Armada tuned the emotes of the Globe of Protection: You attempt biting someone but fail miserably. You claw someone with your dirty fingernails. Your teeth turn red as they sink into someone's flesh. You cackle insanely as your magnificent tail strangle someone! You climb on a tree and pummel someone with coconuts! You trick someone into eating a PoIsOnOuS Banana! You send Talan and Edelidan to ANNIHILATE someone. You unleash the power of LORD CHIRP on someone's terrified body! You demonstrate the RUTHLESSNESS of the MC to someone! Fuinor tuned the emotes of a sailor's cutlass: You miss someone with misfired ray of frost. You singe someone lightly as your sphere of flame slams into him. You casts a spell which send someone into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. You summon a swarm of hornets which sting someone. You hit someone with repeated blasts of pure energy. You tear into someone's flesh with conjured talons. You draw upon the dark arts to rend someone's soul asunder! You let torrents of unleashed magic consume someone! You steal someone's essence with a fell incantation! Fuinor tuned the emotes of a pernicious steel sword: You narrowly miss someone with a miscalculated swing. You chant a fell incantation and pain course through someone's veins. You slice someone with a well aimed strike. You burn someone with the unhallowed fire of Angband! You conjure a volley of flaming darts which slam right into someone. You stab someone with all the might you can muster. You decimate someone with a combination of both sword and sorcery! You uses the dark arts to rend at the very core of someone's being! You smite someone with the powers of the Unseen. Rhoads tuned the emotes of a sparkling sword: You swing the sword dangerously near someone. You scratch someone's arm. You bruise someone's arm, causing some pain. You cut someone's arm, spilling some blod. You bash someone's face with the hilt of the sword. You destroy someone's flank with the flat part of the blade. You slash someone's chest with the sharp part of the blade! You charge agains't someone's, almost severling a limb! You drive the sword PRECISALY across someone's body and TWISTS it, causing MASSIVE PAIN! Finbar tuned the emotes of Royal Guard Officer's sword: You miss someone and makes a funny face. You scratch someone. You DESTROY someone. You scream like a madman as he PLUNGES the DARK BLADE into someone STOMACH!!! You twirl the blade around and quickly SLASHES  the blade over someone BELLY!! You draw the dark blade back and GASHES someone across the FACE!! You plunge the BLADE deep into someone chest MUTILATING FLESH!!! You DECIMATE someone with the dark blade, DESTROYING BONES! You OBLITERATE someone with the gleaming BLADE! Agiel tuned the emotes of a finely crafted shortsword: You shove someone, making him trip. You scratch someone's face with you nails. You slap someone across the face. You elbow someone in the gut. . You lift someone off the ground with a vicious uppercut. You send someone reeling from a roundhouse kick. You grab someone's shoulders and headbutt him down. You pummel someone with a massive combo, knocking him senseless! You release someone from this mortal coil. Raqtor tuned the emotes of a lotta-tailed whip: You look confused at someone as you whips youself. You tickle someone as the air whips by him. You pinche someone in the bum while whipping youself. You snap someone on his butt making small red lines. You pull someone's hair swinging the whip over his head. You get a sadistic look in your eyes and whip someone repeatedly. You give someone a harsh, BLODDY Sadistic spanking!! You jump onty someone and start whipping him like a MaNiAc!! You start swirling aroun someone TRASHING him into shredded meat!! Orleg tuned the emotes of Guthwine: You miss someone. You scratch someone. You curse as the blade barely grazes someone. You slice someone across the face leaving a trail of BLOOD! You POUND the heavy blade on someone head making a HORRIBLE sound as bones BREAK!!! You sword starts to GLOW as it STRIKE someone in the FACE!! You chuckle slightly as his fiery blade opens up a GRUESOME wound on someone! You eye starts to gleam as he MUTILATES someone without contradiction! You go INSANE and brings the SWORD down onto someone with all his MIGHT!!! Jasumin tuned the emotes of the carven tusk of a great mumak: You try to attack someone with magic, but fail. You create a magic blade and send it spinning at someone, but it only scratches him. You shoot a blast of fire at someone, burning him slightly. You chill someone with a tiny blade of Ice. You hit someone hard with a blast of pure energy! You blast someone with a huge bolt of electricity! You devastate someone with a giant ball of fire! You rend someone's flesh with Dark Magic! Your spell tears someone apart! Mortigan tuned the emotes of a finely crafted longsword: You whip the sword across someone's neck, leaving an almost invisible line of blood. You unhinge someone's ribs in a vicious display of hatred. You thrusts his sword forward, and disembowel someone! You hit someone's attack, avoiding a horrible wound, and leans in to chomp his throat! You hit someone  hard. You hit someone very hard. You obliterate, cleave someone's cerebellum, as you  his skull in two, shredding the gray matter! You hack a large, bloody gash across someone's chest, and his scream of horror is heard as his dripping heart falls to the ground! Your devastating sword play slaughter, stare someone, and he  down in disbelief at his dissected torso. Wyngel tuned the emotes of a fine short sword of steel: You miss someone. You smack someone with the blade. You slice someone across the face, throwing blood through the air. You hack wildly at someone, pricking a finger! You hew someone in the arm, as chunks of bloody flesh fall to the ground. You swipe the blade through someone, slicing through soft, pulpy insides. You cleave someone in the head with a gruesome display of power! You rip into someone savagely, spraying blood and gore everywhere! You eviscerate someone, showing the true power and might of Sauron! Gazza tuned the emotes of a sailor's cutlass: You almost trip over a banana skin which someone cunningly planted on the ground! You barely scratch someone, catching a few fur-ends in a rough swing. You try to pull off a brilliant stunt, but someone deflect the attack to a mere graze. You land a hit on someone, and a few tufts of fur go flying through the air in a graceful arc. You steal someone's banana! Muhahahahahaha! You savagely HACK at someone's tail, causing blood to splatter on the ground! You offer someone a banana, then eat it sadistically in front of him, taunting him cruelly!!! You grab someone by the tail and swing him around you head, sending him flying into the wall!!! You berserk, around the room, shearing someone with your sword, sending fur flying around the room and inflicting CRITICAL DAMAGE!!!!! Manni tuned the emotes of a Dwarven Warhammer: You haul back and bring the hammer down, narrowly missing someone and leaving a crater in the ground. You bump someone, causing him to stagger backwards. You knock someone to the ground, devastated by the blow. You crush someone's skull, splattering brains and guts  across the room. You pummel someone straight in the chest, crushing him lungs. You smash the hammer through someone's arm, shattering bone and mutilating flesh. You demolish someone, swinging the head of the hammer through one side of his body and out of the other! You OBLITERATE someone with a WICKED swing to the head, leaving no trace of a head on his body. You critically hit someone with decimating force. Raqtor tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Raqtor: You look confused at someone as you fumbels with the sword. You tickle someone while trying to grasp your sword. You pinch someone in the bum as you vaves the sword around. You prod someone looking for a soft spot. You spank someone with a look of pure rapture. You pull someone hair while scratching him with your nails. You give someone a harsh, BLODDY, Sadistic Spanking!! You make someone squeel like a pig as you land many Sadistic blows! You start to swirl around someone TrAsHiNg him into shredded meat!! Rhoads tuned the emotes of a huge two-handed sword: You swing the sword dangerously near someone. You scratch someone's arm. You bruise someone's arm, causing some pain. You cut someone's arm, spilling some blood. You bash someone's face with the hilt of the sword. You destroy someone's flank with the flat part of the blade. You slash someone's chest with the sharp part of the blade! You charge agains't someone, almost severling a limb! You draw the sword PRECISELY across someone's body and TWIST it, causing MASSIVE PAIN! Nagash tuned the emotes of a great axe of Dwarven steel: You blah at someone. You tell someone to go scratch himself. You beat someone with a huge stick. You fart in someone's general direction. You spank someone. You kick someone's ass. You kick the crap out of someone. You OWN someone. You put a stick of dynamite up someone's butt and light it up. Mortigan tuned the emotes of a pernicious steel sword: You miss someone and you laugh at his effort. You scratch someone, and a droplet of blood hits the ground. Your swing remove a pound of flesh from someone. Your sword slice, laugh someone's chest, poking his heart. You hit someone  hard. You hit someone very hard. You giggle, devastate like a loon as he  someone with an incredible blow to the skull, causing the ears to bleed. You demoliate someone with ridiculous force and his eyes explode! You viciously forces his sword down someone's throat, EXTERMINATING and DECIMATING internal organs. Baird tuned the emotes of the captain's cutlery: You swipe at someone wildly, missing his ear by scant centimeters. You lunge at someone drawing a thin line of blood where the tip of the sword scratches his arm. You slice someone leaving a shallow gash. You lash out forcefully, catching someone in the back! You whip someone with the flat of the blade, leaving long bloody stripes. You skewer someone, shredding vital organs and rupturing the heart! You roar and charges someone, raising them above yours head on the lethal blade and scouring his body in Black Lightning! You spin the sword, reversing it and SLAMMING the pommel-stone into someone with incredible force! You rush someone from behind, snapping the spine in half with a strong blow from the haft of the sword! Anathema tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Anathema: You barely miss someone with a miscalculated swing. You scratch someone with a poorly aimed attack. You graze someone with the edge of the blade. You swings the sword around and hit someone with a weak blow. You pummel someone with a migthy blow. You dodges an attack and burn someone with the unhallowed magic of the sword! You grins evilly and viciously plunge the blade into someone! You obliterate someone with the dark sword as lightning cackles around you! You DEVASTATE someone with the bellowing RAGE of a TORNADO! Morpheus tuned the emotes of a crimson longsword: You throw a banana at someone, but miss, your drunken-monkey style failing you. You lunge forward to bite someone's hand, but only succeed in scratching him. You pull bananas out of nowhere and pelt someone with them! You hop onto someone's shoulder, giggling maniacally as you jab a banana into his ear. You dash between someone's legs and land a vicious upper-cut to his crotch! You swing down on a vine and slap someone's face as you swing past him. You bare your fangs and leap at someone, pummeling him with hands, feet, and tail! You transform into a hulking gorilla and decimate someone! You call upon your Monkey Lord and someone feel the WrAtH of Mr Chirp! Gazza tuned the emotes of a Dwarven Warhammer: You hurl himself at someone, but he dodge your attack! You launch an attack of furry hands, barely scratching someone. You fly at someone with a magnificent HOBBIT-LEAP, falling flat on your face, only managing to graze him. You plant a weak hit on someone, squashing his nose. You fart at someone, creating a light wind and a slight stench. You slug someone in the stomach, causing him to double over in agony. You kick someone, demonstrating the wrath of your furry feet!!! You unleash the fury of Bywater and Hobbiton upon someone and his piddly ass, destroying the few brain cells left in his cranium. You roar with hobbit fury and scream in a battle-frenzy, knocking someone to the ground hard and inflicting CRITICAL DAMAGE!!! Erwin tuned the emotes of a glittering Ithilien longsword: You point your Sword (tm) at someone manically! You lazily wave the Sword (tm) about, and accidentally bump someone with it. You drop the Sword (tm) on someone's toe, and blood trickles slowly out. You throw the Sword (tm) and it bounces off someone's head, causing bruises! You swing the Sword (tm) around, knocking someone over! You whack the Sword (tm) into someone's gullet, tearing bits out! You split someone from top to bottom with your Sword (tm), and start making balloon animals with his intestines! You dismember someone with the Sword (tm), and casually throw the limbs at passers by! You sever someone's head with the Sword (tm), dribble down the gullet and stick the head back with Duct Tape (tm)!!! Sylcran tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Sylcran: You look like a newbie as you misses someone completely. You scrape someone with the tip of your sword. You barely hit someone with a weak slash. You stab someone with a quick thrust. You make someone scream in agony as the sword goes through him. You chop deeply into someone causing his knees to buckle. You spin and hack into someone, causing blood to spray everywhere! You send chunks of someone's face across the room with a mighty swing of your sword! You critically hits someone causing him to scream MOMMY! Kiall tuned the emotes of Kirhelek, the blade of Maegon: You summon bunnies as they surround someone with love! You command chickens from his sword to go pecking around at someone's feet. You shave off one of someone's armpit hair. Hungry? You summon turkeys from Turkey. They begin moshing about the room and slamming into someone. You summon a huge donkey! OMG! It looks cool and do nothing, but injures someone badly. You grin as you see your a herd of sheep walk through someone, spilling innards. You summon a HUGE llama which emerges from your sword and scares someone badly! You r0x0r someone in the nut0rz! Total own4ge!! 1337! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Fingondor tuned the emotes of a Dwarven Warhammer: You swing the hammer down, barely missing someone. You swings the hammer in a huge arc but only manages to scratch someone. You poo's his pants unleashing the WRATH of the SEWER on someone. You smashes the hammer on someone's toe. You leaps foward swing the hammer around his head, and bringing it down on someone's back. You hit someone very hard. You DESTROYS someone nearly breaking his legs with a downward swing. You annihilates someone with one fluid motion. You UNLEASHES the WRATH OF VALACIRCA on someone. Nymph tuned the emotes of Royal Guard Officer's sword: You intimidate someone with a flashy display of swordsmanship. You tickle someone lightly in the chest with the tip of the blade. You bonk someone on the head and cause him to see stars. You gleefully spank someone with the hilt of the sword. You make someone cry tears of scarlet. You sways someone with gentle words as you slip the blade into his throat. You spins with deadly grace and slam the sword into someone's skull. Your eyes fill with scorn as you swiftly impale the blade through someone's midsection. You glide the sword across someone's neck, causing him to shiver from the cold embrace of death. Luv tuned the emotes of a dragon dagger: You miss someone causing the air around to swirl in a red mist. You scratch someone. You graze someone. You hit someone. You hit someone  hard. You hit someone very hard. You inflict massive damage to someone. You massacre someone with incredible force! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Kameuh tuned the emotes of a serpent sword: You swing the sword wide left, failing to land a shot on someone. You bite chunks of someone's ear off. You break someone's nose, with a lightning fast left hook. You cackle as the sword shatters ribs, driving bone fragments into someone's Vital Organs. You pummel someone rapidly, Crunching bones in your hand. OUCH. You scream like a freak in heat, as the Sword Hacks part of someone's Chin off. You launch through the air at someone eating pieces of flesh with your TEETH. You massacre someone reminding you of Mike Tyson on steroids. You chomp down through someone neck, Biting into the Jugular! Blood spurts clear across the room, drenching the walls. Stryph tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Stryph: You yell WTF n00b!, as the blade misses someone. You lol at someone as your blade causes a nasty little flesh-wound! You cut cut cut cut cut someone all the live long day! You accuse someone of being a "GD LAGGER" and then proceeds to r0x0r him! You ROTFL someone scream OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! as you PWNS him! You hit someone very hard. You show your l33tness by inflicting PWNing force to someone. You make someone SCREAM WTF!?!?!!?!111 as he is cut into TINY LITTLE ITSY BITSY pieces! You Critically PWN someone with PWNing FORCE!!!!! Fathom tuned the emotes of an elven short sword: You miss someone, clouding him with worries of what's to come. You deliberately scrape,tantalizing someone with the blade,  him with his own death. You taunt someone mercilessly, lurking past him like his own shadow, leaving him quivering on his knees. You flinch the blade past someone's eyes, making him cry tears of despair. You pierce someone in the lung, causing him to choke on your fear. You slam the blade into someone's gut as his eyes glaze and all hope fades. You calmly slide the cold steel through someone's chest, causing him to shiver in ecstacy knowing that death is near. You plunge the blade through someone, leaving him cursing your name, but all he manages to spew is pools of blood. You glide the sword across someone's neck, causing him to shiver from the cold embrace of death. Darknova tuned the emotes of a backwards sword: You swing the sword in the air, making the air swish around someone. You scratch someone with your fingernails, leaving your sword on the floor. You bruise someone with a punch, leaving your sword on the floor. You pummel someone's arm with the pommel of your sword. You slash someone deeply, just like Zorro! You grin as your sword, with a life of its own, slices someone's chest, spilling blood. You jab someone in both eyes! Your unseams someone's from the nave to the chops! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Fathom tuned the emotes of an elven short sword: You miss someone, clouding him with worries of what's to come. You deliberately scrape,tantalizing someone with the blade, tantalizing him with his own death. You taunt someone mercilessly, lurking past him like his own shadow, leaving him quivering on his knees. You flinch the blade past someone's eyes, making him cry tears of despair. You pierce someone in the lung, causing him to choke on your fear. You slam the blade into someone's gut as his eyes glaze and all hope fades. You calmly slide the cold steel through someone's chest, causing him to shiver in ecstacy knowing that death is near. You plunge the blade through someone, leaving him cursing your name, but all he manages to spew is pools of blood. You glide the sword across someone's neck, causing him to shiver from the cold embrace of death. Wind tuned the emotes of a sailor's cutlass: You moan as the sword nearly misses someone's privates. You get excited when the blade comes in contact with someone's skin. You slash someone's breast lick the BLOOD in lust! You cut the sword into someone's ribs, caressing the blood over your body! You hit someone  hard. You spank someone's bottom, as you smiles with LUST... You pour HOT wax on yours body as someone bleed at the sight it! You hack into someone's body, making you scream in OrGaSmIc PlEaSuRe! You bite someone's nipple making him scream in OrGaSmIc PlEaSuRe and GREAT PAIN! Darknova tuned the emotes of a lotta-tailed whip: You swing the whip in the air, stumbling and missing someone. You nick someone with one tail of the whip. You pound someone. You smash someone's shoulder with two tails of your whip. You pummel someone deeply, spinning the whip in the air in a deadly arc. You grin as you see your whip smash through someone's chest, sending him flying! You wound someone real bad with a quick fling of the whip! Your willpower binds all the different tails of the whip into one, splicing someone's head into a million different fragments! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Mortigan tuned the emotes of a finely crafted longsword: You miss, trip someone, as you , impaling himself on his own blade! You poke someone, chipping a tooth. You slice someone's blue necktie clean off! You waffle someone eyes out with the stogie he's smoking! You hit someone  hard. You hit someone very hard. You demoliate someone sword hand, sending spinning across the room, blood fanning every where! You exorcise someone's evil soul, sending it ScReAmInG to Mandos! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Fathom tuned the emotes of an elven short sword [tuned]: You miss someone, clouding him with worries of what's to come. You deliberately scrape,tantalizing someone with the blade, tantalizing him with his own death. You taunt someone mercilessly, lurking past him like his own shadow, leaving him quivering on his knees. You flinch the blade past someone's eyes, making him cry tears of despair. You pierce someone in the lung, causing him to choke on his fear. You slam the blade into someone's gut as his eyes glaze and all hope fades. You calmly slide the cold steel through someone's chest, causing shivers of ecstacy as death quickly approaches. You plunge the blade through someone, leaving him cursing your name, but all he manages to spew is pools of blood. You glide the sword across someone's neck, causing him to shiver from the cold embrace of death. Ehtyar tuned the emotes of a Great Spiked Flail: You miss someone. You make someone sweat. You swing the flail past someone's arm, barely grazing him. You connect solidly with someone's shoulder. You rasp the flail across someone's flank. You cast someone unto the ground with a powerful sideswipe. You mangle someone with many blows of terrible savagery! You drop to one knee and demolish someone's face with furious drive. You critically hit someone with decimating force.