some guys when leveling from a contract, but i dont really count that). Oh and i dont count Anton when he kept randomly attacking me solo in mordor either... But out of the 3 times, attackers have died in 2 of them and the other one the attacker got in 2 hits before i broke at thrans. Having several breaks around where you kill stuff (ie, lose some hp) is not only smart playing, its quite an obvious thing todo. Yeah, I'm not Klouse, but I have killed a couple people. Guess I'm just too nice.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    12 February 2002 23:15:50

    I'm sorry but I don't sit in my guildhall all day. The only time I sit in my guild is when I am either drunk or to stoned to play. Believe it or not you fags that isn't all the time. I am not going to come out when I know I am not paying attention to the computer. Other than that, I am out all the damn time. I don't know why you idiots can't see that. I have a great idea, I will blow my war-horn (That I stole from Raqtor :P) every damn time I come out of the guild.

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    12 February 2002 21:42:36

    Well, two things. One, I'll agree with Woden on this one...Durms make fun of Woden all the time for being in his guild, but it's 'brilliant!' when Klouse does it.

    Oh, and as for why Kostolomac etc killed Holic, there was a log posted that explained it really well, but it was taken down. The log had Bragl sending Holic tells about how if he wasn't allowed to kill Holic's main character, he'd go for alts instead. So, to Kostolomac: Don't shrug, you know why you killed him. :)

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    12 February 2002 21:25:25

    Hmm, when I 'play smart' I get ridiculed. Interesting double standards, very interesting.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:49:09

    Don't you mean your time and Jians' money? :P

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:38:52

    I play smart, I am not going to let you kill me unless you deserve to. I am not like your stupid ass Ruiniel. Have some damn common since before you post here Ruiniel. I know its a stretch for you, but atleast try. I do honor guards, that is a fact. How many people have tried me there? ONE, that was Khralek and his crack ass attempt. Now if you want to come back and try me there...then hey I will welcome the attack. But I don't play stupid...my time and money has been invested into this character and I am not going to just give someone a kill, they have to earn it.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:30:18

    You don't get attempted because you don't do anything but honour guards/idling in your GH (swift runs don't count).

    I saw you at Zirak Zigil once and you died.

    Go avenge an AESS, go to Linhir, go do something without a party if you really want to get attempted, there's no use to attempt you.

  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:26:35

    and a shrubbery! i demand a shrubbery!

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:26:27

    Thanks for the tip Klouse, we'll take that into consideration.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:20:19

    Please Holic, don't make me laugh. It wasn't the point of being scard of the attack. Its the point of I don't want to be attacked. As I never do get attacked, if you come for me you are going to have to bring more than you and a friend. That I promise you.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:16:59

    Ahh Klouse you're right, no excuses. I just wish we could back to the day when level 20 Klouse would have me hold his contract because he was afraid of being attempted. *pat* Don't worry Klousiepoo, the other ball will drop one day.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:13:08

    Date: 12. Feb, 2002, 20:09 By: Klouse

    Date: 12. Feb, 2002, 20:10 By: Holic

    Date: 12. Feb, 2002, 20:10 By: Bashgeroy

    Heehee, look at the clock:P

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:11:20

    Almost forgot, Holic don't be an idiot and stand at rhos while you are doing something else on your computer. Don't make exuses when you die. Yes, that is an excuse. See what would of happened blah blah blah...you think the outcome would have been different? I doubt it as you can see from the log.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:10:58

    Kosty, you got it wrong:P

    If Meglimanhoth/CoU etc don't like him he must be a cool guy:P

    Bah, I'm confused.

    Who the hell are you?:P

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:10:47

    Kostolomac, I already outleveled you, and half the MUD doesn't like me, what can you do that's special?

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:09:31

    Ok, I am going to post this for the stupid ass people leaving the stupid ass comments about why are Durmanhoth mad/pisses/upset/what have you at Holic. HOLIC HAD A CONTRACT - DURMANHOTH TAKES OUT COTRACTS - I believe I stated that in the description. News flash for all those idiots out there, you don't have todo something to get your contract fulfilled by a Durmanhoth member. That is all.

  • Author
    Kosty [legacy]
    12 February 2002 20:08:13

    Ok, ok. You don't need to cry. I'm sure they'll stop suner or later (I hope later).

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:49:38

    Fuck em all, they can bash me at low levels all they want. Btw, really awesome kill on me, to think if I had been at the window for the first 6 rounds maybe I'd have gotten away!

    PS: I won't stay low level long bastards.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:37:44

    I don't like him either! Kill his ass!

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:37:06

    What has Holic done to offend the SoU/CoU/Megs/Durms?

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:33:41

    SoU don't much care for him either, for exactly the reasons Kosty stated ;) I think we posted the contract.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:29:32

    Now there there... Who are you to judge a person that you don't know?

  • Author
    Kosty [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:26:00

    CoU hates him too. They've killed him this boot. It seems that he is an asshole. *shrug*

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    12 February 2002 19:06:11

    Cool triggers.

    Who is Holic anyway? Why do the megadurms hate him?