Goodbye Westar.

Posted by
Raqtor [legacy]
19 March 2002 00:00:00

You leaving our world is something I will proberbly never understand. Your pressence will always be missed in Arda. And you should know that you will always be remembered.


  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    22 September 2003 16:26:32


  • Author
    Sigfrid [legacy]
    18 January 2003 22:08:25

    Fuck you Ash!! Westar was a great and a cool guy...btw does he have any alts?

  • Author
    Sigfrid [legacy]
    18 January 2003 22:08:12

    Fuck you Ash!! Westar was a great and a cool guy...

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    11 August 2002 20:07:36

    Fuck you Westar! You were a jerk, Always been a fucking jerk im glad you suicided!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    06 April 2002 01:49:47


    You were definitely the coolest guy to grace this MUD in my time at least...

    You'll be missed my friend.


  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    22 March 2002 07:41:48

    'I especially like the party where I bummed you and Rins for 100 spir :P'


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 March 2002 18:38:07

    Hurry back Pharzan damnit!

  • Author
    Feris [legacy]
    20 March 2002 17:19:40

    Farewell on your travels, Westar Dawson. You will be missed by all! The Knights salute you!

    *Salutes Westar*

    *Raises his battle horn and lets out a blast*


  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    20 March 2002 09:54:13

    Westar! knew you from the good old days in meglivornth, but we went seperate ways *shrug*

    Have a good RL and try not to choke on those pesky carlsbesk!


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    20 March 2002 08:26:35

    And now you all see why the cold and heartless Adunazon laughed at you fools who wanted Westar reinstated, when even he didn't. Westar, you had your head on backwards, but I can't say I didn't like you. Good luck with shit that actually matters.

  • Author
    Vanris [legacy]
    20 March 2002 05:52:44

    Later Westar and enjoy real life....

    I enjoyed those days when I partied with you and Viking in Mordor.


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    19 March 2002 23:48:41

    Well, Westar, later. I didn't really know you, didn't really care about you, thought you needed a life. And why did you bother getting reinstated only to suicide?

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    19 March 2002 22:01:46

    Westar, may you be repeatedly funked and eaten irl, to the point of utter delight! Take care! :)

  • Author
    Yun [legacy]
    19 March 2002 21:55:54

    Westar really annoyed me. OH well, by gones...he was more or less useless, but he still will be missed. Good luck, Westar.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 March 2002 21:37:06

    And locking 3 people up when you KNOW you can't win is not bravery its utter stupidity. Knowing that ruiniel can't lose someone its hell of easy to die in a locked room, now if he lost then locked up thats skill. Dying is not, you aren't crazy you just don't care or you made a mistake at the time and figured ah fuck I died, and now you make it look like you are the BRAVE MAN. What is courage if you die? Bah fucken learn some real courage.

  • Author
    Etor [legacy]
    19 March 2002 20:50:08

    Bye Westar,I always be worry when someone does suicide.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    19 March 2002 19:11:10

    Westar Dawson. When I first started playing this

    game, you were probably the person I looked up

    to the most. You were that secretive person walking round in the east, an area I had never


    That I later become your friend in Amruin, was

    out of my wildest imagination. And then we finally

    met in real life, a lot of things happend :)

    I especially like the party where I bummed you and

    Rins for 100 spir :P

    You're the most thrilling experience I have had

    on the mud :) This is funny, its good I dont have

    to tell you all this RL, I would be quite embarrising and you would probably punch me in the face if I kept speaking when you told me to shut up.

    Thank you for a really nice RL year on the mud and


    OH well, see ya soon to a lot of fucknig beers!

    I hope you can keep up with me this time and dont

    fall asleep :P

    Josef the Hobbit.

  • Author
    Eothalion [legacy]
    19 March 2002 19:00:52

    Be cool bro, be cool..

  • Author
    Rins [legacy]
    19 March 2002 18:20:30

    We've been through alot and known eachother for quiet some time now. I remember a long time ago when we where hunting for heads in Durmanhoth together. I remember your furry feet and funny comms. It seems, it ended here for you, your end will also be my end my dearest of all friends.

    Hail Thee Westar and I'll see you in some other life.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 March 2002 18:03:41

    Wtf was he reinstated for? *laughs* waste of cpu

    Nah take care bro, have fun, don't drink to much, stay away from shemales and what else oh yah, have a great life man.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    19 March 2002 17:34:03

    NOOO! If I see ONE more old and famous player suicide, I'm going too!

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    19 March 2002 14:51:25

    Take it easy ol tima =)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    19 March 2002 14:10:39

    No, Ogenheart, only 250k; I gave him the rest.

    Westar! Now we will never be able to finish that discussion about the superiority of Elves! :/

    Oh well. Good luck to you, Dawson.


  • Author
    Mimak [legacy]
    19 March 2002 13:04:52

    Farewell my friend. I'll surely miss the days. 'Friendtax' - 'Setting my beard on fire in Esgaroth' - 'Together battling at the Battle of Five Armies'. Those are only a grasp of memories.

    Thanks for the great times.

    *bows deeply*

    Mimak Stonehead

  • Author
    Ogenheart [legacy]
    19 March 2002 10:49:36

    300.000 gold coins passed from my hands to Westar's, and as such, I cannot help but regret his passing.

  • Author
    Andron [legacy]
    19 March 2002 10:18:58

    *salutes Westar*

    It was an honour to fight and defend with you on the few occasions we met.


    ~Footman of Dol Amroth~

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    19 March 2002 09:52:15

    Westar, you were a cool guy.Those days in Amruin were fun.Will miss you, bro.

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    19 March 2002 03:47:04

    Roku, you scared me! I am shaking. No really, I am.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:42:56

    I have never wanted to kill YOU Roku, untill now.

    Just crawl back under that tree in Midgewater and dont come out.

    Btw, how can Walton be the first on your wall, should that be you?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:26:56

    Ironic and sad at the same time.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 March 2002 01:26:42

    Well, if you don't scare newbies, who DO you scare, Roku? ;)

  • Author
    Hans [legacy]
    19 March 2002 01:21:14

    Hope you read this Westar....You will be missed around here aswell, be well mate

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    19 March 2002 01:19:49

    wah wah rhoads, stop crying

    *hands Rhoads a tissue*

    I dont scare newbies nor try to

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 March 2002 01:17:34

    Roku, why dont you simply go to hell? No one is forcing you to read this log, stop beeing annoying and go scare newbies as it is aparently the only thing you can do (and not even well enough)

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    19 March 2002 01:10:27

    Oh why dont you all shutup

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 March 2002 01:03:54

    I wish I was there to say goodbye, good luck in your real life Westar Dawson. ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:58:15

    Bye Wes :(

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:45:03

    Look at that Walton, another name to add to my 'idiot wall of fame'

    ooh, looks like your the first!

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:33:57

    Look at that. I'm making all sorts of guest appearances in logs today.