Nogothrim dies

Posted by
Spartan [legacy]
13 March 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

He tries to disconnect, and It kinda works. But stupid him and he had to enter the same room as me which caused me to hunt again.


  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    12 June 2002 00:16:17

    The more I read the more I begin to like Tuareg. I believe Tuareg started of as a noble person but was degenerated and twisted by the world. He is unpredictable and I find that suitable. The voice of all those who are trashed daily in your world but who dare not speak. Tuareg is their voice. Screaming at you. Screaming at you for letting your weakness out and hurting others, newbies lowlife mentaly disabled challanged weaker newer fresher. Tuareg speak for them. His voice echoes throughout this realm, a mirror of the Arda you have chosen to create. Your failure to ignore Tuareg proves his strength. His strength is also proven as I smile and laugh while reading his comments. Previously there were small annoying flamings and disputes. Tuareg has taken it to another level. And won his war. There is noone who can compete with him. You weakly try to fight back but he slicing you clean with a mad skill I have never seen before. I hope that even when Tuareg is gone his hidden wisdom will echo in your head. For I will not forget him. /Cogline

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 March 2002 23:17:18

    Well I wasn't always like this. Arda made me this way. I am a direct product of the corruption of this mud *shrugs* blame it on arda, they made me this way.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 March 2002 23:06:39

    Shit I got friends, fuck here is a list..................... hmms on second though maybe I don't who needs friends!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't mud no more! HAHA

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    17 March 2002 05:23:18

    You got to realize Tuareg cheating doesn't make you unliked, if Barazbund cheated, all the power to him. We fought like evil fucken monsters together but I have more respect for him than anyone on this mud. And no matter what you do, you wont get respect from anyone, It brings me to my conclusion

    Why the fuck do you mud then? no friends-you suck-

    I just don't get it, must be the mud sex.

    *nods to himself* *snorts

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    16 March 2002 21:47:24

    I _knew_ it was you, you son of a bitch!

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 March 2002 23:52:10

    In conclusion, FUCK YOU.

    I'm ignoring you from now on.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 March 2002 23:37:19

    Wow, tuareg, your bullshitting again.

    That never happened, so i dont think the ainur nuked me for it. I might have accidentally handled a weapon with an alt and then donated it to the meg armoury and accidentally picked it up a day later with barazbund or something. Thats the only reason i can think of that they'd nuke me.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 March 2002 23:24:14

    What? i played someone else's character? WTF are you talking about? Thats like something you'd do with your putting passwords in your legendinfo crap. Thats just a little inside joke between durkin and myself.

    I have no idea why i was nuked, (they never told me) so how the fuck would you know?

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 March 2002 22:53:27

    Well, yeah...I guess i would hate you too if you played one of my chars for 2-3 months :P


    oops, did i just say that out loud? :P

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    15 March 2002 22:34:44

    I hate you, Barazbunny!

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 March 2002 21:56:39

    Fdl. I'm not even going to address that. Of course i did. I'm confident that everyone knows how much i influenced the guild in a positive way. In fact, i know a lot of people posted such things when i got nuked.

    thats one of the many differences between you and me tuareg, confidence. I have it, you dont.

    No one listens to you or believes what you say, so why should i bother defending myself against your crap? Everyone at best thinks your crazy, and a lot of people hate your guts. I can proudly say that, what, maybe two people hate me? I think thats a lot more important than how much you donate to the guild vault.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 March 2002 21:08:46

    Erm Tuareg, he had an entire room in the museum dedicated to him and a statue.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    15 March 2002 19:51:07

    Tuareg...hes a real meg. He left the guild, after being in it for like a year, and not really influencing anything. Yeah. The only thing you did for the guild was to lower everyone's opinion of it.

    Btw. Tuareg, you know when you go to sleep NO ONE comments on logs because your stupid ass isnt here to irritate everyone.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 March 2002 17:13:41

    Tuareg, you can re-create the events how you like them, but when you were at 300k in vaults I posted that nobody should donate to the vaults during the war and instead put the money to warchest. You chose to disregard this and fuck over your guildmates by donating 400K+ to the guild vault instead. Yea we could have used the damn money for the fines and pk'ing, especially when you were most of the reason why they hated us so much.

    And thank you, the Udungul guild is happily enjoying the 735K you donated to it inadvertantly. You obviously think that when more than one person disagrees with your self-deluded ideas that one is following the other but there is this concept which is foreign to you and that is referred to as 'agreeing' with someone. And no, there are still some 'real' Megs around Tuareg, they are now in Udungul.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    15 March 2002 13:39:23

    Hey, i kiss my ass, an my own only! Screw them Durms, fra asses, mines much sweeter!

    *wiggels his butt for you all to kiss'

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    15 March 2002 03:02:46

    'I think I'm glad that I left this guild. This mud is so fucked up. Almost everyone here seems to be kissing the powerful people's (FRA/durms/TB/..) asses even if they have to betray their true allies and friends.'

    Everything is all good now? Lets see you call me an ass-kisser and one who betrays his allies. You seem to purposely forget half this shit you say and do. And how the hell do you think you took out more than BB? Hell I remember one pk on Cogline(?) where we went to GB him because he had a mutt protecting him and you(with your 700K+ donated to guild vaults) didnt want to waste the money on a miss because you thought we would fail. Not until he was DLSG after 10+ rounds of combat did you attack and he got away 1 round later with like 20hp. That shows the level of 'team' effort that you have and what you cared about most.

    Then when I asked why you didn't donate to the warchest instead of the guild vault(you donated 400k+ during the war itself) you said it was because you didn't trust me and that I was an FRA alt. After all BB and I did to keep the guild afloat against the best friggin pk'ers in Arda I'd expect a little gratitude.

    So go back to 'betray [your] true allies and friends' and quit giving me grief hypocrite.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    14 March 2002 23:57:32

    *fdl* yeah, you killed so many more people than me tuareg. And ripping on my bro squibb is the same as ripping on me, so fuck off.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    14 March 2002 22:39:25

    I would love you to, if you're think you're hot shit lets see these oh so beautiful logs you claim to have.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    14 March 2002 21:22:46

    Tuareg, name these people you fucking liar. I don't think anyone remembers you being on a pkill, don't get durms confused with FRA, you didn't kill any of us loser.

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    14 March 2002 20:31:16

    Just so everyone knows, tuareg did like 1 useful thing during the FRA Meglivornth war. The rest of the time he was too afraid of getting fines to do anything. He was such a fucking cocksucker.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 March 2002 18:41:34

    Tuareg is just mad cause he doesn't have any friends.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    14 March 2002 18:04:21

    Nobody is trying to win anyones respect here, Tuareg and how can a person like you, who abandoned his guild in the middle of an intense war talk about loyalty? That's right, you can't you hypocritical fuck. Maybe some of your ex- guildmembers have found more to respect in us then they ever did in you?

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    14 March 2002 14:21:28

    'What's up with you by the way, Squibb? Perhaps it's only looking like this to me, but are you also pissing at me now? Yeah, jump on the train and do your best, you might get our enemies' sympathy this way.'

    Tuareg, don't start with me, go re-read what I wrote. I don't even read your comments so maybe thats why I don't have a problem with you until I did a find on the page and found my name in one of your posts, now I have a problem. Your paranoid, I was making fun of my spelling error simply. Relax, take a trip or something, your going to blow a gasket.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    14 March 2002 13:51:28

    I like Sunshine best.

  • Author
    Saijaibow [legacy]
    14 March 2002 05:08:22

    Hell yea, i like the name too, 'My name is Saijaiblowme BITCH!' thanks Whoreg(corny, i know)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    14 March 2002 04:23:46

    Saijaiblowme...that's actually a pretty good one.

    Not that I ever had a reason to dislike the guy, but if I did, I hope I'd have come up with that. (this post isn't joking, either, as much as I like to call Sunshine names and stuff)

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    14 March 2002 01:50:13

    ack Dukane, I didn't know he was your bro! please don't kill me :(

  • Author
    Saijaibow [legacy]
    14 March 2002 01:40:57

    Haha not really Tuareg because you're comments don't mean shit to me you retarded pussyass fruitcake. 99% of the time I don't even read your stupidass comments, I skip them as soon as I see the first four letters of your name. You're not even worth the time to finish reading your name. On the other hand, what you're trying to do is working because I just wasted 2 minutes of my time on your ass, damn that was dumb. Oh yea keep up the good work with the name, I like it, now go spend another day thinking of another one for me.

  • Author
    Saijaibow [legacy]
    14 March 2002 00:40:39

    Tuareg, all you know how to do is talk a lot of shit on this page acting all big and tough teaching people what to do. I don't see a little bitch like you do shit at all on T2T, the only thing I've seen you do is bitch your day away on this site. Shut up and get a fucking life you loser.

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 March 2002 06:45:35

    'but I honetly doubt it.'

    yea, i seem to be developing one as well ;-)

  • Author
    Dukane [legacy]
    13 March 2002 06:10:51

    Now you done it, you messed with my bro Nogo your going downo. Wow. I think Tuareg's speech impetiment is having an affect on my vocabulary :)

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    13 March 2002 05:53:31

    So your saying he didnt panick and disconnect as the 'Azmar' style ? Your saying it just happened that right as they attacked he disconnected?

    Could be, but I honetly doubt it.

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:53:02


  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    13 March 2002 03:46:52

    Uh, two things. One, don't say shit about him trying to disconnect. He obviously wasn't trying to disconnect to avoid the kill, because he came back like 4 rounds later. If anything, all it did was cost him 4 rounds of combat.

    Secondly, 'it sorta worked?' Maybe you should read back over the log. His disconnect didn't cause your hunt to turn off, it was the fact that you FORGOT TO HUNT HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE. You look over that and tell me if you see yourself starting to hunt him at the beginning of the kill. I admit, he messed up a little by entering the room again, though he probably just hit a break for the carrock, not realizing that you didn't hunt him. Regardless, the title of this log should be making fun of yourself for fucking up to begin with, not pretending like he tried to quit on you. *shrug*