Balal hunts in RP combat

Posted by
Talan [legacy]
25 February 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

What an exemplary member of the Baruk-Khazad Dum. I try to RP my guilds theme (our new guildhall will be at the easterling camp), and take on 3 dwarves by myself, and this poor excuse for a dwarf hunts and the backstabs me!


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    28 February 2002 07:25:06

    learning = leaning

    After re-reading your comment, I just had to point out something I find quite funny.

    'Hey, Adunazon.. I'm too old for it...'

    You're not too old to talk shit that you can't/won't back up though, huh?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    28 February 2002 07:20:27

    Tuareg, I must admit that you have an amazing skill at making people who never even knew you hate you. I've actually been learning towards 'I agree more with Tuareg' from my knowledge of what happened and seeing these quite humorous ramblings from you and various FRA alts. However, when you go and make uneducated and spiteful attacks towards me, after I merely suggested a way which more logs could be produced, I understand why so many people love seeing you die. Add another one to the list.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    28 February 2002 05:37:52

    Actually, I have these blazingly sick colored warnings so only a fricken moron misses that they have received and RP warning. Of course this game is chock full of them, so I occassionally get a tell, 'oh! your in KoDA, ok I will drop the report' or my personal favorite...'WTF is a Knight of Dol Amroth?!?'

    I dont get so many of those anymore, to bad no one taught me about logging shit until I was about 70 days about a pathetic mud-life :(

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    28 February 2002 03:04:59

    Adunazon wasn't nuked for cheating. Get it right.

    Hey Manni, tastelessly colourful warnings.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    28 February 2002 02:04:12

    Why don't we just make it commonplace to hunt in RP? That way I don't have to watch you shield an NPC, feverishly spew out 4 year old aliased warnings, then pretend to be angry after you see someone kill that same NPC you've failed to defend 8 times in a day.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    27 February 2002 23:45:43

    Dwarves drink ale, Squibb... Wines is for the elves! :)

    And about the weapon, we only do forged weapon order, and every person who order it is satisfied with our Smith's work. You can ask them. I am not one to ask because I aren't the Smith of Erebor. But I think you are good enough to know how good is forged weapon is?

    'nuff said.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    27 February 2002 22:28:40

    Squibb, you are always able to provide free entertainment.

    I could waste mine and everyone elses time by shooting down each of your arguments. Or, I could say this:

    'I don't care what you think!'

    (If you for some reason wants to be educated on why -I- think your statement are wrong, feel free to contact me or my son.)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    27 February 2002 22:14:10

    Balinul, so the Rimsilval, SoU, CoU, Thieves, Beornings, Meglivornth and Durmanhoth currently dont fit into your concept of community based RP?

    The BkD's RP is to protect a bunch of crappy newbie npc's from a bunch of newbie players doing the level 10 quest.

    As for the 'community' based proposition for all guilds, I just dont buy that ALL guilds need to protect npc's and belong to a community/town. Some very good themes don't require the need to form a symbiotic relationship with a town, rather say a guild such as the Durmanhoth need only fulfill their RP duties which is fulfilling contracts.

    Another thing, your guild(based on its prices) obviously doesn't do this for RP purposes only, you dont risk your life forging a weapon yet your have OUTRAGEOUS prices for some crap RP weapons. You guys are simply there for the profit and provide little service to Arda, probably the only people who buy those weapons from you are trying to kiss your butt or help you out with your RP, otherwise your weapons are as useless as your theme. At least if your going to try and 'provide' a service to Arda as we once did, make the prices reasonable and people might actually buy them.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    27 February 2002 21:18:02

    Touche Adunazon, touche.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    27 February 2002 20:59:09

    Sime, I am most incredulous of your awing ascendence of the English idiom!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    27 February 2002 20:57:51

    I'm not saying I'm unbeatable, dont get me wrong, that'd be bullshit anyway. I just want to fight the assholes who write infuriating shit on the gossiper.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 February 2002 20:13:22

    Log on and kill someone then, Tuareg.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    27 February 2002 18:27:04

    FDL, balinul, we both know you bitched out and wouldnt fight me when i got back from work, dont lie.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    27 February 2002 16:28:56

    Oh and i forgot your a milksop also.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    27 February 2002 16:27:13

    Kian you are in indigence and look like a tatterdemalion foundling myrmidon of mine.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 February 2002 15:51:59

    Actually, I like BKD's RP. Well, I dunno about it anymore, but if they caught you in erebor they hunted and killed you. Which is cool. And far more realistic.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    27 February 2002 14:42:51

    I will rusticate you all. Stop Hectoring back and forth, and Dormin you epicene hirsuten sycophant this is your last toscin you callow bastard.

    And the rest of you stop bloviating.

    Ps. This is only to disport myself at work.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    27 February 2002 11:19:28

    Squibb, you know Ive argued alot against the Meglivornth theme. Our current smithing program goes well with my argument:

    'Mercenary functions in Arda should be based on Tolkien related communities'.

    Talan, I accepted your challenge. You didn't show up. I don't want to deal with you, so, that was the end of that.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    27 February 2002 10:55:36

    still funny though how those who shit-talk our theme are the ones who end up copying part of it.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    27 February 2002 10:54:04

    still not sure why everyone uses old dead and gone chars to talk shit.

    As for Dormin, your precious BkD finally got a real functional RP theme like the Meglivornth had for the last 5 years, one that actually contributes to Arda rather than just sitting inside fuckin hole in the ground and trying to shield npc's from newbies. Sure, you did a good job saying 'we dwarves, we drink beer, we like fight' although it contributed nothing to arda moreso than every other dwarf in arda did alone.

    Congrats on copying part of the Meglivornth theme by providing weapons to Ardan's who seek it.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 February 2002 10:31:00

    Dont make me Cross Chars Squibb.

    And no i dont have the logs. Just take my word.

    But as i say, i dont care anymore, wish i never said anything. Just let it go.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    27 February 2002 09:20:07

    For Barin suddenly show up there magically, why does he need someone else with him if he know Feris is ND? And from what I got informed from Feris it was 2 guy, one with strike, and again, why does someone need to strike him if they know he is ND?

    And did Feris told you I tried to get back there to help him? I was blinded by lights and when trying to eaglesight and shield, they already left me.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    27 February 2002 08:48:19

    Ah, well it is too bad you are in your grave then Dormin, for you would have been a worthy opponent. Its also too bad that none of the current BKD have the balls to fight me.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    27 February 2002 07:58:30

    wasabi, when you drink a flask you dont directly have the effect, you said you shaped me, i was ND, i drank flask, and then you headbutt me.

    This treat aren't going to get anymore response from me.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    27 February 2002 07:43:07

    Btw. Talan, I'd bet money Balinul or myself could whoop your ass.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    27 February 2002 07:42:17

    Wow. There are some dense people out there if you are still wondering why Megs have never hunted during RP it's because they have no RP and attempt no RP as of yet, maybe their new guild will do this but as far as the previous....nah.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    27 February 2002 03:16:45

    I just think its funny that 3 dwarves had to immediately call for help at the sight of one easterling. Think of what they'll do when theres an entire guild!

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    27 February 2002 02:47:18

    I'm usually not one to care about all the stupid arguments you guys always bitch about, but I'd have to agree with Squibb here... I can't even think of a time that Megs hunted during rp. Delgaur, give an example, and prove it... And don't worry about spamming anyone, no one is forcing them to read your comments.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    27 February 2002 01:59:43

    Delgaur, I know you are in Arda and either back up your shit when I ask or don't say it in the first place.

    Glad you know pig-latin ;-)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 February 2002 01:52:04

    I cant tell you becuase im not in arda. and i dont want to spam everyone here with it.

    And as i said, i dont care anymore. Just deal with it.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    27 February 2002 01:18:10

    my point being to Delgaur is this: You say Megs hunted in RP battle and I want to know when? He was a meg and it was in his legend? Then when? Obviously you remember some certain time if you say his legendinfo said Member of the Meglivornth so tell me about it.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 February 2002 01:11:48

    not members? where does this fit in?

    the meglivonth tag in the legend would give them away.

    As i say, Araniur was the main culprit. but hes an asshole at times anyway. but he was hardly ever alone.

    anyway - i dont care about these politcs anymore. so im just gonna shut up :p

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    26 February 2002 23:59:11

    'First he comes in blinding us.'

    Read the log, he entered then lit up. Don't lie to make yourselves look better.

    'If you guys want to allow this in rp combat fine but to me thats pointless because both sides just eaglesight.'

    No, he sure got your attention and it effectively made you leave, if only for a short time and made it harder for you to hurt the npc's.

    'Then he comes back to an empty camp and attacks us again!'

    No, he returned to the camp you guys were still at and everyone was still in battle. Scaring you out of the camp was the idea and was he supposed to know that you had killed every npc in the camp already? even if you had should he try not to make you flee? If i slaughter every dwarf in Erebor would you just smile and me and tell me good job or would you try to get me to leave there? You know the answer to that which is why your arguements are stupid, quit RP'ing a dwarf on the log page would you?

    'I commed for help at easterling camp and Balal had no idea it was rp. My fault for not specifying. The way I see it. We made one mistake and Talan made a whole slew of them.'

    HOW LONG did it take for you to explain to Balal this was RP? Balal hunted the first time, ok, its believable he didnt know it was RP. But later he hunted him again in thrands, then even awhile later he tried to hunt him again near Osgiliath. How long did it take you to explain this was RP eh? Thats why I don't buy it that Balal misunderstood, fact is he was using this as an excuse to try and pk which is why Talan had to report him finally to get him to stop. Too bad it came down to reporting :-(

    And the 'slew' of mistakes on Talan's part? There were none that I could see, except to try and RP with people eagerly looking for an excuse to pk.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    26 February 2002 22:03:17

    Talan made lots of mistakes that just generally pissed us off. First he comes in blinding us. If you guys want to allow this in rp combat fine but to me thats pointless because both sides just eaglesight. So we run him off and finish cleaning out camp. Then he comes back to an empty camp and attacks us again! Talan obviously had no clue what he was doing. Balal's hunt never should of happened. I commed for help at easterling camp and Balal had no idea it was rp. My fault for not specifying. The way I see it. We made one mistake and Talan made a whole slew of them. Whith this event behind us, and all the bickering out of the way lets hope for better done rping with Udungul in the future.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    26 February 2002 21:20:31

    Delgaur, I cannot control people when they are NOT members of the Meglivornth. People's actions before they join are not under the Meglivornth name nor jurisdiction so quit trying to place them there. I fully agree that hunting during RP combat is a cheap way to play, but then again as Nogothrim said, it may just become the norm eventually, so until then tell me if any Meg hunts during RP combat, just MAKE SURE they are a Meg.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    26 February 2002 18:40:13

    Uh, Delgaur, you probably should have 'cried about it' because we dont tolerate this type of behavior.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 February 2002 18:21:15

    Clive, I am guess you read english as clearly as you write it. I said that I shaped you and headbutted you at DLSG, then shaped you again and you were ND then you drank the flask so I knew you weren't ND anymore and headbutted you. Is it that hard to understand, that drinking a flask you weren't ND nor where you when I shaped/headbutted you. If I type shaped, see DLSG then typed headbutt, and you were suddenly at 2hp, then you would have died/fell bleeding at some point while drink the flask (if as you say it takes a few rounds to kick in) or am I hitting for damage of .1 hp?

    Aligning you and seeing my community is neutral to you but standing there watching you continue an attack on a Guildmate with what appears to be the purpose of getting a cheap pKill off an RP defense pisses me no matter who they are. I warned you so many times, I asked you so many times, to leave the castle so we could get it sorted out without combat continuing but your didn't want to. You knew the consequences of staying in the castle and continuing to attack so fucking live with them and just be glad I had no ep to headbutt you back with (or did you find that odd)

    Or we could bring up Barin's magical appearance when Feris was defending a lad from you. You shape Feris, Feris is ND, magically Barin shows up, backstabs Feris and Feris dies. How wonderfully coincedental that Barin is just going to find a Knight ND, in combat on a road the spans the entire length of Gondor and all rooms in the road give the same find return description.

    I also guess that you have no clue what roleplaying and I am not inclined to to pound that lesson into your thick skull.

    Anyways, I am tired of this arguing with you. I don't know you personally and quite frankly I dont want to. I hope you keep me on ignore until long after we both forget each other. All our arguing does is nothing, except...well except nothing.


  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    26 February 2002 14:31:45

    and more to the point. When we/I were hunted in rp, you never heard me crying about it (unless i died :p *onces* kicks Dormin )

    Its a risk you accept by typing kill Mr badguy killing your NPC.

    I think i complained to naugrim about it happerning..but you know that brick wall feeling? :)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    26 February 2002 14:27:06

    Calling me a liar squibb? You should know me better than that. I have never lied to you in the past, have i?

    and there not the sort of logs i keep, altogth i can of course check.

    I can however recuall a few times member of the Beorns were killed. becuase megs hunted in RP. Namly Araniur and his goons.

    And unless Jads changed it, they defend a good deal. Only very few people kill in these places which i guess lucky for them. But were not talking about where how or why we defend. were talking about megs hunteing in RP.

    So all i can say is.

    What goes around, comes around.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    26 February 2002 09:33:41

    Wasabi, it is a shame for whoever that got your respect. I don't want one. And this is a fucking game, I don't care is it a lad or a woman or a farmer, there were made only for one purpose and that purpose is economy.

    And seing from your posts that saying, i was dslg before the headbutt and then now i was ND before the headbutt, it already explain what kind of idiot you are.

    And you can set a trigger to 'align' me and see my standing with Dol Amroth. I have no prob with any other KoDA beside you, wasabi. So shut the fuck up. And you Oil, I know what I am doing, i am sure i typed 'stop' more than you do.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    26 February 2002 09:15:08

    Regarding Nogothrim's comments, I agree totally. I have long been a proponent of doing away with the rp crap battle rules. However, These are the rules that are in place today, and common courtesy demands that the BKD follow them. Perhaps when the Udungul is implemeted things will change and the BKD and Udungul will show the guilds of Arda what real RP combat can be like. And at the same time eliminate whining and petty conflicts like this one.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 February 2002 08:33:26

    Your right Clive, I did headbutt you AFTER you drank from a flask (I might add I am unfamiliar with whatever flask you did use). Which was AFTER I headbutted you at DLSG and then shaped you, saw you were ND and didn't headbutt you again until AFTER you drank from the flask and it was the headbutt didn't come till a few rounds after you drank from the flask.

    About Kenzonia, he admitted being wrong which is fine and shows him to be a bigger person than you because you got your panties all in a twist over a simpy screw up. Saying your alias ends at the castle makes you sound like some SoU I know, is it really that difficult for your alias to stop outside the castle or does one room make all the difference for you? Still that is besides the point because you STAYED after you knew that something was screwed up, that makes you the aggressor and inside the castle that just don't float. Normally, it is not wrong to stand at DA entrance, you are not Cou or SoU or someone that KNOW kills in the castle so I would not have objected to your presence, except that you stayed for the sole purpose of continuing a battle you had already won.

    Yes, you could have gotten an assassin and hunted Kenzonia and pK'd him. Now you lend creadance to Talan's arguement, how nice of you. In one post you showed everyone WHY BkD got leveled with those huge fines by the Ainur. Your such an excellent roleplayer Clive, the consumant Dwarven warrior, vanquish all your enemies...

    Damn shame all you kill are lads, women and farmers.

    That's all you are Clive, the killer of women and children, your no Dwarven Warrior.

    Everyone likes the easy gold in Gondor, kill women and children. I even know your answering reply, 'Aye, it is easy gold. Am I not a greedy dwarf that hungers for gold.' cheap, that's all you are Clive, cheap.

    Do not misunderstand me. I have respect for the Baruk Khazad-dum, much respect that they earned in spades. You, Clive, I do not respect you at all. Killer of women and children, nothing more than that. The worst part is, you can't call me a liar for certain because anyone who has passed you in Gondor knows what you are.

  • Author
    Oiraelen [legacy]
    26 February 2002 07:50:35

    There is your probliem right there.. Typing 40 stop wouldn't work :P Heck typing do 40 stop wouldn't work either cos you put a space inbetween the number and the command.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    26 February 2002 07:02:07

    Wasabi, you told one of my friend that you THOUGHT i have high enough HP after drinking some kind of potion, so you headbutt me, this SHOWS that you did not even shape me before the headbutt, and I was once got headbutted from warrior and it is only 8 damage. And after your headbutt I have like 2 HP. Why am I in castle? My alias stop there, am I wrong? I typed 40stop for 2 times, ask Kenzonia, he gave me tells saying he was wrong and did not type stop.

    When my alias finish, i ended up at DA castle, Kenzonia in combat with me, he went west, I typed 40 stop again and he entered and still in combat, so heck i will just show him the game.

    And if I want to kill kenzonia, I can get someone to hunt him for me since he attacked me first.

    Don't give me shit, wasabi. You know how idiot are you.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 February 2002 04:31:54

    *gives into the temptation...sorry Gazza*

    so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much, so goddamn much...

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    26 February 2002 03:37:25

    Wasach stop writing so goddamn much!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    26 February 2002 01:30:04

    If you actually took the time to read the log trempk you'd see that they eaglesighted and saw me there and while they were eaglesighted i said 'get out'

    As for reading the gossiper, it was a rather big deal as I was insulting their guild because they wont fight me. I doubt all three of them somehow missed it. Also i gave challenges through tells, but i dont remember if i challenged any of these three dwarves.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    26 February 2002 01:00:32

    A band of Dwarves attacks a easterling war camp. They kill the easterlings inside. Talan, an 'easterling chief' attacks the band of Dwarves. The dwarves try to kill Talan. Perfect Rp. LoTR is a war book and people die. PK and RP in this instance are one and the same. I find it sad that to be what you people consider an 'Rper' I have to abide by the pathetic treaties and arrangments that players create because they want to avoid the penalty of death.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    26 February 2002 00:51:41

    Delgaur, I really don't know of a time we hunted you in RP combat, in fact what the hell do the Beorning's RP? Beorning warriors out on plains? In otherwords shit only newbies kill? Please send me log via mudmail of us hunting you during RP combat.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 February 2002 00:15:50

    Well, since you lit up before you said leave, how were they supposed to know that you were defending. Maybe one of them had said leave towards you? And then you attacked one of them. Also, some people don't read the gossiper every day, or even every week.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 February 2002 22:03:47

    KoDA does not contract. Playerkilling in any form is expressly forbidden unless it is authorized by the GM or the Council of Knights.

    I though everyone knew this but then again I still get tells from people who are over 100 days going, 'When did KoDA protect all of Gondor?'

    jeez, I only been with the Guild for a year and a bit and I have never known KoDA to not protect all of Gondor.

    and lets clear up another little thing about Gondor...

    Gondor actually stretches from the white mountanins to south of a little river named Poros.

    So when you freaks are talking about being in south gondor, your talking about being east of the Anduin and south of Ithlilien

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 February 2002 21:51:50

    Noticed an error in what I wrote...

    ...headbutting. I had been headbutting you as low as you would have died...

    That should read as...

    ...headbutting. IF I had been headbutting you as low as you would have died...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 February 2002 21:50:25

    Clive, hate to break your heart but my log shows me shaping you at DLSG and then headbutting. I had been headbutting you as low as you would have died, unless someone knows why warrior headbutts wouldn't kill a person at 19hp?

    Azoriel did not join the combat right after me because he sat there saying 'umm, should I help or is this a duel', I never asked Troi to join the combat but Troi is Amruin and no other two Guilds in Arda have the ties Amruin and KoDA have.

    Did I say we were without fault? I sat in the hall and reamed Kenzonia. He is a fairly new member and came back to the castle NOT expecting you to come back to the castle. That didn't excuse his lack of Battle Discipline and I made sure he knew that. I am a big fan of Battle Discipline Clive and I practice it and I enforce it among the members of my Guild and when they show a lack of it...they hear about it. Come spend a couple days as a visitor, you will see how KoDA operates and perhaps you will stop being such an ass about us.

    and what did you do when you saw that combat hadn't stopped, when you KNEW he had already ran from you (which begs the question why did you come to the castle?), you left (presumeably to heal)come back and start headbutting him. How many times did I ask you to leave the castle and let the whole get sorted out Clive? You were looking for a cheap pKill so don't try and sound righteous here. You took every possilbe road to ensure it was the most fucked up encounter possible.

    What would you do if someone kept leaving and entering Erebor, conintuing combat with one of your Guildmates and trying to kill them? Tell me that not every fucking one of you would come running to attack that guy? You can't and you fricken know it, I don't know single Guild that would allow one of their members to be attack in such a fashion and not defend them. Hell, I have engaged CoU members at the entrance of their hall for an honorable spar only to be attacked by another of their members who just came in and saw us fighting so attacked me without even questioning it. HOWEVER I KNEW something was wrong and that was why I was trying to separate you two but YOU were the one who kept things going so it's all on you Clive, now accept responsiblity for your actions and shutup.

    ps. Don't call the kettle black, Mr Clive Pot...your to fucking colorblind.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    25 February 2002 21:22:33

    Hey kosty and wasabi boy, if you see me online, just give me a tell and i will gladly kick your assess.

    And Wasabi, show me the log that i headbutt you while you are ND. I even leave castle when you are ND but still staying. And Kenzonia did not type stop for 2 fucking times, so i guess i will have to give him a lesson. And also remember the last 2 times when you headbutt me while I am ND? One at 30 HP and one at 19 HP.

    Azoriel and Troi DID join the combat shortly after you join the combat, you guys commed it.

    Don't be a fucking liar to me wasabi.

    And by all reason, is that wrong if i just stand in DA castle? They attack me BECAUSE I am standing at the entrance, kosty.

    Let me see.. I was not a full HP EP after 2 lhp lad and some lads to fill my panniers, then meet up someone that still attacking me at the castle, a normal human being will try to heal him self and I was only with flasks, so I use the flask.

    And Talan, sorry, but to me someone entered the room and suddenly light crystals seems like he want todo something nasty instead of RP.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    25 February 2002 20:39:52

    Actually, Talan, you have right.

    But Delgaur said it.Noone trusts megs.People did once.With this shit Spartan and others like him you've begun to smell too.

    Better be a Numenorean, they are meaner and lie more.

  • Author
    Grum [legacy]
    25 February 2002 20:31:30

    I also agree with Talan, he did absolutely nothing wrong, light may not be necessary but can still be used..Balal, big mistake :P

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    25 February 2002 18:36:27

    Udungul is gonna be a huge RP guild?... Megs got some great memembers, Also got some of the most stupid annoying freaks i ever meet here!

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    25 February 2002 18:15:53

    Hi. I think Talan's right, and that hunting was bad behaviour. I also want to point out that I think its really good to 'search for RP' which he's doing. That is, go to an un specified location and see if there's RP to be done, rather then hang around in town X and defend it only.

    KoDA also does it and it's cool, they run all around gondor, and Udungul who at the moment looks like its gonna be a helluva RP guild, seems able to become just as good, if the right people lead them... (like now, obviously).


  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    25 February 2002 17:56:12

    I've never reported in RP combat! Gimme props!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 February 2002 17:27:00

    Uhm, delgaur, i really dont know what you're talking about. In the my long history with the melglivornth, I can remember one (1) incident where people complained of a meg hunting in RP combat, and that person was punished severely for it. We have always had strict rules against hunting in RP combat

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 February 2002 13:28:02

    sorry, but i dont agree with you talan.

    The amount of times ive been hunted in RP combat by a meg is unacountable.

    Now you guys actually have something to defend, you decide to get pissed about it. I mean, what do you expect? megs spend the time not giveing a dam about RP combat. then there theme change and they expect us to jump.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    25 February 2002 10:00:25

    *sigh* gotta stop logging on at 3 in the morning, I don't make sense sometimes...

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    25 February 2002 09:49:51

    Will someone shove a cock up Kosty's mouth or ass, whichever turns him? Anyways, there _was_ a lot of posts on the gossiper saying something about him being an easterling, and besides the light it was a good RP setup, you have got to take RP out of Edoras and Dol Guldor and really get into it, and if that's what he was doing that *clap* bang up job.

  • Author
    Kosty [legacy]
    25 February 2002 09:24:17

    Clive, only people without HONOR can bragg themselfs like that. I hope Wasach or somebody else will explain what happened in DA tower. Man you guys are disgracing your race.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 February 2002 09:16:32

    *has to agree that Talan did warn before he attacked, use of light is not necessarily an unacceptable RP usage as it it used alot at Balforth.

    *Whether or not 'blinding affects' are allowable in RP exchanges of a violent nature (is this better Ansel?) is up to the the two Guilds involved in the exchanged to decide on when they make their RP agreement...if they choose to do so.

    *Clive, you proved nothing at all in that exchange. You had already driven off Kenzonia (a dunedain ranger) when he defended a lad. Then you came to the DA castle and when you saw that for whatever reason the combat did not stop, you kept it going by not leaving even though he kept leaving. The reason why you were attacked by the other 2 KoDA and the 1 Amruin is because you refused to end combat when you knew you had won and you continued to assault a member of my Guild by following him to the castle. It took us a while to wear you down because of a few things, one atleast verifiable by this log site....

    1)I have died 3 times (once just before you came to the castle this time) so my combat skills are rather crappy (notice I did not HB due to no ep).

    2)You had already driven Kenzonia to ND, TWICE.

    3)Troi and Azoriel did not join the combat until a couple rounds after you left. (around the time I became ND and was still being headbutted or is that your line?)

    4)how many flasks did you drink before you ran away?

    If you want a true measure of your strength Clive, try combat without flasks. I am not knocking the use of them, I use phials, vials and flask (when I can get them). However having to drink a potion to stay in combat does not mean your stronger than your opponent, now does it?

    Now back to commenting on the actual log...

    I applaud Talan's going out on a limb and RPing something new. Now you ALL know for certain what he means when he tells you to leave the easterling camp and you will know it is RP. He has a right to bitch this time but so do you. Next time only he will have the right to bitch if you hunt him after he warns you.

  • Author
    Kosty [legacy]
    25 February 2002 09:09:59

    Brahm shut the hell up! You might be a dwarf and a member of BKD but by saying something like this you aren't just showing everyone that you're an asshole you are also disgracing all dwarves!

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    25 February 2002 08:54:57

    Not sure buy maybe the fact he says 'leave' is A sheriff who disarms and has no chance of hunting taking on 3 people might give some indication of RP intentions, not to mention the fact he warned them twice to leave...

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 February 2002 08:44:07

    Megs.. RP combat.. what? Should have just hunted him when he was lower. That would have taught him not to fuck with dwarves. ;)

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    25 February 2002 08:28:19

    Talan, I asked them and none of them say they know you RP as easterling chieftain.

    And you don't need a light to fight againts 3 enemies. You said you can handle a dwarf any time any moment, are you?

    I proove my strength on 3 KoDA and 1 Amruin in DA castle earlier, it tooks 4 of them to drive me out from the castle. And 1 ppl even wimpied out several times and go out healing.

    Dwarves rules!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 February 2002 08:16:24

    I had light on to defend better against 3 enemies. How is that NOT rping??? And Clive, have you missed the last 4 gossiper posts claiming that I am rping an easterling chieftain? Even if YOU have, they did know i was, and Re entered the camp after they saw i was defending it.

  • Author
    Clive [legacy]
    25 February 2002 08:04:23

    How the hell I know that you RP as an easterling chieftain? I am pretty sure that if I took a survey there will be less than 10% ppl know it.

    And btw, when someone come in the same room with you and he lights some crystals and say: Leave. What you will think? For me, I will think, wtf this guy want and think that guy being a jerk and want to mess with me.

    And it said you still the member of Meglivornth, which have nothing todo with easterling.


  • Author
    Taidhbhse [legacy]
    25 February 2002 07:57:37

    Er, If you use light in RP combat then why is Balal at fault for hunting? You broke one 'rule', they broke another. You're pissed why?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 February 2002 07:51:25

    Well, there arent exactly any 'easterlings' in the game at the moment. I am just an exception to the rule, and maybe my truer heritage is the reason im a chieftain?

    What the hell does this have to do with my being hunted in RP combat? The bastard still hunted me out of RP combat...Jesus.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    25 February 2002 07:48:35

    Talan the DUNEDAIN Untouchable (Shadowspawn of Mordor)

    I am just wondering since you RP an Easterling Captain wouldn't that make you an Easterling?

    As far as I can remember from the books, no Dunedain has ever lowered himself to be called an Easterling. Just my thoughts...

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 February 2002 07:31:50

    Granted, i didnt have any sort of flowery 'initiating RP combat message', but they got the point. They know i RP an easterling chieftain, and they were killing in an easterling camp. I warned them 2 times at least, and they reentered the camp knowing i was defending it.