THIS is why we all love Throm.

Posted by
Ailin [legacy]
12 March 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Darknova claimjumped me when I was level 8, and was buzzing around DM pissing Throm off. Baaaaad Idea


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 April 2002 02:23:43

    I'd just like to mention that Comment 91 on this thread by Throm was the best comment ever made on this site, with Mizrahi's translation of 'I'm going to kill Avaar 'cause he's my ho' into Braglish coming in a close second.


  • Author
    Mimak [legacy]
    10 April 2002 12:37:10

    Why dont we change 'Most commented logs' into 'Most flamed at logs'?

  • Author
    Throm [legacy]
    16 March 2002 10:44:36

    And people wonder why i never comment here. ;)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 March 2002 22:58:02

    Basically that just sums the shit up, Yah got me Tuareg shit, god I better quit now.

    On second thought, I don't snap my fingers, I simply say you are dead. and it happens, *shrugs*

    damm straight I didn't get banned for being a fucken sucky player *shrugs Blow me:) Me coming back and Ainur not letting me be assassin should speak for itself. *snorts

    done talken time to take some action anyone know were the bitch logs off at?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    14 March 2002 22:03:10

    Cool! Baklen is BACK! Can the person that created the new Baklen suicide him so that the real Baklen can exist?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 March 2002 21:52:44

    And all this shit about oh 2days alts who the fuck cares, you all just can't do it so you fucken complain. You say gold mp transfer thats bullshit I've done it , ketan does it we all do it fair and fucken square its knowing the game. You can not cheat on this game and get away. Just look at jaber who transfered gold over 6months ago and didn't log on hoping shit would clear. You can not cheat that way, so fuck off about this mp bullshit. Learn the mud and stop whining, you are all just second rate fuckers who are here so I hone my skills in the art of killing. Lambs to the slaughter.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 March 2002 21:49:49

    Talken about my parents , oh shit that is fucken harsh man, and if you look closely I am back to mudding hey btw was it you who stole the name baklen to fuck me over? if so shit I'm so honored you took time out of your schedule to do that. Btw, talking shit on here doesn't effect me at all, you can say what you want, ill laugh, ill log on kill you, have someone else kill you, then ill laugh, and I get my jollies that way, fuck I could careless what you think as long as I'm satisfied, and I'm quiet satisfied with all of Arda hating your guts, you say I shouldn't exist here? damm straight I am the fucken shit that makes you not log on , I am the shit that makes you think fuck I can't go below a 100hp, fuck you tuareg, we are gonna do battle.

    To bad I can't be an assassin , part of the Deal to come back to T2t. But hell Ill still kill you.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    14 March 2002 20:51:43

    Let's not, because quite frankly, I long ago got sick of hearing about it.

  • Author
    Gwildor [legacy]
    14 March 2002 20:10:17

    Seems like a good time to dig up all the logs from the FRA/MEG war.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    14 March 2002 19:49:58


    'Everyone knows that some FRA players (who play 10 - 12 hours aday) can log on at any time if one of their guildmembers sends a call. '

    I didnt know :( Damn it, noone tells me anything.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 March 2002 19:17:47

    Well, my guess Baklen could get your alts killed by merely asking one of his zillion skilled friends to go kill your alts.... Oh wait, that'd be far to easy.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 March 2002 18:51:28

    Your wrong again Tuareg! Clearly its been me all along controling the entire universe. Actually, I am controlling all the GMs and all of the admins. Actually, I am really you also! But you didn't know that.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    14 March 2002 18:38:56

    Ok, first of all, I didn't even pick this name :) Secondly I was like 13 when I did. I'd like you to show me someone that knows more about CU than I do. The two that come to mind are Tomas and Ancalagon. Third, stealing items from good people isn't triggering, it's a mind game. With all the Alexa theft logs that have been posted, the emote isn't too hard to figure out, but getting the theft despite that emote is where the fun is at.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 March 2002 17:13:15

    Man you are seriously fucked in the head Taureg, I mean jesus CHRIST. Were you a durm? do you know anything that goes on inside the guild? I think not. You are nothing, a nobody, the only reason anyone has said anything to you is cause you abanded your friends to stay alive. Manni is a great gm. Something you could never ever be, so why not shut the fuck up before I get my ainur friends to tell me your new char and have to kill you to level 10 or make you go inactive on that one. Or?

    The Storm.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    14 March 2002 14:51:28

    'He's staying in the background that means inside his GH. '

    Not to be funny, but, how often did sauron and sauramn lead there partys, fight from the front line? hardly ever.

    Mannis GM style for his guild is quite good, as far as being an Evil leader goes.

    He uses his men (Guild members) to do all the dirty work, he sits back and puts his feet up.

    Manni is a older player, like alot of us im sure, and like most of us hes been and done most things already. He just choose to do the back seat thing. and why not? i dont blame him one it.

    (why am i defending you manni? :p)

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    14 March 2002 11:14:39

    Uhm, nice kill? Deepest apologies if this looks out of place, but I couldn't think of anywhere else appropriate to put it...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 March 2002 10:56:32

    I'm going to be really upset if such a worthless string of comments as this makes it to the top of the 'most commented' that would the biggest crime ever witnessed.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    14 March 2002 10:28:04

    Manni doesn't really have a gay name. I have a gay name. Iamsauron had a really gay name.

    Ok, he won't win any awards for his name, but who the hell gives out awards for names anyways?! :P

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    14 March 2002 07:12:02

    It's amazing how just reading comments on a log page can make someone sick to their stomach. Don't you guys get tired of giving Tuareg reasons to comment here? If you didn't respond, there would only be 1 dumbass Tuareg comment per log instead of 30, they wouldn't be on the 'most commented' page where young easily-influenced newbies could be sucked into the 'Tuareg-knows-what-he's-talking-about' zone. Don't you remember what your mommy used to say? 'Ignore him, he'll go away.'

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    14 March 2002 06:42:57

    Hey! That was supposed to stay a secret between you, Wally, and me!

  • Author
    Morpheus [legacy]
    14 March 2002 06:39:34

    Damn you Manni! Don't tell them all our secrets! Next you'll tell them all about the GM-comm mudsex sessions.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    14 March 2002 04:59:07

    Ooh, just got finished reading the last 10 or 15 comments now...Tuareg, you really don't know shit so there is no reason for you to be judging who the most important people on the Mud are. I never named myself into such a group, and I have no need to label myself in such ways. If you did know anything about the Durmanhoth, you would know that The Dark Lord of Assassins is the traditional title given to the Guildmaster.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    14 March 2002 04:51:19

    I didn't really want to have to hop on the 'Tuareg is Retarded' bandwagon because it's rather crowded, but hell, I think there's room for one more and the more the merrier, right? This isn't the first time that someone has mentioned to me that I was a puppet GM. As someone outside the guild, hearing it from someone else, it's possible for you to see it that way and kind of difficult to disprove. For example, if I declared Morpheus a puppet of, say Kencar, well you really wouldn't have much means of countering that argument if you knew nothing about the inner workings of Rimsilval(But I'm on to you, Kencar). I'm not going to waste my time justifying the things I did and do, in agreement and disagreement with my friends and advisors, both in and out of the guild because that's silly. I just don't know where you even came up with the idea that I was a puppet. You haven't been active in the past four months, you haven't ever met me, and I've never had a reason to speak to you, unless you were rejecting 400 gold to get a DWH for an alt. But I'll let you sit in your inn room inactive, with your uninformed, ignorant opinions- Just don't stick your filthy nose where it shouldn't be.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    14 March 2002 01:43:20

    Tuareg, shut up.

    Ketan, you are a MP gold transferer.

  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    14 March 2002 01:35:57

    hehe tuareg, you got it all backwards.. again

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 March 2002 00:12:29

    I wasn't comparing them to each other but since everyone seems think they're Guildrats (and I see both of them outside their Guildhalls quite a bit) I was making a connection to the slew of boring 'variel sighting' logs from some time ago...

  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 23:30:56

    oh and Wasach.. comparing Throm to Variel? LOL again... i can't belive all this shit i have read on these pages

  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 23:30:11

    LOL! you know, these 'Tuareg episodes' as ketan calls them amount to the same stuff every time.. next time your going to make fun of something please check up on what you're about to say and then t h i n k it over a couple of times.. Manni had that in his TITLE because he was the guildmaster of the durmanhoth.. legend gm would produce you that information... take a breath and let some fresh air in.. seems like you need it :)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 22:05:16

    But wait, Tuareg! Instead of replying with your usual bullshit, how about backing up some of the stuff you've said?

    Manni is just a puppet? What dealings have you ever had with him? Are you a member of Durmanhoth? Do you have access to Manni's computer, or are you running a logger somehow remotely on his computer so you know what goes on? Have you ever even SPOKEN a fucking word to Manni?

    And what does Korzan do? From your personal and all-knowing experience, what are his 'real GM' duties? And since Manni has never 'done anything special,' what the hell have YOU ever done that was special? I bet we know the answer to that one!

    -Ketan, who can at least back up his claims (Like this one: Tuareg is fucking crazy.)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 22:01:16

    I know I know, I don't have to point out another 'retarded Tuareg incident,' but I feel it necessary. Norin said that he wishes he had 80k to switch professions to assassin, just so he could solo kill you. This obviously implies that he isn't an assassin. So you're babbling about how he didn't come after you, but what do you expect from him? He's a warrior. If he tracked you down ND and charged/headbutted you to death, we all know you'd bitch about that too (that's how you started in this thread, regarding Throm). The bottom line is that you're an arrogant something or other who has no concern with the truth, the plain facts, or anything else that's realistic. You constantly call me a 'gold transferring MPlayer who can only kill with 5 people.' I know that's not true, and you don't have proof for any claim you just talk and talk and talk, and hope that someone will pay attention to you and believe just a little bit of the crap coming out of your mouth. You've got attention deficit disorder or something.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    13 March 2002 08:48:37

    Blah, 2 months in the middle and at least 2 months at the end...which you werent around for

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    13 March 2002 08:12:43

    Right BB, you guys won for those 2 months...we had it down for the other 10 :P No need to be so technical though

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 March 2002 07:13:37

    We can have a little contest if I ever make it up to Michigan, Baklen. :) I don't squat any more, but I'll run you off the bench *grin* Tuareg, really just stop talking. People that talk loads and loads of shit while they are essentially inactive or may as well have lost all leg function for the limited range of movements they make, and have very little relation to the topic of discussion need not comment.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    13 March 2002 06:16:49

    ...........or you could all just watch a REAL mans sport like Rugby League :P.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    13 March 2002 05:46:19

    I've always been more of a U of M fan myself, but, Hell, football for MSU, that's pretty damn cool.

    Maybe we'll see you on tv eh?

    -Jas (From Michigan, if you hadn't guessed.)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2002 05:04:43

    I may mud its a pass time but i probably could out bench and squat you every day, hell When Calathan was a friend we used to talk ball all the time *shrugs* come down to the uni next year ill give you tickets and we can see some shit eh?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2002 05:03:11

    Yah it maybe funny but shit free education, free girls, free parties, and I do what I love play football. Been wanting to play there since I was a kid just got the scholar, start next season. And I play Tailback squibb,

    BB whats wrong? whats funny about that?

    Hell its true you guys may of wupped up on us some just not when I was around, I think I had to suicide and restart, if I remember *shrugs

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:25:30

    Damn it all. I didn't mean to do that twice. The second was supposed to say 'Oops, I misinterpreted Squibb's comment, and I understand what he meant now. Still, it doesn't take much to go kill mountain trolls due east of your guild.'

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:24:45

    Squibb: I never said that every Meg killed in the White Mountains, and I thought I had actually made it pretty clear that I was addressing Tuareg. :P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:23:12

    Squibb: I never said that every Meg killed in the White Mountains, and I thought I had actually made it pretty clear that I was addressing Tuareg. :P

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:04:39

    OMFG...that hilarious. You play football for michigan state? *ROTFL*

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:03:48

    Uh, Baklen, i might remind you that the who was winning the megs/fra war was mostly dependent upon the time you were looking at it. At first you guys were winning, then we ruled and you guys went totally inactive for at least a month or two, then you guys came back strongly, and at the end we were winning with you guys totally inactive again.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:01:58

    What position you play Baklen?

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    13 March 2002 01:11:26

    fdl, hes not ambedextrious? too bad.. nice perks man

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2002 01:08:07

    How would you know? Since you do not play cause you are to fucken pansy ass to log on. Ah yah I guess the population has all gotten to 20 sine then. Fuck off Tuareg I am in college, about to play some footbal for Michigan state, I'mvery well educated thank you very much, but then again you can't switch hands to even wack off. Fucken lamer.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2002 00:48:46

    You would know if I was still here 3months have passed and no 3day alt is killing everyone? *laughs

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    13 March 2002 00:16:16

    That would explain why I can't make myself go back into the lothwar camp *sobs* damn you Baklen I liked that place!!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    12 March 2002 23:46:41


    Throm You are the man. *grins*

    Damm I miss you guys

    *wipes a tear from his eye*


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    12 March 2002 23:45:43

    And for some reason my key strokes dont register on this tag shit. Damm its annoying.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    12 March 2002 23:44:45

    And damm straight we did, MEGS got the shit beat out of them and every time , and Fucken tuareg jesus christ How the hell can you talk when any time I was on on We were like WOOOOOO Tuareg is on. Only to see you run to loth or stayin gh or 1hr and leave. How lame is that shit bah fuck me, I kinda regret spelling your name wrong when i caught you nd at glorfindel, god

    Can't get them all, oh btw what did you do with your alt. Wacke a level 10 who did nothing and the what

    Went Inactive .


    Here is something foryou


  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    12 March 2002 23:37:14

    Nice solo kill from a warrior here, props to Throm.

    And Ketan, not every Meg killed in white mountains all day, for awhile there FRA really did make it suck to leave, 4-5 man parties of skilled pk'ers with whip and mels are not something you would take lightly either ;-)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    12 March 2002 22:49:08

    Not to blow sugar in anyone's ass...but I see Throm quite a bit and since I am KoDA, I guess that means outside of the FRA hall. I'll make sure to keep that log so we can have a Throm vs Variel sightings competetion.

    I also have to say that Duniv made probably the most profound statement on this log...and of course it was overlooked.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    12 March 2002 22:42:04

    Hmm is this the 1234235'th post in those threads where someone tries to quiet Tuareg with a load of rubbish about being the best pk'er out there? :) (not saying any of you isn't)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    12 March 2002 21:33:20

    And that was 'dig up the log,' not 'did up the log.'

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    12 March 2002 21:32:51

    Speaking of me needing 4 people to kill anyone, I'd swear Mahamodie and I (that's only two of us!) picked off Curare at the Rivendell hitching post while he was standing with at least 2 other Megs. I'll let you know if I did up the log of it, but I'm pretty sure Maha has it, because we ran back and killed Shock there too, like 2 minutes later.

    The point is, talk a whole lot of shit, but you have NEVER done anything. You suck. When FRA was drilling you guys, you were 'brave' enough to make gold by killing NPCs that were due east of your guildhall (literally, we had to track him down as he was killing mountain trolls 40e from the Meglivornth hall). You have NEVER killed me, even though YOU have helped people try (that's right, Tuareg has attacked in parties of 5 before, but you'd never believe that from his posts!)

    So anyway, stop pretending like you're good, know anything, or have a clue...because you might convince someone who's just starting to play the game that you actually do know something other, and they'll be in for one hell of a surprise 3 months from now when you log on.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 21:20:08

    And poor Darknova, had just paid 350 gold for a flask. You could have at least given him a chance to use it! :P

    bastards ;)


  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 21:02:12

    I wish I had 80k to spend on maxing as assassin, so I could solo Tuareg a couple of times. But first of all, it's not worth it at all. And secondly I would more like to gangbang his ass with 4 other people, because it's even quicker, so I do not have to spend time on worthless shit. Some people are just all mouth...

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 20:21:31

    Just as I thought, more excuses to justify his own cowardice, It's cool Tuareg, I don't even want to kill you anymore. From now on, you're beneath my notice.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    12 March 2002 20:17:58

    Just FYI, I killed Tuareg in Mordor with one other person in the midst of a gigantic war with the Meglivornth, he knew I was coming and still managed to die. So please don't try to make it look Arda wide about the whole needing 4 people to kill you thing. Assassination doesn't take numbers if everything goes right, ask Piotyr, one of the only people to ever kill me solo.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 19:39:56

    Good kill Throm, heh i think thats the best pk i have seen in a long time...... thats alot better than 5 on 1 and the 1 still getting away. :)

  • Author
    Vanris [legacy]
    12 March 2002 19:16:33

    Ailin tells you: still there


    A murky mere(nw, n, w, se, e, sw, ne and s)

    HP:230 EP:129 sw

    Quote from Tuareg

    'As far as I can see Throm didn't even plan to pk someone in the marshes. To me it looked like he met him there by chance, shaped and then killed him.. '

    Hehe...why would Ailin give Throm a tell about Darknova being there..? Pretty obvious to me that Throm was stalking for Darknova

    Just my two cents -> Knowing that I'll be flamed by Tuareg ;)

  • Author
    Jeril [legacy]
    12 March 2002 19:15:55

    Hehe, this reminds me of when I found Throm near death in the Dead Marshes once. But all I had was a prod so he got away. :(

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 19:11:20

    Tuareg should just put his money where his mouth is, he thinks he's some badass when he's nothing more than a wash-up with an attitude problem. Tuareg, you've already lost respect with 99% of the MUD, why don't you just log on and do something about us then instead of acting like an idiot on here? You think you're so fucking bad, you shouldn't have any problems dealing with a couple of 4d old FRA alts like us. Of course you won't and this with just result in another slanderous post from you to try to make yourself feel better. You call us cowards, but it looks like we already put the fear of God into you. Bitch.


  • Author
    Nikodim [legacy]
    12 March 2002 19:06:38

    Bah! I wish I didn?t make those comments on Holic before, otherwise I would tell you guys to stop insulting eachother. But what the heck. Go Ailin. Go Tuareg.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 March 2002 19:03:06

    Hmms... Well, I can't think of anyone that would actually try to kill Throm atm. Well, I dunno lot of stupid people out there. I like saying Well, a lot.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 18:58:38

    Tuareg, you couldn't kill an ugly orc if it was standing around ND. You wannt talk about cowards? Why don't you leave Bree next time you see me on.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 18:20:22

    Yes, I agree with Throm, Tuareg does seem a little bit bitter that stwa/FRA&TB owned every character he's ever had on this MUD. Ask him nice enough Throm, I'm sure he'll give you some of his kickass bree aliases, well, at least they ought to be good...those are the only ones he ever uses.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 18:17:29

    Throm wants me to post this for him!:

    Actually, this is the tail end of the log, Tuareg. I had found him earlier and kicked him around a little then. What you're seeing is me getting finds to hunt him down and finish the job.

    but I'll tell you time that you make a kill on a level 20, solo, with no assassin to hunt, and no locking doors and him knowing that you are after him. . .After that, then please talk all the shit you want. Otherwise it just makes you look like your still taking me killing you a couple times a little too personally. p.s. did you understand? are the words small enough? If not give me a tell and i can mail you separately...*cough* thats mail you, not MALE you. Keep both hands on the keyboard you fruity bitch.

  • Author
    Nikodim [legacy]
    12 March 2002 16:38:47

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the log, but check out this webpage. It?s truly hilarious.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 March 2002 15:50:40


  • Author
    Vanris [legacy]
    12 March 2002 15:27:04

    Nice kill...Perfect timing

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    12 March 2002 14:34:12

    I agree with Galuf on this. What's Trom supposed to do? Let Darknova heal fully, meet him outside the marshes, get an assassin, then try to set his triggers to follow him through breaks? Ideally, aren't assassinations supposed to be quik?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    12 March 2002 13:57:25

    FDL! Call of the day Ketan!

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    12 March 2002 13:47:26

    I think we should petition Muaddib and Nicuramar to have Tuareg's name here changed to 'Sunshine,' just to capture his usual cheery mood.

  • Author
    Galuf [legacy]
    12 March 2002 13:07:18

    Umm... hello, isn't this what *real assassins* are supposed to do? Wait for a target's moment of weakness, then attack. Not just follow the formula of find(target)+5buddies+SRS/backstab/headbutt/charge/whip combo = pkill

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    12 March 2002 12:13:53

    Haw Haw Haw! Good to see you putting him out of his misery in one attack... 'Flawless victory!'

    -Norin the Nameless.